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Maritime biographies

[RICHER, Adrien].
Vies des plus célebres marins.
Paris, Berlin, 1789. 13 parts in 11 volumes. 18mo in 6's. With 10 engraved frontispiece portraits. Original blue boards. Ca. 250 pp. each vol.
€ 3,250
First edition of the complete series of the still valuable biographies of the most famous sea-captains in history, by Adrien Richer (1720-1798). It was originally published in parts from 1780 to 1786, and is here for the first time published together as a set with separate title. Another set was published between 1815 and 1817 containing only 8 parts and another in 1817 containing 11 parts. German and Dutch translations appeared of several parts.
Included are detailed biographies of lives of the Turkish admiral Barberousse, Cornelis Tromp, Captain Paulin (Baron de la Garde), Doria, Forbin, Le Grand Duquesne, Jean & Victor Marie d'Estrées, Jean Bart, Michiel de Ruyter and Maréchal De Tourville. All biographies, except those of the Estrées, father and son, are accompanied by a portrait of the admiral or sea-captain treated. Bindings slightly rubbed, some title-labels worn off. In very good condition. Chadenat 3845; Polak 8242 (note).
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Book history, education, learning & printing  >  Bibliography & Biography
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