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On arithmetics and clocks

LECHNER, Johann Baptista.
Facillima artis arithmeticae methodus, das ist: sehr leichter Unterricht und Lehr-Art, der höchst-nothwendigen und nutzbaristen Rechen-Kunst ... zum neunten mal in den Druck gegeben.
Augsburg and Innsbruck, Joseph Wolff, 1752. 8vo. Contemporary calf. 347, [3, 1 blank] pp.
€ 500
Rare edition of a very popular introduction to arithmetics with numerous practical applications and at the end a section on clocks (pp. 318-344) titled "Zugab etwelcher Zahlen zu unterschiedlichen Uhren".
Unobtrusive water stain on title and first leaves; slightly browned in places. Very rare edition of a popular work on arithmetics and clocks. Not in Honeyman; Poggendorf; WorldCat.
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