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Interesting and rare first edition of Phaedrus by the German classical scholar Johann Gottlob Samuel Schwabe

Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabulorum Aesopiarum Libri V. Ex recensione Petri Burmanni. Cum selectis variorum notis et suis observationibus edidit Io. Gottl. Sam. Schwabe.
Halle, for Joannes Jacobus Gebauer, 1779-1781. 3 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With some woodcut headpieces. Three-quarter calf over boards, ribbed spine tooled and lettered in gold, marbled endpapers, edge painted red. LXXX, 208; XXII, 312; XX, 254, [6] pp.
€ 200
Original edition of this learned but little known edition of the Phaedrus fables in Latin verses on the basis of the Burman edition of 1718, together with a very extended commentary. The editor Johann Gottlob Samuel Schwabe (1746-1835) was professor at the Gymnasium in Weimar and librarian. He is most known for this edition of Phaedrus which ran through at least four editions (1806, 1822 and 1826). Schwabe not only added his own abundant notes and comments, but inserted also (1) his notes to the Vita by Scheffer, (2) important lists of manuscripts, editions and translations of Phaedrus, (3) a treatise by Johann Georg Sulzer (see below), (4) the unpublished notes on Phaedrus by the mysterious Jacobus Tollius (1633-1696), the former secretary of Nicolas Heinsius, rector of the Latin School in Gouda and professor in Duisburg, as well as (5) his own Dissertatio de eo, quod pulchrum est in Phaedro.
Binding slightly bumped with wormhole in back cover, ownerships entry on title of the first part cut out (repaired but with loss of text). Schwabe/Barbier, 109-110; not in Bodemann, nor Fabula docet.
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