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Surprisingly rare trilingual nautical dictionary

REEHORST, Karel Pieter ter.
Woordenboek der zee-, stoom- en scheepsbouwkundige-termen, in de Hollandsche, Fransche en Engelsche talen. - Dictionnaire Français-Hollandais, des termes techniques employés dans la marine à voiles et à vapeur, dans l'architecture navale et commettage. - Dictionary of nautical-, steam- and shipbuilding-terms, in the English and Dutch.
Amsterdam, widow of G. Hulst van Keulen, 1845[-1847]. 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary blue stiff paper wrappers. [4], 159, [1 blank]; [4], 118, [2 blank]; [4], 112; 8 pp.
€ 850
Surprisingly rare trilingual dictionary of nautical, steam and shipbuilding terms by the professional translator Karel Pieter ter Horst, who also composed two other polyglot dictionaries. With the first volume giving the translation of Dutch terms in French and English, and the second and third volume giving the translation of French and English terms in Dutch. Published by the well-known Dutch nautical publishing firm Van Keulen.
Included is a small list of English terms with a Dutch translation of the parts of a steam engine, originally published in Huygens's Handleiding tot de kennis van het scheeps-stoomwerktuig (Van Keulen, 1847).
With the library stamp on each title-page of the "Collegie Zeemanshoop" (in Amsterdam, established 1822) and some terms checked off. In very good condition, with a few leaves slightly foxed and the spines of the wrappers a bit worn. With the bolts of the second volume unopened. An essential source for nautical terminology Bruzelius, 19th century maritime and naval dictionaries 1845 (www.bruzelius.info); Claes, Netherlandic dictionaries 2524; WorldCat (5 copies); cf. Cat. NHSM, p. 1002 (two other dictionaries by Reehorst); not in Crone Library; Polak.
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Book history, education, learning & printing  >  Dictionaries & Textbooks
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