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The chemistry of Hippocrates, in the Islamic tradition known as Boqrat

Hippocrates chimicus, qui novissimi viperini salis antiquissima fundamenta oftendit ...
Hannover, Thomas Heinrich Hauenstein, 1668.
With: (2) TACHENIUS, Otto. Antiquissimae Hippocratiae medicinae clavis manuali experiential in naturae fontibus elaborate, quaper ignem & aquam inaudita method, occulta naturae, & artis, compendiosa operandi ratione manifesta fiunt, dilucidè aperiuntur. Seneca in epistola.
Frankfurt, Johann Peter Zubrod, 1669.
2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. With a woodcut device on title-page and a woodcut endpiece on last page. Contemporary vellum. [40], 270, [1]; 286, [2] pp.
€ 3,500
Ad 1: second edition of Tachenius's popular work on Hippocratic chemistry. Hippocrates, in the Islamic tradition known as Boqrat, where he is often referred to as "the first codifier of medicine", is often named together with Galen, and their works mainly survived because of the Arabic translations.Ad 2: first edition of Tachenius's work on acid and alkalies which can be seen as an addition to the work above. Heavily influenced by Hippocrates (Boqrat), he claims that acid and alkalies are the two elements of all things, corresponding to the fire and water that according to Hippocrates are in all things.
Binding damaged with some wormholes. Foxing throughout and wormholes in the endpapers. Overall a good copy. Ad 1: Krivatsky 11653; cf. A.G. Debus, Chemistry and medical debate: Van Helmont to Boerhaave (2001), p. 114 et passim; ad 2: Krivatsky 11646.
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