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Comprehensive 12th-century Arabic treatise on agriculture

ABU ZAKARIYA ibn al-AWWAM. Libro de agricultura. ... Tomo I[-II].
BROECK, Victor van den. Catecismo de agricultura.
VILLE, Georges. Abonos químicos conferencias agrícolas.
Seville, Biblioteca Científico Literaria; Madrid, Victoriano Suarez (colophon: printed by Salvador Acuña y Comp., Seville), 1878. 2 volumes. Imperial 16mo (18 x 11.5 cm). Later half turquoise sheepskin. 512; 552 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Encyclopaedic work on horses with movable anatomical plates

ALIX, Eugène and Édouard CUYER. Le cheval extérieur ...
Paris, J-B. Baillière & Sons, 1886. 2 volumes. 4to. With 16 lithographed plates in the atlas volume showing the anatomy of horses, including 13 with movable parts, all in colour, the text volume contains 172 illustrations in the text by Édouard Cuyer. Contemporary half blue calf (or sheepskin?), marbled sides, with the title lettered in gold on the spine. XXIV, 703, [1 blank]; 44, [4] pp. and 16 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 2,500
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Very rare edition of a popular work with over 1500 "secrets"

BATTUS, Carolus. Het secreet-boek vol heerlijke konsten. Als van de hooftstoffen in elks gebruik, vande gebreken, siekten en qualen der menschen, van tamme en wilde dieren ..., bloemen, kruiden en saden ..., van olien en salven te bereiden, van distileren en andere weetenschappen; met een aenhangsel verrijkt, uyt een groot getal Latijnsche, Italiaansche, Francoische, Hoog- en Neder-duitsche autheuren vergadert.
Leeuwarden, Hendrik Rintjes, 1694. 12mo. With a woodcut vignet on title-page. Contemporary vellum with boards partly folded over the edge, with manuscript short-title on spine. 573, [3] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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87 beautiful views of bovine animals, bound for presentation to the French Ministry of Agriculture

BAUDEMENT, Émile. Les races bovines. Études zootechniques.
Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, [1864]. 2 volumes (text & plates). Oblong folio (36 x 49.5 cm). With 5 hand coloured maps and 87 numbered plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, gold-blocked boards with the note "offert par le Minstre de l'Agriculture", gilt edges. [6], LXXIV, [2]; [4], [10] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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First Dutch edition of the most popular domestic encyclopedia of the 18th century

CHOMEL, Noël. Huishoudelyk woordboek, vervattende vele middelen om zyn goed te vermeerderen en zyne gezondheid te behouden, met verscheiden wisse en beproefde middelen voor een groot getal van ziekten, en schoone geheimen om tot een hoogen en gelukkigen ouderdom te geraken, een menigte van manieren om lammeren, schapen, koejen, paarden, muil-ezels, hoenderen, duiven, honigbyen, zywurmen te kweken, voeden, genezen, en winst te doen met die dieren;...
In't Nederduits vertaald, in orde geschikt, en vermeerderd met nuttige artikelen, door de heeren Jan Lodewuk Schuer, A.H. Westerhof, en zeker liefhebber.
Leyden, S. Luchtmans; Amsterdam, H. Uytwerf, 1743. 2 volumes. 4to. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece by Jan Punt (1711-1779) and 80 engraved folding plates by F. de Bakker. Half calf. [8], 616; [2], 617-1496, [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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18th-century Dutch general encyclopedia of horticulture and agriculture, animal breeding
and the secrets of living to a great age

CHOMEL, Noël. Huishoudkundig handboek voor den stedeling en landman; of Chomel, huishoudelijk woordenboek verkort. In vier deelen.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1800-1803. 4 volumes. Large 8vo. With 24 hand-coloured engraved plates of different plants, herbs, mushrooms, flowers, trees and animals. All volumes bound in contemporary half goatskin with marbled sides, gold-tooled spine with an orange and blue morocco label. XII, 560; [4], 584; [4], 568; [4], 598 pp. Full description
€ 1,000
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Sixth edition of the conversation on bees and apiculture of Theodorus Clutius and Carolus Clusius

CLUTIUS, Theodorus (Dirk Outgaertsz CLUYT). Van de byen, haer wonderlijke oorspronk, natuur, eygenschap ... Item hoe men de byen profijtelijck opvoeden en regeeren sal. Noch: Wat nuttigheyt dat men van honnich en was kan krijgen ...Including: (2) Meesterye voor de paarden, om te weten alle de secreten, alsoo men die gebruyckt by den maerschalk des keysers ende eertz-hertogen keyser Carolus de vijfde. ...
Amsterdam, widow of Gysbert de Groot, 1705. 2 works in 1. 8vo. Modern vellum over boards. [12], 218, [22]; [42] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Extremely rare issue of a pocket edition of "the most influential treatise of classical antiquity in Greek on the natural substances used for the preparation of medicines"

DIOSCORIDES, Pedanius. De medica materia libri sex.
Lyon, Thibaud Payen (Theobaldus Paganus), 1546 (colophon: 1547). 16mo. With a woodcut device on title-page and some woodcut initials. 18th-century calf, rebacked with original gold-tooled backstrip laid down. [30], 543, [147] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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First edition of Ruel's translation of a foundational work on pharmacology

DIOSCORIDES, Pedanius. De medicinali materia libri quinque. De virulentis animalibus, et venenis canerabioso, et eorum noti, ac remedijs libri quattuor.
(Colophon: Paris, Henri Estienne, 1516). Folio. With the title within a decorative metalcut( ?) panel. Set in roman types. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment; rebacked in calf, with new endpapers, but preserving the original paste-downs. [12], 157, [2], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 18,000
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