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17th-century Hungary, Dalmatia, and the Peloponnese depicted in numerous engraved plates

BOUTTATS, Gaspar (engraver). Korte en nette beschryvinghe van de koninckrycken Hongheryen en Dalmatien, Midts-gaeders de vorstendommen van Sevenberghen, Wallachien, Moldavien, Burgarien, etc. ...
Antwerpen, Hendrick van Dunewalt and Gasper Bouttats, 1688.
With: (2) [BOUTATTS Gaspar (compiler) and Vincenzo Maria CORONELLI (engraver)]. Korte, beknoopte, en nette beschryvinghe van het koninck-ryck Morea. ...
Antwerpen, Hendrick van Dunwalt and Gaspar Bouttats, [ca. 1685?].
Oblong 8vo (ca. 12 x 19 cm). With 82 full-page engraved plates (44 in ad 1 and 38 (including 1 folding) in ad 2). Contemporary gold-tooled calf (or sheepskin), sewn on 3 supports with the corresponding raised bands on the spine. 47, [1 blank] and 44 engraved plates; [1], [1 blank], 24 pp. and 38 engraved plates. Full description
€ 7,500
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The flora and geology of Marienbad, with contributions by Goethe and Friedrich August II

FRIEDRICH AUGUST II, Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE and Karl Joseph HEIDLER. Pflanzen und Gebirgsarten von Marienbad, ... ergänzt, und mit einem anhange über die andern naturhistorischen Verhältnisse der Curortes.
Prague, Kronberger and Weber ("Druck und Papier von Gottlieb Haase Söhne"), 1837. 8vo. With 5 lithographed plates numbered I-II, [III], IV-V, namely a frontispiece view by Sandtner, 3 further illustration plates (1 hand-coloured) and a hand-coloured folding petrographic map of Marienbad. Also with a folding letterpress table. Contemporary brown half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. X, 203, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,000
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Moravia ruined by war, a monumental historical work printed in Prague

PEŠINA Z CECHORODU, Tomáš Jan. Mars Moravicus. Sive bella horrida et cruenta, seditiones, tumultus, praelia, turbae: & ex ijs enatae crebrae et funestae rerum mutationes, dirae calamitates, incendia, clades, agrorum depopulationes, urbium vastitates, aedium sacrarum et prophanarum ruinae, arcium et oppidorum eversiones, pagorum cineres, populorum excidia, & alia id genus mala, quae Moravia hactenus passa fuit.
Prague, Joannis Arnolti de Dobroslawina, 1677. Folio. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece by Wenceslaus Wagner after A. Lublinsky, a full-page engraved portrait of the author, and large folding engraved map of Moravia (50 x 38 cm) by Samuel Dworzak, dated Prague 1677. Further with numerous woodcut decorated initials and woodcut ornamental head- and tail-pieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum, red edges, remnants of green closing ties. [24], "958" [= 956], [16] pp. Full description
€ 6,600
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Second and best edition of a comprehensive history of the Hussite wars,
complete with all 17 portraits, often lacking

THEOBALD, Zacharias. Hussiten Krieg: darinnen begriffen, das Leben, die Lehr, der Todt M. Johannis Hussii, auch wie derselbe von den Böhmen, besonders Johann Zischka, ist gerochen, und seine Lehr hernacher inn dem Königreich erhalten worden ...
Nuremberg, Simon Halbmayer, 1621. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With the full-page portrait of the author (1621), and 17 numbered full-page portraits of Johannes Huss, popes, kings, emperors and other Bohemian reformers, by Johann Conrad Klüpffel. The 4 titles printed in red and black, the first 3 with the woodcut coat-of-arms of Bohemia, Halbmayers woodcut device at the end of all 4 parts, folding letterpress genealogical table in the 4th part, the added Confessio. Contemporary vellum, title on spine. [8], 322, [2]; 228; 179, [9]; 107, [5] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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"Pioneering botanical, entomological, and petrographic observations"

TOWNSON, Robert. Travels in Hungary, with a short account of Vienna in the year 1793.
London, G. G. & J. Robinson, 1797 4to. With a folding hand-coloured engraved map, 16 engraved plates (some folding), and a folding engraved table. Modern half calf with gold on red spine label, marbled sides. xviii, [1], 506 pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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Splendid ceremonies for the presentation of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Prague 1585, with 20 plates

ZEHENDTNER VOM ZEHENDTGRÜB, Paul. Ordenliche Beschreibung mit was stattlichen Ceremonien und Zierlichheiten, die Röm. Kay. May. unser aller gnedigster Herr, samt etlich andern Ertzhertzogen, Fürsten und Herrn, den Orden dess Guldin Flüss, in disem [15]85. Jahr zu Prag und Landshüt, empfangen und angenommen.
Dillingen, Johann Mayer, 1587. 4to (20 x 15.5 cm). With title printed in red and black, 7 full-page engraved illustrations (showing the collar (chain) of the Order, the Emperor Rudolf II in his robes and 5 coat-of-arms), and 13 large folding engraved plates showing the splendid ceremonies held at Prague and Landshut, probably all drawn by Anthony Boys. Contemporary gold-tooled tanned sheepskin; rebacked with most of the original backstrip laid down. [1], [1 blank], 155, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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First edition of the pharmacopoeia for the Kingdom of Bohemia, together with the official pricelist of 1737

[PRAGUE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Dispensatorium medico-pharmaceuticum Pragense, juxta quod per totum regnum bohemiae praepranda et dispensanda venint. Authoritate et mandato ...
Prague (Staré Mìsto: the old city centre), [Joannes Julius Gerzabek], 1739. With an allegorical frontispiece.
With: (2) Taxa seu valor omnium medicamentorum, tam simplicum, quam compositorum, chymicorum, atque galenicorum in Officinis Pragensibus prostantium ... Der Werth oder Preiss aller Artzneyen, so wohl einfachen als zusammen gesetzten ...
Prague (Staré Mìsto: the old city centre), [Joannes Julius Gerzabek], 1737.
2 complementary publications in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [24], 394, [2]; [8], 74 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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7 books found