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The book that opened America

ACOSTA, José de. Historie naturael ende morael van de Westersche Indien.
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz. Meyn (colophon: Haarlem, printed by Gillis Rooman), 1598. 8vo. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page. Vellum (ca. 1700?). [7], 398, [8] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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Extensively illustrated classic of cosmography, geodesy, mensuration, perspective and optics

APIANUS (APIAN), Petrus and Gemma FRISIUS. Cosmographia.
Antwerp, Jan Verwithagen (colophon: printed by Verwithagen), 1574. 4to. With a large woodcut on the title-page (with a terrestrial globe and other instruments); 4 printed paper volvelles with moving parts and a woodcut sun dial with a string attached to its centre; a folding woodcut cordiform mappa mundi (block size 19×27.5 cm) with letterpress text in the margins; well over 100 further woodcut illustrations, diagrams, maps, etc., in the text. Recased in 17th-century(?) limp sheepskin parchment. [2], 64, [2] ll. plus folding woodcut. Full description
€ 12,500
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Abundantly illustrated performance report of ARAMCO in 1955

ARABIAN AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. 1955 Report of operations to the Saudi Arab government.
[Dhahran], Saudi Arabia, Arabian American Oil Company, 1956. 28 x 21.5 cm. With a portfolio of photographs, 8 pages in the middle of the work, with captions in both English and Arabic. Thoroughly and colourfully decorated with photographs, maps and other decorations in the text. The 56 pages of text appear twice in the present work as published, once in English on the left side of the portfolio and once in Arabic on the right side of the portfolio. Original publisher's decorated wrappers, with the title in English on the front wrapper and the title in Arabic on the back wrapper. VIII, 48, [8 - portfolio of photographs], 48, [8] pp. Full description
€ 750
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"the leading textbook in mineralogical science in France for many years"

BEUDANT, François Sulpice. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie. ... Deuxième edition.
Paris, Verdière (back of half-title: Hippolyte Tilliard; volume 2: Paul Renouard), 1830-1832. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 24 folding engraved plates, some coloured by hand, and several letterpress folding tables. Contemporary half sheepskin. XVI, 752; 797, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Bathing for your health: on the medicinal value of the sulphur springs in Aachen & Burtscheid

BLONDEL, François. Thermarum Aquisgranensium, et Porcetanarum elucidatio, & thaumaturgia. Sive admirabilis earumdem natura, & admirabiliores sanationes; qua producunt in usibus balneationis, potationis.
Aachen, Johann Heinrich Clemens, 1688. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece with letterpress imprint and built-up border, Aachen coat of arms pasted on back of frontispiece, engraved coats of arms of 4 dedicatees on back of title-page, full-page engraved portrait of the author, folding engraved plan of Aachen (22.5 x 27 cm), folding engraved view of Burtscheid (11.5 x 24 cm) and 16 smaller engravings in text, depicting scenes and buildings relating to the springs. Contemporary flower-decorated paper over boards, red sprinkled edges. [32], 160, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Far surpassing all earlier lapidaries and the basis for all that followed

BOODT, Anselm Boetius de. Gemmarum et lapidum historia, qua non solum ortus, natura, vis & precium, sed etiam modus quo ex iis, olea, salia tincturae, essentiae, arcana & magisteria arte chymica confici possint, ostenditur.
Hanau, Claude de Marne and heirs of Johann Aubry (printed by the heirs of Andreas Wechel), 1609. 4to. With Wechel's elaborate woodcut device on the title-page and the otherwise blank final page, 34 woodcut illustrations in the text (some with multiple figures), and 2 folding letterpress hierarchical tables. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. 8, [8], “288” [= 284], [16] pp. plus 2 folding ll. Full description
€ 3,950
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Textbook for mineralogy students, with 16 engraved plates

BRONGNIART, Alexandre. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie, avec des applications aux arts; ouvrage destiné a l'einseignement dans les lycées nationaux.
Paris, Crapelet; Deterville, 1807. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 16 folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spines. XII, 564; [4], 443, [1] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Introduction to Buffon's "Histoire naturelle"

BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de, and René-Richard Louis CASTEL. Histoire naturelle de Buffon, classée par ordres, genres et espèces, d'après le systême du Linné; avec les caractères génériques et la nomenclature Linnéenne.
Paris, Crapelet, An VII (1799). 3 volumes. 12mo. With a hand-coloured engraved portrait of Buffon in the first part. Contemporary half calf. XXVII, 332; [4], 319; [4], 387 pp. Full description
€ 250
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