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The book that opened America

ACOSTA, José de. Historie naturael ende morael van de Westersche Indien.
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz. Meyn (colophon: Haarlem, printed by Gillis Rooman), 1598. 8vo. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page. Vellum (ca. 1700?). [7], 398, [8] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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The first English traveller in Mexico since 1640

BULLOCK, William. Le Mexique en 1823, ou relation d'un voyage dans la Nouvelle-Espagne ...
Paris, Alexis-Eymery, 1824. 3 volumes. 8vo (text) and oblong 4to (atlas). The atlas contains 2 large folding maps (44.2 x 32 and 32 x 35.5 cm), and 19 lithographed plates by Marlet, including 6 nicely coloured by hand and one folding (14 x 36.5 cm), depicting views, costumes and scultpture of Mexico. Contemporary half green painted vellum, green paste paper sides, with brown title labels lettered in gold on the spines. [4], III, LXXII, 364; [4], 370, [2]; 11 pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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Rare Dutch translation of a work on Spanish America, with 4 maps

CAMPBELL, John. De tegenwoordige staat der volken van het Spaansche ryk in Amerika, met een byzonder verhaal, van den koophandel uit Oud-Spanje, met de galjoenen, flota, &c.; en van den verboden handel der Hollanders, Engelschen, Franschen, Deenen en Portugezen, in de West-Indiën.
Amsterdam, Bernardus Mourik, [ca. 1745 or ca. 1748]. 8vo. With 4 folding engraved maps, showing the city and harbours of Veracruz, Havana, Portobelo and Cartagena. Contemporary red half sheepskin (roan). [8], 328 pp. Full description
€ 1,200
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First German/Latin edition of Catesbys influential "Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands", richly illustrated and hand-coloured

CATESBY, Mark, Nicolaus Friederich EISENBERGER and Georg LICHTENSTEGER. Piscium serpentum insectorum aliorumque nonnullorum animalium nec non plantarum quarundam imagines ... | Die Abbildungen verschiedener Fische, Schlangen, Insecten, einiger andern Thiere, und Pflanzen...
Nürnberg, Johann Joseph Fleischmann, 1750. Folio. With 42 hand-coloured copperplate engravings (34.5 x 25 cm). Early nineteenth-century period-style half leather binding with marbled boards, title in gold-tooling to board in gilt lettering. [2], 42, [84] pp. Full description
€ 29,500
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Journey around the world with a long stay in India

CUBERO SEBASTIAN, Pedro. Breve relacion, de la peregrinacion que ha hecho de la mayor parte del mundo.
Madrid, Juan Garcia Infançon, 1680. Small 4to (20 x 14.5 cm). With the title-page in a border built up from cast fleurons, woodcut coat of arms of the dedicatee Charles II of Spain, and some woodcut initials and tailpieces.Gold-tooled morocco, by the leading Barcelona binder Emilio Brugalla (1901-1987), with the arms of the Spanish bibliophile Isidoro Fernandez (1878-1963) stamped in gold on front and back, gilt edges. [20], 360 pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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French translation of William Dampier's travels in the south seas,
including the first successful English landing in Australia

DAMPIER, William. Nouveau voyage autour du monde, où l'on décrit en particulier l'Isthme de l'Amerique, plusieurs côtes & isles des Indes Occidentales, les Isles du Cap Verd, le passage par la Terre del Fuego, les côtes meridionales du Chili, du Perou, & du Mexique; l'Isle de Guam, Mindanao, & des autres Philippines, les isles orientales qui sont prés de Cambodie; de la Chine; Formosa, Luçon, Celebes, &c. la Nouvelle Hollande, les isles de Sumatra, de Nicobar, & de Sainte Helene & le Cap de Bonne Esperance.
Amsterdam, Paul Marret, 1698. 2 volumes. 12mo. With the same engraved frontispiece in both volumes, 6 engraved maps (including 4 folding), and 7 engraved plates (including 3 folding). Contemporary sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. [10], 315; [1 blank]; [2], "316", [1], 317-616, [4] pp. Full description
€ 14,500
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Imaginary voyage around the world, nicely bound copy from the Huth library

DRALSÉ DE GRANDPIERRE. Relation de divers voyages faits dans l'Afrique, dans l'Amérique, & aux Indes Occidentales. La description du Royaume de Juda, & quelques particularitez touchant la vie du roy reignant. La relation d'une isle nouvellement habitée dans le détroit de Malaca en Asie, & l'histoire de deux princes de Golconde.
Paris, Claude Jombert, 1718. 12mo. With some woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary gold-tooled polished calf, spine richly decorated with floral ornaments in compartments and with dark brown morocco labels lettered in gold, triple filets on boards, gold-tooled turn-ins, gilt edges. [12], 352 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Sumptuous coloured lithographs of Mayan antiquities bound for Czar Alexander II

DUPAIX, Guillermo, Alexandre LENOIR, David Bailie WARDEN, et al. Antiquités Mexicaines. Relation des trois expéditions du Capitaine Dupaix, ordonnées en 1805, 1806, et 1807, pour la recherche des antiquités du pays, notamment celles de Mitla et de Palenque.
Paris, Jules Didot l'ainé, 1834. 3 parts in 2 volumes. Large folio (55.5 x 36 cm). With lithographed frontispiece and 161 (numbered as 166) lithographed plates (1 double-page and 160 full-page), nearly half beautifully hand-coloured and most of the rest tinted or double-tinted. Lacking (as usual) the map mentioned on the title-page. Gold-tooled red morocco (1855?), with the arms of Czar Alexander II of Russia on the boards. [4], XIV, [1], [1 blank], 20, 56, 40, 88, [4]; 82, 224, [4]; [10] pp. Full description
€ 98,500
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The ancient habits of Mexico

GARCIA CUBAS, Antonio. The Rèpublic of Mexico in 1876. A political and ethnographical division of the population, character, habits, costumes and vocations of its inhabitants.
Mexico City, La Enseñanza, 1876. 8vo. With 8 chromolithographed plates, finished by hand, double-page map, and 4 leaves with printed music on both sides. 19th-century red morocco, gold-tooled spine, blind-tooled boards, gold-tooled turin-ins, gilt edges. 130, [12] pp. Full description
€ 950
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