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Very rare 2nd edition of the abridged Swedish translation of William Bligh's account of the mutiny on the Bounty

BLIGH, William. Engelske capitainens Wilhelm Blighs resa, genom Södra Werlds-Hafvet, tolf hundrade sjömil i öpen bät, frän Tofoa till Timor.
Including: Nyaste tidningar frän Otahiti.
Uppsala, Joh. Edmans Enka, "1792" [= 1793]. 12mo. With a woodcut vignette on title-page, two woodcut headpieces and a woodcut tailpiece, and a divisional title for the appendix with the latest news from Tahiti. With "resa" set in rococo decorated roman capitals on the title-page and Blighs name in script capitals. Contemporary blue stiff paper wrappers. "119" [=117], [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Compelling account of shipwreck and survival

BONTEKOE van HOORN, Willem Ysbrantsz. Gedenkwaardige beschryving, van de achtjarige en zeer avontuurlyke reise van Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe van Hoorn, gedaan na Oost-Indien, bevattende vele wonderlyke en gevaarlyke zaken, my op dezelve reise wedervaren. Ook is hier bygevoegt een verhaal van Dirk Albertz. Raven, kommandeur op 't schip Spitsbergen, gedestineert na Groenland.
Amsterdam, Barend Koene, [ca. 1820]. 4to. With a half-page woodcut portrait of Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe with the city of Hoorn in the background, 7 (near) half-page woodcut illustrations in the text and a small (typographic) floral tailpiece on the last page. The text of the Bontekoe story is set in Gothic type in two columns, while the tale of Dirk Albertz. Raven is set in a single column in Roman type. Modern half vellum. 64 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Compelling account of shipwreck and survival

BONTEKOE, Willem Ysbrantsz. Journael ofte gedenckwaerdige beschrijvinge van de Oost-Indische reyse. Begrijpende veel wonderlijcke en ghevaerlijcke saecken hem daer in weder-varen. Begonnen den 18. December 1618. en vol-eynd den 16. November 1625. Waer by gevoegd is het Journael van Dirck Albertsz Raven, als oock verscheyden gedenckwaerdige geschiedenissen, op veel plaetsen verbetert en een groot deel vermeerdert.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1648. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a double-page engraved plate with 6 views of the ship at fire and in a storm, the islands St. Mary, Samatra and Princes Eyland, and an image of flying fishes. Modern marbled wrappers. [4], 76 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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First Dutch edition of an account of one of the best-known shipwrecks of the 18th century

CARTER, George. De belangryke geschiedenis van het verongelukken op de Kaffers kust, van het Engelsch Oost-Indisch schip De Grosvenor, bevattende een beschryving van de verbazende rampen en wederwaardigheden, die de geredde schepelingen, in het doortrekken van woestynen en onbewoonde landstreken, hebben ondergaan, samengesteld uit het verslag van John Hynes, een der behouden gebleeven schipbreukelingen. Uit het Engelsch.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allard, 1801. 8vo. With 1 folding lithographed plate (16.5 x 18.5 cm) of the rescue of the passengers.Half calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled spine with black label. VIII, 158 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare narrative of a shipwrecked voyage to India

CONCEIÇÃO, Frei Nuno da. Relaçam da viagem, e sucesso que teve a nao capitania Nossa Senhora do Bom Despacho. De que era Capitaô Francisco de Mello, vindo da India no anno de 1630.
Lisbon, "P. Craesbeeck" [= Antonio Pedrozo Galram?], "1631" [= ca. 1710/20?]. 4to. With woodcut of a ship in heavy seas on the last page, a woodcut basket of flowers on title-page and a large woodcut vase of flowers tailpiece.
Earlier vellum with a manuscript cantochon in red and black, new endpapers. [8], 47, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Portuguese shipwreck off the coast of Africa, a classic of Portuguese literature

CORTE REAL, Jeronimo. Naufragio, e lastimoso successo da perdiçaõ de Manoel de Sousa de Sepulveda, e Dona Lianor de Sá, sua mulher, e filhos, vindo da India para este reyno Náo chamada o Galiaõ grande S. João,...
Lisbon, Francisco Rolland, 1783. Small 8vo (15 x 11 cm). Contemporary limp vellum. XIV, [1], [1 blank], 351, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 550
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French translation of William Dampier's travels in the south seas,
including the first successful English landing in Australia

DAMPIER, William. Nouveau voyage autour du monde, où l'on décrit en particulier l'Isthme de l'Amerique, plusieurs côtes & isles des Indes Occidentales, les Isles du Cap Verd, le passage par la Terre del Fuego, les côtes meridionales du Chili, du Perou, & du Mexique; l'Isle de Guam, Mindanao, & des autres Philippines, les isles orientales qui sont prés de Cambodie; de la Chine; Formosa, Luçon, Celebes, &c. la Nouvelle Hollande, les isles de Sumatra, de Nicobar, & de Sainte Helene & le Cap de Bonne Esperance.
Amsterdam, Paul Marret, 1698. 2 volumes. 12mo. With the same engraved frontispiece in both volumes, 6 engraved maps (including 4 folding), and 7 engraved plates (including 3 folding). Contemporary sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. [10], 315; [1 blank]; [2], "316", [1], 317-616, [4] pp. Full description
€ 14,500
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Enslaved in northern Africa for 34 years

DUMONT, Pierre Joseph and Jacques Salbigoton QUESNÉ. Narrative of thirty-four years slavery and travels in Africa.
London, printed for Richard Philips and co. (back of title-page: printed by G. Sidney), 1819. 8vo. With a engraved frontispiece with a portrait of Dumont. Later green paper wrappers. IV, [5]-46 pp. Full description
€ 600
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Rare Dutch edition of the account of the first circumnavigation of Australia

FLINDERS, Matthew. Ontdekkings-reis naar het groote Zuidland anders Nieuw Holland; bezigtiging van het zelve in 1801, 1802, en 1803; noodlottige schipbreuk, en gevangenschap van 6½ jaar bij de Franschen op Mauritius.
Haarlem, Loosjes, 1815-1816. 4 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with an engraved title-page with a different oval view (King George Sound, Port Jackson, Wreck Reefs and Rempart River), and a large folding engraved map of New Holland loosely inserted. Contemporary mottled half calf, with gold fillets on spine. [4], XVI, 362; [4], 346; [4], 415, [1 blank]; [4], 416 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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