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The ideas of Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi and other Arabic philosophers incorporated in the very first edition
(ca. 1475/1476) of Alvernus's most important work

ALVERNUS, Guillelmus (William of AUVERGNE). Libri ... de fide et legibus.
[Augsburg, Günther Zainer, ca. 1475/1476]. Small folio. Set in a hybrid roman type with gothic elements (a single column of 43 lines per page plus running heads), with the first 3 lines, including the title, in a slightly larger rotunda gothic. With all initials supplied in manuscript in red, rubricated throughout. Contemporary, richly blind-tooled vellum over wooden boards, two brass clasps, blue edges, "Nr. 56" in red ink written at the foot of the spine. [139] ll. Full description
€ 45,000
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The harmony of faith and logic

AVERROES (Muhammad IBN AHMAD IBN RUSHD). [Tahafut al-Tahafut - latine: Destructiones destructionum philosophi Algazelis]. Eutyci Augustini Niphy Philotei Suessani in librum destructio destructionum Averroys com[m]entationes ad Dominicum grimanum cardinalem maximum.
[Venice, Bonetus Locatellus] for the heirs of Octavianus Scotus, [ca. 1500]. Small folio. With numerous woodcut initials. Printed in Gothic type, in 2 columns. With: NIPHUS, Augustinus. De sensu agente.
Near contemporary limp vellum. 130 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Treatise on education and pedagogy based on the Christian religion

BASEDOW, Johann Bernhard. Methodischer Unterricht der Jugend in der Religion und Sittenlehre der Vernunft nach dem in der Philalethie angegebenen Plane.
Altona, David Iversen, 1764.With: (2) BASEDOW, Johann Bernhard. Methodischer Unterricht in der überzeugenden Erkenntniss der biblischen Religion, zur vorgesetzten Ausführung des in der Philalethie angegebenen Plans.
Altona, David Iversen, 1764.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved illustration on both title-pages (not identical) and some woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Slightly later brown pastepaper boards, with title-label on spine, red sprinkled edges. LXII, 272; XXXII, 224, 144 pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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Important early work on statistics and social sciences

BOSE, Johann Andreas. Introductio generalis in notitiam rerumpublicarum orbis universi. ...
Jena, Johann Bielcke for Samuel Krebs, 1676. 4to. With an engraved full-page portrait of the author in the text, the title printed in red and black, and further with woodcut decorated initials and woodcut endpieces. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, manuscript title and shelf mark on spine. [16], 370, [22] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The principal works of René Descartes, published with corrections and revisions in the year of his death

DESCARTES, René. Principia philosopiae.
Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1650.
(2) IDEM. Specimina philosopiae: seu dissertatio de methodo rectè regendae rationis, & veritatis in scientiis investigandae: dioptrice, et meteora.
Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1650.
(3) IDEM. Passiones animae.
Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1650.
3 works in 1 volume. 4to. With 3 title-pages, each with Elzeviers woodcut Athena and tree device (Rahir M19), ads 1 and 2 with numerous woodcut illustrations in the text, ad 1 with a woodcut tailpiece (Rahir fleuron 102) and all three with a few woodcut decorated initials (2 series). Sprinkled calf (old boards rebound on 4 recessed cords with a blind-tooled spine, a spine label, and new endpapers ca. 1800?). [40], “302” [= 292]; [16], 316; [24], 98, [6] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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The 7500-page works of one of the most creative and influential minds of the Enlightenment

DIDEROT, Denis. Oeuvres de Denis Diderot, publiées, sur les manuscrits de l'auteur, par Jacques-André Naigeon, de l'Institut National des Sciences, etc. Tome premier[-quinzième].
Paris, Desray, Deterville (back of half-title, vol. I: printed by [Charles] Crapelet), an VI [=] 1798. 15 volumes. 8vo. With a frontispiece portrait of the author engraved by Charles Étienne Gaucher after a 1766 drawing by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 16 engraved plates and a folding letterpress table of all kinds of human knowledge for the Encyclopédie (52 x 37.5 cm). Contemporary, uniform half sprinkled calf, richly gold-tooled spines. [in total about 7500 pp.]. Full description
€ 6,500
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Very rare Dutch Hermetic work teaching alchemists' and occult knowledge to a medical audience

FOLLIN, Herman (Hermanus FOLLINUS). Den Nederlandtsche sleutel van t'secreet der philosophie, in welck grondelijc bewesen wert, d'aert, so in 't generael, als in 't bysonder aller metallen, als goudt, silver, coper, etc. En die gheheele alchijmie, met haer verborghentheden. Midsgaders d'eerste materie der Philosophen, dat is: Quinta essentia des wijns, met haren volcomen ghebruyck, en verclaringhe aller duystere woorden des voorsz. constes, op dat Paracelsus claerlijck in alles mach werden verstaen.
Haarlem, Adriaen Rooman for Daniel de Keyser, 1613. Small 8vo. With 3 half-page woodcuts in the text, one repeated on the title-page, all showing distilling equipment. Modern vellum. 76 ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Rare first edition of official French Revolutionary decree for Voltaire’s reïnterment

GOSSIN, Pierre-François. Décret sur la translation des cendres de Voltaire à Sainte-Geneviève, précédé du Rapport fait par M. Gossin, au nom du Comité de Constitution, le 30 Mars 1791.
[Paris], by order of the Assemblée Nationale, [1791]. 8vo. Modern red half morocco. 3, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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