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Two of the finest Dutch costume & folklore works bound together, both in contemporary colour

Nederlandsche Kleederdragten, naar de natuur getekend. Costumes des Pays-Bas dessinés d'après nature.
Amsterdam, Frans Buffa en zonen, 1857.
(2) BING, Valentijn & Jan BRAET VON UEBERFELDT. Nederlandsche zeden en gebruiken. Naar de natuur getekend. Moeurs et usages de la Hollande dessinés d'après nature.
[Amsterdam, Frans Buffa en zonen, 1859].
2 works in 1 volume. Large folio (ca. 57 x 41 cm). Ad 1 with 56 large lithographed plates showing Dutch costumes, printed in colour. Ad 2 with 18 lithographed Dutch folkloristic and costume plates, printed in colour and finished by hand. Contemporary three quarter buckram with the title and the name of the author lettered in gold on the front board and on the spine. [15] ll. and 56 lithographed plates; [6] ll. and 18 lithographed plates.
€ 6,500
Very good copies of these two famous series of two famous Dutch costume books, seldomly found bound together.
The first representing the most extensive costume book of the Netherlands, including detailed views of coifs, accesories and jewelry going with the national costume, and the second representing the most famous series of Dutch national folkloristic games and ceremonies.
The binding shows some signs of wear, some very slight occasional spotting. The lithographs remain fine and clear. Ad 2 lacks a title-page. Otherwise in very good condition. Landwehr, Col. Pl., 242 and 243; Colas 333 and 334; NUC lists the first part only.
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