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First Italian edition

[ALF LAYLA WA-LAYLA - ITALIAN]. Novelle arabe divise in mille ed una notte. Tradotte in francese e dal francese nel volgare italiano. Tomo quinto [& sesto].
Venice, Sebastiano Coleti, 1721. 2 volumes bound as 1. 12mo. With a small woodcut vignette on the title page, and a woodcut ornamental tailpiece. Near-contemporary vellum. [4], 175, [1]; 240 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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First edition by Pezzana

[ALF LAYLA WA-LAYLA - ITALIAN]. Novelle arabe divise in mille ed una notte, tradotte dallidioma francese nel volgare italiano. Vol. primo [-sesto].
Venice, Francesco di Nicolò Pezzana, 1784. 6 volumes. 12mo. With a small vignette built up from typographical ornaments on each title page and some headpieces built up from typographical ornaments. Near-contemporary gold-tooled half calf, marbled paper sides, with a red morocco title label lettered in gold on the spine. 336; 332, [2], [2 blank]; 381, [2], [2 blank]; 360; 392; 367, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Extending Galland's “Arabian Nights”: first Italian edition

[ALF LAYLA WA-LAYLA - ITALIAN]. Continuazione delle novelle arabe divise in mille ed una notte. Tradotte litteralmente in francese da D. Dionigi Chavis, arabo di nazione, [...] e ridotte dal Sig. Cazotte [...]. Tomo primo [-quarto].
Venice, Giuseppe Orlandelli per la dita del fu Francesco di Nicolò Pezzana, 1791. 4 volumes. 12mo. With a small vignette built up from typographical ornaments on each title page. Near contemporary wrappers with the manuscript title on the spine. 344; 328; 394, [2 blank]; 418, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Second Pezzana edition

[ALF LAYLA WA-LAYLA - ITALIAN]. Novelle arabe divise in mille ed una notte tradotte dallidioma francese nel volgare italiano. Tomo primo [-sesto].
Venice, Giuseppe Orlandelli, per la dita del fu Francesco di Nicolò Pezzana, 1791. 6 volumes. 12mo. With a small vignette built up from typographical ornaments on the title page of each volume and with some headpieces built up from typographical ornaments. Contemporary half calf. 336; 333, [1]; 381, [1]; 360; 392; 374 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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First illustrated Italian edition of the “Arabian Nights”

[ALF LAYLA WA-LAYLA - ITALIAN]. Le mille e una notti. Novelle arabe già pubblicate dal Galland [...] Nuova traduzione eseguita sullultima edizione di Parigi da A. F. Falconetti. Vol. I [-XXVII].
Venice, Giuseppe Antonelli, 1831-1832. 27 parts in 9 volumes. 12mo. With 26 (of 27) engraved plates, drawn by Pietro Zandomeneghi and engraved by Giorgio Buttazzon. Contemporary half calf with the title and volume numbers in gold on the spine. Vols. I-VI: 1035 pp.; vols. VII-XII: 1060 pp.; vols. XIII-XV: 560 pp.; vols. XVI-XVIII: 574 pp.; vols. XIX-XXIV: 1046 pp.; vols. XXV-XXVII: 521 pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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A love story from the Arabian Nights in Portuguese, extremely rare second edition

[ALF LAYLA WA-LAYLA - PORTUGUESE - GANIM]. Historia de Ganem, filho de Abou Aibou, denominado o escravo de amor. Traduzida do Arabio em Francez, e ultimamente no idioma Portuguez, por B.A.E.
(Colophon: Lisbon, Francisco Borges de Sousa, 1792). Small 4to (21 x 15 cm). Disbound, spine lined with a strip of black paper. 39, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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Attractively bound set of the Arabian Nights in the first accurate English translation

[ARABIAN NIGHTS]. LANE, Edward William (translator). The thousand and one nights, commonly called, in England, the Arabian nights entertainments.
London, Charles Knight and Co. (back of title-page volume 1 & 3: William Clowes and sons; volume 2: Whitehead & Co.), 1840 (vol. 2)-1841 (vols. 1 & 3). 3 volumes. 8vo in 4s. With a different lithographed title page for each volume and hundreds of wood-engraved illustrations in the text. 19th-century red morocco (signed on flyleaf: "Jefferies & Sons, Bristol" - the sons joined the firm in 1863), richly gold-tooled spines, boards, board edges, and turn-ins, gilt edges. XXXII, 618; XII, 643, [1]; XII, 763, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Including a manuscript leaf by Burton

[ARABIAN NIGHTS]. BURTON, Richard F. The book of the thousand nights and a night[:] a plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments.
(2) BURTON, Richard F. Supplemental nights.
(3) BURTON, Richard F. [Autograph manuscript book review of an 1881 Panchatantra edition].
(Colophons:) U.S.A. [Boston, MA?], The Burton Club, [ca. 1940]. 16 volumes (incl. 6 supplements). 8vo. With an original manuscript leaf written by Burton (with the manuscript heading: "Proof to Sir R.F.B. Hotel des Bains, Aigle, Canton Vaud, Switzerland" and a note "Long Primer Pressig.") and each volume with a different frontispiece in two states (coloured and uncoloured). Contemporary richly gold-blocked green morocco, boards with Arabic script in gold, spine with raised bands, gold-tooled turn-ins, marbled pastedowns. Full description
€ 25,000
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Posthumous Italian edition

[BIDPAI]. Le novelle e le favole indiane di Bidpai e di Lokman. Tradotte da Ali Tchelebi-Ben-Saleh, autore turco. Opera postuma del S. Galland e trasportate dal francese idioma nellitaliano. Parte prima [-seconda].
Venice, Sebastiano Coleti, 1730. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. With a small woodcut vignette on the title page and some woodcut decorated initials. 19th-century half red cloth. 266, [2]; 224 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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