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Four dissertations on entomology

DAHLBOM, Anders Gustav and others.
Dispositio methodica specierum Scandinavicarum pertinentium ad familias insectorum hymenopterorum naturales ... Part. I [- IV].
Lund, Carl Gustav Berling, 1842. 4 parts. 8vo. A individual title-page to each part, a preface, and 8 folding letterpress pages with text. Disbound. 5 ll. + 8 ll.
€ 375
Four rare dissertations on entomology, all with the Swedish entomologist Anders Gustav Dahlbom (1806-1859) as praeses. The dissertations were by Julius Eduardus Wallerius, Johannes Elaus Lundquist, Georg Erlan Psilander, and Laurent Arvid Bergh. The dissertations are printed op folded pages, listing and describing various insect species according to family and genus.
Edges somewhat frayed, otherwise in good condition. Horn & Schenkling, Dahlbom, 20.
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Europe  >  Scandinavia
Natural history  >  Insects & Spiders | Zoology (General incl. Faunas)
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