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Tuscan cosmography in a local binding, with Augsburg gold-brocade cover papers

Introduzione alla Cosmografia ... edizione seconda si aggiunge in fine un Succinto Trattato di Navigazione dell' istesso Autore.
Pistoia, Atto Bracali, 1738. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 3 folding half-page plates and 1 folding letterpress table, 2 full-page plates, and 17 additional woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary boards, covered with gold-brocade paper. [4], 137, [1 blank]; 33 pp.
€ 4,500
Very rare second edition of Marchetti's Cosmografia (the last edition published during his lifetime), supplemented by the first edition of his treatise on navigation, both illustrated with woodcut diagrams. After several chapters on terminology, signs of the zodiac, etc., the author discusses the phases of the moon, solar and lunar eclipses, measurement, the Ptolemaic, Copernican, and Tychonic solar systems, and astronomical instruments (quadrants and terrestrial and celestial globes). Marchetti's Succinto Trattato di Navigazione , (Pistoia, Atto Bracali, 1738), though mentioned on the main title-page, has its own title-page, pagination and series of signatures, and was sometimes issued separately. It discusses navigational charts and their systems of parallels and meridians, compasses, measurement, etc. An early owner's inscription on the title-page has eaten through the paper, not affecting the printing but leaving some small holes and slightly staining the following page. Otherwise a very good copy in a local and contemporary gold-brocade binding, of a rare Italian cosmography. Riccardi, col. M-109; not in Inst. Cent. Cat. Unico; De La Lande; Norman Library; Waller; KVK (2 copies plus 1 of Navigazione alone); WorldCat (2 copies); Poggendorf II, col. 44.
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