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With colour-printed frontispiece cactus, mostly white on blue

MITTLER, Ludwig.
Taschenbuch für Cactusliebhaber. Auf neue Erfahrungen gestützte Kultur und Uebersicht der im teutschen Handel vorkommenden Cactuspflanzen.
Leipzig, Ludwig Schreck, (colophon: printed by Friedrich Andrä), 1841. Small 4to or imperial 16mo (17.5 x 13 cm). With colour-printed frontispiece. Plain beige boards. X, 98 pp.
€ 2,250
Rare first edition of an unusual little cactus book, the first half devoted to taxonomy and the second to cultivation. The paper of the frontispiece has a bright blue surface coating with an extremely hairy cactus (Pilocereus senilis) overprinted in white, brown and green (the hair and the name at the foot in white), giving the impression of a painting. Parts seem indeed to have been hand painted. Although the book stands alone complete, with no evidence that a continuation was intended, it later appeared as two volumes, 1841-1844, the first apparently a re-issue of the original single volume. The reference works record copies both alone and with volume 2. The present volume was reprinted alone in 1995. Good copy. Slightly browned. An uncommon little cactus book with a remarkable colour-printed frontispiece illustration. BMC NH, p. 1324; Dochnahl, p. 106; KVK (5 copies); WorldCat (4 copies); not in Nissen, BBI; Stafleu & Cowan.
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