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Beautifully illustrated work containing miscellaneous Latin poems and citations
by a merchant writing poetry in Groningen

NYENBORGH, Johan van.
Variarum lectionum selecta, figuris æneis applicata.
Groningen, Jacobus Sipkes, 1660. Small 8vo. With an engraved vignette showing Europa on a bull, and 21 full- or half-page engravings in the text from various series or suites: one by Cornelis Kittensteyn (1598-1652) after A. van de Venne (p. 17) and 8 by Cornelis Visscher after a series with Roman Heros by Hendrick Goltzius. Further with one decorated woodcut initial and a small woodcut tailpiece on the last page of a castle and three roses. Contemporary vellum. 189, [3] pp.
€ 4,950
Rare original edition of a literary miscellaneous work by Johannes van Nyenborgh (or Nijenborg, 1612-after1662), merchant and poet born in Groningen and living in a country house near Groningen where he functioned as the centre of a literary circle with contacts all over Friesland and the province of Groningen, with Sibylle van Griethuysen, Bruno, and Gabbema, among others. He published several works with miscellaneous poetry and prose texts, for instance a book with poetry on his country house and country life in general: Hof-stede, met desselfs ander bedenckingen, gedichten en historien (1659), and his Tooneel der ambachten (1659).
The present work contains his Latin miscellaneous moralistic or educational prose texts, together with Latin citations from the classical authors and his commentary. A list of contents is available upon request.
With the armorial bookplate of "Nordkirchen" on the front pastedown. The binding is very slightly dust-soiled. Otherwise a fine copy. Van der Aa, V, 53-54; STCN 056745192 (8 copies); USTC 1844651 (7 copies, including 6 also in STCN); cf. Hooft van Iddekinge in Bibliogr. Adversaria IV, p. 227; "onder alle bekende werken van Nijenborgh het best en zorgvuldigst uitgevoerde."; Annelies de Jeu, 'T spoor der dichteressen, pp. 110-11.
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