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More than a facsimile of the greatest rose book

REDOUTÉ, Pierre Joseph and Claude Antoine THORY.
Les roses.
Antwerp, De Schutter, 1974-1978. 4 volumes. Large folio (55 x 36 cm). A complete facsimile of the first edition (Paris, Firmin Didot, 1817-1824) with additions from the third edition, portraits, and extensive new material including commentaries, biographies and bibliographies, and an English summary of Thory's text. With 179 colour plates. Finely bound in red half morocco. 387 pp.
€ 2,750
A complete facsimile reprint of the first edition (1817-1824) of Pierre Joseph Redouté's great work on roses, reproducing his famous flower paintings and the original text written by Claude Antoine Thory. The first three volumes contain the facsimile and volume 4 contains an English summary of Thory's text, additional descriptions of roses by Pirolle and additional plates from the third edition of 1828-1830, and portraits of Redouté (1759-1840) and Thory (1759-1827) by Godefroid and Mauraisse, as well as much new material: a foreword by George Taylor, introduction and bibliography by G.D. Rowley, biographies and bibliographies of Redouté and Thory by André Lawalrée, a commentary on the roses mentioned, with full synonymy and critical analyses by Gisèle de la Roche, an article on botanical Rosarians by William T. Stearn and a short index with modern names.
This reprint is limited to 510 copies. The copy reproduced bears Redouté's signed inscription calling it "un des premier tirage et des plus bonn." Fine copy of an important facsimile that deserves a place in the collection of all rose lovers, even those lucky few who own the original. Cf. GFB, p. 71; Jammes, Les Didot 102; Nissen, BBI 1599; Stafleu & Cowan 8748 (orig. ed.).
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