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A landmark in Arabic ophthalmology: an 11th-century cataract operation by one of the most important Arab oculists

'AMMAR IBN 'ALI AL-MAWSILI (Max MEYERHOF, translator). Las operaciones de catarata de 'Ammâr ibn 'Alî al-Mausilî. [= The cataract operations of ... = Les opérations de cataracte de ... = Die Staroperationen des ...]
El Masnou (Barcelona province), Laboratorios del Norte de España, 1937. Large 8vo. With the text printed in Spanish, English, French and German, each with its own title-page and each with some passages in Arabic (set in Arabic type). With 6 photographs of the original Arabic manuscript bound at the end of the book. The main text for each language opens with a coloured decorated initial, mounted on the first page. With the device of the Laboratorios del Norte de España at the end. Original publisher's printed wrappers. [2 blank], 110, [2 blank], [16], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Only Dutch edition of a curios medical and dietetic vade-mecum for students

ABEL, Heinrich Kaspar. De hervormde en volkoome lyf-medicus der studenten, in vier boeken begreepen ... Benevens eene toegift van eenige nuttige en noodige recepten.
Utrecht, Willem van der Weyde, 1746. 8vo. Title-page printed in red and black, woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Later blue sprinkled paper over thin paperboard. [20], 404, 136 pp. Full description
€ 400
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Comprehensive 12th-century Arabic treatise on agriculture

ABU ZAKARIYA ibn al-AWWAM. Libro de agricultura. ... Tomo I[-II].
BROECK, Victor van den. Catecismo de agricultura.
VILLE, Georges. Abonos químicos conferencias agrícolas.
Seville, Biblioteca Científico Literaria; Madrid, Victoriano Suarez (colophon: printed by Salvador Acuña y Comp., Seville), 1878. 2 volumes. Imperial 16mo (18 x 11.5 cm). Later half turquoise sheepskin. 512; 552 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Latin translation of a classic Arabic surgical manual that reformed European knowledge of the subject

ABULCASIS (Abu al-Quasim Khalaf Ibn Al-Abbas). Chirurgicorum omniu[m] primarii, lib. tres.
I. De cauterio cum igne & medicinis acutis per
singula corporis humani membra ...
II. De sectione & perforatione, phlebotomia, & ventosis ...
III. De restauratione & curatione dislocationis me[m]brorum ...
preceded by:
[THEODORUS PRISCIANUS] (mis-attributed to "Octavius HORATIANUS"). Rerum medicarum lib. quatuor ... Per Herma[n]num Comitem a Neüenar, nuper restitutus autor.
Strasbourg, Johannes Schott, 1532 (colophon: 26 February). 2 works in 1 edition. Folio in 6s (32.5 x 21 cm). With a 5-piece woodcut frame on the title-page (each side piece with 2 roundels containing a portrait and coat-of-arms), 8 full-page woodcuts by Hans Wechtlin (ca. 1480-post 1526) and numerous woodcuts in the text. Set in Venetian-style roman types, with 14 mm typographic Roman capitals (probably by Peter Schoeffer the younger) used as initials. Later half sheepskin, with the title in ink on the foot edge. [8], 319, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 65,000
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Spectacles are good, but not always ...

ADAMS, George. Verhandeling over het zien, verklaarende kortlijk den aart van het zien, en het zamenstel van het oog; ten dienste van menschen, wier oogen zwak of ongesteld zijn; stellende hen in staat om een juist denkbeeld van de waare gesteldheid van hun gezicht te maaken, geevende de behoedmiddelen daar voor op, beneevens zekere regelen, om te weeten of men eenen bril noodig hebbe, en hoe dien als dan te kiezen, zonder dat hij het gezicht benadeele. Uit het Engelsch vertaald, en met aanmerkingen verrijkt door H. Aeneae.
Amsterdam, H. Gartman, W. Vermandel, J.W. Smit, 1792. 8vo. Large folding engraved plate with 8 images concerning optics such as cross-sections of the human eye, camera obscura, spectacles etc. Contemporary stiff sprinkled wrappers. [8], 174, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Printed by the first director of the Imprimerie Royale, with notes in Arabic and Syriac type

AL-SUYUTI, Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr. De proprietatibus, ac virtutibus medicis animalium, plantarum, ac gemmarum, tractatus triplex.
Paris, Sébastien et Gabriel Cramoisy, 1647. 8vo. With 2 woodcut headpieces, a woodcut tailpiece and woodcut decorate initials, plus decorations built up from arabesque typographic ornaments. Set in roman and italic type with a few words in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Syriac. Contemporary vellum with manuscript spine label (faded). [24], 179, [17] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Extremely rare Antwerp edition (1502) of popular pseudo-Magnus treatises Liber aggregationis and De mirabilibus mundi

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (pseudo). De virtutibus herbarum. De virtutibus lapidum. De virutibus animalium et mirabilibus mundi. Item parvum regimen sanitatis valde utile. [Liber aggregationis and De mirabilibus mundi].
[colophon (f4r):] Antwerp, Govaert Bac, 1502. 4to. With a full-page woodcut on the title-page (a monk offering a book to a prince), repeated on the back of the title-page, and Govaert Bacs full-page woodcut printer's device of on the verso of the last leaf. With 3- and 4-line lombardic initials and smaller 2-line initials, supplied by hand in red. Rubricated throughout. 19th-century calf with double gold fillets along the edges of both boards. [36] ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Encyclopaedic work on horses with movable anatomical plates

ALIX, Eugène and Édouard CUYER. Le cheval extérieur ...
Paris, J-B. Baillière & Sons, 1886. 2 volumes. 4to. With 16 lithographed plates in the atlas volume showing the anatomy of horses, including 13 with movable parts, all in colour, the text volume contains 172 illustrations in the text by Édouard Cuyer. Contemporary half blue calf (or sheepskin?), marbled sides, with the title lettered in gold on the spine. XXIV, 703, [1 blank]; 44, [4] pp. and 16 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 2,500
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The first important work on the history of Egyptian medicine

ALPINO, Prospero (Prosper ALPINI), and Jacob de BONDT (BONTIUS). De medicina Aegyptiorum, libri quatuor. & Iacobi Bontii In Indiis archiatri, De medicina Indorum. Editio ultima.
Paris, Nicolaus Redelichuysen, 1645. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small 4to (22.5 x 17.5 cm). Title-page printed in red and black; woodcut chapter initials, headpieces and tailpieces, 5 woodcut illustrations on integral leaves (3 full-page). Contemporary vellum, title in gold on red spine label. [11], 150, [25]; 39, [1] ff. Full description
€ 3,000
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