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Africa / Cartography & Exploration

8 large illustrated volumes of the most important voyages from the 15th to the end of the 17th century

AA, Pieter van der (editor) and Johann Ludwig GOTTFRIED. De aanmerkenswaardigste en alomberoemde zee- en landreizen der Portugeezen, Spanjaarden, Engelsen en allerhande natiën: zoo van Fransen, Italiaanen, Deenen, Hoogh- en Nederduitsen als van veele andere volkeren. Voornaamenlyk ondernomen tot ontdekking van de Oost- en Westindiën, midsgaders andere verafgelegene gewesten des aardryks.
The Hague, widow of Engelbrecht Boucquet and sons; Leiden, Jan van der Deyster, and Boudewijn and Pieter van der Aa, 1727. 8 volumes. 1mo and folio. With 7 (of 8) engraved frontispieces (lacking that of volume 4), 4 engraved dedications, 117 engraved maps on 61 leaves, 7 engraved plates and 502 engravings in text. Further with 127 (of 128) title-pages (including a general title-page, a title-page to 7 (of 8) volumes, lacking that of volume 4, and 118 for the separate works). Volume 1-3 & 5-8: contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges; volume 4: modern calf. Full description
€ 65,000
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Ethnography of the Xhosa people of South Africa, with the very rare album with four attractive hand-coloured aquatints

ALBERTI, Lodewyk and Ludwig Gottlieb PORTMAN. [Drop-title:] Zuid-Afrikaansche gezichten.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [1810]. Oblong 1mo (45 x 60 cm). Letterpress text leaf and 4 large aquatint plates coloured by a contemporary hand, engraved by Ludwig Gottlieb Portman after drawings by Jacob Smies and Christopher Howen. Contemporary stiff, marbled paper wrappers, kept in a modern green half morocco clamshell box.
(2) ALBERTI, Lodewyk. De Kaffers aan de zuidkust van Afrika, natuur en geschiedkundig beschreven.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1810. 8vo. With engraved title-page, aquatint folding plan, with coastal view, of Algoa Bay, and 2 stipple-engraved plates, all but the title-page coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary gold-tooled calf; rebacked, with new endpapers.
(3) ALBERTI, Lodewyk. Description physique et historique des Cafres, sur la côte méridionale de l'Afrique ...
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1811. 8vo. With the same plan and 2 plates as ad. 2, also coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary gold-tooled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [1] l. text + 4 plates; [8], VIII, [4], 260, [1], [1 blank] pp.; XII, [4], 255, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Graphically stunning 3-volume historical manuscript atlas

[ATLAS - HISTORICAL]. Atlas historique. - Souvenirs historiques. - Tableaux et cartes.
[Montpellier?], [date on spine of vol. 1:] 1851. 3 volumes. Folio (vol. 1) and large 4to (vols. 2-3). Neatly written manuscripts on paper with 23 graphically vibrant maps, coloured in outline with subtly shaded washes in grey (for the coasts) and numerous bright colours (for political boundaries), and with calligraphic headings. Contemporary bindings: vol. 1 red half goatskin; vol. 2 black half goatskin; vol. 3 black sheepskin. [1], [26 double]; [1], [22 double]; [1], 30 double, [1] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare and extensive work on Algeria, spectacularly illustrated with 133 large plates, some in colour

BERBRUGGER, Louis Adrien. Algerie historique, pittoresque et monumentale, ou Recueil de vues, costumes et portraits faits d'après nature dans les provinces d'Alger, Bone, Constantine et Oran.
Paris, Delahaye (part-titles: printed by Dondey-Dupré), 1843. 5 parts in 3 volumes. Royal 1mo (57 x 42.5 cm). With chromo-lithographed general title-page, tinted lithographed frontispiece, 2 lithographed maps hand-coloured in outline, and 133 lithographed plates (image size up to 44.5 x 30.5 cm, nearly all non-botanical ones tinted and one with 2 chromolithographed and hand-coloured costume prints) by and after artists including Charles Bour, Eugène Flandin, Félix Emmanuel Henri Philippoteaux and Denis Auguste Marie Raffet. Also with lithographed views (and a few lithographed maps) printed in the tail margins at the ends of many chapters, and 45 white-on-black wood-engravings of coins (each with obverse and reverse) in the text. The 72 botanical illustrations on the last 10 lithographed plates are coloured by hand and highlighted with gum arabic. The non-botanical plates have the publisher's embossed stamp in the foot margin. Contemporary, uniform dark green half goatskin morocco with a gold-tooled spine. XIV, [3], [1 blank], 80; [3], [1 blank], 68; [3], [1 blank], 42; [3], [1 blank], 21, [1 blank], 18, 16, [1], [1 blank] pp. including the chromolithographed title-page. Full description
€ 28,500
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First edition of the first printed ethnographic comparison of the world's people, typographically stunning

BOEMUS (BÖHM), Johannes. Omnium gentium mores leges et ritus ex multis clarrissimis rerum scriptoribus ... nuper collecti: & in libros tris distinctos Aphricam, Asiam, Europam, optime lector lege. [Half-title:] Repertorium librorum trium Ioannis Boemi de omnium gentium ritibus. Item index rerum scitu digniorum in eosdem. Cum privilegio Papali ac Imperiali M.D.XX.
[Colophon: Augsburg, Sigismund Grimm & Marcus Wirsung, July 1520]. Folio. With the letterpress half-title in an elaborate woodcut border with a trophy of arms, putti and mermen. 17th century vellum with 3 raised spine-bands. [6], LXXXI, [1] ll. Full description
€ 5,750
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"The first authoritative and detailed account of the West Coast of Africa"

BOSMAN, Willem. Voyage de Guinée, contenant une description nouvelle & très-exacte de cette côte où l'on trouve & où l'on trafique l'or, les dents d'elephant, & les esclaves: ...
Utrecht, Antoine Schouten, 1705. Large 12mo (17 x 10 cm). With an engraved author's portrait, an engraved frontispiece and 27 folding engraved plates. Contemporary marbled boards. [16], 520 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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An expedition to the South African interior: "of great permanent worth",
together with a description of the Cape of Good Hope

[BRINK, Carel Frederik]. Nouvelle description du Cap de Bonne-Espérance, avec un Journal historique d'un voyage de terre, . . . , dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique. . . . Sous le commandement du Capitain Mr. Henri Hop, . . .
Amsterdam, J.H. Schneider, 1778. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Title-page with an engraved vignette by Christian Friedrich Fritzsch and 16 folding engraved plates. Olive half calf (ca. 1840), gold-tooled spine. [6], 130, [2], 100 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Cross-cultural mapping of the Red Sea: Bruce's chart in an early Egyptian manuscript copy

[MAP - ARABIAN PENINSULA]. BRUCE, James. Carte de la mer Rouge, relevée sur celle de James Bruce.
[Egypt, probably Cairo], 1827. Folio leaf (46 x 31.5 cm). Manuscript map in pen and ink with watercolour, with a French text on Middle Eastern hand-made paper. Full description
€ 15,000
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Beautifully illustrated expeditions searching for ancient Egyptian antiquities

CAILLIAUD, Frédéric and Bernardino DROVETTI. Voyage a l'Oasis de Thèbes et dans les déserts situés a l'orient et a l'occident de la Thébaïde, fait pendant les années 1815, 1816, 1817 et 1818.
Paris, Royal press, 1821. With 24 numbered engraved plates, including 2 engraved maps (1 folding), 1 plate coloured by hand and 1 double-page.
With: (2) CAILLIAUD, Frédéric and Bernardino DROVETTI. Voyage a l'Oasis de Syouah ... pendant leurs voyages dans cette oasis, en 1819 et en 1820.
Paris, Rignoux, 1823. With 20 numbered plates (1 engraved map and 19 lithographed plates). 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary green goatskin morocco, richly gold-tooled spine. [2 blank], XVII, [1], 120; [12], 28 pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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