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Medicine & Pharmacy / Herbals & Medical Botany

Extremely rare Antwerp edition (1502) of popular pseudo-Magnus treatises Liber aggregationis and De mirabilibus mundi

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (pseudo). De virtutibus herbarum. De virtutibus lapidum. De virutibus animalium et mirabilibus mundi. Item parvum regimen sanitatis valde utile. [Liber aggregationis and De mirabilibus mundi].
[colophon (f4r):] Antwerp, Govaert Bac, 1502. 4to. With a full-page woodcut on the title-page (a monk offering a book to a prince), repeated on the back of the title-page, and Govaert Bacs full-page woodcut printer's device of on the verso of the last leaf. With 3- and 4-line lombardic initials and smaller 2-line initials, supplied by hand in red. Rubricated throughout. 19th-century calf with double gold fillets along the edges of both boards. [36] ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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One of the first European works on Egyptian medicine

ALPINUS, Prosper and Jacob de BONDT. Medicina Aegyptiorum. Accessit huic editione ejusdem auctoris liber de balsamo ut et Jacobi Bontii medicina Indorum. Editio nova.
(2) ALPINUS, Prosper. De balsamo dialogus.
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1718.
(3) BONTIUS, Jacobus. De medicina Indorum.
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1718.
(4) ALPINUS, Prosper. De rhapontico.
Leiden, ex officina Boutesteiniana, 1718.
Leiden, ex officina Boutesteiniana, 1718-1719. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a general title page printed in red and black, 7 engravings (1 folding, 5 full-page, 1 in the text), divisional titles for each part with an engraved vignette, 18 decorated woodcut initials, 13 woodcut headpieces, and 12 woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title on the spine, red and blue sprinkled edges. [24], 325, [47]; [4], 3-44, [4]; 109, [2], [1 blank]; 25, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Incunable on poisons, using various Arabic sources

ARDUINO, Sante. [Incipit:] Incipit liber de venenis ...
(Colophon: Venice, Bernardino Rizzo, 1492). Folio (42 x 28 cm). Set in in 2 columns in 2 sizes of rotunda gothic types, with spaces left for numerous 3-line and 4-line and a few larger initials (with printed guide letters), none filled in. Modern black- and gold-tooled calf. [4], 101, [1] ll. Full description
€ 45,000
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First Latin edition, printed by Plantin, of Belon's illutrated oriental travel account, with 43 woodcuts

BELON, Pierre. Plurimarum singularium & memorabilium rerum in Graecia, Asia, Aegypto, Judaea, Arabia, aliisq. exteris provinciis ab ipso conspectarum observationes, tribus libris expressae.
(2) BELON, Pierre. De neglecta stirpium cultura, atque earum cognitione libellus: edocens qua ratione silvestres arbores cicurari & mitescere queant. Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1589. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With Plantins woodcut compasses device on each title-page, 43 woodcuts in text (6 full-page), woodcut decorated initials. With an unrecorded 2-page corrigenda leaf. Contemporary overlapping limp vellum. [16], 495, [1 blank]; "78" [= 87], [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Five medical treatises, heavily influenced by Galen

BRASAVOLA (BRASSAVOLA), Antonio Musa. Examen omnium trochiscorum, unguentorum, ceratorum, emplastrorum, cataplasmatum, & collyriorum : quorum apud Ferrarienses pharmacopolas usus est : ...
Venice, (colophon: Lucas Antonius Juntas), 1551. 8vo. With a woodcut device on title-page. Contemporary limp vellum, restored. 296 ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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"The most remarkable" medical dictionary, based on works by Galen and Hippocrates

CASTELLI, Bartolomeo. Lexicon medicum Graeco-Latinum ex Hippocrate, et Galeno desumptum.
Rotterdam, Arnout Leers [printed in Amsterdam by Paulus Matthijsz], 1644. 8vo. With Matthijszs(?) woodcut device on title-page. Contemporary vellum. [14], “315” [=353], [19, last page blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Extensive compendium on medicinal plants

CHOMEL, Pierre-Jean-Baptiste. Abregé de l'histoire des plantes usuelles, dans lequel on donne leurs noms différens, tant François que Latins.Including: Catalogus plantarum officinalium, secumdum earum facultates dispositus.
Paris, sons of Nyon, 1738. 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spines. XLVIII, [36], 350; [6], 349-830, [10]; [18], 214, [4], 116 pp. Full description
€ 400
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