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Religion & Devotion / Other World Religions

The book by Abraham the Jew that Nicolas Flamel allegedly gained his skill from

ABRAHAM ELEAZAR, Rabbi, [Julius Gervasius von SCHWARZBURG (attributed)]. Uraltes Chymisches Werk.
Including: [IDEM]. Donum dei Samuelis Baruch, des Juden Rabbi.
Leipzig, Lankischens Buchhandlung, 1760. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, 15 numbered full-page engravings, numerous woodcut illustrations in the text, woodcut decorated initials, and woodcut head- and tailpieces at the beginning and end of each part. Modern silver- and blind-tooled greenish-brown leather with a red morocco title label lettered in silver on the spine, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [26], 122, [14], [1], [1 blank], [10]; [1], [1 blank], 104, [12] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Pocket-sized Hebrew bible printed by Raphelengius in Leiden

[BIBLE - OLD TESTAMENT - HEBREW]. Hamisah humse Torah ... Nevi'im rishonim ... Nevi'im aharonium ... Sefer Ketuvim ...
Leiden, Franciscus II Raphelengius, [5]370 [= 1610]. 4 volumes bound as 1. 24mo in 8s (11 x 6 cm). Set in sephardic meruba Hebrew types (unpointed), with the imprints in semi-cursive (rabbinical) but the place of publication in meruba. Gold-tooled mottled calf (ca. 1720?). 264; 227, [1 blank]; 238, [2 blank]; 287, [1 blank] pp., vols. 1-2 with arabic numerals, 3-4 with Hebrew. Full description
€ 8,500
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Rare portrayal of the socio-religious landscape of late 19th-century Calcutta, by a Christian missionary

CESARY, Reverend C. Indian gods, sages, and cities.
Calcutta, printed at the Catholic orphan press, 1881. 8vo. With ornamental tail-pieces at the end of every chapter. Contemporary burgundy blind-stamped cloth with the title in gold on the front board. X, 189, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 400
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Jewish prayer book in German, especially for Jewish women and gentiles

EUCHEL, Isaac Abraham. Gebete der hochdeutschen und polnischen Juden. Aus dem Hebräischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen.
Vienna, J.B. Zweck, 1813. 8vo. With a woodcut head-piece. The book is printed in Gothic type, with the original titles also in Hebrew type. Contemporary blind-tooled half calf. [4], 394, [2] pp. Full description
€ 750
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First Dutch edition of Flavius Joseph's works and of Basnage's continuation, with 300 illustrations, some by Jan Luyken

JOSEPHUS, Flavius. Alle de werken.
Amsterdam, Pieter Mortier, 1704.
With: (2) BASNAGE DE BEAUVAL, Jacques. Vervolg op Flavius Josephus.
Amsterdam, Gerard Onder de Linden; Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1726-1727.
2 works in 3 volumes, bound as 2. Folio. Ad 1 with a richly engraved frontispiece, a title-page in red and black with engraved oval portrait of Flavius Josephus, divisional title, 2 folding maps, 12 double-page plates, 3 plans, and 209 illustrations in text, all engraved. Ad 2 with a richly engraved frontispiece, 2 title-pages, the first in red and black with Onder de Linden's device, the second with Boitet's device, engraved portrait of the dedicatee, dedication plate and portrait of Basnage; 4 folding letterpress genealogical and other tables, 1 engraved illustration plate, and 90 engraved illustrations in text. Uniform contemporary blind-tooled vellum, each board with a large scrollwork centrepiece and 4 cornerpieces in a double frame of fillets, hand-lettered spine titles. [40], 782, [30], 113, [11]; [44], 658, [14], 659-1940 pp. Full description
€ 3,900
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Rare work of the Basel Missionary Press in Mangalore

KITTEL, Ferdinand. Ueber den Ursprung des Lingakultus in Indien.
Mangalore, [printed by Stolz & Hirner, Basel Mission Press, Mangalore, for:] Basel mission book & tract depository, 1876. 8vo. With the title on the front wrapper in a printed decorative frame. Orange printed paper wrappers. [2], 48 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Rare work of the Basel Missionary Press in Mangalore

KITTEL, Ferdinand. Ueber den Ursprung des Lingakultus in Indien.
Mangalore, [printed by Stolz & Hirner, Basel Mission Press, Mangalore, for:] Basel mission book & tract depository, 1876. 8vo. With the title on the front wrapper in a printed decorative frame. Orange printed paper wrappers. [2], 48 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Two first editions of theological works by the Portuguese rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel,
important for the history of Jewish-Christian relations in tolerant 17th-century Amsterdam

MENASSEH Ben Israel. De creatione problemata XXX: cum summariis singulorum problematum, & indice locorum Scripturae, quae hoc opere explicantur.
Amsterdam, the author, 1635.
With: (2) MENASSEH Ben Israel. De resurrectione mortuorum libri III. Quibus animae immortalitas & corporis resurrectio contra Zaducaeos comprobatur: caussae item miraculosae resurrectionis exponuntur: deque judicio extremo, & mundi instauratione agitur...Amsterdam, the author, 1636. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary calf, rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. [16], 156, [2], [2 blank]; [40], 346, [6] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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Extensive work on Mosaic law, with a section on Arabian horses

MICHAELIS, Johann David. Mosaïsch recht, of de ziel der wetten van Moses; ...
Including: Byvoegsels en verbeteringen op het Mosaïsch recht, ... achter aan eenige byzonderheden over de oudste geschiedenisse der paarden en stoeteryen in Palaestine en de nabuurige landen, in zonderheid Aegypten en Arabien.
Haarlem, Jan van Walré, 1781-1782 (parts 1-2); Jan Bosch, 1774-1776 (parts 3-6), 1778 (part 7). 7 parts in 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary, uniform half calf, gold-tooled spines. [12] 346; [14], 464; [10], 259, [1 blank]; [8], 414, [2 blank]; [8], 342; [2], CXXXII, 322, [4]; [6], 210, [2] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Dutch translation of the first influential Jewish work on Jewish rituals addressed to non-Jews

MODENE, Leo de; Abraham GODART (transl.); Richard SIMON. Kerk-zeeden ende gewoonten die huiden in gebruik zijn onder de Jooden. Uit het Italiaans van Leo de Modene. ... Waar by noch een tweede deel is gevoegt, welkers opschrift is: Vergelyking de Joodsche Kerk-zeeden met de Leere der Kerke ... door de Hr. Simonville, ende in t Nederduitsch vertaalt door A. Godart.Amsterdam, Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1683.
Including: (2) Richard SIMON; Abraham GODART (transl.). Vergelyking der Joodsche ceremonien of kerk-zeeden. ...[Amsterdam], Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1683.2 works in 1 volume, issued as 1. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, dated 1684, of a circumcision and 4 folding engraved plates (ca. 14 x 17 cm) of a Jewish wedding, a Jewish divorce, a refusal to marry the widow of your brother and a circumcision. Also with woodcut vignettes on the title-pages and woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [64], 200, [10]; 201 [=203], [4] pp. Full description
€ 750
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