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Middle East & Islamic World / Arabic Printing & Calligraphy

First edition of Islamic Golden Age scholar Al-Zamakhshari's proverbs in Arabic and German

AL-ZAMAKHSHARI, Abu al Qasim Mahmoud ibn Omar (Joseph von HAMMER-PURGSTALL, ed.). Samachschari's Goldene Halsbänder. Als Neujahrsgeschenk arabisch und deutsch.
Vienna, widow of A. Strauss, 1835. 8vo. With two identical plates showing the golden necklace around a calligraphic Arabic inscription, the necklace hand-coloured in gold and the inscription in blue, as a frontispiece for both the Arabic and the German text (on the first and the last page). The Arabic title is incorporated into a printed circular medallion with decorative points at the head and foot on the first page, and the main Arabic text opens on the back of the same leaf with an elaborate headpiece. Text set in German and Arabic. Contemporary green calf (spine faded to brown), with a gold- and blind-stamped frame on each board. [1], [1 blank], 54 pp. (German text); 27, [1] ll. (Arabic text). Full description
€ 2,500
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A rare survival of a printing device: a woodblock for the cross-cultural printing
of a Hebrew publication of the Song of Solomon

[ARABIC-SCRIPT PRINTER’S WOODBLOCK]. Hand-cut woodblock bearing the text "Safr Nishd al-nishad li-Süleyman ..." (Book of the Song of songs of Solomon) in naskh Arabic script.
[Probably Ottoman provinces, mid-18th century (ca. 1750)]. A single hand-cut woodblock (17 x 9 x 2.2 cm, with protrusions to the left and right making it wider - 11 cm - near the head to accommodate the wider 2nd line) intended for use as printing block, with 6 lines of text, together with an inked impression on 18th century paper (16.5 x 10.5 cm). Full description
€ 18,000
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Manuscript Arabic phrasebook

[ARABIC & ENGLISH VOCABULARY AND PHRASE BOOK]. The interpreter in the Arabic and English Languages, consisting of nouns, epithets (or adjectives), verbs & afterwards some compendious examples.
Ca. 1830s. 4to (21.5 x 27 cm). With 2 folding tables, 17 lines to the page, written in red and black ink. Contemporary navy blue morocco, with the title lettered in gold on spine, marbled endpapers. [6], 237, 238-266, [10] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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The famous Arabic version of Robert Bellarmino's catechism, now with parallel Ethiopic

BELLARMINO, Roberto. Dottrina Cristiana composta dall...
Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1786. Large 4to. With 4 woodcuts on 3 plates, 1 full-page woodcut on the back of the title-page, and a few woodcut initials, factotums and decorations, as well as frames, factotums and decorations built up from arabesque and rococo typographic ornaments. Set in three columns in Ethiopic, roman and Arabic type. Contemporary vellum, gold-tooled spine title, red sprinkled edges. 97, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Rare Catholic Arabic Bible, based on the very first printed Arabic translation of the Bible

[BIBLE - ARABIC - OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT]. Kitab Al-Muqaddas al-Mushtamil 'ala Kutub al-'Ahd al-'Atiq wal 'Ahd al-Jadid [The Holy Book, included the books of the Old Testament found in the original Hebrew of our Lord Jesus Christ and also the Book of the New Testament].
London, William Watts, 1855. 8vo (22 x 14 cm).
Original elaborately embossed brown calf with the title lettered in gold on the spine, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [2], 645; 407; [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 352 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare introduction to Arabic

[BURGESS, Thomas]. The Arabick alphabet...
Newcastle, printed by S[arah]. Hodgson, 1809. Large 12mo. Twentieth-century half calf, marbled sides, with a blind-tooled roll where the calf covering (including the corners) meets the marbled paper, gold fillets on the smooth spine, black morocco spine label with the title in large gold capitals running up the spine, lettered in gold. With 22 sturdy blank leaves at the end and the bookbinders ticket of "Period Binders, Bath". V, [3], 20 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Arabic grammar for Spanish missionaries in the Middle East

CAÑES, Francisco. Gramatica Arabigo-Española, vulgar, y literal. Con un diccionario Arabigo-Español, en que se ponen las voces mas usuales para una conversacion familiar, con el texto de la doctrina Cristiana en el idioma Arabigo.
Madrid, Don Antonio Perez de Soto, 1775. 4to. With Perez de Soto's device on the title-page. Set in roman, italic and Arabic type. Contemporary mottled sheepskin. [1], [1 blank], [14], 272, [5], [2 blank], XVII pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Sixty beautiful Arabic poems, translated into English for the first time

CARLYLE, Joseph Dacre. Specimens of Arabian poetry, from the earliest time to the extinction of the khalifphat, with some account of the authors.
Cambridge, Printed by John Burges printer to the university, 1796. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With an engraved sheet with musical notation. Contemporary brown calf with a later spine. [8], IX, [1 blank], 180; [2], 71, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Cross-cultural navigation: Turkish-inscribed maritime pilot

COLOM, Jacob Aertsz. [Description de la mer méditerranée].
[Amsterdam, ca. 1670]. Folio (29 x 45 cm). With 9 double-page engraved charts only, each sheet ca. 44 × 55 cm, each mounted on stiff paper with maps back-to-back, with thick red and black ink borderlines. 8 of 9 maps are by Colom, numbered 2-9 in the plates from; plate 1 has been replaced with Johannes de Rams map of the Mediterranean: "Paskaart vande Middelandsche Zee In twee deelen vertoont". Contemporary stiff paper wrappers, with a manuscript label pasted upside down on the back wrapper, reading: "Carta Marinaresca del Mar Mediterraneo". Full description
€ 25,000
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