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Medicine & Pharmacy / Gastronomy & Tobacco

Very rare translation into Dutch of a French compilation of medical recipes and treatments, cookery, pastimes, etc. in the tradition of the "Secrets" of Pseudo Albertus Magnus

[ALLETZ, Pons-Augustin]. De hedendaagsche Albert, of nieuwe beproefde en geoorloofde geheimen...
Amsterdam, Gerrit Bom, 1773. 3 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. Later pink paper wrappers. VII, 108, [4]; [2], 142, [4]; [2], 64, [6] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Popular Dutch book of secrets, with over 1500 secrets

BATTUS, Carolus. Secreet-boeck van veele diversche en heerlijcke konsten in veelderley materien, met veel remedien tegen de innerlijcke en uytterlijcke gebreken der menschen. ... Verrijckt met verscheyden secreten van wijnen, verwen ende schrijf-konsten.
Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz. Schipper, 1661. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. 573, [3] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Very rare edition of a popular work with over 1500 "secrets"

BATTUS, Carolus. Het secreet-boek vol heerlijke konsten. Als van de hooftstoffen in elks gebruik, vande gebreken, siekten en qualen der menschen, van tamme en wilde dieren ..., bloemen, kruiden en saden ..., van olien en salven te bereiden, van distileren en andere weetenschappen; met een aenhangsel verrijkt, uyt een groot getal Latijnsche, Italiaansche, Francoische, Hoog- en Neder-duitsche autheuren vergadert.
Leeuwarden, Hendrik Rintjes, 1694. 12mo. With a woodcut vignet on title-page. Contemporary vellum with boards partly folded over the edge, with manuscript short-title on spine. 573, [3] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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German manuscript book of secrets, including an aria with a Moorish merchant selling medicinal tobacco

[MANUSCRIPT - BOOK OF SECRETS - GERMAN]. [Medicinal recipes and incantations].
[Germany?], [ca. 1700?]. Small 8vo (16 x 10 cm). Manuscript in German with occasional Latin phrases, written on laid paper in brown and black ink in at least two German gothic cursive hands (the Latin phrases in Latin hands), a "tetragrammaton" diagram (rectangular with a St Andrews cross rather than star-shaped) with the name of (the archangel) Uriel and a "sator rotas" square. Lacking quire A and bifolium B1.8 (10 ll.?). Brown vellum(?) wrapper, sewn without supports at 3 stations. [4], 17-28, 31-78, [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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First edition of an extremely rare 18th-century Italian book on bread

[BREAD]. L'amico de' poveri che insegna il vero modo di fare il pan venale col quale possono arricchire i fornaj onesti, intelligenti, e pratici delle regole del loro mestiere, e possono dare un maggior peso di pane ottimo, ben lievitato, e ben cotto alla povera gente.
Florence, Domenico Marzi and company for Luigi Carlieri, 1773. Small 4to in 8s. With an engraving in the text on p. 13 and a woodcut vignette on the title-page. Contemporary heavy paper or flexible paperboard wrappers (carta rustica). 42, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,800
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First edition of the most influential gastronomic publication: "Tell me what you eat; I'll tell you what you are"

[BRILLAT-SAVARIN, Jean Anthelme]. Physiologie du gout, ou méditations de gastronomie transcendante, ouvrage théorique, historique et à l'ordre du jour, dédié aux gastronomes Parisiens.
Paris, Auguste Sautelet et Cie. (back of title-page: printed by David), 1826 [1825]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a woodcut device on both title-pages. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spines, marbled edges and endpapers. [2], XIV, [1], 6-390; 442 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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First Dutch edition of the most popular domestic encyclopedia of the 18th century

CHOMEL, Noël. Huishoudelyk woordboek, vervattende vele middelen om zyn goed te vermeerderen en zyne gezondheid te behouden, met verscheiden wisse en beproefde middelen voor een groot getal van ziekten, en schoone geheimen om tot een hoogen en gelukkigen ouderdom te geraken, een menigte van manieren om lammeren, schapen, koejen, paarden, muil-ezels, hoenderen, duiven, honigbyen, zywurmen te kweken, voeden, genezen, en winst te doen met die dieren;...
In't Nederduits vertaald, in orde geschikt, en vermeerderd met nuttige artikelen, door de heeren Jan Lodewuk Schuer, A.H. Westerhof, en zeker liefhebber.
Leyden, S. Luchtmans; Amsterdam, H. Uytwerf, 1743. 2 volumes. 4to. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece by Jan Punt (1711-1779) and 80 engraved folding plates by F. de Bakker. Half calf. [8], 616; [2], 617-1496, [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Sixth edition of the conversation on bees and apiculture of Theodorus Clutius and Carolus Clusius

CLUTIUS, Theodorus (Dirk Outgaertsz CLUYT). Van de byen, haer wonderlijke oorspronk, natuur, eygenschap ... Item hoe men de byen profijtelijck opvoeden en regeeren sal. Noch: Wat nuttigheyt dat men van honnich en was kan krijgen ...Including: (2) Meesterye voor de paarden, om te weten alle de secreten, alsoo men die gebruyckt by den maerschalk des keysers ende eertz-hertogen keyser Carolus de vijfde. ...
Amsterdam, widow of Gysbert de Groot, 1705. 2 works in 1. 8vo. Modern vellum over boards. [12], 218, [22]; [42] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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An excellent treatise on viniculture

COLLIGNON D'ANCY, Théodore. Nouveau mode de culture et d'echalassement de la vigne, applicable à tous les vignobles où l'on cultive les vignes basses.
Metz, printed by Dembour and Gangel for Warion, [1847]. 8vo. With woodcut vignette on the title-page, and 3 large folding plates, lithographed by Dembours and Gangel. Modern half morocco, preserving the original illustrated wrappers. VI, [2], 191, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Scarce Dutch translation of a pamphlet on the mangel beet, with a hand-coloured folding plate

COMMERELL, Abbé de, John Coakley LETTSOM (transl.) and Jan Christiaan SEPP (transl.) Bericht wegens de aankweeking en het gebruik van den schaarsheid- of mangel-wortel.
Amsterdam, C.N. Guerin, 1789. 8vo. With 1 folding hand-coloured plate and a woodcut tailpiece of a fruit basket. 19th-century half cloth, Stormont marbled sides. [4], XII, 80 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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34 books found / Show all