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Africa / Central & West Africa

An early account of Timbuktu by an American sailor

[ADAMS, Robert (= Benjamin ROSE)]. Jongste en echte berigten betrekkelijk Tombuctoo en eenige andere nog onbezochte deelen der binnenlanden van Afrika.
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp en Zoon, 1818. 8vo. With a folding engraved map (30.5 x 37.5 cm) of North Africa with the routes of Mungo Park and Robert Adams highlighted in colour. Contemporary boards. VI, 353, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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One of the very first scientific publications on fungi in Western Africa

AFZELIUS, Adam and Elias FRIES (editor). Reliquiae Afzelianae, sistentes icones fungorum, quos in Guinea collegit et in aere incisas exudi curavit Adamus Afzelius.
Uppsala, Edquist & soc., 1860. Folio (ca. 40 x 25 cm). With 12 full-page (sepia-toned) aquatint plates of mushrooms. Modern half brown morocco, marbled paper sides. [6] pp. plus 12 leaves with plates. Full description
€ 2,950
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"The first authoritative and detailed account of the West Coast of Africa"

BOSMAN, Willem. Voyage de Guinée, contenant une description nouvelle & très-exacte de cette côte où l'on trouve & où l'on trafique l'or, les dents d'elephant, & les esclaves: ...
Utrecht, Antoine Schouten, 1705. Large 12mo (17 x 10 cm). With an engraved author's portrait, an engraved frontispiece and 27 folding engraved plates. Contemporary marbled boards. [16], 520 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Ledger recording involvement in numerous infrastructural projects in Africa, Asia and the Middle East (1952-1955)

BOULTEN, F.A. [Manuscript ledger recording the time spent working on infrastructural projects].
[London?,] 1952-1955. Folio. Lined journal, each page ruled for monthly tallies, with some extra annotations. Contemporary cloth. [48] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Magnificent work containing more than 200 highly detailed illustrations of the Levant, Middle East and Asia

BRUYN, Cornelis de. Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn, door de vermaardste deelen van Klein Asia, de eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio, &c. Mitsgaders de voornaamste steden van Aegypten, Syrien en Palestina.
Delft, Hendrik van Krooneveld, 1698. Large folio (ca. 38.5 x 25 cm). With an engraved frontispiece by J. Mulder, a full-page engraved portrait of the author by G. Valck, and ca. 215 numbered illustrations on 101 full-page and double-page plates (including 17 very large double-page folding plates, 6 illustrations lettered 1, 22A, 22B, 22C, A (again) and B, and 24 smaller illustrations in the text - of which 4 not part of the numbered sequence). Some of the plates are captioned, there does not seem to have been a systematic approach in adding the captions - all plates are as issued and as they appear in other copies. These plates mainly depict views and cityscapes. Contemporary mottled calf. [22], 397, [9] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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The first European to visit Timbuktu

CAILLIÉ, René-Auguste. Dagverhaal eener reize naar Temboektoe, van de westkust af van Afrika, door de binnenlanden, over Jenné, Kabra, Arawan en vele andere opmerkelijke plaatsen, de groote woestijn door, op Tanger... Uit het Fransch overgebragt door Herman van Lil.
Haarlem, widow A. Loosjes, 1831. 2 volumes. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece and an engraved author's portrait by D. and A. Veelvaard, and a large folding map (41.5 x 28.5 cm) after E.F. Jomard. Contemporary half cloth. XVI, 496; [4], 622 [= 582] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The Portuguese in West Africa: Angolan-Portuguese-Latin dictionary for merchants and missionaries

CANNECATTIM, Bernardo Maria de. Diccionario da lingua Bunda ou Angolense, explicada na Portugueza e Latina...
Lisboa, na Impressao Regia, 1804. 4to (15.5 x 20.5cm). With a small woodcut vignette (crowned coat-of-arms of Portugal) on the title-page, the majority of the text is set in three columns per page. Contemporary tree calf. [1], [1 blank], [3], [1 blank], IX, [1 blank], 720, [2] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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First edition of an important historical work on Macaronesia, especially the Azores

CORDEIRO, Antonio. Historia insulana das ilhas a Portugal sugeytas no oceano occidental.
Lisboa occidental, Na officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galram, 1717. Small folio (ca. 28 x 21 cm). With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page, woodcut decorated initials, and woodcut head- and tailpieces. Gold-tooled brown calf from the first half of the 19th century. [1], [1 blank], [14], 528 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Description of African tribes on the Gold Coast, with a view of Elmina (Ghana)

CRUICKSHANK, Brodie. Achttien jaren aan de Goudkust. Uit het Engelsch vertaald en met ene inleiding vermeerderd door D.P.H.J. Weijtingh.
Amsterdam, Weijtingh & Van der Haart, 1855. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With a large folding lithographed view of Fort Coenraadsburg at Elmina. Contemporary half red morocco, marbled sides, title-label. XV, 251, [1 blank]; XIV, 208 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Imaginary voyage around the world, nicely bound copy from the Huth library

DRALSÉ DE GRANDPIERRE. Relation de divers voyages faits dans l'Afrique, dans l'Amérique, & aux Indes Occidentales. La description du Royaume de Juda, & quelques particularitez touchant la vie du roy reignant. La relation d'une isle nouvellement habitée dans le détroit de Malaca en Asie, & l'histoire de deux princes de Golconde.
Paris, Claude Jombert, 1718. 12mo. With some woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary gold-tooled polished calf, spine richly decorated with floral ornaments in compartments and with dark brown morocco labels lettered in gold, triple filets on boards, gold-tooled turn-ins, gilt edges. [12], 352 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Detailed account of a commercial expedition to Senegal and Sierra-Leone, attractive copy with 18 engraved plates and 16 maps

DURAND, Jean-Baptiste-Léonard. Voyage au Sénégal, ou mémoires historiques, philosophiques et politiques sur les découvertes, les établissemens et le commerce des Européens dans les mers de l'Océan Atlantique, depuis le Cap-Blanc jusqu'à la rivière de Serre-Lionne inclusivement; suivis de la relation d'un voyage par terre de l'île Saint-Louis à Galam, et du texte arabe de trois traités de commerce faits par l'auteur avec les princes de pays.
Paris, Henri Agasse, 1802. 2 volumes (1 text and 1 atlas). 4to. Atlas with an engraved portrait of Léonard Durand, 16 double-page engraved maps (mostly folding) and 27 engraved plates. Modern dark green half morocco, gold-tooled spine, upper edges gilt. [4], XXXII, 420; VIII, [4], 68 [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Testing chronometers by Harrison's leading French rival

FLEURIEU, Charles Pierre Claret, Count d'Eveux de. Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1768 et 1769, à différentes parties du monde, pour éprouver en mer les horloges marines inventées par M. Ferdinand Berthoud. Première[-seconde] partie, ...
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1773. 2 volumes. Large 4to (27 x 20.5 cm). With 5 numbered folding engraved plates in volume 1 (4 maps of the Atlantic Ocean, the Canaries, the Azores, etc., and 1 plate with topographic diagrams), 1 folding engraved plate with geometrical figures illustrating the determination of latitude[!], and 5 folding letterpress tables in volume 2. Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf. [2], LXXIX, [1 blank], 803, [1 blank]; [2], 622, XL, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Agricultural sketch of rural New York State, a shipwreck and a journey along the Azores

FOWLER, John. Journal of a tour in the state of New York, in the year 1830; with remarks on agriculture in those parts most eligible for settlers: and return to England by the Western Islands, in consequence of shipwreck in the Robert Fulton.
London, Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot (colophon: Liverpool, printed by E. Smith and co), 1831. 8vo. Modern half calf, marbled sides, title in gold on spine. [2], V, [1], 7-333, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 450
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A Portuguese expedition to the Kingdom of Kazemba

GAMITTO, Antonio Candido Pedroso. O Muata Cazembe e os povos Maraves, Cheva, Muiza, Muembas, Lundas e outros da Africa austral.
Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1854. 8vo. With 22 hand-coloured lithographed plates, and a folding lithographed map (45 x 28 cm), hand-coloured in outline. Contemporary straight-grained, gold-tooled black sheepskin, gilt edges. XXV, [1 blank], 501, [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 9,000
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Unique photographs of the medical services in the British Gold Coast Colony (Ghana)

[GHANA - PHOTOGRAPHS]. [Photo album of the British Gold Coast Colony in the early 1910s, with an emphasis on the medical services].
[Ghana, early 1910s]. 24.5 x 15.5 cm. With 96 silver gelatin photographs (7 x 9.5 cm), mounted in an album and captioned in English below. Contemporary blue cloth photo album. 24 ll. Full description
€ 3,850
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Goos's West-Indische paskaert in its very rare first state: a monumental nautical chart of the Atlantic Ocean
on vellum in Mercator projection, used by the Dutch West Indian Company (WIC)

GOOS, Pieter. West-Indische Paskaert waer in de graden der breedde over wederzijden van de middellijn wassende so vergrooten dat die geproportioneert sijn tegen hunne nevenstaende graden de lengde. Vertonende behalve[n] Europaes zuydelijcste alle de zeekusten van Africa en America begrepen in 't Octroy bij de H.M.H. Staten Generael der vereenichde Nederl. verleent aende Generale West Indische Compagnie. Mitsgaders die van Peru en Chili inde groote Zuyd-Zee.
Amsterdam, Pieter Goos, [ca. 1660]. Printed on vellum (ca. 80 x 98 cm) from one large copperplate engraving, partly coloured by a contemporary hand. Full description
€ 185,000
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Rare account of the efforts of Jesuit missionaries in India (Goa, Cambay, Malabar Coast, Kochi, Madurai, etc.), South East Asia, the East Indies and Africa

[GUERREIRO, Fernão (ed.)]. and Christobal SUÁREZ DE FIGUEROA (transl.). Historia y anal relacion de las cosas que hizieron los padres de la Compañia de Jesus, por las partes de Oriente y otras, en la propagacion del Santo Evangelio, los años passados de 607. y en 608.
Madrid, Imprenta Real, sold by Juan Hasrey, 1614 (colophon 1613). 4to. With a woodcut IHS Jesuit device in a decorated cartouche on the title-page, the whole in a border built up from typographic ornaments and acorns; the large woodcut coat of arms of the dedicatee, Don Geronimo Corella y Mendoza; a large woodcut scrollwork tailpiece; 6 woodcut decorated initials (6 series); and headpieces built up from arabesque typographic ornaments. Set in roman types with extensive italic, some cut by François Guyot in Antwerp. 20th-century sheepskin parchment over flexible boards, turned in at the fore-edge, sewn on 3 alum-tawed thongs laced through the joints, with the title in thin textura lettering down the spine. [16], 566, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,000
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1681 dissertation on pygmies

JERNFELD, Crispin. ... De pygmaeis, tractatus historico-philologicus quem divinâ affulgente gratiâ concensu inclytae facultatis philosophicae sub praesidio viri amplissimi Dn. Johannis Bilberg ... d. 28 Maii ... M.DCLXXXI. publicè disputandum offert ...
Stockholm, Johan Georg Eberdt, [1681]. 8vo. Modern marbled paper over boards with printed spine label. [18], 110 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Rare publication by the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute containing 24 charts of the currents
in the Gulf of Guinea and around the equator

KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT. [KLUIT, M.E.B.J. and P.F. van HEERDT]. De Guinea en Equatoriaal stroomen voor iedere maand afzonderlijk bewerkt volgens de gegevens van 2900 journalen, gehouden aan boord van Nederlandsche schepen.
Utrecht, printed by stoom-, boek- en steendrukkerij "De Industrie", J. van Druten for the KNMI, 1895. Folio (58 x 36,5 cm). With 24 double-page charts of the currents in the Gulf of Guinea off the West-African coast, 2 charts for each month, printed in blue, black and red. Half buckram and marbled paper over boards. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [3], [1 blank] pp. and 24 double page charts. Full description
€ 1,950
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Captain's journal of the voyage of the steam ship "Cornelis Dirks" to Africa and South America

KOOPMAN, J.F. Verslag van eene reize naar de westkust van Afrika, Rio de Janeiro en Rio de la Plata, door Z.M. schroef-stoomschip Cornelis Dirks, ...1859-1860.
[Amsterdam, widow of G. Hulst van Keulen, 1863]. 8vo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers. [2 blank], [2], 127, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Illustrated eye-witness accounts and tall tales: sixty years of a sailor's world travels

LE BLANC, Vincent. De vermaarde reizen van de heer Vincent Le Blanc van Marsilien, die hy sedert d'ouderdom van veertien jaren, tot aan die van zestig, in de vier delen des werrelts gedaan heeft ...
Amsterdam, Jan Hendricksz. Boom, Jan Rieuwertsz., 1654. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved title-page and 7 engraved plates. 19th-century boards. [1], [1 blank], 152, 116 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Discovery of the Canary Islands in classical Greek and Roman, Arabic and Portuguese sources

MACEDO, Joaquim José da Costa de. Memoria em que se pertende provar que os Arabes não conhecerão as Canarias antes dos Portuguezes.
Lisbon, printing office of the Academia Real das Sciencias, 1844. Folio. With a woodcut Portuguese coat of arms on the title-page. Modern brown paper wrapper. [4], 232 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Ship's journal from Seychelles and Madagascar,
with numerous maps and earlier illustrated anatomical lecture notes

[MANUSCRIPT - SHIP'S JOURNAL]. MORSE, Edward George. A journal of remarks and observations as kept by E. G. M. . ..
[mostly on board the barque Sarah of London], April 1831-14 March 1833 (with additions to 1835). with an engraved view as frontispiece, 15 full-page, 1 nearly full-page and 1 smaller manuscript maps and coastal profiles, plus a small engraved view ("Tomb of Napoleon") mounted on 1 page.
Including: MORSE, Edward George. Lecture Book [notes on anatomical lectures by Joseph Constantine Carpue].
[London], November-December 1828. with a matching pair of engravings of a scull on and facing the title-page, and 27 pencil and/or ink anatomical drawings (including 2 full-page), some also with red. 4to (19.5×16.5 cm). Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [191] ll. Including paste-downs and about 55 blanks. Full description
€ 35,000
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Probably the first manual for the use of chronometers at sea

OWEN, William Fitzwilliam (ed.) & Richard OWEN. Tables of latitudes, and longitudes by chronometer, of places in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans; principally of the west and east coast of Africa, the coasts of Arabia, Madagascar. &c. resulting from the observations of H.M.S. Leven and Barracouta, in the years 1820 to 1826 inclusive, ... To which is prefixed an essay on the management and use of chronometers ...
London, George Duckworth and William Ireland, 1827. 4to. Contemporary blue boards for the Danish Navy Library, later backed with cloth. [2], 33, [3], 16, [36], 8 pp Full description
€ 2,500
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Shipwrecked Americans as slaves of Islamic hunters and nomads in the western Sahara in 1800

PADDOCK, Judah. A narrative of the shipwreck of the Oswego, on the coast of South Barbary, ...
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown (printed by Andrew Strahan), 1818. 4to. 20th-century tan goatskin morocco. XVI, 372 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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One of the earliest sources on the Congo and central Africa, complete with all plates and maps

PIGAFETTA, Filippo and Duarte LOPEZ. Relatione del reame di Congo et delle circonvicine contrade tratta dalli scritti & ragionamenti di Odoardo Lopez.
Rome, Bartolomeo Grassi, [1591]. 4to. With an integral engraved architectural title-page (with the coat of arms of the dedicatee Antonio Migliore, Bishop of San Marco), large folding engraved general map of Africa (64×44 cm), large folding engraved map of the Congo (43.5×51.5 cm) and 8 numbered folding engraved plates of plants, animals and inhabitants of the country, by Natalis Bonifazio. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [8], 82, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 60,000
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Journal of De Ruyter's expedition to West-Africa, the Caribbean and Newfoundland

RUYTER, Michiel de. Journael, gehouden op 's landts-schip de Spiegel, van 't gene gepasseert en verricht is op de vloot van haer ho. mo. de heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, soo in de Middellantsche Zee, als op de kusten van Africa en America. Onder 't beleydt van den ed. manhaften heer Michiel de Ruyter, als admirael, en de heer Jan Cornelis van Meppelen, als vice-admirael, in den jare 1664 en 1665.
Amsterdam, Jacob Vinckel, 1665. 4to. With an engraved title page by Pieter van de Voorde. Modern half vellum. "82" [=74], [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Only copy located of the 1850 Saint Helena almanac, portraying the island at the height of its importance
in transatlantic shipping and the suppression of the slave trade

[SAINT HELENA - ALMANAC]. The Saint Helena almanac and annual register for the year of our lord 1850, ... Containing a detailed account of the public departments and local institutions.
Saint Helena, George Gibb, Government office, [1849]. 8vo. With title-page printed in orange, with the woodcut royal arms of the United Kingdom. Later black half morocco, gold-tooled spine. [126], 37, [3] pp.; plus [3], [1 blank] pp. advertisements Full description
€ 3,500
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First and only Dutch edition of an eye-witness account of one of the most infamous shipwrecks,
immortalized by the French painter Géricault in "The raft of the Médusa"

SAVIGNY, J.B.H. & Alexander CORRÉARD. Schipbreuk van het Fregat Medusa, op deszelfs togt naar de Senegal, in het jaar 1816. Of volledig berigt van de merkwaardige voorvallen op het vlot, in de woestijn Sahara, te Str. Louis, en in het leger bij Daccard, benevens eenige landhuishoudkundige berigten nopens de westelijk kust van Afrika, van Kaap Blank tot aan den mond van de Gambia. Met eene afbeelding van het vlot.
Haarlem, widow of A. Loosjes, 1818. 8vo. With a plate showing the raft (18.5 x 9.5 cm) with the caption: "Honderd en vijftig menschen zochten hun behoud op deze machine, slechts vijftien vonden redding na een lijden van dertien dagen". Gold-tooled red morocco. [8], 168 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Signed authors presentation copy of a detailed eye-witness account of Senegal ca. 1880,
not for sale: with 2 chromolithographed maps, 3 original albumen prints and 4 wood-engraved views
in a fine presentation binding by Lucien Magnin in Lyon

SZYMANSKI, Félix. Essai sur la guerre dans le Soudan.
Lyon, Imprimerie Mougin-Rusand, 1888. Large 8vo (24.5 x 16 cm). With 2 large folding chromolithographed maps (50 x 60 cm; map images 44 x 58 cm; scale 1: 1,000,000), 4 wood-engraved illustrations in the text and 3 original photographic albumen prints (10.5 x 13 cm) mounted on paperboard plates. Contemporary gold-tooled, black goatskin morocco (signed at the foot of the front turn-in by Lucien Magnin in Lyon), richly gold-tooled spine, richly gold-tooled turn-ins, double fillets on board edges, gilt edges. [4], 184 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Illustrated description of the Yoruba people, among the most heavily targeted by the Atlantic slave trade

[TUCKER, Charlotte Maria] and Theodorus Matthijs LOOMAN. Abbeokoeta; of de dageraad tusschen de keerkringen: eene schets van het ontstaan en den vooruitgang der zending in Yorriba. Uit het Engelsch naar den vijfden druk vertaald, en tot op den jongsten tijd bijgewerkt.
Amsterdam, H. Höveker (back of half-title: for the "Vereeniging ter bevordering van Christelijke lectuur"), 1860. 12mo. With chromolithographed frontispiece, 3 lithographed maps (2 double-page and 1 folding), 1 chromolithographed plate and 8 wood-engraved plates. Contemporary half cloth. [2], VIII, [2], 330, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 800
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Della Valle's travels in the Near East, Persia and Arabia: "one of the finest works of travel literature" (Howgego)

VALLE, Pietro della. Reiss-Beschreibung in unterschiedliche Theile der Welt, nemlich in Türckey, Egypten, Palestina, Persien, Ost-Indien, und andere weit entlegene Landschaften ...
Geneva, Johann Hermann Widerholds, 1674. 4 volumes bound as 1. Folio. With 31 engraved plates (1 folding), including frontispiece and portraits of the author and his wife, by Jean Jacques Thourneyser. Contemporary vellum. [20], 218, [12], [2 blank]; [4], 236, [12]; [4], 244, [13], [1 blank]; [6], 231, [17] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Imaginary voyage criticizing imposed religion, together with an eye-witness account of slavery in Africa

[VAIRASSE D'ALLAIS, Denis and Thomas SMITH]. Geographisches Kleinod, aus zweyen sehr ungemeinen Edelgesteinen bestehend; darunter der Erster eine Historie der New-gefundenen Völcker Sevarambes genannt, ... Der Ander aber vorstellet die seltzamen begebenheiten herren T.S. eines englischen Kauff-Herrens...
[Sultzbach], printed by Abraham Lichtenthaler, 1689. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, 16 engraved plates and some woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum. [2], 362 [=360]; 100 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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1674 Charter of the Dutch West India Company, completely different from those in earlier years

[WIC - CHARTER]. Octroy, by de ... Staten Generael, verleent aen de West-Indische Compagnie, in date den twintighsten September sesthien hondert vier en tseventigh.
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, printer to the States General, 1674. 4to. With a woodcut on the title-page. Sewn through 4 holes. 36 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare missionary reports from Africa, India and the East Indies,
including letters from the grand-nephew of Saint Francis Xavier

[XAVIER, Jerome, and others]. Raguagli d'alcune missioni fatte dalli padri della Compagnia di Giesu nell'Indie Orientali, cioè nelle provincie di Goa, e Coccinno, e nell'Africa in Capo Verde.
Rome, Bartolomeo Zannetti, 1615. Small 8vo (14 x 9 cm).18th-century(?) sheepskin parchment. 165, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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