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Americas / Natural History

Molluscs collected by the Prince of Monaco during expeditions to the northern Atlantic

[ALBERT I of Monaco]. DAUTZENBERG, Philippe & Henri FISCHER. Mollusques provenant des campagnes de l'Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice dans les Mers du Nord.
Monaco, Imprimerie de Monaco, 1912. Large 4to (34 x 26.5 cm). With 2 maps and 11 coloured plates. Modern cloth. [3], [1 blank], 629, [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 600
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First edition of Audubon's extraordinary coloured plates of quadrupeds

AUDUBON, John James. The viviparous quadrupeds of North America.
New York, John James Audubon, 1845-1848. 3 volumes. Large 1mo (70×55 cm). With 150 striking coloured plates, all lithographed on stone, printed and coloured by J.T. Bowen of Philadelphia, after drawings by after John James and John Woodhouse Audubon, and the backgrounds after Victor Audubon. Each volume also with a title-page and a list of contents. Late 19th-century black morocco. Full description
€ 600,000
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“to this day a major source of information about the land and peoples of Paraguay and Río de la Plata”

AZARA, Félix Manuel de. Voyages dans l'Amérique Méridionale, ... depuis 1781 jusqu'en 1801; contenant la description géographique, politique et civile du Paraguay et de la rivière de La Plata; ...
Paris, Dentu, 1809. 8vo (4 text volumes) and folio (1 atlas volume). With 3 folding tables and 25 engraved maps, plans, views and plates of animals and birds. Modern black half calf, gold-tooled spine. LX, 389; [4], 388-562; [4], II, 479; [4], 380 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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First edition of a richly illustrated account of Surinam

BENOIT, Pierre Jacques. Voyage a Surinam. Description des possessions néerlandaises dans la Guyane.
Brussels, De Wasme & Laurent (back of half-title: Imprimerie de Societé des Beaux-Arts), 1839. Folio (47.5 x 31 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece, a small wood-engraved illustration on the title-page, and 99 tinted lithographed illustrations on 49 plates. Contemporary half black morocco, black cloth sides, gold-tooled spine. [4], 1-69, [3], 75-76, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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First German/Latin edition of Catesbys influential "Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands", richly illustrated and hand-coloured

CATESBY, Mark, Nicolaus Friederich EISENBERGER and Georg LICHTENSTEGER. Piscium serpentum insectorum aliorumque nonnullorum animalium nec non plantarum quarundam imagines ... | Die Abbildungen verschiedener Fische, Schlangen, Insecten, einiger andern Thiere, und Pflanzen...
Nürnberg, Johann Joseph Fleischmann, 1750. Folio. With 42 hand-coloured copperplate engravings (34.5 x 25 cm). Early nineteenth-century period-style half leather binding with marbled boards, title in gold-tooling to board in gilt lettering. [2], 42, [84] pp. Full description
€ 29,500
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First Dutch translation of the first description of Greenland and its natural history,
the Inuit culture, seal hunting and whale fishery

EGEDE, Hans Poulsen. Beschryving van oud-Groenland of eigentlyk van de zoogenaamde Straat Davis: behelzende deszelfs natuurlyke historie, standsgelegenheid, gedaante, grensscheidingen, veld-gewassen, dieren, vogelen, visschen, enz. mitsgaders den oirsprong en voortgang der aeloude Noorweegsche volkplantingen in dat gewest; benevens den aart, inborst, wooningen, levenswyze, kleding, spraak, bygelovigheid, dichtkunst, uitspanningen en tydverdryven der hedendaagsche inboorlingen.
Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1746. 4to. With an engraved folding map of Greenland (printed for this edition by Boitet) and 10 engraved plates with full-page views of whales and seals, whale fishery and seal hunting, the Inuits and their cultural habits and houses and (in the first plate) flowers. With the title-page printed in red and black and with some woodcut initials and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [24], 192 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Second, much enlarged edition of the book that greatly encouraged the study of mollusks in the United States

GOULD, Augustus Addison. Report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts, published agreeably to an order of the legislature. Second edition, comprising the mollusca. Edited by W.G. Binney.
Boston, Wright and Potter, state printers, 1870. Large 8vo. With 12 full-page chromolithographed plates, numbered XVI-XXVII, containing figures 214-349, after the drawings by B.F. Nutting, Mary Peart, Fanny van Horn, S. Morse, J. Burckhardt, and Alex. Agassiz. Original publishers green buckram over thick boards. V, [2], 524 pp. Full description
€ 200
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"By far the best work" on the Guyana's and Surinam

HARTSINCK, Jan Jacob. Beschryving van Guiana, of de wilde kust, in Zuid-America ...
Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, 1770. 2 volumes. 4to. With 6 engraved folding maps and plans, 6 engraved full page plates, and 2 engraved folding views, 1 engraving in text. Contemporary three quarter calf, black speckled light brown paper sides, richly gold-tooled spines with a red morocco title label and an oval green morocco volume label, both lettered in gold. 1 blank, [2], XII, [4], 520; [2], 521-962, [16] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Important account of a journey through North America

KALM, Peter. Travels into North America.
London, T. Lowndes, 1772. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a large folding map (ca. 57×76.5 cm) of northeastern America depicting New England, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, and parts of Virginia and Canada; an engraved view, and 5 plates of birds and mammals. Polished, tan calf (ca. 1800), with gold-tooled spine and board edges. [2], XII, 414; IV, 423, [8]. Full description
€ 1,750
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Detailed and lavishly illustrated memoirs of travels in the Caribbean

LABAT, Jean-Baptiste. Nieuwe reizen naar de Franse eilanden van America.
Amsterdam, Balthasar Lakeman, 1725. 4 volumes bound as 2. 4to. With 2 engraved frontispieces, 11 folding engraved maps and plans, and 83 full-page plates. Contemporary polished half calf. [2], 18, 350; [1 blank], [1], 404; [2], 235, 254; [1 blank], [4], 200, 167, [32] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Italian edition of Martens's important account of a whaling voyage

MARTENS, Friedrich. Viaggio di Spizberga o' Gronlanda fatto da Federico Martens Amburghese l' anno 1671...
Bologna, Giacomo Monti, 1680. 12mo. With 2 folding engraved plates and 3 woodcut illustrations. Contemporary limp parchment. 264 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Account of a scientific expedition through Central America

MORELET, Arthur. Voyage dans l'Amérique centrale, l'île de Cuba et le Yucatan.
Paris, Gide & J. Baudry, 1857. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 pages of letterpress music, a folding lithographed map of Yucatan, Guatemala and Cuba, and 22 wood-engraved illustrations, after drawings by the author, heading each chapter. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers, preserved in modern chemises and slipcase. [4], 337, [3]; [4], 323, [3] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Account of an interesting scientific expedition to Bolivia

ORBIGNY, Alcide d'. Fragment d'un voyage au centre de l'Amérique Méridionale; contenant des considérations sur la navigation de l'Amazone et de la Plata, et sur les anciennes missions des provinces de Chiquitos et de Moxos (Bolivia).
Paris, P. Bertrand; Strasbourg, widow Levrault (printed by Berger-Levrault), 1845. 8vo. With a large folding lithographed map (43 x 52 cm) of the centre of South America. Modern half red morocco. [4], 584 pp. Full description
€ 6,750
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The first European botanical work describing Indian herbs and diseases

ORTA, Garcia de, Nicolás MONARDES and others. Dell'historia dei semplici aromati, et altre cose: che vengono portate dall'Indie Orientali pertinenti all'uso della medicina.
Venice, Francesco Ziletti, 1589. 2 volumes bound as 1, the first in 4 parts and the second in 2 parts. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page of volume 1 and the divisional title page of volume 2, 28 woodcut illustrations in text.Later yellow painted (sheepskin) parchment. [32], 347, [5], 131, [13] pp. Full description
€ 5,250
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German textbook on zoology, printed in Pottsville, Pennsylvania

REUBELT, John Adam. Kurzgefaßtes Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend wissenschaftliche und populäre Beschreibungen von dem Menschen, den Säugethieren, Vögeln, Amphibien, Fischen, Weich- und Gliederthieren.
Pottsville [Pennsylvania], C.W. Günther and the author, 1848. 8vo. With numerous woodcuts in text, depicting men and animals. Contemporary black half sheepskin. 392 pp. Full description
€ 375
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Mexico's industry and commerce, dedication copy by the author

ROUTIER, Gaston. Le Mexique[.] Limites géographiques. Orographie. Hydrographie. L' agriculture, la flore, la faune et les mines. L' industrie et le commerce.
Paris, H. Le Soudier, 1891. 8vo. With a lithographed folding map of Mexico (34.5 x 46 cm). Contemporary half red morocco, gold-tooled spine. XVII, 110 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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A series on Brazilian botany, "rare when complete" with 70 lithographed plates, mainly concerning the flora of North-East and South-East Brasil, in the original publisher's printed wrappers

SAINT-HILAIRE, Auguste de, Adrien de JUSSIEU and Jacques CAMBESSEDES. Plantes usuelles des Brasiliens.
Paris, Grimbert (printed by Casimir), 1824-1828. In 14 instalments. Large 4to (29.5 x 22.5 cm). With 70 lithographed botanical plates, all by Langlumé. Original publisher´s blue printed wrappers, the back wrapper with llists of Gimbert´s publications (4 versions, on parts 1, 2-7, 8-13 and 14) in the same border; the first instalment with a printed part number, but further numbered by hand. With the bolts opened at the head, but wholly untrimmed, preserving all deckles and point-holes. Preserved in a modern green morocco box, with transparent acrylic windows for sides. [298] pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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Descriptions of 5 exotic animals from the cabinet of Schlosser, with striking coloured plates

SCHLOSSER, Johan Albert. Epistola ad ... Ferdinandum Dejean, ... de Lacerta Amboinensi. | Brief ... aan ... Ferdinand Dejean, ... Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving der Amboinsche haagdis.
Amsterdam, for the author, 1768. With a folding engraved plate of the Amboinese lizard in two copies, one coloured by a contemporary hand.
(2) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad ... Johannem Burmannum, ... De Chaetodonte argo. | Brief ... aan Johannes Burmannus, ... Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving van den gevlakten klipvisch.
Amsterdam, Cornelius van Tongerlo, 1770. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand.
(3) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad ... W. Roëll, ... De Testudine cartilaginea. | Brief ... aan ... W. Roëll, ... Behelzende eene naaukeurige beschrijving van de kraakbeenige schildpad.
Amsterdam, Cornelius van Tongerlo, 1770. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand.
(4) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad ... Johannem Oosterdyk Schacht, ... De Rana bicolore. | Brief ... aan .. Johannes Oosterdyk Schacht, behelzende eene naaukeurige beschrijving van den twee-koleurige kikvorsch.
Amsterdam, M. Magerum, 1772. With 3 folding engraved plates, coloured by a contemporary hand.
(5) BODDAERT, Petrus. Epistola ad ... Hier. Dav. Gaubium, ... De Chaetodonte diacantho. | Brief ... aan ... Hieronimus David Gaubius, ... behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving van den tweedoornigen klipvisch.
Amsterdam, M. Magerum, 1772. With a folding engraved plate, coloured by a contemporary hand.
5 works in 1 volume. Large 4to (31 x 25.5 cm). Contemporary half calf. [2], 18 ll.; [4], 43, [1]; [4], 39, [1]; 48; 43, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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From a series of "the finest engravings of flowers ever made" by the teacher of Redouté

SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. Grande Capucine. Tropaeolum majus L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,... Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].
[Paris, 1799-1801]. Oblong folio. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (38 x 55.5 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a branch of the Tropaeolum majus showing three flowers and six buds in various stages. In passepartout. Full description
€ 2,750
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The first scientific work on Hemiptera, with 70 hand-coloured, detailed plates of insects

STOLL, Caspar. Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der cicaden en wantzen, in alle vier waerelds deelen Europa, Asia, Africa en America huishoudende.
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, [1780-]1788. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to (ca. 28.5 x 23 cm). With 40 handcoloured plates of insects and a handcoloured floral frontispiece at the start of each volume. Comprising:
(1) STOLL, Caspar. Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der cicaden.
Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp, 1788.
(2) STOLL, Caspar. Natuurlyke en naar 't leeven naauwkeurig gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschryvingen der wantzen.
Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp, 1788. Contemporary gold-tooled brown calf. 124; 172 pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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Four articles on the date palm in the Middle East, northern Africa and America

SWINGLE, Walter Tennyson. The date palm and its culture. ... (Reprint from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture 1900).
[Washington, Government printing office, 1900]. With 9 plates with black and white photographic reproductions.
(2) SWINGLE, Walter Tennyson. The date palm and its utilization in the southwestern states.Washington, Government printing office, 1904. With a wood engraved device of the United States department of agriculture on title-page, 21 (of 22) plates (including 2 chromolithographed maps) and 10 illustrations in text.
(3) FAIRCHILD, David Grandison. Persian Gulf dates and their introduction into America.Washington, Government printing office, 1903. With the same wood engraved device on title-page and 4 plates with reproductions of photographs.
(4) KEARNEY, Thomas Henry. Date varieties and date culture in Tunis.Washington, Government printing office, 1903. With the same wood engraved device on title-page and 10 plates with reproductions of photographs.
4 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Modern blue cloth, each work with its original printed paper wrappers bound in. I-V, [1 blank], 453-490; 155, [1 blank]; 32; 112 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Chinese botany and agriculture, North America, Linnaeus and Benjamin Franklin

TORÉN, Olof. Voyage de Mons. Olof Torée[,] Aumonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait à Surate, à la Chine &c.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771.
(2) ECKEBERG, Carl Gustaf. Précis historique de l'économie rurale des Chinois.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771.
(3) BLACKFORD, Dominique de. Précis de l'état actuel des colonies Angloises dans l'Amérique Septentrionale.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771. 3 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary French mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. 92; [4], 47, [1 blank]; 99, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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