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Australia, New Zealand & Pacific / Pacific Islands

On the famous voyage of Captain Louis Freycinet

ARAGO, Jacques Etienne Victor. Souvenirs d'un aveugle, voyage autour du monde. Ouvrage enrichi de soixante dessins et de notes scientifiques.
Paris, Hortet and Ozanne, 1839. 4 volumes. 8vo. With 2 engraved portraits, of Jacques and François Arago, and 60 full-page lithographed plates, all after drawings by the author. Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold-tooled spines. [4], 400; [4], 423 [1 blank]; [4], 399, [1 blank]; [4], 451, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Hawaiian lepers

BECHTINGER, Joseph. Ein Jahr auf den Sandwich-Inseln. (Hawaiische Inseln.) ... Memoiren. - Band I. [all published].
Vienna, for the author (colophon: printed by W. Jacobi), 1869. 8vo. With wood-engraved frontispiece, 7 illustration plates (showing 14 numbered wood-engravings with letterpress captions), 3 woodcuts in the text, and a tinted lithographic folding map. Original publisher's yellow printed-paper wrappers with wood-engraved vignette. [7], [1 blank], 202, [4] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Illustrated edition of Beechey's famous Pacific voyage, including an Eskimo vocabulary

BEECHEY, Frederick William. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait...
London, Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley, 1831. 2 volumes. Large 8vo. With 3 lithographed maps (2 large folding), 20 engraved plates, 3 two-page folding plates, and 1 engraved illustration in the text. Contemporary half green morocco, marbled sides, gold-tooled title on spine, marbled edges. XXVI, [1], [1 blank], 472; IV, 330, [1], 331-452 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First Hawaiian language Bible published in a single volume

[BIBLE – HAWAIIAN]. Ka Palapala Hemolele a Iehova ko kakou Akua. O Ke Kauoha Kahiko A Me Ke Kauoha Hou i unuhiia mailoko mai o na olelo kahiko ...Including: Ke kauoha hou a ko kakou haku e ola'i a Iesu Kristo oia ka olelo hemolele no ke ola, a na lunaolelo i kakau ai.
Oahu and Honolulu, American Bible Society, 1843. Large 8vo (24 x 14 cm). Later half calf. 1451, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,950
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Very rare 2nd edition of the abridged Swedish translation of William Bligh's account of the mutiny on the Bounty

BLIGH, William. Engelske capitainens Wilhelm Blighs resa, genom Södra Werlds-Hafvet, tolf hundrade sjömil i öpen bät, frän Tofoa till Timor.
Including: Nyaste tidningar frän Otahiti.
Uppsala, Joh. Edmans Enka, "1792" [= 1793]. 12mo. With a woodcut vignette on title-page, two woodcut headpieces and a woodcut tailpiece, and a divisional title for the appendix with the latest news from Tahiti. With "resa" set in rococo decorated roman capitals on the title-page and Blighs name in script capitals. Contemporary blue stiff paper wrappers. "119" [=117], [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Dutch voyage through the Pacific looking for commercial opportunities

BOELEN, Jacobus. Reize naar de oost- en westkust van Zuid-Amerika, en, van daar, naar de Sandwichs- en Philippijnsche eilanden, China enz. gedaan, in de jaren 1826, 1827, 1828 en 1829. Met het koopvaardijschip Wilhelmina en Maria.
Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Vries, 1835-1836. 3 volumes. 8vo. With a different view on each of the 3 engraved title-pages, by Dirk Sluyter, 5 folding lithographed maps by Daniel Veelwaard (1 hand coloured in outline), 8 lithographed views (3 folding) by Desgerrois & Co., and 6 hand-coloured engraved plates by Dirk Sluyter, mostly of costumes. Modern black half sheepskin. [4], X, 379, [1]; VIII, 445, [3]; VIII, 396, [4] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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A unique look at the history and language of the Marquesas islands by two eminent German philologists

BUSCHMANN, Johann Carl Eduard and Guillaume de HUMBOLDT. Aperçu de la langue des iles Marquises et de la langue Taïtienne, précedé d'une introduction sur l'histoire et la géographie de l'archipel des Marquises.
Berlin, C. G. Luderitz, 1843. 8vo. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers. 197, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Very rare first account of the death of Captain Cook

[COOK, James (subject)]. Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Seereisen des berühmten Capitain Cook.
Reval [= Tallinn, Estonia] & Leipzig, Albrecht und Compagnie, 1780.
With: (2) Briefe aus England historisch-statistisch und artistischen Inhalts. 1s Heft.
Reval [= Tallinn, Estonia] & Leipzig, Albrecht und Compagnie, 1780.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With a woodcut ship on the title-page of ad 2 and woodcut headpieces in both works. Contemporary half calf, brown sprinkled paper sides, brown morocco spine label with title in gold. 48; [14], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 148,500
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Illustrated German translation of the account of Cook's third and last voyage

COOK, James and James KING. Dritte un letzte Reise, oder Geschichte einder Entdeckungsreise nach dem stillen Ocean, welche auf Befehl Sr. Großbritannischen Majestät, zu genauerer Erforschung der nördlichen Halbkugel unternommen .
Ansbach, 1787-1789-[1794]. 4 (of 5) volumes. 8vo. With an aquatint/engraved portrait of James Cook as frontispiece in volume 1, 2 folding engraved maps and 41 engraved plates (1 folding). Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spines. [51], [1 blank], CXXVIII, 320, [2], [2 blank]; [16], 462, [2]; [2 blank], [14], 452, [2], [2 blank]; [16], 400, [2], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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Dutch translation of the account of Captain Cook's third and last voyage

COOK, James and James KING. Reis naar den Stillen Oceaan, ... tot het doen van ontdekkingen in het noorder halfrond, ter uitvoering gebragt onder 't bestuur van de bevelhebbers Cook, Clerke en Gore in de jaaren 1776, 1777, 1779 en 1780. Met de schepen de Resolution en Discovery, ...
Rotterdam, Abraham Bothall and Dirk Vis II, 1788. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. XVI, 611, [1 blank] Full description
€ 1,650
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Extremely rare 1788 Russian edition of Zimmermann's account of Cook's third voyage

[COOK, James (subject)]. ZIMMERMANN, Heinrich. Posliednee puteshestvie okolo svieta Kapitana Kuka s obstoiatel'stvami o ego zhizni i smerti ...
St Petersburg, P.B. [= Peter Bogdanovich], 1788. 8vo. Contemporary sprinkled calf. [4], 211, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 28,500
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The languages of Oceania

CUST, Robert Needham. Les races et les langues de l'Océanie ... traduit de l'anglais par A.L. Pinart.
Paris, Ernest Leroux (back of half-title: Le Puy, printing office of Marchessou fils), 1888. 12mo (17 x 11.5 cm). With a folding chromolithographed language map of Oceania, 1 headpiece in 17th-century style. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers. [4], 71, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Solving the mysterious disappearance of the famous explorer La Pérouse in the South Sea Islands

DILLON, Peter. Reis naar de eilanden der Zuidzee, gedurende de jaren 1827 en 1828, behelzende het verslag der ontdekking van het lot van De la Pérouse.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1830. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed frontispieces and a folding engraved map of Vanikoro. The plates are new for this edition, lithographed by Jean Augustin Daiwaille after designs by (Pieter van der?) Meulen and based on the plates in the English edition. Contemporary stiff sprinkled paper wrappers. X, 336; VI, 350 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Sailing the globe: visiting the Sandwich Islands and California

DUHAUT-CILLY, Auguste. Viaggio intorno al globo principalmente alla California ed alle Isole Sandwich negli anni 1826, 1827, 1828 e 1829.
Turin, Fontana, 1841. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 4 wood engraved plates, including views of Oahu and Monterey . Contemporary purple/brown half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. XVI, 296; 592 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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French expedition to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, with 60 lithographed plates

DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules Sébastien César. Entdeckungs-Reise der französischen Corvette Astrolabe unternommen auf Befehl König Karls X. in den Jahren 1826-1827-1828-1829.
Schaffhausen, J. Brodtmann, [ca. 1840]. 2 parts in 1 volume (text and plates). Folio. With a lithographed title-page and 60 lithographed plates. Modern green half morocco, original boards. 118, [1], [1 blank] Full description
€ 4,950
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Highly detailed and very rare issues of annual periodicals on French Polynesia,
mainly concerning Tahiti and Moorea

[FRENCH POLYNESIA - PERIODICAL]. Annuaire des établissements français de l'Océanie et du Protectorat des Iles de la Société et dépendances pour l'année commune 1863.
Papeete, Imprimerie du Gouvernement, August 1863. 2 volumes. Small 8vo. With two original photographs in the 1863 edition, both reproducing maps, one showing the islands Tahiti and Moorea and the other showing archipels which were then under French protectorate. With: Annuaire des établissements français de l'Océanie et du Protectorat des Iles de la Société et dépendances pour l'an 1864 (title on the front wrapper: Annuaire de Taïti pour 1864).Papeete, Imprimerie du Gouvernement, October 1864.
Original publisher's printed wrappers. VIII, 372; [4], LX, 126, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare collection of travel accounts in the form of letters,
including a Swedish translation of a biography of Captain Cook

GJÖRWELL, Carl Christoffer (ed.). Almänna rese-beskrifwaren eller sammandrag af de nyaste och bästa rese-beskrifningar, hälst de som nyligast utkommit; til uplysning af andra länders geographie, natural-historia, stats-förfatning, hushålning, lärdom, bruk och seder: uti bref författat.
Stockholm, printed by Johan Arvid Carlbohm [and A.J. Nordstrom], 1780 [-1782]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of "Jacob" (James) Cook as a frontispiece in vol. 1, with some head and tail pieces throughout the 2 vols. Contemporary half goatskin. [4], 360; [2], 134, [2], 135-194, [2], 195-“168” [= 268] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Travels in, and history of China and the Philippines

GUIGNES, Chrétien-Louis-Joseph de. Voyages à Peking, Manille et l'Ile de France, faits dans l'intervalle des années 1784 a 1801.
Paris, l'Imprimerie Impériale (J.J. Marcel) for Treuttel and Würtz, 1808. 3 text volumes and 1 atlas volume. 8vo (text) and folio (atlas). The atlas with 92 engraved illustrations on 61 leaves by De Guines after Deserve and 6 engraved maps (4 folding) by D'Houdan. Text volumes in 19th-century half calf, atlas volume in contemporary half calf. [4], LXIII, 439; [4] 476; [4], 488 pp.; atlas: 4 pp. text (title and index). Full description
€ 9,500
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First Dutch edition of 4 English maritime expeditions, including the first official account of Cook's first voyage

HAWKESWORTH, John (editor). Reizen rondom de weereld, ondernomen . . . tot het doen van ontdekkingen in het zuider halfrond . . .
BYRON, John. [Drop title:] Verkort verhaal der reizen . . . Tocht van den Kommandeur Byron.
WALLIS, Samuel. Verkort verhaal eener reize rondom de weereld, gedaan in de jaaren 1766, 1767 en 1768. . . . voerende des Konings schip Den Dolphyn.
CARTERET, Philip. Verkort verhaal eener reize rondom de weereld, gedaan in de jaaren 1766, 1767, 1768 en 1769. . . . voerende des Konings sloep De Swaluw.
COOK, James. Verkort verhaal eener reize rondom de weereld, gedaan in de jaaren 1769, 1770 en 1771. . . ., voerende 's Konings schip, Den Onderneemer.
Rotterdam, Reinier Arrenberg, 1774. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece. With an extra folding engraved world map in 2 hemispheres incorporating Cook's recent discoveries: Rigobert Bonne, De oude en nieuwe waereld . . . verrykt met de ondekkingen der laatste reizigers, Amsterdam, 1792 (23×41.5 cm). Modern cloth. [4], 351, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The main source of early knowledge of the Pelew or Palau Islands in Micronesia, in French translation

KEATE, George. Relation des Îles Pelew, situées dans la partie occidentale de l'océan pacifique; composée sur les journaux et les communications du Capitaine Henri Wilson, et de quelques-uns de ses Officiers, ...
Paris, Le Jay and Maradan, 1788. 2 volumes. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece portrait, engraved folding map of the Palau Islands, Philippines and the Chinese Sea, 12 folding engraved plates and 3 engraved portraits. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spines. [4], 282; [4], 274, [6] pp. Full description
€ 750
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The main source of early knowledge of the Pelew or Palau Islands in Micronesia, in Dutch translation

KEATE, George. Beschryving van de Pelew Eilanden ...
Rotterdam, Gerard Abraham Arrenberg, 1789. 4to. With 8 plates: 4 mixed technique (partly stipple-engraved) portraits, 1 large folding engraved map of the Palau Islands and western equatorial Pacific, and 3 folding engraved views. Contemporary boards. XXXII, 365, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Very rare first and only Dutch edition of Kotzebue's account of his first major expedition in search of a northwest passage

KOTZEBUE, Otto von (Pieter Gerardus WITSEN GEYSBEEK, translator). Ontdekkingsreis in de Zuid-zee en naar de Bering-straat in de jaren 1815, 1816, 1817 en 1818, onder het bevel van Otto von Kotzebue, luitenant der Russisch-keizerlijke marine.
Amsterdam, Johannes van der Hey, 1822. 3 volumes. 8vo. Volume 1 with an engraved title-page showing a view of the Kotzebue-sound engraved by D. Veelwaard after L. Choris, a hand-coloured engraved plate and an engraved folding map; volume 2 with an engraved title-page showing a view of Airick Island by Veelwaard after Choris, 3 hand-coloured engraved portraits, 2 engraved folding plates and 4 engraved folding maps, including one large map showing the route of the entire voyage; volume 3 with an engraved title-page showing a hand-coloured "Vanessa Tammeamea" butterfly by Veelwaard after Eschbach, an engraved folding map signed by C. v. Baarsel and son, and an engraved folding plate showing skulls. Half brown calf and brown decorated paper sides, with gold- and blind-tooled spines. VIII, 428, [2 blank], [1], [1 blank]; IV, 413, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank]; VIII, 492, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Dutch translation of Kotzebue's second voyage in the Pacific

KOTZEBUE, Otto von. Nieuwe ontdekkingsreize rondom de wereld, in de jaren 1823, 24, 25 en 26 ondernomen door den ridder Otto von Kotzebue, scheepsbevelhebber in Russisch-Keizerlijke dienst.
Haarlem, widow of Adriaan Loosjes, 1830. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a lithographed frontispiece in each volume, and 3 folding engraved maps. Contemporary half cloth. VII, [1], 254; [6], 274 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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First edition of Labillardière's famous voyage in search of La Pérouse, with 44 plates, including 14 after Redouté

LABILLARDIÈRE, Jacques Julien Houton de. Relation du voyage a la recherche de la Pérouse.
Including: Atlas pour servir à la Relation du voyage à la recherche de la Pérouse, ...
Paris, H.J. Jansen, An VIII [= 1799/1800]. 3 volumes. 4to (2 text volumes) and folio (atlas). Atlas with engraved title-page, large folding map (59 x 86.5 cm) and 43 full-page engraved plates (numbered 2-44), including 14 botanical plates drawn or completed by Pierre-Joseph Redouté. Modern mottled half calf. XVI, 442; 332, 113, [1] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Dutch edition of a detailed account of an important circumnavigation

LAPLACE, Cyrille Pière Théodore. Reis rondom de wereld door de zeeën van Indië en China; . . .
Zaltbommel, Johannes Noman and sons, 1834-1836. 7 volumes bound as 3. 8vo. Each volume with a lithographed title-page, each with a different topographic view, folding engraved map tracking Laplace's journey, 13 lithographed plates (7 folding). Near contemporary uniform blue-black half calf, gold- and blind-tooled spines. XXXVI, 511, [1]; [II], 328; [II], 272; [II], 288; IV, 272; [II], 262, [1], [1 blank]; IV, 323, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Important scientific and trade voyage around the world

LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre Théodore. Voyage autour du monde par les mers de l'Inde et de Chine ... exécuté sur la corvette de l'état La Favorite pendant les années 1830, 1831 et 1832.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (views volume: Arthus Bertrand; map volume: Dépôt-Générale de la Marine), 1833-1835. 4 text volumes (8vo), 1 views volume (folio) and 1 atlas volume (1mo, 66 x 51 cm). With 1 folding engraved map in the first text volume, 2 full-page maps and 10 maps on 9 double-page plates in the "atlas hydrographique", and 72 extraordinary aquatint plates (ca. 27 x 36 cm) in the "album historique", most of them with the blind-stamped image of the ship La Favorite (15 x 28 mm). Contemporary half dark green calf, gold-tooled spines. [4], XLI, 558, [2]; [4], 481, [1]; [4], 510, [2]; [4], 480; [4] pp. Full description
€ 69,500
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French Polynesia and Somaliland. On occasion of the Exposition Universelle of 1900

[LEMASSON, Henry]. Notice sur les etablissements Français de l'oceanie.
[Paris, Alcan-Lévy, ca. 1900]. With 11 half-tone reproductions of photographs and a map in text.
With: (2) VIGNÉRAS, Sylvain. Notice sur la Cöte Française des Somalis.
Paris, Paul Dupont, 1900. With a folding lithographed map and 26 half-tone reproductions of photographs in text. 8vo. 2 works in 1 volume (ad 2 bound before ad 1). Contemporary black half sheepskin. 127, [1 blank]; 85, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 250
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Comprehensive scientific periodical, with articles on James Cook and Hawaii

LICHTENBERG, Georg Christoph and Georg FORSTER. Göttingisches Magazin der Wissenschaften und Litteratur.
Göttingen, Johann Christian Dieterich, 1780. 6 parts in 3 volumes. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of James Cook as frontispiece of part 2, 5 engraved plates (including one coloured by hand), 4 folding engraved plates (including one printed on blue paper and with highlights in silver) and one folding plate with letterpress music. Modern paste-paper boards. [8], 168; [1], [1 blank], 169-334; Full description
€ 4,750
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Rare Dutch satire on Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

[LONGUEVILLE, Peter]. De kluizenaar; of de weergalooze rampen, en verwonderenswaerdige gevallen van Filip Quarll, Engelschman.
Rotterdam, Jan Daniel Beman, 1728. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, signed by Collan, a folding map of Quarll's island, and a folding plate of the shipwreck. The title-page is printed in red and black and shows a small woodcut ornamental vignette, the work includes headpieces built up from typographic material, woodcut ornamental tailpieces, and woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, sprinkled paper sides, and a red paper label on the spine. [16], 292, 189, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Key historical text on the Tonga Islands, from the library of the fallen Empress Marie-Louise

MARINER, William and John MARTIN (editor). Histoire des naturels des Iles Tonga ou des Amis, situées dans l'Océan Pacifique depuis leur découverte par le Capitaine Cook; rédigée par John Martin, sur les détails fournis par William Mariner, qui y a passé plusieurs années; ...
Paris, Gide and Nicolle (back of half-title: Imprimerie de J. Smith), 1817. 2 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, paper sides with the crowned monogram of Empress Marie-Louise in gold on both sides of each volume. XXII, [23]-398, [2]; 398 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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A Swedish edition of John Meares's voyages to the North Pacific, China and Hawaii

MEARES, John. Tvänne resor från Ostindien till Americas nordvåstra kust, åren 1786, 1788 och 1789.
Stockholm, printed by J.S. Ekmanson for I. Utters, 1797. 8vo. 19th-century half scheepskin, gold-tooled spine with red morocco title label, marbled sides. [12], 404 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First edition of a very rare and little-known journal of an important voyage to the Pacific

MICHELENA Y ROJAS, Francisco. Viajes científicos en todo el mundo, desde 1822 hasta 1842; durante los cuales fueron visitadas ... Dedicados a la nacion Venezolana.
Madrid, I. Boix, 1843. 4to. With full-page author's portrait by Leopoldo Lopez, woodcut coat of arms on dedication, 12 full-page lithographed illustrations by J. Aragon after J. Abrial, and 2 large lithographed folding maps (showing Sydney and the route of the voyage). Contemporary gold-tooled half sheepskin. 408, [4] pp. Full description
€ 10,000
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Ship's journal from Seychelles and Madagascar,
with numerous maps and earlier illustrated anatomical lecture notes

[MANUSCRIPT - SHIP'S JOURNAL]. MORSE, Edward George. A journal of remarks and observations as kept by E. G. M. . ..
[mostly on board the barque Sarah of London], April 1831-14 March 1833 (with additions to 1835). with an engraved view as frontispiece, 15 full-page, 1 nearly full-page and 1 smaller manuscript maps and coastal profiles, plus a small engraved view ("Tomb of Napoleon") mounted on 1 page.
Including: MORSE, Edward George. Lecture Book [notes on anatomical lectures by Joseph Constantine Carpue].
[London], November-December 1828. with a matching pair of engravings of a scull on and facing the title-page, and 27 pencil and/or ink anatomical drawings (including 2 full-page), some also with red. 4to (19.5×16.5 cm). Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [191] ll. Including paste-downs and about 55 blanks. Full description
€ 35,000
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The account of a voyage of a Swedish privateer together with a vivid account of travels in Germany

MORTIMER, George. Engelsmannen Joh. Hindric Cox Resa Genom Söderhafvet Till On Amsterdam, Marien-Oarna, O-Taheiti, Sandvichs-och Räf-Oarna, Tinian, Unalaska och Canton i China.
Nyköping, Peter Winge, 1798.
With: (2) RISBECK, Gaspard. Bref, Rörande Tyskland, Scrifne af en resande Fransos til sin broder i Paris. Ofwersättning. Andra Uplagan.
Götheborg, Samuel Norberg, 1797-1798. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half calf. 77, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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First French edition of Parkinson's account of Cook's first voyage

PARKINSON, Sydney. Voyage autour du monde, sur le vaisseau de sa majesté Britannique l'Endeavour, ... précédé d'un discours en forme d'introduction sur les principaux navigateurs anglais et français qui ont précédé l'Endeavour: suivi d'un abrégé des deux derniers voyages du capitaine Cook, ... Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglais. Par le C. Henri.
Paris, Guillaume, 1797. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 6 folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf. 12, LVI, 344; [4], 309, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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One of the few known copies of one of the most remarkable ichthyological works ever, containing 100 extraordinary and brightly hand-coloured plates of tropical and fantastic fishes in the Indo-Pacific

RENARD, Louis. Poissons ecrevisses et crabes, de diverses couleurs et figures extraordinaires, que l'on trouve autour des Isles Moluques et sur les côtes des Terres Australes.
Amsterdam, Reinier & Josua Ottens, 1754. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio. Title-page in red and black, a divisional-title for each volume and 100 engraved plates, vividly hand-coloured as published, showing 460 fishes and other marine animals. Contemporary calf, richly-gold tooled spine and bords, green morocco spine label with title in gold, decorated edges, marbled endpapers. Preserved in a professionally made black cloth box. [7] ll., 43 plates; [1] leaf, LVII plates, [4] ll. Full description
€ 125,000
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Important account of Cook's final voyage

[RICKMAN, John]. Troisieme voyage de Cook, ou Journal d'une expédition faite dans la Mer Pacifique du Sud & du Nord en 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, & 1780 ... Seconde edition.
Paris, Belin, 1783. 8vo. With folding engraved plate, illustrating the death of Captain James Cook, and folding engraved chart, depicting the route of Cook's expedition. Modern half calf. [4], "376" [= 378] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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22 excellent watercolour views of rocky sea-coasts in New Caledonia & Peru

ROMIEUX, Osmond. [Watercolour views of sea-coasts in New Caledonia and Peru].
[New Caledonia & Peru], [1855/60?]. Album: full-sheet leaves (oblong 1mo) (39.5 × 52.5); drawings: oblong folio and oblong 4to. An album with 21 watercolour drawings on paper with views of sea coasts from the shore (24 × 31 cm to 29.5 × 46.5 cm), one with a 22nd watercolour drawing on the back with a similar view, and one with about 15 human figure drawings in graphite pencil on the back. All bear the artists stamp on the front (Lugt 3703) and 4 are signed or initialled by the artist. Richly gold- and blind-tooled green goatskin morocco, white watered silk endleaves. 21 album ll. with 1 drawing mounted on each recto. Full description
€ 18,000
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First edition of a very interesting account of the first Swedish circumnavigation

SKOGMAN, Carl Johan Alfred. Fregatten Eugenies Resa Omkring Jorden, Åren 1851-1853, under befäl af C.A. Virgin.
Stockholm, Adolf Bonnier, [1855]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 3 folding tinted lithographed maps, 26 plates (6 full-page wood-engravings, 20 full-page chromo-lithograps) 18 wood-engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary three quarter calf with gilt lettering on spine, marbled covers. VI, 250, [2]; V, [3], 224, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Sparrman's ethnographical objects, collected on Cook's 2nd voyage

SÖDERSTROM, Jan Georg Karl. A. Sparrman's ethnographical collection from James Cook's 2nd expedition (1772-1775).
Stockholm, Aktiebolaget Thule, 1939. 4to (29 x 22.5 cm). With 24 full-page numbered collotype plates, reproducing photographs of artifacts, and a few line illustrations in the text. Original publisher's green textured cloth. 70 pp. Full description
€ 750
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"This work ranks with the voyages of Cook and La Pérouse among the most important of the 18th and 19th centuries"

VANCOUVER, George. Reisen nach dem nördlichem[!] Theile der Südsee während der Jahre 1790 bis 1795. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Joh. Friedr. Wilh. Herbst.
Berlin, (colophon: printed by Johann Wilhelm Schmidt) for the Vossische Buchhandlung, 1799-1800. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a large folding engraved map (52 x 42 cm) by Ferdinand Sprögel (Berlin, 1800) of the northwest coast of America, and 2 folding aquatints. Contemporary half calf. [2], 386; VIII, 406 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Voyage to the Dutch East Indies via South America

WILLINCK, Isaac Petrus Marie. Reize om Kaap Hoorn langs de westkust van Zuid-Amerika, door de Stille Zuid-Zee naar de Philippijnsche Eilanden en verder door de Chinesche Zee naar Batavia, gedaan in de jaren 1823 en 1824, met Z.M. korvet Lynx.
Breda, Broese and comp., 1835. 1 of 2 volumes. Large 8vo (22 x 13 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece and lithographed title-page with illustration. Later half sheepskin. [4], VII, [1 blank], X, 209, 214-222, [1], [3 blank], 227-259, [1 blank] pp Full description
€ 350
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