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Maritime History

Dutch trade, whaling, herring fishery, etc., with magnificent views of the harbours of the Netherlands
and the Dutch East Indies ca. 1772-ca. 1781, including a wide variety of boats and ships

AA, Cornelis van der (illustrated by Dirk de JONG & Hendrik KOBELL jr.). Atlas van de zeehavens der Bataafsche Republiek, die van Batavia en Onrust. Mitsgaders de afbeeldingen van de haring visscherij en de walvisch vangst. In een-en-dertig kunstplaaten naar het leven afgebeeld ...
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [printed by Paul Etienne Briët?], 1805. Large folio (39.5 x 28.5 cm). With a finely engraved title-page in various styles of decorated lettering and flourishes, executed by Klockhoff, and 31 double-page engraved views (ca. 28.5 x 39.5 cm) showing Dutch harbours with a wide variety of sailing boats and ships, the harbours of Batavia and the island Onrust in the Dutch East Indies (now Djakarta and Pulau Kapal in Indonesia), and 2 views of herring fishing and whaling.
With the loosely inserted "prospectus" (actually an advertisement issued on publication):
[MAASKAMP, Evert]. Berigt aan kooplieden, zeevarenden en verzamelaars van vaderlandsche kunstprinten.
[Amsterdam], [Evert Maaskamp], printed by Paul Etienne Briët, [1805]. 4to (27.5 x 22 cm).
Contemporary boards (including a paperboard spine), as issued by the publisher. XII, 135, [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page, 31 plates and the loosely inserted prospectus. Full description
€ 14,500
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8 large illustrated volumes of the most important voyages from the 15th to the end of the 17th century

AA, Pieter van der (editor) and Johann Ludwig GOTTFRIED. De aanmerkenswaardigste en alomberoemde zee- en landreizen der Portugeezen, Spanjaarden, Engelsen en allerhande natiën: zoo van Fransen, Italiaanen, Deenen, Hoogh- en Nederduitsen als van veele andere volkeren. Voornaamenlyk ondernomen tot ontdekking van de Oost- en Westindiën, midsgaders andere verafgelegene gewesten des aardryks.
The Hague, widow of Engelbrecht Boucquet and sons; Leiden, Jan van der Deyster, and Boudewijn and Pieter van der Aa, 1727. 8 volumes. 1mo and folio. With 7 (of 8) engraved frontispieces (lacking that of volume 4), 4 engraved dedications, 117 engraved maps on 61 leaves, 7 engraved plates and 502 engravings in text. Further with 127 (of 128) title-pages (including a general title-page, a title-page to 7 (of 8) volumes, lacking that of volume 4, and 118 for the separate works). Volume 1-3 & 5-8: contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges; volume 4: modern calf. Full description
€ 65,000
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Unrecorded edition with rules and regulations for the Naples royal fleet and its maintenance

[ACTON, Sir John Francis Edward & Antonius Count of THURN and Valsassina]. Istruzione per il servizio de bastimenti della Real Marina di guerra.
Naples, 1800. 8vo. Engraved coat-of arms (King Ferdinand IV of Naples) on title-page. Contemporary gold-tooled "marbled" calf with tan and blue spots on a chemically darkened background. 86 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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An early account of Timbuktu by an American sailor

[ADAMS, Robert (= Benjamin ROSE)]. Jongste en echte berigten betrekkelijk Tombuctoo en eenige andere nog onbezochte deelen der binnenlanden van Afrika.
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp en Zoon, 1818. 8vo. With a folding engraved map (30.5 x 37.5 cm) of North Africa with the routes of Mungo Park and Robert Adams highlighted in colour. Contemporary boards. VI, 353, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Peace treaty between the Dutch Republic and the Regency of Algiers

[ALGIERS - TREATY - STATES GENERAL]. Tractaat tusschen haar hoog mogende de heeren Staaten Generaal ... en de regeeringe van Algiers. Geslooten in het jaar 1757.
With: (2) Ampliatie tot het tractaat van vrede tusschen ... de Staaten Generaal ... en den Dey en regeering van Algiers. Exhibitum den 10 October 1760.
Middelburg, Johan Bakker, [1758]. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of the Dutch admiralty on the title-page. Contemporary marbled wrappers. 18; 3, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Beautiful work on ships and shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age, with over 200 hand coloured plates

ALLARD, Carel. Niewe[!] Hollandse scheeps-bouw, vertoonende een volmaakt schip ... noch een doorgesnede schip ... voorts allerhande scheeps vlaggen.
Amsterdam, Carel Allard, 1705. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 208 contemporary hand coloured engraved plates (1 folding, 23 double-page, 184 single page), the title-pages of volume 1 and 2 are printed in red and black. Modern gold- and blind-tooled vellum (mimicking contemporary style), a black paper label on the spine with the title and author lettered in gold, green closing ties, dark blue edges. The work is kept in a marbled paper and brown book cloth clamshell box, with a brown paper label on the spine. 56; 72; [8] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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Three letters written in 1539 on the Ottoman threat in the Mediterranean

[LETTERS]. ALVAREZ DE TOLEDO, Pedro and Maria OSORIO Y PIMENTEL. [Three letters to Ferrante Gonzaga, Viceroy of Sicily, two from Pedro Alvarez de Toledo and one from his wife Maria Osorio y Pimentel].
Andria (in the Kingdom of Naples), 13 August to 10 September 1539. Folio (21.5 x 30 cm).
(1) Letter in Italian, signed, from Pedro Alvarez de Toledo in Andria to Ferrante Gonzaga, 13 August 1539, with a 23 mm seal bearing Alvarez de Toledo's coat of arms (with a chain of flags) stamped on a slip of paper attached with red wax.
(2) Letter in Spanish, signed, from Pedro Alvarez de Toledo in Andria to Ferrante Gonzaga, 3 September 1539, with the 45 mm imperial armorial seal stamped on a slip of paper attached with red wax.
(3) Letter in Italian, signed, from Maria Osorio y Pimentel [in Andria] to Ferrante Gonzaga, 10 September 1539, with the remains of what appears to be her husband's 23 mm red wax seal.
Each letter, in brown ink, occupies one page, with the last page containing the address and the sender's seal. The two inside pages of the second and third letter are blank. Each formerly folded for posting, so that the address would have appeared on one side and the seal on the other. [4]; [4]; [2] pp. including blanks. Full description
€ 15,000
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The first and “most sought after” edition of the most popular maritime travel account of the 18th century

ANSON, George and Richard WALTER and/or Benjamin ROBINS (ed.). A voyage round the world, in the years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV.
London, printed for the author, by John and Paul Knapton, 1748. Large 4to. With 42 engraved plates, maps and plans, all but one folding. Bound by Marcus Ward & Co. (founded 1833), with their bookbinder's label on the front paste-down, in 19th-century calf, gold-tooled and blind-tooled frame on both boards, gold-tooled spine with red morocco spine label with title in gold, gold-tooled board edges, blind-tooled turn-ins, red edges, blue ribbon marker. [1], [1 blank], [32], [1 blank], 417, [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Extremely rare account of the Battle of the Sound

[BALTIC SEA]. Confrontation oder Gegenhaltung dess Schwedischen von Hölsingör vom 8 Nov. St. N. datirten, zu Elbing aber gedruckten Schreibens, und dann der gründlichen Relation Einiger Holländischen Schipper welche den 27 Novemb. allhier in Dantzig auffgekommen und an Eydes statt den ganzten Verlauff der neulichen See-Schlacht zwischen Holländischen und Schwedischen Schiffs-Flotten im Sunde, auszgesaget haben.
[Danzig], 1758. 4to. Early 20th-century cloth-backed boards. [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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The condemnation of cowards: a conviction of 4 Dutch captains for their fainthearted behaviour against the Dunkirk pirate Jan Baert during the Battle of Texel (1694)

[MARITIME HISTORY - PIRACY - BATTLE OF TEXEL]. Sententien van den hoogen scheeps-krijghs-raede, jegens de capiteynen Govert vander Weppelen, Simon Holthuysen, Anthony vander Lith en Cornelis vander Hoeven. Gepronuncieert den vierden Mey, 1695.
The Hague, Paulus Scheltus, 1695. 4to. With woodcut vignette and woodcut initials. Modern grey and purple marbled paper wrappers. 14, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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The battle on VOC millions, retrieved by the Dutch sea admiral Michiel de Ruyter

[SECOND ANGLO-DUTCH WAR - BATTLE OF VÅGEN - VOC]. Zee-journael, ofte autentijcq verhael, uyt d'annotatien van de heeren haer hoogh-mogende volmachtighde inde vloot, der doorluchtighste geunieerde Republique, en andere schriften, aengaende al het ghepasseerde, 't zedert 't vertreck van de vloot uyt Spanjaerts-gat na de Noort, tot het wederkeeren voor Goeree, met alle voorvallen in zee, ontmoetingen, ghevecht in Noorwegen, tempeesten, en wat in 't generael en particulier voorgevallen en geschiedt is, van den 13 juny tot den 6 octob. 1665.
[Amsterdam?, Jacobus Venckel?], 1665. 4to. With an ornamental woodcut title-vignette. Contemporary half vellum, marbled sides. 35, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Signed autograph letters of a leading French naval official at Toulon up to the Second Empire

[AUTOGRAPH]. BAUDIN, Charles. [Collection of 14 signed, mostly autograph letters].
Toulon, 1842-1849. 8vo and 4to. Letters in black and brown ink on paper (11 with the "prefecture maritime" letterhead), 1 with its original envelope and 3 originally folded, addressed and sealed for posting without an envelope. Full description
€ 11,500
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Two extremely rare naval print series: one by a nearly forgotten Dutch master
at the French court and the other unrecorded

BEECQ, Jan Karel Donatus van (Jean-Charles-Donat). Plusieurs pieces maritimes.
Paris, "rue St. Jacques aux 2 Piliers d'or" [= Gérard Audran, ca. 1683]. Oblong folio. Series of 6 numbered engraved plates after designs by Van Beecq, including title-page and 5 naval views with captions below. The title-page indicates that the series is engraved by Moyse Jean-Baptiste Fouard, but three of the other plates name Gérard Audran as the engraver.
With: (2) POILLY, Nicolas de. Livre de plusieurs navires de guerre et vaisseaux marchands.
Paris, Nicolas de Poilly, [ca. 1683?]. Oblong 4to. Series of 6 plates, the first with the title as a caption below and the name and address of De Poilly, the others only note "NDePoilly ex C.P.R.", that is "cum privilegio regis". 2 works in 1 volume. Contemporary calf. [12] ll. Full description
€ 19,000
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An important surveying voyage to the Pacific

BELCHER, Edward. Narrative of a voyage round the world, performed in Her Majesty's ship Sulphur, during the years 1836-1842, including details of the naval operations in China, from Dec. 1840 to Nov. 1841.
London, Henry Colburn, 1843. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a folding map of the Canton river, folding map with the routes of the H.M.S. Sulphur, large world chart also showing the route of the Sulphur, 19 steel-engraved views and several illustrations in text. Gold-tooled blue sheepskin, shell-marbled sides. Rebacked. In modern slipcase. XXII, 387; VI, 474 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Large view of ships and boats in the IJ inlet, with Amsterdam in the background, with Tsar Peter the Great of Russia viewing the ship he helped build

BERGE, Pieter van den. Amstelaedamum omnium recentissimè et accuratissime expressum à Petro van den Berghe, Moschus, Arabs[,] Persae, Maurus, Judaeus, uterque[.] Quod ferat huc, rursusque auferat, Indus habet. Hanc dum mundus adit mundumque haec ipsa perrat[!], non urbs fixa loco, sed vagus orbis erit.
Amsterdam, Gerard van Keulen, [ca. 1720]. Etched view (50.5 x 81 cm) on two sheets. In a modern wooden frame. Full description
€ 15,000
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"on pesche les perles ... dans le Golfe Persique, principalement ... aupres de Baroyn [= Bahrain]"

BERQUEN, Robert de. Les merveilles des Indes Orientales et Occidentales, ou Nouveau traitté des pierres precieuses & perles, ...
Paris, Christophe Lambin, 1661. 4to. With an engraved portrait of Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans facing the dedication. Contemporary gold-tooled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled sides. [12], 112 pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Wonderful and very rare nautical atlas for the Mediterranean

BERTHELOT, François. [Nautical atlas of the Mediterranean Sea].
Marseille, "se vend chez Benoît", 1720-1730. Large folio (40 x 55 cm). With 4 double-page engraved maps, with the first half of the first map as the front paste-down and the second half of the last map as the back paste-down. Contemporary vellum-backed boards, reinforced with light brown leather at the head and foot of the spine. 4 nautical maps on [8] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Very rare 2nd edition of the abridged Swedish translation of William Bligh's account of the mutiny on the Bounty

BLIGH, William. Engelske capitainens Wilhelm Blighs resa, genom Södra Werlds-Hafvet, tolf hundrade sjömil i öpen bät, frän Tofoa till Timor.
Including: Nyaste tidningar frän Otahiti.
Uppsala, Joh. Edmans Enka, "1792" [= 1793]. 12mo. With a woodcut vignette on title-page, two woodcut headpieces and a woodcut tailpiece, and a divisional title for the appendix with the latest news from Tahiti. With "resa" set in rococo decorated roman capitals on the title-page and Blighs name in script capitals. Contemporary blue stiff paper wrappers. "119" [=117], [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Dutch voyage through the Pacific looking for commercial opportunities

BOELEN, Jacobus. Reize naar de oost- en westkust van Zuid-Amerika, en, van daar, naar de Sandwichs- en Philippijnsche eilanden, China enz. gedaan, in de jaren 1826, 1827, 1828 en 1829. Met het koopvaardijschip Wilhelmina en Maria.
Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Vries, 1835-1836. 3 volumes. 8vo. With a different view on each of the 3 engraved title-pages, by Dirk Sluyter, 5 folding lithographed maps by Daniel Veelwaard (1 hand coloured in outline), 8 lithographed views (3 folding) by Desgerrois & Co., and 6 hand-coloured engraved plates by Dirk Sluyter, mostly of costumes. Modern black half sheepskin. [4], X, 379, [1]; VIII, 445, [3]; VIII, 396, [4] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Compelling account of shipwreck and survival

BONTEKOE, Willem Ysbrantsz. Journael ofte gedenckwaerdige beschrijvinge van de Oost-Indische reyse. Begrijpende veel wonderlijcke en ghevaerlijcke saecken hem daer in weder-varen. Begonnen den 18. December 1618. en vol-eynd den 16. November 1625. Waer by gevoegd is het Journael van Dirck Albertsz Raven, als oock verscheyden gedenckwaerdige geschiedenissen, op veel plaetsen verbetert en een groot deel vermeerdert.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1648. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a double-page engraved plate with 6 views of the ship at fire and in a storm, the islands St. Mary, Samatra and Princes Eyland, and an image of flying fishes. Modern marbled wrappers. [4], 76 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Compelling account of shipwreck and survival

BONTEKOE van HOORN, Willem Ysbrantsz. Gedenkwaardige beschryving, van de achtjarige en zeer avontuurlyke reise van Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe van Hoorn, gedaan na Oost-Indien, bevattende vele wonderlyke en gevaarlyke zaken, my op dezelve reise wedervaren. Ook is hier bygevoegt een verhaal van Dirk Albertz. Raven, kommandeur op 't schip Spitsbergen, gedestineert na Groenland.
Amsterdam, Barend Koene, [ca. 1820]. 4to. With a half-page woodcut portrait of Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe with the city of Hoorn in the background, 7 (near) half-page woodcut illustrations in the text and a small (typographic) floral tailpiece on the last page. The text of the Bontekoe story is set in Gothic type in two columns, while the tale of Dirk Albertz. Raven is set in a single column in Roman type. Modern half vellum. 64 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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18th-century sales poster for the galleon "De Maria"

BONTEKONINGH, Joannes and Dirk (brokers). ... presenteeren (uyt der hand) te verkoopen, een extraordinary welbezeylt galjoot-schip, genaamt De Maria: is in 't jaar 1711 nieuw uytgehaalt,... en tegenwoordigh in de Nieuwe Zyds Waal, agter de Oude Stads Herbergh, is leggende.
Amsterdam, Karel van Rijschooten II, [ca. 1750]. Half-sheet (ca. 32.5 x 21 cm). Tipped onto a piece of paperboard. Full description
€ 1,500
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Four interesting original signed letters by the French explorer Hyacinthe de Bougainville

BOUGAINVILLE, Hyacinthe Yves Philippe Pottentien, baron de. [Autograph letters by Hyacinthe de Bougainville].
[France], 18[35?], 1837, 18[38], and 1845. (1) 17.7 x 12 cm; (2) 17.7 x 12 cm; (3) 15.6 x 10 cm; (4) 20.4 x 13.2 cm. All four letters written in French, in an early 19th century cursive in brown ink. With the blind-stamped initials "H.B" in the top right corner of each letter. Including:
(1) [Autograph letter from Hyacinthe de Bougainville to Gaspar, baron Gourgaud].
[France], Saturday 26 September 18[35?].
(2) [Autograph letter from Hyacinthe de Bougainville to Madame Delpeche].
[France], 25 March 1837.
(3) [Autograph letter from Hyacinthe de Bougainville to a "Cher Ami"].
[France], 13 April 18[38?].
(4) [Autograph letter from Hyacinthe de Bougainville to a "Cher Ami" and his best "Comrade"].
[France], 16 December 1845.
Folded. [1], [1 blank]; [2], [1 blank] [1]; [3], [1 blank]; [2], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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First edition of this manual for the examination to become a free Master-surgeon in the country or at sea, with a frontispiece by Jan Luyken

BOUT, Bernardus de. t Nieuwe examen der chirurgie, na de hedendaagse praktyk. t samen gestelt voor de gene, welke hare promotie moeten doen om vry messter te werden, en voor die te lande of te water in den oorlog dienen ... Vermeerderd met de Nieuw verbeeterde chirurgyns scheeps-kist [by J. Verbrugge].
Amsterdam, Jan Claesz. ten Hoorn, 1694. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece by Jan Luyken: "Examen der Chirurgie", with imprint below (cut short), woodcut title vignettes, initials and tailpieces. Mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with title in gold. [8], 390, [10], 96 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Biography of the great Dutch naval hero Admiral Michiel de Ruyter. Large paper copy of the first edition

BRANDT, Geeraert. Het leven en bedryf van den heere Michiel de Ruiter.
Amsterdam, for Wolfgang, Waesberge, Boom, van Someren and Goethals, 1687 (engraved title-page: printed by Pieter and Joan Blaeu, 1686). Folio (34.5 x 22.5 cm). With engraved title-page, engraved portrait of De Ruyter, 7 engraved double-page plates by Sebastiaen Stoopendaal and 1 engraved plate by Joseph Mulder. Late 18th-century calf, gold-tooled spine. [10], "1063" [=1065], [23] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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First French edition of the biography of the great Dutch naval hero Admiral Michiel de Ruyter

BRANDT, Geeraert. La vie de Michel de Ruiter duc, chevalier, lieutenant amiral général de Hollande & de Oüest-Frise. Où est comprise l'histoire maritime des Provinces Unies, depuis l'an 1652. jusques à 1676. Traduite du hollandois ...
Amsterdam, Pieter and Joan Blaeu for Waesberge, Boom, Van Someren and Goethals, 1698. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, full-page engraved portrait, 7 double-page engraved plates by Bastiaen Stoopendaal, and 1 full-page engraved plate by J. Mulder. Early 18th-century calf, gold-tooled board edges. [VI], 717, [17], [ 2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Crossing the Atlantic between France and Brazil in the 19th-century: a manuscript decree detailing the establishment of an ocean liner service

[BRAZIL]. D'ORLEANS, Louis-Philippe. [MANUSCRIPT]. Ordonnance du Roi qui prescrit la publication de la convention relative à l'établissement d'un service de paquebots à vapeur entre la France et le Brésil.
Neuilly, 21 May 1844. Small folio (31.5 x 20 cm). Written in French in a very neat calligrapher's cursive. Sewn through 2 holes with a blue ribbon, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank], [14], [4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Hand coloured battle plan for the 1816 attack on Algiers

[BRITISH NAVY - BATTLE PLAN - ALGIERS]. Plan of the Bay and City of Algiers.
[London?, 1816]. 35 x 44. With an illustration of the plan of attack and a view of the fortifications on the Mole at Algiers. Full description
€ 1,750
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Two accounts of Dutch voyages to Chile and Japan

BROUWER, Hendrik. Journael ende historis verhael van de reyse gedaen by oosten de Straet Le Maire, naer de custen van Chili ... inden jare 1643 voor gevallen.
Including: [VRIES, Maerten Gerritsz.]. Als mede een beschryvinghe van het eylandt Eso, ghelegen ontrent dertigh mylen van het machtigh Rijcke van Japan ... soo als eerst in 't selvige jaer door het schip Castricum bezeylt is.
Amsterdam, Broer Jansz., 1646. 4to. With 2 folding engraved maps and a folding engraved plate. Modern wrappers, in cloth clamshell box. 104 pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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The gloating Spanish: relishing in the disastrous fate of the Anglo-Dutch fleet
near Dunkirk on their way to Cádiz in 1625

[CÁDIZ EXPEDITION]. Relacion verdadera de la extraordinaria tormenta que ha tenido la armade Olandesa, y Inglesa, que estava sobre Dunquerque, y de como los nuestros le tomaron, y destruyeron toda su pescaria, y otros varios successos.
Lisbon, Pedro Craesbeeck, 1625. Folio. Not bound. [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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The advantages of steam vessels, with 5 large folding plans

CAMPAIGNAC, Antoine Bernard. De l'état actuel de la navigation par la vapeur et des améliorations dont les navires et appareils a vapeur marins sont susceptibles; suivi de notes explicatives, tableaux, projets, etc.
Paris, L. Mathias (back of half-title: printed by Guiraudet & Jouaust), 1842. 4to. With 5 large engraved folding plans and a letterpress folding table. Contemporary green half sheepskin, gold- and blind-tooled spine. XIX, [1 blank], 355, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Misconduct at Basra by VOC resident

[CANTER, Frans (subject)]. Deductie gedaan ... uit den name ende van wegens bewindhebberen van de Oost-Indische Compagnie ter kamer Amsterdam, eerst requiranten van appoinctement van anticipatie, en nu gedaagdens by mandament van revisie, ter eenre, op ende jegens Aaltje Fransse, weduwe van Cornelis Canter, Jan Canter, en Hendrik van Greuningen, als in huwelyk hebbende Anna Canter, zeggende te zyn moeder, broeder, en zwager respective, van Frans Canter, alle wonende te Amsterdam, ...
[Amsterdam, 1752]. Folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). Side-stitched.
With: (2) Missive van de bewindhebberen van de generale Neederlandsche geoctroyeerde Oostindische Compagnie ter vergadering van Seeventienen.
[Amsterdam, 1758]. Folio (33 x 21 cm). Side-stitched. 28, [1 blank], [1]; 13, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Winds and the weather in the coast of India and the Arabian and Persian Gulf:
first edition of a rare meteorological work

CAPPER, James. Observations on the winds and monsoons; illustrated with a chart and accompanied with notes, geographical and meteorological.
London, Charles Whittingham, 1801 4to. With 1 folding engraved map of the world depicting all the world-wide seas and waters and several tables printed within the text. Later half calf. XXVIII, 29-234 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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First Dutch edition of an account of one of the best-known shipwrecks of the 18th century

CARTER, George. De belangryke geschiedenis van het verongelukken op de Kaffers kust, van het Engelsch Oost-Indisch schip De Grosvenor, bevattende een beschryving van de verbazende rampen en wederwaardigheden, die de geredde schepelingen, in het doortrekken van woestynen en onbewoonde landstreken, hebben ondergaan, samengesteld uit het verslag van John Hynes, een der behouden gebleeven schipbreukelingen. Uit het Engelsch.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allard, 1801. 8vo. With 1 folding lithographed plate (16.5 x 18.5 cm) of the rescue of the passengers.Half calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled spine with black label. VIII, 158 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Dutch corvette attacked by daimyo opposed to foreigners in Japan. First edition with 5 tinted maps

CASEMBROOT, François de. De Medusa in de wateren van Japan, in 1863 en 1864.
The Hague, Van Cleef brothers, 1865. 8vo. With wood-engraved device on title-page and 5 tinted lithographed folding maps. Modern half sheepskin, with the original publisher's wrappers (with Dutch flag on front and back, coloured by hand) bound in. XII, [2], 150 pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Provisional agreement between the Netherlands and Portugal over Ceylon

[CEYLON]. Provisioneel ende particulier tractaet, gemaeckt, gearresteert ende besloten in 's Graven-Hage, den 27. Martii, 1645. tusschen de heer Francisco de Zousa Continho, raedt ende ambassadeur van den doorluchtighsten grootmachtigen Koningh van Portugael, Algarves, &c. ...; ende de ... Staten Generael van de Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Provincien, &c. aengaende de controversie over de jurisdictie ende territorie van 't Fort Galle [in Ceylon], &c.
The Hague widow and heirs of Hillebrandt Jacobsz. van Wouw, 1645 [= The Hague, Paulus Scheltus, ca. 1697?]. 4to. Modern plain-paper wrapper. [8] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Navigation and astronomical research in present-day Canada

CHABERT, Joseph Bernard. Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751, dans l'Amérique septentrionale, pour rectifier les cartes des côtes de l'Acadie, de l'Isle Royale & de l'Isle de Terre-Neuve; et pour en fixer les principaux points par des observations astronomiques.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1753. 4to. With an engraved printer's vignette on the title-page, an engraved headpiece at the beginning of the first chapter, 6 folding engraved maps, a folding engraved plate showing geometrical figures, and a large folding table with calculations for the position of the sun and the moon. Contemporary gold-tooled red morocco. [2], VIII, 288, [10] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Rare first and only editions of Neo-Latin poems on ships and monkeys

CHARLEVAL, Charles-François de. Navis carmen.
Rennes, widow of Mathurnus Denys, 1695. With a folding engraved plate of a 44-gun ship.
With: (2) CHARLEVAL, Charles-François de. Simius carmen.
Rennes, widow of Mathurnus Denys, [ca. 1695]. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. 34, [2 blank], 31 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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First edition of a highly detailed account of the expedition of the Aurora (1884-1885) to Brazil and the Rio de la Plata basin

[CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF THE GLOBE by the CORVETTE AURORA]. [BOSQUET, Victor]. Die Reise S.M. Corvette "Aurora" nach Brasilienen und den La Plata-Staaten in den Jahren 1884-1885.
Vienna, Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1885. Large 8vo. With 3 lithographed folding maps (one coloured) showing the route of His Majesty's Ship Aurora along the east coast of South America. Contemporary half brown cloth with the original publisher's printed wrappers mounted on the boards. 56 pp. Full description
€ 4,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare narrative of a shipwrecked voyage to India

CONCEIÇÃO, Frei Nuno da. Relaçam da viagem, e sucesso que teve a nao capitania Nossa Senhora do Bom Despacho. De que era Capitaô Francisco de Mello, vindo da India no anno de 1630.
Lisbon, "P. Craesbeeck" [= Antonio Pedrozo Galram?], "1631" [= ca. 1710/20?]. 4to. With woodcut of a ship in heavy seas on the last page, a woodcut basket of flowers on title-page and a large woodcut vase of flowers tailpiece.
Earlier vellum with a manuscript cantochon in red and black, new endpapers. [8], 47, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Extremely rare, controversial account of the Indian Revolt of 1857, signed by the author

[COOPER, Frederick Henry]. The crisis in the Punjab, from the 10th of May until the fall of Delhi, by a Punjab employe[!]. For the benefit of the "Lawrence Asylum".
Lahore, Punjabee Press, H. Gregory, 1858. 8vo. With two plans of troop formation mounted in the text, including one folding. The title-page is set within a decorative frame and part of the appendix is set in Arabic script. Modern half brown calf, with gold lettering on the spine and marbled sides, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], II, IV, [1 blank], V, 154, VI, [1 errata slip, verso blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Naval poems and songs from the Franco-Dutch War

COOPMAN, Ocke Jeyes. Zee-clio, of gedichten in 's lants vloot gemaeckt in de jaren 1672, en 1673.
Amsterdam, Carel Allard, [ca. 1673]. 4to. With the woodcut device of the Amsterdam admiralty on title-page (Dutch garden guarded by a lion holding two anchors), 3 woodcut decorated initials (1 series). Modern half calf, marbled sides. 62, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Portuguese shipwreck off the coast of Africa, a classic of Portuguese literature

CORTE REAL, Jeronimo. Naufragio, e lastimoso successo da perdiçaõ de Manoel de Sousa de Sepulveda, e Dona Lianor de Sá, sua mulher, e filhos, vindo da India para este reyno Náo chamada o Galiaõ grande S. João,...
Lisbon, Francisco Rolland, 1783. Small 8vo (15 x 11 cm). Contemporary limp vellum. XIV, [1], [1 blank], 351, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 550
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Ironclad ships on the frozen Dnieper at the Battle of Kinburn in the Crimean War

[CRIMEAN WARS]. PARIS, [Edouard?], Adolphe BAYOT, Eugène CICÉRI, Antoine Léon MOREL FATTO. Nos souvenirs de Kil-Bouroun pendant l'hiver passé dans le liman du Dnieper 1855-1856. ... Album lithographié ...
Paris, Arthus-Bertrand (printed by Becquet frères), [1856]. 1mo (63 x 46 cm). An album of views, most including ships on the river, from the Battle of Kinburn in the Crimean War, comprising 17 plates: 1 tinted lithographed title-page, 15 tinted and double-tinted lithographed views (image size 30 x 46 cm) and a lithographed map. Many views also coloured by hand. Later half blue cloth portfolio. [17] lithographed ll. Full description
€ 7,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Governor-General Daendel's rule in the Dutch East Indies

DAENDELS, Herman Willem. Staat der Nederlandsche Oostindische bezittingen, onder het bestuur van der gouverneur-generaal Herman Willem Daendels, ridder, luitenant-generaal, &c. in de jaren 1808-1811.
The Hague, (colophon: Hendrik van Teeckelenburgh and the Van Cleef brothers), 1814. 4 volumes. Folio. With a small portrait of Daendels mounted on the half-title of the first volume. Contemporary boards. [6], 128, [1 blank]; [334]; [596]; [488] pp. Full description
€ 5,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Manuscript fortification plan of Sluis, signed by Napoleon's future Minister of War

DEJEAN, Jean-François-Aimé. Plan de la ville de l'Ecluse et de l'attaque de cette place par les Français.
[Netherlands, ca. 1800]. Manuscript fortification plan (54 x 49.5 cm) in ink on paper, with watercolour in green and red. With large panel at lower right with keys to important locations and the locations of the troops during the attack and title in large panel at the head. Scale ca. 1:9500. Signed "Vu Dejean". Full description
€ 2,250
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Extensive hunting and fishing dictionary

[DELISLE DE SALES, Jean-Baptiste-Claude]. Dictionnaire théorique et pratique de chasse et de pêche.
Paris, Son of J.B.G. Musier, 1769. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a small engraved illustration on the title-page of each part, one showing a hunting scene, the other a fishing/angling scene. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers. [3], [1 blank], LVII, 58-60, 1-75, [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 510, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 350
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Solving the mysterious disappearance of the famous explorer La Pérouse in the South Sea Islands

DILLON, Peter. Reis naar de eilanden der Zuidzee, gedurende de jaren 1827 en 1828, behelzende het verslag der ontdekking van het lot van De la Pérouse.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1830. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed frontispieces and a folding engraved map of Vanikoro. The plates are new for this edition, lithographed by Jean Augustin Daiwaille after designs by (Pieter van der?) Meulen and based on the plates in the English edition. Contemporary stiff sprinkled paper wrappers. X, 336; VI, 350 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Very well preserved broadsheet with attractive hand-coloured aquatint commemorating the Battle of Trafalgar

DODD, Robert. Plan of the attack by Lord Nelson, on the combined fleet, October 21st 1805.
London, printed by J. Smeeton for Robert Dodd, November 1805. Aquatint plan (26.5 x 36.5 cm) coloured by a contemporary hand on a broadsheet (66 x 44 cm), with letterpress text below. Framed (85 x 60 cm). Full description
€ 2,800
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Francis Drake’s failed attempt to depose the King of Spain and Portugal

DRAKE, Francis (subject). Brevis & fida narratio, et continuatio rerum omnium a Drako et Norreysio (post ex Occidentalibus Insulis, reditum) in sua expeditione Portugallensi singulis diebus gestarum.
Frankfurt am Main, Paul Brachfeldt, 1590. 4to. With the woodcut arms on the title-page, the upper related to that of Queen Elizabeth of England and the lower that of King Philip I of Portugal (Philip II of Spain), each supported by putti, a full-page woodcut standing soldier with sword and spear, perhaps intended as Francis Drake. Gold-tooled green morocco (2nd half of 19th century). [2], 29, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Important account of the Great Siege of Gibraltar, with 10 engraved maps and views

DRINKWATER BETHUNE, John. A history of the late Siege of Gibraltar. With a description and account of that garrison, from the earliest periods. ... Third edition.
London, T. Spilsbury, 1786. 4to. With an engraved device on title-page, 4 folding engraved maps and 6 folding engraved views. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. XXIV, 356 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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"One of the most important eye-witness accounts of the battle"

DRINKWATER BETHUNE, John. A narrative of the Battle of St. Vincent; with anecdotes of Nelson, before and after that battle.
London, Saunders & Otley (back of title-page: printed by William Wilcockson), 1840. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece with a portrait of Horatio Nelson, 3 wood-engraved vignettes and 8 lithographed full-page sea-battle plans. Publisher's original blind-blocked cloth, with title in gold on spine and front board, gilt edges. XII, 97, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Naval convoys for merchant ships; import and export taxes on 430 goods, under the short-lived British governorship of the Netherlands

DUDLEY, Robert, Earl of Leicester. Placcaet op tstuck vande convoyen (mitsgaders licenten, ...) ghedaen ... by zyne Excellentie, tot Utrecht den laetsten Aprilis, anno. M. D. LXXXVI.
Utrecht, widow of Coenraet Henricksz, 1586.
With: (2) DUDLEY, Robert, Earl of Leicester. [Incipit:] ¶ Robert, Grave van Leycester ..., allen ... die deze ... sullen sien oft hooren lesen saluyt. Alsoo ...: so ist dat wy ... goet ... geacht hebben, alle de ... lysten vanden goedere[n] gaende naer ... vreemde lande[n], ..., te redigeren en[de] dresseren in ee[n] sijste[! = lijste], ....
(Colophon: Utrecht, printed by Hendrick van Borculo, [1586]). 2 works sewn together. 4to. Disbound. [8]; [17], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare first Dutch translation of a landmark in the development of naval architecture

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri-Louis. Grondbeginselen van den scheepsbouw, of werkdadige verhandeling der scheepstimmerkunst.
The Hague and Amsterdam, Ottho van Thol and Gerrit de Groot, 1759. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, the title-page is printed in red and black with a woodcut vignette, 24 folding plates on 23 leaves, 7 folding letterpress tables, 9 engraved headpieces (1 at the start of each chapter), a woodcut illustration as a vignette on the title-page, and numerous woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary gold-tooled half brown calf. [2], X, 11-38, [2], 359, [1], XX pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Rare first Dutch translation of a landmark in the development of naval architecture

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri-Louis. Grondbeginselen van den scheepsbouw, of werkdadige verhandeling der scheepstimmerkunst; int Fransch beschreven ...
The Hague, Ottho van Thol; Amsterdam, Gerrit de Groot, 1759. Large 4to. With an engraved view of a shipyard, 9 charming engravings showing various scenes of shipbuilding and 24 large plates on 23 folding sheets, and 7 folding leaves with letterpress tables. Contemporary half red roan, marbled sides. [2], X, 11-38, [2], 350, XX pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Enslaved in northern Africa for 34 years

DUMONT, Pierre Joseph and Jacques Salbigoton QUESNÉ. Narrative of thirty-four years slavery and travels in Africa.
London, printed for Richard Philips and co. (back of title-page: printed by G. Sidney), 1819. 8vo. With a engraved frontispiece with a portrait of Dumont. Later green paper wrappers. IV, [5]-46 pp. Full description
€ 600
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9 letters from one of the leading naval figures of the 19th century

DUPERRÉ, Admiral Guy-Victor. [9 autograph letters, signed, mostly from the writer's time as Préfet maritime in Brest].
Brest, 22 February 1819 - 18 June 1829. Folio and 4to. Autograph letters in French, written in brown ink on single and double leaves of several laid and wove paper stocks.
With: (2) GHÉMAR, Louis-Joseph. Duperré [lithographic portrait].
Brussels, Charles Hen (printed by P. Degobert), dated 1842 by the artist. [4]; [1], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank]; [2]; [2] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Annual report of the Batavia Chamber of Commerce, luxuriously bound for presentation

[DUTCH EAST INDIES]. Verslag over het jaar 1867, zamengesteld door de kamer van koophandel en nijverheid te Batavia.
Batavia, Bruining & Wijt, 1868. 8vo. With 3 folding tables. Contemporary richly gold-blocked red sheepskin, front board with the dedication: "Aan Zijne Excellentie den Gouverneur Generaal van Nederlandsch Indië", gilt edges; rebacked with the original backstrip laid down; new endpapers. XVIII, 604 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Ocean waves, flooding & hydraulic engineering, well-illustrated

EMY, Amand Rose. Ueber die Bewegung der Wellen und über den Bau am Meere und im Meere. ... Mit 10 Kupfertafeln [sic].
Vienna, Ludwig Förster's artistischer Anstalt (on reverse of title-page: printed by J.P. Sollinger), 1839. 8vo. With 10 folding lithographic plates (23 x 39 to 54 cm) with 75 figures showing diagrams of wave forms and motions, and plans and cross-sections of coasts, man-made barriers, buildings, hydraulic devices, etc. 19-century blue cloth. [2], XIV, 242, [2] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Eyewitness account of the bombing of Algiers in 1688

ESPINOSA, Antonio de. Copia de una carta que ha escrito desde la ciudad de Argel el padre procurador Fray Antonio de Espinosa, religioso calzado del Orden de la Santissima Trinidad, redencion de cautivos, y administrador de los cinco reales hospitales, que su sagrada religion tiene en aquella ciudad.
(Colophon: Madrid, Sebastian de Armendariz), 12 October [1688]. Small 4to (19 x 14 cm). With a large woodcut initial with a parrot. Disbound. 6 ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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Monograph on rivers, torrents and inland navigation

FABRE, Jean Antoine. Essai sur la théorie des torrens et des rivières, contenant les moyens les plus simples d'en empêcher les ravages, d'en rétrécir le lit & d'en faciliter la navigation, le hallage & la flottaison. Accompagné d'une discussion sur la navigation intérieure de la France; et terminé par le projet de rendre Paris, port maritime en faisant remonter à la voile, par la Seine, les navires qui s'arrêtent à Rouen.
Paris, Bidault, 1797. 4to (29 x 21.5 cm). With 8 folding engraved plates, showing how to determine the drop of a river, the contents of water, how to change currents, how to create different effects with different dyke constructions, etc. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, in the style of Bradel & Derôme. [4], XXXII, 284 pp. Full description
€ 750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Classic of surveying & instrument-making

FABRI, Ottavio. L'uso della squadra mobile, con la quale per teorica, e pratica si misura geometricamente ogni distanza, altezza, e profondità; ... accresciuta in questa terza edizione di parecchie istruzioni, ..., ec. da Giovanni Vettori.
Trent, Stamparia Vescovile Paroniana [= Giambattista Parone, printer to the Diocese of Trent], 1753. 4to. With engraved architectural title-page, 1 unnumbered folding and 3 numbered illustration plates, 25 engraved illustrations in the text, engraved arms of the dedicatee, 1 engraved pictorial initial letter. Richly gold-tooled contemporary tanned sheepskin, silk ties, gilt edges. XII, 9-144 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Europe fortified: the fortifications of Marolois, Stevin and Vauban, beautifully mapped,
together with an atlas of the coasts of France, also with fortifications

FER, Nicolas de. Les forces de l' Europe, ou description des principales villes; avec leurs fortifications. . . .
Paris, "chez l'auteur" [=Nicolas de Fer, a false imprint], 1695-1696 [printed in Amsterdam, for Pieter Mortier, 1695-ca. 1702]. 10 parts in 1 volume. With 234 beautifully engraved plates (a few folding) with 366 maps and views of fortified cities.
With: (2) FER, Nicolas de. Costes de France, sur l' ocean & sur la Mer Mediterranée &c. avec leurs fortifications. . . .
Paris, "Nicolas de Fer" [a false imprint], 1695. [printed in Amsterdam, for Pieter Mortier]. With engraved title-page and 40 engraved plates (including 2 folding). 2 works in 12 parts or volumes, bound as 1 volume. Oblong 1mo (30×37 cm). Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. Full description
€ 17,500
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A standard navigational directory for the Indian Archipelago

FINDLAY, Alexander George. A directory for the navigation of the Indian archipelago and the coast of China, from the Straits of Malacca and Sunda, and the passages east of Java, to Canton, Shanghai, the Yellow Sea, and Korea. With the descriptions of the winds, monsoons, and currents, and general instructions for the various channels, harbours, etc. Third edition.
London, Richard Holmes Laurie, 1889. Royal 8vo. With 11 folding maps and charts. Original publishers blindstamped cloth, lettered in gold. XLVIII, IV, 1478; [2], 8 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The North West Passage: rare Dutch translation of a journal
made on William Parrys first expedition by the ships surgeon

FISHER, Alexander (J. LEHMAN DE LEHNSFELD, transl.). Dagboek eener ontdekkingsreis naar de Noorderpoolstreken, met de schepen Zijner Grootbrittanische Majesteit Hecla en Griper, in de jaren 1819 en 1820. Uit het Engelsch naar den vierden verbeterden druk door J. Lehman de Lehnsfeld.
Dordrecht, Blussé and Van Braam, 1822. 8vo. With a folding map of the Northwest Territories or Nonavut (Canada), including the Melville Island, and 2 engravings in the text of a musk ox and an Eskimo. Modern sprinkled orange paper over thin boards with a modern spine label with printed title. [4], 364 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Testing chronometers by Harrison's leading French rival

FLEURIEU, Charles Pierre Claret, Count d'Eveux de. Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1768 et 1769, à différentes parties du monde, pour éprouver en mer les horloges marines inventées par M. Ferdinand Berthoud. Première[-seconde] partie, ...
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1773. 2 volumes. Large 4to (27 x 20.5 cm). With 5 numbered folding engraved plates in volume 1 (4 maps of the Atlantic Ocean, the Canaries, the Azores, etc., and 1 plate with topographic diagrams), 1 folding engraved plate with geometrical figures illustrating the determination of latitude[!], and 5 folding letterpress tables in volume 2. Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf. [2], LXXIX, [1 blank], 803, [1 blank]; [2], 622, XL, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Rare Dutch edition of the account of the first circumnavigation of Australia

FLINDERS, Matthew. Ontdekkings-reis naar het groote Zuidland anders Nieuw Holland; bezigtiging van het zelve in 1801, 1802, en 1803; noodlottige schipbreuk, en gevangenschap van 6½ jaar bij de Franschen op Mauritius.
Haarlem, Loosjes, 1815-1816. 4 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with an engraved title-page with a different oval view (King George Sound, Port Jackson, Wreck Reefs and Rempart River), and a large folding engraved map of New Holland loosely inserted. Contemporary mottled half calf, with gold fillets on spine. [4], XVI, 362; [4], 346; [4], 415, [1 blank]; [4], 416 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Masting and rigging of ships, with 25 plates

FORFAIT, Pierre Alexandre Laurent. Traité élémentaire de la mature des vaisseaux, a l'usage des élèves de la marine; ... Seconde édition, ... considérablement augmentée ... Suivi d'un mémoire sur le système de construction des mâts d'assemblage en usage dans les ports de Hollande ...
Paris, Bachelier (back of half-title: printed by De Fain), 1815. 4to. With 25 engraved folding plates and with several tables folded because they exceed our copy's margins. Contemporary green half calf, gold-tooled spine. 16, 340, [2] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Manuscript plan of the "Stelling Den Helder": the oldest surviving defence line in Dutch military history, including the important marine shipyard Willemsoord

[FORTIFICATION PLAN - DEN HELDER - WILLEMSOORD]. KRAG, Rasmus. Kort over en deel af provindsen Nordholland med befestningen af de Helder, maritime & etablissementet Willemsoort samt en deel af den nye Nordhollandske Canal.
[The Netherlands?], 1825. Double Elephant 1mo sheet (92 x 63 cm). With a pen and ink-drawn fortification plan (ca. 85 x 55 cm) of the Den Helder fortifications and the marine shipyard Willemsoord, coloured by a contemporary hand, with a manuscript title, scales and a key in Danish, written in a fine and legible 19th-century hand surrounding the plan. On Whatman wove paper. Folded. [1] sheet. Full description
€ 1,800
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Agricultural sketch of rural New York State, a shipwreck and a journey along the Azores

FOWLER, John. Journal of a tour in the state of New York, in the year 1830; with remarks on agriculture in those parts most eligible for settlers: and return to England by the Western Islands, in consequence of shipwreck in the Robert Fulton.
London, Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot (colophon: Liverpool, printed by E. Smith and co), 1831. 8vo. Modern half calf, marbled sides, title in gold on spine. [2], V, [1], 7-333, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 450
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Unpublished illustrated supplement to Duhamel du Monceau's Traité général des pesches

[AUTOGRAPH]. FRANCQ VAN BERKHEY, Jean le. [Autograph letter in French, signed, to Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau.]
Leiden, 10 December 1771. 25 x 20 cm (letter) & 23.5 x 18.5 cm (manuscript). Never bound.
With: [MANUSCRIPT]. [FRANCQ VAN BERKHEY, Jean LE]. Memoires, pour servir a ce que l'illustre auteur de "L'histoire generale des poissons" Monsieur M. Du Hamel de Monceau, solicite a l'egard des morues.
[Leiden, 1771].
A letter and treatise in French, written in dark brown ink on paper in a neat and easily readable hand, the treatise with 9 tipped-in pen and ink illustrations drawn by the author (6.5 x 10.5 to 11.5 x 21.5 cm) and a few small illustrations in the text. [4]; “29” [= 30], [1], [1 blank] pp. plus tipped in illustrations. Full description
€ 25,000
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Splendid manuscript on the state, condition and organization of the French Royal navy in 1732,
from the library of Henri Beraldi

[FRENCH ROYAL NAVY]. [Binding title:] Abregé de la marine du Roy 1732.
[Paris?, 1732]. 13.5×19 cm. Manuscript in brown-black, red and blue ink on vellum, some of the lettering and borders gilt. With a beautiful frontispiece painting in coloured gouaches (14×9.5 cm) pasted on the page facing the opening of the text, showing a small warship at a shipyard in a small harbour being repaired by workmen. Contemporary red morocco, gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled fillets on boards and board edges, richly gold-tooled frame, gilt edges. Frontispiece plus [2], 26 ll., including 2 double and 1 larger folding. Full description
€ 95,000
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Rare Swedish scientific dissertation on the making of nautical charts and their use

FRIBERG, Olavus and Olavus HERWECH. Q.B.V. Dissertatio academica, de constructione et usu mapparum hydrographicarum, quam consentiente ampliss. senatu philosoph. in regia academia Upsaliensi, publico eruditorum examini modeste submittunt auctor Olavus Friberg et respondens Olavus Herwech. ad. fil. Vermelandi, In auditorio Carolino Marjori die III. Maji Anno MDCCXLIV.
Uppsala, 1744. 4to. With 4 woodcut geometrical illustrations in the text, a large woodcut headpiece (with the words "constantia coronatur" in it) and one large woodcut decorated initial. Modern stiff (marbled?) paper boards with the title in gold on the spine. 16 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Spanish pioneer of the use of the chronometer in navigation and mapping

GALIANO, Dionisio Alcalá. Memoria sobre las observaciones de latitud y longitud en el mar.
[Madrid], widow of Joaquin Ibarra, 1796. Narrow 4to (20.5 x 14 cm). With a woodcut crowned cypher monogram (of a Spanish Duke?) on the title-page and 7 folding leaves containing 13 numbered letterpress tables. Early 19th-century gold-tooled tree calf. [2], 87, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Well-illustrated encyclopaedia of astronomical and surveying instruments from the time of Galileo,
with a world map in two hemispheres, and 3 volvelles

GALLUCCI, Giovanni Paolo. Della fabrica et uso di diversi stromenti di astronomia, et cosmografia, ove si vede la somma della teorica, et pratica di queste due nobilissime scienze.
Venice, Roberto Meietti, 1598. 4to (22 x 16.5 cm). With engraved title-page, folding woodcut plate, 3 woodcut volvelles with moving parts, and numerous woodcut illustrations in text. Including a world map in two hemispheres (incl. America and a scattering of islands at the location of Australia) on two facing pages, they reappear with volvelle attachments on both sides of leaf 149 and leaf 153. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [8], 228 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Three fortification plans, including a large coloured plan of the fortifications of Neuf-Brisach

[DRAWING - FORTIFICATION]. GENNEP, T.P. van. [Three fortification plans].
[Raamsdonk], 1798. 3 manuscript fortification plans (measuring (ad 1) 58 x 93 cm, (ad 2) 24.5 x 24.5 cm (ad 3) 29.5 x 37 cm) on paper. All signed: T.P. van Gennep, 1798; and one: Raamsdonk, 29 January 1798. Full description
€ 950
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The art of navigation for aspiring VOC helmsmen

GIETERMAKER, Klaas Hendriksz. 't Vergulde licht der zee-vaard, ofte konst der stuurlieden.
Amsterdam, Johannes II van Keulen [frontispiece: Gerard van Keulen], [not before 1742, ca. 1747?].
(2) [VOOGHT, Claas Jansz.]. De taeffelen der sinuum, tangentium en secantium, ofte der hoekmaaten, raecklijnen en snijlijnen.
Amsterdam, Johannes II van Keulen, [late 17th, early 18th century].
(3) [Drop-title:] De tafel des aardryks breeten en langten, der voornaamste zee-plaatsen des bekenden aardbols.
Amsterdam, Johannes II van Keulen, [late 17th or early 18th century].
3 works in 1 volume, the first in 4 parts. 4to. Contemporary gold-tooled mottled brown calf. [12], 106, [2]; 152, 8; 120; [2], 70, [66]; 16, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Convolute with rare Dutch works on the art of navigation, richly illustrated with many mathematical
and geometrical figures and two circle figures with moving volvelles

GIETERMAKER, Klaas Hendriksz. 't Vergulde licht der zee-vaard, ofte konst der stuurlieden. Zynde een volkomen en klare onderwyzinge der navigatie, bestaande in 't geen een stuurman hoognodig behoorde te weten.
Amsterdam, Joannes van Keulen & sons, [not before 1774]. With an engraved frontispiece, 2 engraved circle figures with moving volvelles, 1 engraved mathematical and geometrical folding plate, many tables (some folding) and many mathematical and geometrical woodcut illustrations and figures in the text.
(2) DOUWES, Bernardus Joannes. Tafelen, bevattende 1°. De sinussen, tangenten en secanten, van minuut tot minuut voor ieder boog van het quadrant, in hunne natuurlyke getallen, op een radius van 10.000.000. 2°. Derzelver logarithmen. 3°. De logarithmen der gewoone getallen, in hunne natuurlyke orde van opvolging, van 1 tot 10.000. 4°. De vergrootende breedten, in tiende-deelen van minuuten. 5°. De streektafelen, naar het plat en het rond, voor ieder geheele compasstreek van een vierde-rond. Nieuwe, naauwkeurige en veel verbeterde uitgaave.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1779. Completely filled with mathematical tables.
(3) [drop title:] Tafel van de lengte en breedte der meest bekende zee-plaatzen.
[Amsterdam?, Gerard Hulst van Keulen?, ca. 1779?].
3 works in 1 volume, the first in 4 parts. 4to. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. Ad 1: [8], 106; 152, 8; 97; 98-120 pp. Ad 2: [233], [1 blank] pp. Ad 3: 39, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The Paulus van Uchelen - Sir Andrew Fountaine copy,
finely bound for the former by Albert Magnus

GIUSTINIANI, Agostino de. Castigatissimi annali con la loro copiosa tavola della eccelsa et illustrissima Republica di Genoa, da fideli et approvati scritti accuratamente racolti.
Genoa, Antonio Bellone, 1537. Folio. Title-page in red and black with a woodcut device incorporating the coat of arms of Genoa supported by angels (the cross in the arms also printed in red), a large woodcut showing Saint George slaying the dragon on the back of the title-page; beautiful woodcut decorated initials (some pictorial) in the text (at least 5 series). Set in roman type, with the privilege line on the title-page in a larger rotunda gothic, and with 5 different vine-leaf ornaments. Gold-tooled strong ivory vellum (ca. 1674/89? ), bound by Albert Magnus for the Dutch book collector Paulo van Uchelen, sewn on 5 supports, each board gold-tooled with an outer frame of double fillets with very small, square cornerpieces, an inner frame of 2 double fillets with small cornerpieces within the 2 double fillets and a crown in each of the four corners of the inner frame. The gold-tooled spine contains a black label with a gold-tooled elephant at the head and just below a manuscript title. Red and brown sprinkled edges. [14], 282 ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Confidential letters on the Baltic Sea trade,
written by the Dutch Republic's resident in Copenhagen to the States General

[BALTIC SEA TRADE]. GOES, Robert. [4 confidential letters by Robert Goes to the registrars of the Dutch States General on the Baltic Sea trade].
[The Netherlands, written 1689-1690 and copied then or soon after]. 4 manuscript letters. Folio. Written in one column in three different 17th-century hands (each letter written, signed and dated in a single hand) on 5 bifolia (2 bifolia for the letter dated 5 December 1689). Folded. [3], [1 blank]; [2]; [2]; [2] ll. Full description
€ 3,250
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Goos's West-Indische paskaert in its very rare first state: a monumental nautical chart of the Atlantic Ocean
on vellum in Mercator projection, used by the Dutch West Indian Company (WIC)

GOOS, Pieter. West-Indische Paskaert waer in de graden der breedde over wederzijden van de middellijn wassende so vergrooten dat die geproportioneert sijn tegen hunne nevenstaende graden de lengde. Vertonende behalve[n] Europaes zuydelijcste alle de zeekusten van Africa en America begrepen in 't Octroy bij de H.M.H. Staten Generael der vereenichde Nederl. verleent aende Generale West Indische Compagnie. Mitsgaders die van Peru en Chili inde groote Zuyd-Zee.
Amsterdam, Pieter Goos, [ca. 1660]. Printed on vellum (ca. 80 x 98 cm) from one large copperplate engraving, partly coloured by a contemporary hand. Full description
€ 185,000
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A rare, very important work on the scientific side of nautical navigation, by a leading 17th-century Dutch mathematician

GRAAF, Abraham de. De seven boecken van de groote zeevaert, zijnde een volkomen klare, en konstige beschrijvinghe der navigatie.
Amsterdam, Pieter Goos, 1658. 7 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a half-page engraving on the half-title, a woodcut vignette on the title-page, 6 folding engraved tables and numerous woodcut mathematical diagrams, figures, tables and other illustrations in the text. With woodcut tailpieces and woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary vellum with a manuscript title on the spine. [1], [1 blank], [8], 39, [1 blank]; [2], 4, [45], [1 blank], [90], 5-91, [1 blank]; 96; 86, [2 blank]; 39, [1 blank]; 60, 18, [2 blank]; 96, [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

3 militaria: on understanding the "human heart" of soldiers and on battles in the West Indies

GRASSE-TILLY, Francois Joseph Paul de. Memorie van den Graave de Grasse, betreffende de actien in de West-Indiën voorgevallen.
[Amsterdam?, 1782]. With 8 large folding engraved nautical nautical charts.
(2) [KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Korte schets over de noodzaaklykheid van de kennisse van het menschlyk hart voor een chef.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1791.
(3) [KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Korte verklaringe van verscheidene actiën tusschen de Engelsche en Fransche vlooten, geduurende den laatsten oorlog. In de West-Indiën voorgevallen.
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1791. With 21 folding engraved plates including nautical charts showing the French and English fleets near Grenada, Basseterre, Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts and Santo Domingo on Hispaniola. 3 works in 1 volume. Royal 4to (29 x 23.5 cm). Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf. 55, [1 blank]; 27; [8], 25, [1], 5 pp. Full description
€ 5,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The British navy's pilot guide for crossing the South Indian Ocean

[GREAT BRITAIN, HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT]. South Indian Ocean pilot. Madagascar, Îles Comores, Île de la Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles Group, Chagos Archipelago, and other islands lying westward of Longitude 80° East. Eighth edition.
Taunton, published by the hydrographer of the navy, 1971. With supplement no. 5 (1977). 8vo. With 2 small maps, 8 coastal profiles, 9 diagrams and 11 climatic tables in the book and also 1 view of the coast of Marie Louise Islet (1975) in the supplement.Contemporary blue cloth with printed title in yellow. XI, [1 blank], 333, [1]; 40 pp. Full description
€ 600
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The British navy's pilot guide for crossing the South Indian Ocean

[GREAT BRITAIN - HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT]. South Indian Ocean Pilot. Madagascar, Îles Comores, Île de la Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles Group, Chagos Archipelago, and other islands lying westward of Longitude 80° East. Eight edition.
Taunton, published by the hydrographer of the navy, 1971. With supplement no. 6 (1979). 8vo. With 2 small maps, 8 coastal profiles, 9 diagrams and 11 climatic tables in the book and also 1 view of the coast of Marie Louise Islet (1975) in the supplement. Contemporary blue cloth with printed title in yellow. XI, [1 blank], 333, [1]; 47 pp. Full description
€ 600
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74 views of a wide variety of boats and ships, with informative captions

GUEROULT DU PAS, Pierre Jacques. Les differens batimens de la mer oceanne, ...
(2) GUEROULT DU PAS, Pierre Jacques. Les differens batimens de la Mer Mediterranée, ...
(3) GUEROULT DU PAS, Pierre Jacques. Petits batimens de l'ocean.
Paris, Pierre Giffart, [titles of parts 2 & 3 dated 1709]. 3 parts in 1 volume. Oblong Imperial 16mo (12.5 x 16.5 cm). Part 1 with 30 engraved leaves including the title-page, part 2 with 30 engraved leaves including the title-page, and part 3 with 16 engraved leaves. All together 76 plates (plate size mostly ca. 7 x 11 cm, the title plates to parts 1 & 2 ca. 10 x 12 cm) depicting a wide variety of boats and ships, each with a caption identifying the type of ship. Contemporary French gold-tooled calf. Subtly rebacked with the original back-strip laid down. 30; 30; 16 engr. ll. Full description
€ 15,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Early work on navigation and a primary source for seamen’s “barbaric” language

GUEVARA, Antonio de. Libro de los inventores del arte de marear, y de muchos trabajos que se passan enlas galeras. ... Tocanse enel muy excellentes antiguedades, y avisos muy notables para los que navegan en galeras.
Antwerp, Martin Nutius, [ca. 1545/46]. Small 8vo (13.5 x 10 cm). With Nutius's woodcut device on the title-page. Set in rotunda gothic type with a few words in a large roman. Blind-tooled brown goatskin (1920s?) in 16th-century style by Victor Arias (1856-1935) in Madrid, gold-tooled turn-ins. XXIX, [1], [2 blank] ll. Full description
€ 12,000
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Important work on navigation and an early mention of playing cards

GUEVARA, Antonio de. Epistres dorées moralles & familieres.
GUEVARA, Antonio de and Jean de GUTERRY (translator). Tome second des epistres dorées et discours salutaires.
GUEVARA, Antonio de. Le troisieme livre des epistres illustres.
Lyon, Macé Bonhomme, 1558-1559.
(2) GUEVARA, Antonio de. Traité des travaux et privileges des galeres & des inventeurs de l'art de naviger.
Lyon, Macé Bonhomme, 1560.
2 works (the first in 3 parts) in 1 volume. 4to. With the titles of the first 3 books in woodcut architectural borders; 2 woodcut illustrations in the text and a number of large woodcut historiated initials. 18th-century tree calf, rebacked with the original backstrip laid down, later endpapers. Full description
€ 2,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare issue of a detailed account Dieppe's defeat of the Flemish in an important 1555 sea battle

[GUILLAS, Denis]. Histoire de la bataille navalle faite par les Dieppois & Flamans: qui est l'une des plus furieuses & soudaines expeditions de mer, qui ayt esté entreprise de nostre temps sur les ennemis du Roy.
Paris, Estienne Denise, [1557?]. Small 8vo (15 x 10 cm). With 2 woodcut decorated initials and one cast fleuron (Vervliet, Vine leaf ornaments 173). Set in roman type with incidental italic. Finely executed late 19th-century(?) French red morocco by René Aussour, gold-tooled turn-ins, title, place of publication and date 1555 in gold in 2nd and 3rd of 6 spine compartments, gilt edges. [51], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Letter by famous Scottish explorer of the Korean coasts and parts of China

[AUTOGRAPH]. HALL, Basil. [Autograph letter, signed, to Aaron Louis Frédéric Regnault, Baron de la Susse].
Smyrna (Izmir, Turkey), 27 June 1842. 8vo (18 x 11 cm). Manuscript letter in English, in brown ink on one side of an 8vo double leaf. Signed at the foot by Basil Hall. [1], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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An impassioned defense of Jay's Treaty translated into Portuguese

HARPER, Robert Goodloe. Reflexoens sobre a questaõ entre os Estados Unidos e a França.
Philadelphia, London, 1798. Small 8vo. Contemporary marbled calf, gold-tooled spine with a red morocco title label lettered in gold, red sprinkled edges. 322 pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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First Dutch edition of 4 English maritime expeditions, including the first official account of Cook's first voyage

HAWKESWORTH, John (editor). Reizen rondom de weereld, ondernomen . . . tot het doen van ontdekkingen in het zuider halfrond . . .
BYRON, John. [Drop title:] Verkort verhaal der reizen . . . Tocht van den Kommandeur Byron.
WALLIS, Samuel. Verkort verhaal eener reize rondom de weereld, gedaan in de jaaren 1766, 1767 en 1768. . . . voerende des Konings schip Den Dolphyn.
CARTERET, Philip. Verkort verhaal eener reize rondom de weereld, gedaan in de jaaren 1766, 1767, 1768 en 1769. . . . voerende des Konings sloep De Swaluw.
COOK, James. Verkort verhaal eener reize rondom de weereld, gedaan in de jaaren 1769, 1770 en 1771. . . ., voerende 's Konings schip, Den Onderneemer.
Rotterdam, Reinier Arrenberg, 1774. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece. With an extra folding engraved world map in 2 hemispheres incorporating Cook's recent discoveries: Rigobert Bonne, De oude en nieuwe waereld . . . verrykt met de ondekkingen der laatste reizigers, Amsterdam, 1792 (23×41.5 cm). Modern cloth. [4], 351, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Introducing the Dutch standard method of calculating latitude in the 19th century

HAZEWINKEL, Abraham Cornelis. Handleiding om op verschillende wijzen de breedte buiten den middag of meridiaan te vinden, door waarnemingen aan de zon of starren.
Groningen, R.J. Schierbeek, 1827. 8vo. With a lithographed folding plate and numerous letterpress tables (numbered I-VI, but some spread over several pages). Contemporary boards, covered with red sprinkled paper, rebacked with brown paper tape. 10, [2], [42], 66 pp., 3, [1] ll. Full description
€ 850
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Guide to the Dutch standard method of calculating latitude in the 19th century

HAZEWINKEL, Abraham Cornelis. Handleiding om op verschillende wijzen de breedte buiten den middag of meridiaan te vinden, door waarnemingen aan de zon of sterren; ... Tweede druk.
Amsterdam, widow of Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1839. 8vo. With a lithographed plate and several letterpress tables. Contemporary boards. [4], 53, [3 blank], 31, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Popular story of an East Indiaman wrecked off the coast of Bengal

HEYDEN (HEIDEN), Frans Jansz. van der. Vervarelyke schip-breuk van 't Oost-Indisch jacht Ter Schelling, onder het landt van Bengale; ... beneffens een bondige beschryving der Koningryken van Arrakan, Bengale, Martavan, Tanassery, ... Den vyfden druk doorgaens met platen verciert.
Harderwijk, Jan Rampen, 1722. 4to. With 18 woodcut illustrations plus 1 repeat. Modern half vellum. 96 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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One of the most celebrated whaling prints

HIGGINS, William John. South Sea whale fishery. A representation of the ships Amelia Wilson & Castor off the Island of Bouro - with their boats & crew in the various process of fishing, shewing the manner the spermacetti whales are caught, also the method of cutting them into the ship, & boiling the oil upon deck.
London, W.J. Huggins, January 1, 1825. Aquatint (plate size: 44 x 56.5 cm), printed on unwatermarked wove paper (50.5 x 61.5 cm). Full description
€ 5,000
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Massive navigational directory for the East

HORSBURGH, James. The India directory, or, directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, Brazil, and the interjacent ports ... third edition.
London, printed for the author and sold by Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen, booksellers to the East India Company (back of title-page: printed by Plummer & Brewis), 1826-1827. 2 volumes. 4to. Contemporary half calf, rebacked with the original backstrips laid down. [8], XXVI, 503, [1], 16; [8], 642, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Extensive directory providing essential information for navigating
in the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres

HORSBURGH, James. The India directory, or, directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, Australia, and the interjacent ports of Africa and South America ... Sixth edition.
London, Wm. H. Allen & Co. (back of title-pages: printed by Cox and Wyman), 1852. 2 volumes. Large 4to (29.5 x 23 cm). Contemporary green cloth, title in gold on spine. XIV, XXXIV, [2], 650; VIII, "890" [=880] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Massive navigational directory, with sections on the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea and the Gulf

HORSBURGH, James, Gerrit KUIJPER and D. BOES LUTJENS. Zeemans-gids, naar, in en uit Oost-Indiën, China, Japan, Australiën, de Kaap de Goede Hoop, Braziliën en tusschenliggende havens, volgens de vierde Engelsche uitgave van James Horsburgh, ...
Amsterdam, C.F. Stemler, (back of half-title: printed in Haarlem by H. Bakels), 1841. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spine lettered in gold, marbled sides. I-XII, [2], XIII-XXIV, XXVIII, 1376 pp. Full description
€ 3,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Massive navigational directory, this edition updated with information on the northeast coasts of Africa and Arabia

HORSBURGH, James. The India directory, or, directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, Australia, and the interjacent ports of Africa and South America ... Seventh edition.
London, Wm. H. Allen & Co. (back of title-pages: printed by Cox and Wyman), 1855. 2 volumes. Large 4to (28 x 23 cm). Contemporary half calf; rebacked with the original backstrips laid down. XII, XXXIV, [2], “681”[=683], [1 blank]; VIII, 978 pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Important guide to navigating the seas to the far reaches of Asia

HUDDART, Joseph. The oriental navigator; or, new directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, &c. &c. &c. Also for the use of the country ships, trading in the Indian and China seas, Pacific Ocean, &c. &c. &c...
London, printed and published by Robert Laurie and James Whittle, map, chart, and printsellers, 1801. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece portrait of Huddart by James Stow after John Hoppner and small woodcut coastal views in the text. Contemporary tree calf. [2], XII, 656 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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A Dutch commander's Japanese diary with a large lithographed map

HUYSSEN VAN KATTENDYKE, Willem Johan Cornelis. Uittreksel uit het dagboek van W.J.C. Ridder Huyssen van Kattendyke, Kapitein-Luit. ter zee, gedurende zijn verblijf in Japan in 1857, 1858 en 1859.
The Hague, W.P. van Stockum (printed by Giunta d'Albani), 1860. 8vo. With large folding lithographed map (67 x 54.5 cm) depicting the west coast of Japan and Kiusiu, by E. Spanier after H.O. Wichers. Original publisher's printed stiff paper wrappers. [2 blank], [10], 236 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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First edition of an important encyclopedic dictionary of nautical terms and conceptions,
shipbuilding and ship types

JAL, Augustin. Glossaire nautique. Répertoire polyglotte de termes de marine anciens et modernes.
Paris, Firmin Didot frères, 1848. Large 4to (28.5 x 22.5 x 10 cm). Printed in two columns, with many steel engraved illustrations in the text showing ancient, medieval and later ships (some showing small parts in detail) by Alexandre-Nicolas Belhatte (b. 1811) after A. Mayer, and 2 full-page engraved plates: "Une Galère du 17e siècle" and "Elevation et coupe du Montebello, Vaisseau de 120 canons", with an extra added plate of the "Montebello" under sail (1812/21) loosely inserted. Contemporary half calf. 1591 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Captivating account of the life in the Carribean of one of the most influential Dutch naval writers
of the late eighteenth century

JONG, Cornelis de. Reize naar de Caribische Eilanden, in de jaren 1780 en 1781; door Cornelius de Jong, toen ter tijd als luitenant dienende, aan boord van s'Lands schip van oorlog Mars onder bevel van den schout bij nacht Willem Krul
Haarlem, François Bohn, 1807. 8vo. Two engravings, one portrait of Willem Krul (14 x 8.7 cm), the other engraving depicting Dutch and English battleships (14,5 x 18,5 cm) by Gerrit Groenewegen. Contemporary pasteboard binding. X, 326 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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The main source of early knowledge of the Pelew or Palau Islands in Micronesia, in French translation

KEATE, George. Relation des Îles Pelew, situées dans la partie occidentale de l'océan pacifique; composée sur les journaux et les communications du Capitaine Henri Wilson, et de quelques-uns de ses Officiers, ...
Paris, Le Jay and Maradan, 1788. 2 volumes. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece portrait, engraved folding map of the Palau Islands, Philippines and the Chinese Sea, 12 folding engraved plates and 3 engraved portraits. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spines. [4], 282; [4], 274, [6] pp. Full description
€ 750
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The main source of early knowledge of the Pelew or Palau Islands in Micronesia, in Dutch translation

KEATE, George. Beschryving van de Pelew Eilanden ...
Rotterdam, Gerard Abraham Arrenberg, 1789. 4to. With 8 plates: 4 mixed technique (partly stipple-engraved) portraits, 1 large folding engraved map of the Palau Islands and western equatorial Pacific, and 3 folding engraved views. Contemporary boards. XXXII, 365, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Very rare Dutch picaresque novel, with the female protagonist getting caught by pirates
and ending up in the household of an Arabic slave trader

[KERSTEMAN, Petrus Lievens]. De vermakelyke avanturesse, of de dienstmaagd van fortuin. Vervattende hare zonderlinge levensgevallen, ontelbare wederwaardigheden en rampen; zeltzame ontmoetingen, en koddige vryagien; deszelfs driejarige dienst als lakye, gevangenneming op de Moorsche kusten, en hare slavernye in Asia by de Arabieren.
Amsterdam, Steven van Esveldt, 1754. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece. Contemporary mottled half calf, gold-tooled spine, later endpapers. [4], 360 pp Full description
€ 3,500
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A valuable account of the Greek islands, with a large folding chart

[KINSBERGEN, Jan Hendrik van]. Beschryvinge van den archipel, tot nut van den krygsman, zeevaarenden en handeldryvenden.
Amsterdam, 1792. 8vo. With a large folding engraved sea chart (57.5 x 68.5 cm). Publisher's original flexible boards covered with blue paper, with the title and decoration printed letterpress on the spine. [8], 190, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,850
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare publication by the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute containing 24 charts of the currents
in the Gulf of Guinea and around the equator

KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT. [KLUIT, M.E.B.J. and P.F. van HEERDT]. De Guinea en Equatoriaal stroomen voor iedere maand afzonderlijk bewerkt volgens de gegevens van 2900 journalen, gehouden aan boord van Nederlandsche schepen.
Utrecht, printed by stoom-, boek- en steendrukkerij "De Industrie", J. van Druten for the KNMI, 1895. Folio (58 x 36,5 cm). With 24 double-page charts of the currents in the Gulf of Guinea off the West-African coast, 2 charts for each month, printed in blue, black and red. Half buckram and marbled paper over boards. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [3], [1 blank] pp. and 24 double page charts. Full description
€ 1,950
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Captain's journal of the voyage of the steam ship "Cornelis Dirks" to Africa and South America

KOOPMAN, J.F. Verslag van eene reize naar de westkust van Afrika, Rio de Janeiro en Rio de la Plata, door Z.M. schroef-stoomschip Cornelis Dirks, ...1859-1860.
[Amsterdam, widow of G. Hulst van Keulen, 1863]. 8vo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers. [2 blank], [2], 127, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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24 lithographed Dutch city and harbour views

KOSTER, Everhardus. Schetsboek. Nederlandsche stads- en havengezigten.
Amsterdam, F. Buffa & son; Delft, H. Koster; Leiden, P.H. van den Heuvel, 1858. Folio. With letterpress title-page, lithographed portrait of Koster and 24 tinted lithographed views of Dutch cities and harbours by Johannes Hilverdink after Everhardus Koster, printed by Steuerwald. Contemporary half calf. [26] ll. Full description
€ 1,500
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First edition of Labillardière's famous voyage in search of La Pérouse, with 44 plates, including 14 after Redouté

LABILLARDIÈRE, Jacques Julien Houton de. Relation du voyage a la recherche de la Pérouse.
Including: Atlas pour servir à la Relation du voyage à la recherche de la Pérouse, ...
Paris, H.J. Jansen, An VIII [= 1799/1800]. 3 volumes. 4to (2 text volumes) and folio (atlas). Atlas with engraved title-page, large folding map (59 x 86.5 cm) and 43 full-page engraved plates (numbered 2-44), including 14 botanical plates drawn or completed by Pierre-Joseph Redouté. Modern mottled half calf. XVI, 442; 332, 113, [1] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Order of the day given by the Commander of the Havana Naval Station
to the Spanish soldiers and sailors for recovering Mexico

LABORDE Y NAVARRO, Ángel. Orden del dia dada por el Señor Comandante general del Apostadero de Marina de la Habana.
[Havana], Imprenta de Boloña, [1829]. Folio (ca. 30.5 x 21 cm). Broadside with 16 lines of Spanish text set in a decorative woodcut border with a large woodcut at top depicting an anchor and the flag of Spain (ca. 6.5 x 6.5 cm). [1] l. Full description
€ 2,500
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Very rare work about a remarkable invention for the military

[LA CHAPELLE, Jean-Baptiste de and Cornelis van ENGELEN (translator)]. De zee tot land gemaakt, of, alle landing zeker gesteld, bevattende een onfeilbaar middel, om niet alleen alle drenkelingen, en als men 't ongeluk heeft van in 't water te vallen, zich zelven, te redden, maar ook om gehele armeën, door een rivier, ja door een zee heen, tegen een vijandlijk land aan te voeren.
Amsterdam, J. W. Werlingshoff, 1805. 8vo. With 4 engraved plates on 2 folding leaves. Later quarter vellum, blue decorated paper sides. IV, 139, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First Dutch translation of voyages in search of a Northwest Passage by Munk, Frobisher and Lindenau, illustrated by Van Sichem

[LA PEYRÈRE, Isaac de]. [MUNK, FROBISHER and LINDENAU]. Drie voyagien gedaen na Groenlandt, om te ondersoecken of men door de Naeuwte Hudson soude konnen seylen; om alsoo een doorvaert na Oost-Indien te vinden...
Amsterdam, Gillis Joosten Saeghman, [ca. 1665]. 4to. With woodcut vignette on title-page, 16 further woodcuts on integral leaves and a woodcut ship in a cartouche, woodcut decorated initials, and decorative bands built up from cast fleurons. Set in textura types with incidental roman and italic. Late 19th-century vellum, spine with title stamped in black. 32 pp. Full description
€ 28,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Manuscript table of the provisions on board the French frigate “Amphitrite”

LAPLACE, Cyrille Pière Théodore. La frégate de Roi L'Amphitrite. États des consommations faites pendant le mois de Décembre 1824 et que restent abord le 1e Janvier 1825.
[On board, December 1824-1 January 1825]. Manuscript table in brown ink on a whole sheet of laid paper (40 x 52 cm), with the title at the head and signed at the foot right by Laplace. Folded twice. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Around the world in 1180 days, with 2 folding maps and 31 steel-engraved views

LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre Théodore. Campagne de circumnavigation de la frégate l'Artémise, pendant les annéees 1837, 1838, 1839 et 1840, ... Tome premier[-sixième].
Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1841-1854. 6 volumes. 8vo. With 2 large folding engraved maps and 31 steel-engraved views. With the maps coloured in outline or partly coloured, and with the routes indicated and coloured. Contemporary boards, covered with the publisher's original green printed paper. XXXIX, [1 blank], 343, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 467, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 548, [1], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 464, [3], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], III, [1 blank], 542, [2]; [3], [1 blank], 400 pp. Full description
€ 22,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Algeria and its notorious pirates

LAUGIER DE TASSY, Jacques Philippe. Beschryving van het koningryk en de stadt Algiers, met den tegenwoordigen staat dier regeeringe, landt- en zeemagt, inkomsten, staatswetten, werreltlyk recht en koophandel.
Including: Lyst der schepen, welke sedert den 24 december 1715, tot het einde des jaars 1724 door de Algiersche roovers van den staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden genomen zyn.
Amsterdam, Marten Schagen, 1725. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved title-page, folding engraved map of Algeria, folding engraved view and a folding engraved bird's eye view of Algiers. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled boards, gold-tooled board edges. [16], “300” [=298], [16] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Amsterdam as the commercial capital of the world, including the first edition of the "Traité des arbitrages"

LE MOINE DE L'ESPINE, Jacques. Le negoce d'Amsterdam, ou traité de sa banque, de ses changes, des Compagnies Orientales & Occidentales, des marchandises qu'on tire de cette ville, & qu'on y porte de toutes les parties de monde, des poids, des mesures, des aunages, & du tarif. ...
Including: MONDOTEGUY, Jacques. Traité des arbitrages qui se sont par change sur les principales villes de l'Europe, ou la ville d'Amsterdam à change ouvert.
Amsterdam, Pierre Brunel, 1710. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. 18th-century half vellum. [4], 388, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Maarten Gerritsz. de Vries' journey to the north of Japan (1643), with accompanying information by Von Siebold

LEUPE, Pieter Arend. Reize van Maarten Gerritsz. Vries in 1643 naar het noorden en oosten van Japan.
Including: SIEBOLD, Philipp Franz Balthasar von. Aardrijks- en volkenkundige toelichtingen tot de ontdekkingen van Maerten Gerritsz. Vries, met het fluitschip Castricum a[nn]o. 1643.
Amsterdam, Frederik Muller; [The Hague], Koninklijk instituut voor taal-, land en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië, 1858. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With lithographed folding plate with reproductions of six signatures and a folded lithographed reproduction of Maarten Gerritsz. de Vries's original map, coloured in outline. Contemporary half cloth. [4], 440 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Battle of words over the best practical solution to the determination of longitude before Harrison's chronometer

LEY, Jan Hendrick Jarichs van der. Het gulden zeeghel des grooten zeevaerts, daerinne beschreven wordt de waerachtige grondt vande zeylstreken en platte pas-caerten ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham vanden Rade, 1615. Oblong 4to (16.5 x 22 cm). With an emblematic engraved device/navigational diagram on the title-page and 27 (of 28) woodcut figures: 18 printed on integral leaves and the others on 3 folding plates. 18th-century(?) half vellum, blue-green paper sides, with manuscript author and title on spine. 114, [2] pp. Full description
€ 55,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First Latin edition of Linschoten's seminal guide to the East and West Indies, with 43 double-page and folding plates, including 7 maps

LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van. Navigatio ac itinerarium Iohannis Hugonis Linscotani in Orientalem sive Lusitanorum Indiam...
The Hague, Aelbrecht Hendricksz, 1599.
(2) [IDEM]. Descriptio totius Guineae Tractus, Congi, Angolae, et Monomotapae ...
- Historia trium navigationum Batavorum in septentrionem.
- Breviarium seu elenchus omnium redituum, canonum ...
The Hague, Aelbert Hendricksz., 1599.

2 works in 1 volume, the second in 3 parts. Folio (31 x 20 cm). With 2 typographical title-pages, each with a large engraved vignette of a ship, a full-page engraving of the dedicatee's coat-of-arms, a full-page engraved portrait of the author, 7 large folding engraved maps, 31 engraved double-page plates, and 5 large folding plates. Further with woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary overlapping vellum, sewn on 2 supports laced through the joints, blue edges. [2], [3], [portrait on p. [6]], 124, 45, [3] pp. Full description
€ 120,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Seminal guide to the East and West Indies, with 42 double-page and folding plates, including 6 maps, all engravings beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand

LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van. Histoire de la navigation ... aux Indes Orientales ... Avec annotations de B. Paludanus, ... Troixiesme edition augmentee.
LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van. Le grand routier de mer, ...
[LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van]. Description de l'Amerique & des parties d'icelle, ...
Amsterdam, Evert Cloppenburg, 1638. Folio (32.5 x 21 cm). With 3 title-pages (2 from the same full-page engraving and 1 letterpress with an engraving of a ship in a cartouche with 4 inset city views), a nearly full-page engraved portrait of the author in a cartouche with 4 inset views, 42 engraved plates including 6 maps (31 double-page & 11 larger folding). All plates coloured by a contemporary hand. Near contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [8], 206 pp.; [4], 181, [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], “86” [= 80], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 275,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Ground-breaking work on Brazilian ports

LISBOA, Alfredo (editor). Portos do Brasil 1822-1922. Texto e atlas.
Rio de Janeiro, Norte (vol. 1) and Castro, Mendonça & Cia. (vol. 2), 1922 & 1923. 2 volumes in 1. 4to. With 30 folding maps, 24 of which are coloured in blue and partly in red. Original publisher's dark green leather over paperboards, rebacked in black cloth. [1], [1 blank], IX, [1], “338” [= 336], [6]; [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare Dutch satire on Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

[LONGUEVILLE, Peter]. De kluizenaar; of de weergalooze rampen, en verwonderenswaerdige gevallen van Filip Quarll, Engelschman.
Rotterdam, Jan Daniel Beman, 1728. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, signed by Collan, a folding map of Quarll's island, and a folding plate of the shipwreck. The title-page is printed in red and black and shows a small woodcut ornamental vignette, the work includes headpieces built up from typographic material, woodcut ornamental tailpieces, and woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, sprinkled paper sides, and a red paper label on the spine. [16], 292, 189, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

One of the best Robinson Crusoe imitations

[LONGUEVILLE, Peter]. The hermit: or, the unparalleld sufferings and surprising adventures of Mr. Philip Quarll, an Englishman: who was lately discovered by Mr. Dorrington, a Bristol merchant, upon an uninhabited island in the South-Sea...
London, printed for J. Wren, J. Jefferies and J. Fuller, 1751. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece and engraved map. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold fillets and red morocco title-label on spine. XII, 263, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare only edition of a Portuguese naval warfare handbook

LOPES DA COSTA ALMEIDA, Antonio. Compendio theorico-pratico de artilharia naval. Extractado, e redigido das obras dos mais celebres, e modernos authores e accomodado para servir de compendio lectivo ...
Lisbon, Royal Academy of Sciences, 1829. 4to. With 10 numbered folding lithographed plates. Contemporary gold-stamped red morocco with gold-stamped spine label. [4], VII, [1], 434, [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Very rare early 19th-century naval prints of the Dutch East Indies

[LUTZ, J.A. (engraver) and Haatje Pieters OOSTERHUIS (draughtsman)]. De roemryke overwinning, der Palembangsche expeditie op de rivier de Sounsang in de Oost-Indien, door de Nederlandsche land en zeemagt op den 24 Juny 1821.
[Amsterdam, Js. Groenewoud, ca. 1822].
(2) IDEM. Het naar boord brengen, van den Sultan Machmoed Badaroedin naar Z: M: Schooner de Johanna op de rivier de Sousang in de Oost-Indien op den 27 Junij 1821, na de roemrijke overwinning der Palembangsche expeditie.
[Amsterdam, Js. Groenewoud, ca. 1822].
Plate size ca. 32.5 x 43.5 cm. Two hand-coloured aquatint plates with engraved Dutch title and "Proefdruk" below the image. In passepartouts and uniformly framed behind glass (ca. 53.5 x 63.5 cm). Full description
€ 3,750
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Discovery of the Canary Islands in classical Greek and Roman, Arabic and Portuguese sources

MACEDO, Joaquim José da Costa de. Memoria em que se pertende provar que os Arabes não conhecerão as Canarias antes dos Portuguezes.
Lisbon, printing office of the Academia Real das Sciencias, 1844. Folio. With a woodcut Portuguese coat of arms on the title-page. Modern brown paper wrapper. [4], 232 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Educating the Austrian army in the anatomy of the horse, with 10 large colour plates

MACHOLD, Joseph (Josef). Zehn tafeln zur anatomie des Pferdes . . .
Vienna, the author "in Commission bei F. Paternos Nachfolger" (printed by Adolf Holzhausen), [1879]. Oblong 1mo (35×49 cm). With 10 numbered chromo-lithographed and double-tinted lithographed plates (35×49 cm), loose as issued. Original publisher's printed front wrapper preserved, back wrapper lacking. In a modern clamshell box. 15, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Italian friar captured by Ottoman pirates

MAGGIO, Francesco Maria. Vita, e morte del venerabil P. F. Alipio di S. Giuseppe Scalzo di S. Agostino Palermitano della congregazione d'Italia, in odio della confessione della S. Fede di Giesù Cristo, crudelissimamente ucciso da' Turchi di Barberia, nella città di Tripoli, a 17 di febbraio l'anno 1645 ...
Rome, Ignatio de' Lazzari, 1657. 4to. With 3 engraved plates. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [40], 24, [4], 25-234, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A proposal for stationing mortars along the coast, to save shipwrecked persons

MANBY, George William. Papers relating to Captain Manby's plan for affording relief in cases of shipwreck: viz. Copies of instructuions, given by His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department, for the purpose of carrying into effect the plan of Captain Manby, for affording relief in cases of shipwreck.
[London, House of Commons, 1816]. Folio. With several woodcuts and wood engravings of the inventions in text. Sewn. 37, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Two signed autograph letters and a note by one of the most famous explorers
of the first half of the 19th century

[MANUSCRIPT LETTERS]. DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules Sébastien César. [Autograph letter from Dumont D'Urville to Pierre Adolphe Lesson].
Paris, 19 September 1829. 13 x 10.2 cm.
(2) DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules Sébastien César. [Autograph letter from Dumont D'Urville to Mr. Rousset].
Paris, 14 December 1841. 21 x 13 cm.
(3) [DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules Sébastien César]. [Autograph note by Dumont D'Urville].
[France?, first half of the 19th century?]. 8 x 10 cm.
Written in French, in a neat early 19th century cursive in brown ink. Folded. Ad 1: [1], [2 blank], [1]; ad 2: [1], [2 blank], [1]; ad 3: [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Early 18th-century Dutch student's manuscript on navigation and mathematics

[MANUSCRIPT - NAVIGATION - DUTCH]. De schat kamer ofte de konst der stuurlieden.
[The Netherlands], [ca. 1702/13?]. Folio (33.5 x 21.5 cm). With more than 300 mathematical figures and illustrations, mainly full-, half- and quarter-circle diagrams. The Dutch text is written in a clearly legible, 18th-century cursive hand in brown ink. Contemporary flexible paperboards. [213], [4 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,850
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Tuscan cosmography in a local binding, with Augsburg gold-brocade cover papers

MARCHETTI, Angelo. Introduzione alla Cosmografia ... edizione seconda si aggiunge in fine un Succinto Trattato di Navigazione dell' istesso Autore.
Pistoia, Atto Bracali, 1738. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 3 folding half-page plates and 1 folding letterpress table, 2 full-page plates, and 17 additional woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary boards, covered with gold-brocade paper. [4], 137, [1 blank]; 33 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Antwerp celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, commemorating the Battle of Lepanto (1571)

[MARITIME HISTORY]. Beschryving van de konstryke verciering en voortreffelyken toestel, ... ter gelegentheyd van het twee honderd-jaerig jubilé van de ... victorie, ... over een veel talryker Turksche vloot by Lepanten in 't jaer 1571. den 7. October, gemeenelijk genaemd, den zeeslag van Don Jean, van Oostenrijk, ... van den 6. tot den 13. October, van dit ... jubeljaer [chronogram 1771].
Antwerp, Pieter Johannes Parys, (approbation: 1771). 4to. With 3 engraved illustrations in the text. Lacking the integral frontispiece. 19th-century chemical-marbled glazed paper wrappers. 79, [1] pp., lacking frontispiece (pp. 1-2). Full description
€ 1,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Very rare edition of an extremely popular history of the most famous
and daring Dutch pirate of the 17th century

[MARITIME HISTORY - PIRACY - CLAES COMPAEN]. 't Begin, midden en eynde der zee-rooveryen, van den alder-fameusten zee-roover, Claes G. Compaen, van Oostzanen in Kennemer-landt. Vervattende sijn wonderlijcke vreemde en lands schadelijcke drijf-tochten. Waer in vertoont wordt, hoe hy met weyningh schepen de zee onveyligh gemaeckt, een ongelooflijcke buyt, en groot getal van schepen van alle landen gerooft ende afgeloopen heeft
Amsterdam, widow of Gijsbert de Groot, 1697. 8vo. With a large woodcut illustration of a Dutch merchant ship on the title-page, three woodcut illustrations in the text (including 1 repeat of the title-page illustration), and one large decorated woodcut initial. Later greyish-brown wrappers. [1], [1 blank], [4], 42 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Collection of texts concerning maritime law and the insurance of ships

[MARITIME LAW]. Zee-rechten, ...
-Zee-rechten, dat is dat hoogste ende oudste Gotlandtsche water-recht, dat de ghemeene koopliedende en schippers geordineert ende gemaeckt hebben tot Wisbuy.
-WEYTSEN, Quintyn. Tractaet van avaryen,...
-Ordonnantie der kamer van assuerantie en avarye, der steden Amsteldam, Rotterdam, Middelburgh, &c.
-[Drop-title:] Copye. Tol-rollen in den orizond, ...
-[Drop-title:] Nieuwe ordonnantie ende instructie, ... beroerende het stuck van de pilotage, ...
Amsterdam, Pieter and Karel van Rijschooten, 1710. With a woodcut vignette on the general title-page, and a woodcut illustration of a ship on the 3 part-titles.
With: (2) GLINS, Taco. Aenmerckingen ende bedenckingen over de zee-rechten, ...
Amsterdam, Cornelis van der Stolk, 1727. With the same woodcut illustration of a ship on the title-page. 2 works in 1 volume (the first work in 5 parts). 4to. Contemporary vellum. [8], 160, [16], 40, 8, [40]; [12], 139, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Poetic descriptions of Batavia, India, the Cape, Dutch country estates and notable persons

MARRE, Jan de. Batavia, begrepen in zes boeken.
Amsterdam, Adriaan Wor & heirs of G. onder de Linden, 1740.
(2) MARRE, Jan de. Bespiegelingen over gods wysheid in't bestier der schepselen, en eerkroon voor de Caab de Goede Hoop.
Amsterdam, Adriaan Wor & heirs of G. onder de Linden, 1746.
(3) MARRE, Jan de. Hof- en mengeldichten.
Amsterdam, Adriaan Wor & heirs of G. onder de Linden, 1746.
3 works in 1 volume, the first in 6 parts. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece and an elaborate title-vignette (identical on all three title-pages. And ad. 1 with a folding engraved plate of Jakarta "as it was in 1731" by Jan van der Laan. Contemporary vellum, red spine label. [36], 320, [6]; [42], 178, [22], [20], 214, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Articles of association of the Dutch Whaling Company

[MARSELIS, J. & Th. van, and Coenraad BRANDLIGT]. Statuten der Nederlandsche Walvischvisscherij-Maatschappij, te Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, C.A. Spin, 1843. 8vo. With wood-engraved whale-hunting scene on title-page. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers, kept in a modern half-morocco chemise and slipcase. 23, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Italian edition of Martens's important account of a whaling voyage

MARTENS, Friedrich. Viaggio di Spizberga o' Gronlanda fatto da Federico Martens Amburghese l' anno 1671...
Bologna, Giacomo Monti, 1680. 12mo. With 2 folding engraved plates and 3 woodcut illustrations. Contemporary limp parchment. 264 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Important compilation of works on Dutch maritime law, the Laws of Wisbuy, and average, including collections of ordonnances. proclamations, decrees etc.

[MARTIME LAW]. Boek der zee-rechten.
Amsterdam, Gerrit van Goedesbergh, 1665 [with the index of the 1663 edition].
(2) Extract uyt het register van de willekeuren der stadt Amsterdamme ....Amsterdam, Gerrit van Goedesberg, 1662.(3) Quintyn WEYTSEN. Een tractaet van Avarien ... The Hague, Jasper Doll, 1651 (colophon: Leyden, Philips de Croy, 1651).(4) Taco van GLINS. Aenmerckingen ende bedenckingen over de Zee-rechten, uyt het Placcaet van Koninck Philips uytgegeven den letsten Octobris 1563 ...
Amsterdam, Joost Pluymer, 1665.
4to. All titles with woodcut title-vignettes and some with woodcut head- and tailpieces or woodcut initials. All titles are interleaved. Contemporary vellum over boards. [8]; 144; [8]; 23; [12], 139 pp. with some blank leaves between the different ordinances. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The misfortunes of the Algerians and Ottomans during the 1732 siege of Oran by the Spanish

[MASCARENHAS, Jose Freire de Monterroyo]. Noticia da destruiçam da Armada Argelina, que foya Turquia buscar soccoro para sitiar Oran por mar, e terra.
Lisbon, Pedro Ferreira, 1733. 4to. Disbound 8 (p. 2 blank), [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Prince Maurits forbids trade with Spain after the fall of Antwerp: 2nd known copy

[MAURITS VAN NASSAU]. Placcaet by den hoochgheboren Grave Maurits van Nassau, ende ... mijnen heeren vanden Rade van State: waer-mede verboden wordt de navigatie ende coophandel op Spangnien, Portugael ende alle andere eylanden ende plaetsen onder de ghehoorsaemheyt des Conincks van Spangnien wesende.
Delft, Aelbrecht Hendricksz., 1585. 4to. Disbound. [6], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of a report - with the rare folding map - from Commodore Perrys expedition containing directions for U.S. merchant ships navigating the coasts of China and Japan

MAURY, William Lewis & Silas BENT. Sailing directions and nautical remarks; by officers of the late U.S. naval expedition to Japan, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry.
Including (with a divisional title): Fac-simile of the original treaty with Japan, with the English version.
Washington, A.O.P. Nicholson, public printer, 1857. Large 4to (ca. 29.5 x 23 cm). With a large folding map of the coast of China and of the Japanese and other islands, including the Marianas and the Philippines; and the facsimile of the 14-page treaty in Japanese printed on both sides of 7 integral leaves, with the English text printed letterpress on both sides of the following leaf. Original publishers half purple cloth, Spanish-marbled paper sides (grey with red, blue, black, yellow and white veins), letterpress paper label with the title in a built-up decorative border on the front board: "Sailing directions for the coasts of Japan and China". 22, [2], 14, [2] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Certificate of the Dutch frigate "Evertsen" leaving Mahon, Menorca, with manuscript statements by three consuls

[MENORCA]. La ilustre junta provincial de sanidad de la isla de Menorca.
[Menorca], 15 March 1861. Folio (42.5 x 30.5 cm). Broadside with a wood-engraved border, the wood-engraved royal coat of arms of Spain at the head and a woodcut map of Mahon in the centre of the certificate. With on the verso three manuscript statements (in French, English and Portuguese), signed and stamped. Full description
€ 1,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Highly detailed maritime atlas

GREAT BRITAIN METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. Monthly current charts for the Indian Ocean. From information collated & prepared in the Meteorological Office.
London, Admiralty Hydrographic Office, under the superintendence of Rear-Admiral W. J. L. Wharton, 1895-1896. Plano. Oblong Royal 1mo (full-sheet leaves: 51 x 62 cm). An atlas of 12 large black and white nautical charts. Limp cloth with gold-tooled title on front cover. [12] ll. plus the 1-page “Advertisement”. Full description
€ 3,500
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Very rare issue including book 32, earlier incomplete and later censored,
of the earliest great work on the Dutch war of independence from Habsburg Spain,
introducing the first textura gothic type in the new Dutch style

METEREN, Emanuel van. Nederlantsche historien ofte geschiedenissen inhoudende den gantzen staet, handel, soo va[n] oorlogen als vrede-handels in onsen tyden begin ende eynde ... Mede vervattende eenige haerder gebueren handelinge. ... oversien verbetert ende vermeerdert tot dese[n] tege[n]wordigen wtgank des jaers anno 1611.
Including (vol. 2): Belgische ofte Nederlantsche oorlogen ende gheschiedenissen beginnende van t'jaer 1595 tot 1611, ... oversie[n] verbetert e[n]de vermeerdert ...
[Copy imprint to vol. 2:] "Schotland buyten Danswyck" [= Amsterdam], "Hermes van Loven" [= Nicolaes III Biestkens?] for the author, 1611 [-1612]. 2 volumes. 4to. With 2 engraved title-pages, both coloured and highlighted in gold by an early hand. Further with a full-page engraved portrait of Van Meteren, and 21 smaller woodcut portraits in the text attributed to Christoffel van Sichem. Mottled, gold-tooled calf (ca. 1665), gold-tooled spines, 18th-century(?) gold-tooling on the boards. [6], 568, [20]; [2], 118, [4], 413, [10] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Shipwreck of the Fattysalam off the coast of Coromandel

[MEUSNIER DE QUERLON, Anne-Gabriel]. [Half-title:] Naufrage et retour en Europe de monsieur de Kearny.
[Paris?, the author?, 1764?]. 8vo. With a headpiece built up from Fournier's rococo cast fleurons. Set in Fournier types, including decorated titling capitals. 20th-century decorated paper wrappers in lavendar, green and brown, red sprinkled edges. 48 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Very rare Dutch edition of “The Mediterranean pilot”

MICHELOT, Henri. De waare wegwyzer voor de stuurlieden en lootzen in de Middelandsche zee.
Leiden, Johan Arnold Langerak (colophon at the end of the main text: printed by Jacques Gueryn, Paris; colophon at the end of the work: printed by Hendrik van Damme, [Leiden]), 1745. 4to. With a large engraved armorial headpiece above the dedication, a folding engraved plate, a letterpress folding table and an engraved volvelle. Contemporary boards, rebacked with calf. [8], 214, [10] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Treatise on naval mines, by a leading French naval officer and military engineer

MONTGÉRY, Jacques-Philippe Mérigon de. Mémoire sur les mines flottantes et les petards flottans, ou machines infernales maritimes.
Paris, Bachlier, libraire pour la marine (printed by De Fain), 1819. 8vo. With a finely engraved folding copperplate of a ship being blown up by a mine (16.5 x 17.5 cm). Lacking the half-title and the final leaf with the publisher's list of books, but with the folding plate, often lacking. Contemporary half tree calf, stormont marbled sides. [2], 78 pp. Full description
€ 800
Order Inquire Terms of sale

All a boatswain needs to know about his ship, including the various flags used at sea

[MOOLEN, Symon van de]. De volmaakte bootsman, vervattende hoe men uit een gegeven scheeps lengte de voornaamste scheepsdelen zal vinden, de bemasting, het kerven van t staande en lopende touwerk, en verder het geene in t toetakelen der scheepen van nooden is. Mitdsgaders de takelagie voor verscheide charters van scheepen, welke by de s lands oorlogscheepen in gebruik zyn ... Zeer dienstig voor alle zeevarende lieden.
Amsterdam, Widow of [Gerard] Hulst van Keulen, [ca. 1818]. Small 8vo. With a large folding plate (42.5 x 52 cm) depicting and noting in numbers all the parts of a 17th-century three-master and two smaller Dutch ships at sea engraved by Anthonie de Winter (1652-1707) after Johannes van Keulen (1654-1715). 20th-century green faux snakeskin, sewn on 4 leather tapes laced through the joints, the extended back wrapper closing on the front side as an envelope, marbled endpapers, red edges. [4], 124 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

1752 treaty between the Dutch Republic and the Sultan of Morocco

[MOROCCO - TREATY - STATES GENERAL]. Tractaat van vreede en commercie, geslooten tusschen sijne Majesteit den Keiser van Marocco en de ... Staaten Generaal der Vereen. Nederlanden.Including:[drop-title:] Formulier van het pasport ...
[drop-title:] Translaat van de brief van Muley Abdala, Keiser van Marocco, ...
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1777. Small 4to. With the woodcut arms of the States General on the title-page. Disbound. 26, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Ship's journal from Seychelles and Madagascar,
with numerous maps and earlier illustrated anatomical lecture notes

[MANUSCRIPT - SHIP'S JOURNAL]. MORSE, Edward George. A journal of remarks and observations as kept by E. G. M. . ..
[mostly on board the barque Sarah of London], April 1831-14 March 1833 (with additions to 1835). with an engraved view as frontispiece, 15 full-page, 1 nearly full-page and 1 smaller manuscript maps and coastal profiles, plus a small engraved view ("Tomb of Napoleon") mounted on 1 page.
Including: MORSE, Edward George. Lecture Book [notes on anatomical lectures by Joseph Constantine Carpue].
[London], November-December 1828. with a matching pair of engravings of a scull on and facing the title-page, and 27 pencil and/or ink anatomical drawings (including 2 full-page), some also with red. 4to (19.5×16.5 cm). Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [191] ll. Including paste-downs and about 55 blanks. Full description
€ 35,000
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The account of a voyage of a Swedish privateer together with a vivid account of travels in Germany

MORTIMER, George. Engelsmannen Joh. Hindric Cox Resa Genom Söderhafvet Till On Amsterdam, Marien-Oarna, O-Taheiti, Sandvichs-och Räf-Oarna, Tinian, Unalaska och Canton i China.
Nyköping, Peter Winge, 1798.
With: (2) RISBECK, Gaspard. Bref, Rörande Tyskland, Scrifne af en resande Fransos til sin broder i Paris. Ofwersättning. Andra Uplagan.
Götheborg, Samuel Norberg, 1797-1798. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half calf. 77, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Essays on chronometry resulting from Roquemaurel's circumnavigations
to the Pacific, South East Asia and South America (Brazil)

MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. Observations chronométriques faites pendant la campagne de circumnavigation de la corvette La Capricieuse, commandée par M. Roquemaurel, capitaine de vaisseau.
Paris, Firmin Didot frères, 1855. With 4 folding plates. With:
(2) MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. Longitudes chronométriques des principaux points de la cote du Brésil, rapportées au premier méridien de Rio-Janeiro. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1863.
(3) MOUCHEZ, Amédée Ernest Barthélemy. Positions géographiques des principaux points de la cote orientale de l'Amérique du Sud comprise entre la Guyane Française et le Paraguay. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1868.
3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary grained red half sheepskin. VIII, 139, [1]; 32; [4], 35, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Handbook to western Arabia, intended for British naval officers only

NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, [SCOTT, Hugh, a.o.]. Western Arabia and the Red Sea, B.R. 527 (restricted) geographical handbook series for official use only.
(Colophon: Oxford, University press), Naval Intelligence division, 1946. 8vo. With 357 reproductions of photographs on 90 plates, numerous (folding) maps and illustrations in text and 1 separate folding map. Original publisher's green cloth. XIX, [1 blank], 659, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 600
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Rare handbooks of the British naval intelligence division on Arabia, Palestine, and Syria

(2) IDEM. Palestine and Transjordan. December 1943.
(3) IDEM. Western Arabia and the Red Sea. June 1943.
Stationery Office, University Press Oxford, 1943-1946.
3 volumes. Many plates, tables and photographs. Each volume including separate fold-out maps, one in colour. Contemporary green cloth with the title in gold on the front boards and the spines. [2], XVI, 485, [1]; [2], XV, [1], 621, [1]; [2], XIX, [1], 659, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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For official use only: Royal Navy wartime handbook on Iraq and the Persian Gulf

NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION. [MASON, Kenneth, a.o.]. Iraq and the Persian Gulf. September 1944. B.R. 524 (restricted) geographical handbook series for official use only.
[Oxford,] Naval Intelligence division, 1944. 8vo. With numerous diagrams, reproductions of photographs and (folding) maps, including a loose map in the pocket at the back. Publisher's green cloth. 682 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Navigating the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

[NAVIGATION - RED SEA]. Red Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot comprising the Suez canal, the gulfs of Suez and 'Aqaba, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, ...
Including: Supplement no. 1-1957 relating to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot, tenth edition ...
London, published by the Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, 1955-1957. 8vo. With a folding map (printed on both sides), 2 coloured plates with diagrams (printed on both sides), 28 plates showing coastlines and occasionally a map (many printed on both sides), and many some illustrations in text. Original blue cloth; supplement with original printed paper wrappers. LI, [1 blank], 518, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Sailing directions for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden,
intended for practical use by naval and merchant ships

[NAVIGATION - RED SEA - PILOT GUIDE]. Red Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot comprising the Suez Canal, the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the South-East coast of Arabia from Ras Baghashwa to Ras Al Hadd, the coast of Africa from Ras Asir to Ras Hafun, Socotra and its adjacent islands.
London, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, 1967. Large 8vo. The main work with 3 maps (including 2 folding) and 82 views of coastal profiles on 52 plates. The supplement with 2 folding maps (on the two sides of a single folding leaf) and 4 views of coastal profiles on 3 pages.
With: [NAVIGATION - RED SEA - PILOT GUIDE]. Supplement No. 7 - 1977 to Red Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot (eleventh edition, 1967) corrected to 4th March, 1977 Whenever reference is made to the pilot this supplement must be consulted.
London, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, 1977.
Grey-blue back wrapper; the two quires, map and back wrapper held together by two metal staples. Blue cloth with title information in yellow on front cover and spine, the supplement loosely inserted at the end of the volume. [4], XV, [1 blank], 599, [1]; [2], 60, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Polish history, Frisian law and Balkan pirates, 3 works from the early 17th century

NEUGEBAUER, Salomon. Icones & vitae principum ac regum Poloniae omnium.
Frankfurt am Main, Jacob de Zetter, Hartman Palthenius, 1620.
(2) SICCAMA, Sybrand (editor). Lex Frisionum, sive antiquae Frisiorum leges, a reliquis veterum Germanorum legibus separatim aeditiae & notis illustratae.
Franeker, Johannes Lamrinck, 1617.
(3) [VENICE]. Risposta in difesa delle ragioni del. Arciduca Ferdinando contra il manifesto publicato per la Republica di Venetia, per occasione della presente guerra. Con l'oratione di Lodovico Eliano oratore di Lodovico XII. re di Francia, havvta da lui contro la medesima Republica, in augusta, nel convento de' Prencipi di Germania, alla presenza dell' imperatore Massimiliano I, l'anno 1510.
[Italy?], Con Licenza de' superiori, 1617.
3 works in 1 volume. Small 4to (20 x 14.5 cm). With engraved title-page and engraved portraits in text. 18th-century gold-tooled calf, red sprinkled edges. [8], 144, [12]; [16], 151 [=152], [8]; [2], 34 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Account of the first Dutch circumnavigation of the globe by Olivier van Noort, 1598-1601

NOORT, Olivier van. Journael van de wonderlijcke vooyagie door de Straet Magalanes...
Amsterdam, Gillis Joosten Saeghman, [1663]. 4to. With a woodcut of two ships on title page; full-page woodcut, 2 engraved and 4 woodcut illustrations in the text. Further with 1 woodcut decorated initial and decorative bands built up from cast fleurons. Set in textura types with incidental roman. 19th-century brown cloth, sewn on 3 recessed cords, grey endpapers. 48 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Oil painting of ships in search of a Northwest Passage in 1845/46

[NORTHWEST PASSAGE - PAINTING]. [The ships Erebus and Terror in the Arctic].
[England?, ca. 1850?]. Oil painting on canvas (65.5 x 91 cm), showing 2 ships in a rough sea amid dangerous rocks and ice. Later mounted on another canvas and stretched over a wooden frame, with a handwritten note about the painting pasted on the back. Full description
€ 9,500
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Rare fifth edition of a popular Christian work for Dutch seafarers

N. S. V. L. [= LEEUWAARDEN, Nicolaas Simon van] and Hieronymus Simons van ALPHEN. De godvreezende zeeman, ofte de nieuwe Christelyke zeevaart, bestuurd door een schriftmatige verhandeling, van zes-en-twintig uytgelezene schriftuurplaatsen ...
Amsterdam, the heirs of the widow of Gijsbert de Groot, 1725. 8vo (ca. 15.5 x 10 cm). With the engraved title-page by Jan Luyken (within collation) and a woodcut vignette on the typographical title-page. Contemporary sprinkled calf. [1], [1 blank], [52], 754 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Large Japanese watercolour painting of Nagasaki harbour, with many ships and boats

[VIEW - JAPAN]. OCHIAI Yoshiiku (UTAGAWA Yoshiiku). Kiyoko zuga [= Representation of Nagasaki harbour].
[Nagasaki, ca. 1880?]. A large watercolour painting of Nagasaki harbour (image size: 49.5 x 87.5 cm), probably on mulberry bark paper, with one large Asian ship, more than a dozen small Asian boats, and a steam boat in the background, all rendered following Western conventions of perspective. In a passe-partout in a modern wooden frame painted gold (95 x 125 cm), behind glass. Full description
€ 8,500
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Manuscript log of a voyage from Suez through the Red and Arabian Seas to Bombay, Karachi and Colombo, with 8 excellent nautical charts and 5 beautiful sketches, including one of the city of Muscat

[OMAN NAVIGATION LOGBOOK]. MCKINNELL, Thomas, assistant master. Log of the proceedings. HMS "Cyclops". W. J. S. Pullen Esq. Captain. Commencing Monday 7th February 1859, ending Wednesday 22nd of May, 1861. Kept by Thos. McKinnell, Mast. Asst.
HMS Cyclops: Oman, Khuriya Muriya Islands, Yemen, Egypt, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and other places, 1857-1861. Folio (20 x 31.5 cm). Over 360 pp. of manuscript entries, written with brown ink in a legible hand on watermarked laid paper with a blue cast. With 8 pen and ink nautical charts and 5 sketches of coastal sites, including the city of Muscat (8 on the logbook pages and 5 on separate thick album leaves). Contemporary brown cloth over boards, rebacked in period-style black calf with the spine lettered in gold: "Log H.M.S. Cyclops". [ca. 360], [32 blank] pp. Full description
€ 45,000
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Illustrated collection of Dutch sea voyages for children

OOSTKAMP, Jan Antonie. De merkwaardigste Nederlandsche zeereizen, sedert den jare 1594. Voor de vaderlandsche jeugd, ... Met platen.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck; Leeuwarden, Gerard Tjaard Nicolaas Suringar, 1825. 2 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with a letterpress half-title and engraved title-page with a vignette showing a Dutch sailing ship, and 7 engraved plates (2 folding). Contemporary half cloth, spines with letterpress title labels. VI, [2], 224; [6], 200 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Issuing merchants to sell provisions at fixed prices to military troops

[ORDINANCE - MAASTRICHT]. Memorie der levens-middelen en der selver prysen, soo als die ten dienste der Armée door den edelen achtbaaren raad der stad Maastricht getaxeert zyn, voor den tyd van drie weeken te beginnen met dato den 25. july 1746.
[Maastricht, 23 July 1746]. Folded half-sheet (36 x 44 cm). Full description
€ 450
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92 documents concerning the army and navy of the Dutch Republic during its Golden Age

[ORDINANCES - DUTCH REPUBLIC]. Recueil van verscheyde placaten, ordonantien, resolutien, instructien, ordres en lysten, etc. betreffende de saacken van den oorlogh, te water en te lande.
The Hague, Jacob Scheltus, Aelbrecht Hendriksz, the heirs of Hillebrandt Jacobsz van Wouw, Paulus Scheltus, 1591-1716. 4to. With woodcut publishers' devices, title vignettes and decorated initials. Vellum over boards, manuscript title on spine, remains of green ties. [8], [ca. 780] pp. containing 92 numbered items (2 folding). Full description
€ 2,250
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Wholly engraved illustrated book on naval strategy

OZANNE, Nicolas-Marie. Marine militaire ou recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent a la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'ataque et la deffense des ports.
Paris, the author, J. François Chereau, [1762]. 8vo. A wholly engraved book, with a title-page in an architectural frame, armorial dedication illustration with allegorical figures, 50 engraved leaves (1 folding), including 44 with illustrations of ships. Modern half calf. 50 engraved ll. Full description
€ 1,500
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Prints series of the naval battles of René Duguay-Trouin and Jean-Bart,
including a double-page map and a print of Rio de Janeiro

OZANNE, Nicolas-Marie. Recueil des combats de Duguay-Trouïn [= Les campagnes de Duguay-Trouin].
Paris, Yves Marie le Gouaz, [1774]. Engraved print series with XV plates (2 double-page) and 7 leaves with engraved text on both sides. Lacking a half-title present in some copies.
With: (2) OZANNE, Pierre. Recueil des combats de Jean-Bart, chef d'escadre sous Louis XIV, suivis de l'abrégé de sa vie.
Paris, Yves Marie le Gouaz, 1806. With 19 numbered engraved half-page plates by Le Gouaz after Ozanne. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio (41.5 x 29 cm). Contemporary half green sheepskin parchment. 12, II engraved pp. text plus XV plates; 8 pp. plus [9] ll. with engravings. Full description
€ 8,500
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Wholly engraved illustrated book on naval strategy

OZANNE, Nicolas-Marie. Marine militaire ou recueil des differens vaisseaux qui servent a la guerre suivis des manoeuvres qui ont le plus de raport au combat ainsi qua l'ataque et la deffense des ports.
Paris, Chereau, [ca. 1775]. Large 8vo (25 x 17 cm). A wholly engraved book, with 50 engraved plates (1 folding), including a title-page in an architectural frame and 44 leaves with illustrations of ships. 18th-century brown half morocco, with owner's (?) initials at the foot of the spine "I.G.". 50 engraved ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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Shipwrecked Americans as slaves of Islamic hunters and nomads in the western Sahara in 1800

PADDOCK, Judah. A narrative of the shipwreck of the Oswego, on the coast of South Barbary, ...
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown (printed by Andrew Strahan), 1818. 4to. 20th-century tan goatskin morocco. XVI, 372 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Passport for an Amsterdam skipper

[PASSPORT]. Alder-doorluchtichste, ... heeren ... die dese opene letteren sullen sien ... doen wy burgermeesteren .. der stadt Amsterdam te weten, dat schipper Jurriaen Gerritsz. van Amsterdam ... dat het schip genaemt de Helena ...
Amsterdam, 7 November 1710. Small 1mo (41 x 30.5 cm). Letterpress passport, with a large woodcut initial and spaces where the city, skipper, ship and size are filled in, with two seals, signed in the left margin by François Fagel (1659-1746) and at the foot by J. Aley(?). Full description
€ 675
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Magnificent engraving of the 17th-century warship the “Sovereign of the Seas”, surpassing all her contemporaries in size and gun power

PAYNE, John. The true portraicture of His Ma[jes]ties. royall ship the Soveraigne of the Seas built in the yeare 1637.
[London, Peter Pett, 1637/38]. Large engraving (66.5 x 91 cm), printed from two plates on two sheets, assembled to make a single print. With title in English across the head, a slightly different Latin title across the foot (both outside the image area), Payne's name and privilege to the right of the Latin title, and two decorated cartouches with laudatory verses in the upper corners. In passepartout (not mounted) and easily detachable framed (90 x 114 cm). Full description
€ 48,500
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Pen and ink wash drawing of the harbour of the Ottoman port city Edremit

[OTTOMAN PORT]. [PEETERS, Johannes (Jan) (after)]. [Ladimistri nel' archipelago].
[The Netherlands(?), ca. 1720?]. Oblong folio (19.5 x 31.5 cm). Pen and blue-black ink-wash drawing on laid paper, showing the city of Edremit, its harbour and fortifications, with an Ottoman and a Dutch(?) ship, and a lighthouse, in a brown thick-thin-thin border, signed in the border below right, but difficult to read (I. P. Sto...?, I. P. Ste...?). Framed (37 x 49 cm). Full description
€ 2,750
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Programme printed on Commodore Perry's ship in Japan for its black-face minstrel show

[PERRY, Matthew Calbraith]. Ethiopian concert. United States steam frigate Powhatan, Hakodadi, Island of Yesso, Empire of Japan, May 29th [1854]. An Ethiopian entertainment will be given by the Japanese Olio Minstrels, on board this ship, this evening, weather favorable, to which the Officers invite your attendance.
[On board the Powhatan], Japan Expedition Press, [1854]. 19 x 26 cm as opened flat. A programme and invitation, printed letterpress on washi mulberry tissue paper with a lace-like decorative flower pattern in white. Full description
€ 27,500
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16th-century royal decree on marine insurance, printed by Plantin

[PHILIP II, King of Spain]. Ordinancie, statuyt ende policie gemaect byden coninck onsen aldernadichsten Heere, op tfeyt vande contracten vande asseurancien ende versekeringen in dese Nederlanden.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1571. 4to. With armorial woodcut on title-page. Modern vellum. 15, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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First edition of a well-illustrated account of Phipps's arctic expedition

PHIPPS, Constantine John. A voyage towards the North Pole undertaken by His Majesty's command 1773.
London, William Bowyer and John Nichols for J. Nourse, 1774. Large 4to. With 15 large double-page and larger folding engraved plates, and many letterpress tables in the text. Contemporary tree calf, gold-tooled board edges, rebacked soon after with a richly gold-tooled spine with globes and numerous floral stamps, red morocco spine-label. VIII, 253 pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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The British admiralty’s pilot guide for the South Indian Ocean

[PILOT GUIDE]. South Indian Ocean pilot. Comprising Madagascar, Iles Comores, Ile de la Réunion, Mauritius, the Seychelles, the Chagos Archipelago, and other islands lying westward of longitude 80° East. Sixth edition.
London, hydrographic department, admiralty (colophon: printed by Butler & Tanner), 1946. 8vo. With two maps, to be used as an index, 10 plates and a few illustrations in text. Publisher's beige cloth.
With: Supplement no. 5-1956 relating to the South Indian Ocean pilot sixth edition, 1946 corrected to 23 April, 1956.
London, hydrographic department, admiralty (colophon: printed by Tinlling & Co., Liverpool), 1946. 8vo. With a loosely inserted folding plate illustrating the system of buoyage. Publisher's wrappers. XXX, 403, [1]; 46 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Portuguese classic of practical navigation, with 36 maps and nautical charts

PIMENTEL, Manuel. Arte de navegar, em que se ensinão as regras praticas, e os modos de cartear, e de graduar a Balestilha por via de numeros, e muitos problemas uteis aì navegação, e roteiro das viagens, e costas maritimas de Guineì, Angola, Brazil, Indias, e Ilhas Occidentaes, e Orientaes ...
Lisbon, Miguel Manescal da Costa, 1762. Folio (30 x 20.5 cm). With 21 engraved plates (1 folding), 1 nearly full-page engraving of a compass rose and about 10 woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary or near contemporary tanned sheepskin, richly gold-tooled spine, new endpapers. [12], 603, [1] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Important Spanish account of missionary activities in Japan in excellent, contemporary parchment binding

PIÑEYRO, Luys. Relacion del sucesso que tuuo nuestra santa fe en los reynos del Iapon, desde el año de seyscientos y doze hasta el de seyscientos u quinze, Imperando Cubosama.
Madrid, widow of Alonso M. de Balboa, 1617. Folio. With woodcut coat of arms on title-page, repeated at the end of books 1, 2 and 3. Contemporary parchment. [16], 516, [8] pp. Full description
€ 31,500
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The wondrous travels of Pinto according to radical enlightenment philosophy

PINTO, Fernão Mendes and Jan Hendrik GLAZEMAKER (translator). De wonderlyke reizen van Fernando Mendez Pinto; die hij in de tijt van eenëntwintig jaren in Europa, Asia en Afrika... gedaan heeft.
Amsterdam, printed for Jan Rieuwertsz I and Jan Hendricksz Boom, 1653. 4to. With an engraved title-page and 7 engraved plates. Modern vellum. [8], 280 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Only published edition of the original 1521 text of the navigation book of the great Ottoman admiral

PIRI REIS (Paul KAHLE, ed.). Bahrije. Das türkische Segelhandbuch für das Mittelländische Meer vom Jahre 1521.
Berlin and Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1926-1927. 3 volumes. Large 8vo (26 x 18 cm). Volume 1 with 137 reproductions of manuscript pages of Ottoman Turkish text and maps and volume 2 with 4 plates. Publisher's original printed wrappers. [1], [1 blank], [2] pp. + 64 ll. + [4], [1 blank], [1] pp.; ll. 65-137; [1], [1 blank], XLVIII, 88 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Magnificent engraving of the 1661 mosaic floor map of the world in 2 hemispheres,
incorporating Tasman's discoveries not otherwise published for decades

[PLAN - AMSTERDAM CITY HALL]. [CAMPEN, Jacob van]. Le pavé de la grand' sale des bourgeois.
[Amsterdam, Gerard Valk, 1719]. Very large engraved folding plan comprising 1 1/2 sheets (measuring 46 x 83 cm as assembled), engraved by Danckert Danckertsz. and his father after drawings by Jacob Vennekool, including the two hemispheres of the world map and a celestial map of the constellations of the northern hemisphere (each 10 cm in diameter). Full description
€ 2,500
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2 signed autograph letters from a French privateer

[AUTOGRAPH - MARITIME - PIRACY]. PLEUC or PLEVE?, Jacques René. [Two autograph letters, signed, attempting to secure promised payments for the booty of the captured English frigate HMS Liverpool by the French privateer Le Grand Décidé, one addressed to Auguste-Anne de Bergevin, Commissaire principal de Marine in Bordeaux, and the other to the brothers Amédée & Eugene Larrieu in Bordeaux, who sold the booty].
Bordeaux, 30 June & 18 November 1820. Folio (32.5 x 21 cm) & 4to (19.5 x 20.5 cm). In dark brown ink on paper. [2], [2 blank]; [2], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Watercolour coastal profiles in the East Indies and elsewhere, by the maritime painter to King George III

POCOCK, Nicholas. East India views islands headlands &c.
[London, ca. 1790?- ca. 1805]. Ten watercolour coastal profiles in grey and blue, of widely varying sizes (30 to 119 cm long), with contemporary captions and other notes in pencil or black ink. 20th-century brown cloth with the artist's original laid-paper wrappers bound at the end. [10] drawings. Full description
€ 28,000
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First Dutch editions of 8 accounts of the Middle & Far East, from Marco Polos voyages
to the capture of Formosa by the pirate Zheng Chenggong

POLO, Marco. Reisen, en beschryving der Oostersche lantschappen; ...
-HETOUM of Corycus. Historie der Oostersche lantschappen; ...
-[BRACCIOLINI, Poggio, and Girolamo di SANTO STEFANO]. Reysen naar Indien, en d'oostersche landen; gedaan by Nicolaus Venetus, en Jeronymus van St. Steven.
-[Anonymous VOC officer in Formosa]. Verhaal van de verövering van 't eylant Formosa door de Sinesen.
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1664. With 4 engraved plates.
(2) BOURGES, Jacques de. Naaukeurig verhaal van de reis des Bisschops van Beryte uit Frankryk te lant en ter zee naar China.
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1669. With 8 half-page engraved illustrations in text.
(3) Verhaal van drie voorname reizen naar Oostindien, te weten van Johan Jacobsz Saar, Volkert Evertsz, en Albrecht Herport.
-SAAR, Johann Jacob. De reisbeschryving ... naar Oostindien, sedert ... 1644. tot ... 1659. ...
-OLEARIUS, Adam. De beschryving der reizen van Volkert Evertsz. [= Volquard Iversen] naar Oostindien. ... uitgevaren in ... 1655. en in ... 1668 ... gekeert.
-HERPORT, Albrecht. De beschryving der Oostindische reizen ... sedert ... 1659. tot ... 1668. ...
Amsterdam, Jan Rieuwertsz & Pieter Arentsz, 1671 (works 2 and 3 dated 1670 on their title-pages). With 8 engraved plates, the last 4 sometimes attributed to Romeyn de Hooghe or his school.
3 editions (the 1st containing 4 works and the 3rd containing 3 works) in 1 volume. 4to.Contemporary vellum. [12], 99, [8], [1 blank], 70, [2], 25, [1 blank], 12; [2], 126; [6], 198 pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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A scientific study of the natural history of Norway, including its sea monsters

PONTOPPIDAN, Erich. The natural history of Norway ...
London, printed for A. Linde, 1755. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a large folding engraved map of Norway by Johann Baptist Homann, and 28 engraved plates depicting minerals, shells, fishes, birds, mammals, plants, and the inhabitants of Norway. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled calf, with gold-tooled corner edges of the boards, gold-tooled turn-ins and marbled edges. XXIV, 206; VIII, 291, [12] pp. Full description
€ 5,850
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Pamphlet satirising Portuguese notables associated with the Persian wars

[PORTUGAL - PAMPHLET]. Noticia breve das novidades da Azia mandadas de Ali-Xarife da cidade de Babilonia; para Soliman morador na Corte de Constantinopla, e desta para a cidade de Sevilha a hum contratador de vidros.
(Colophon: Madrid, heirs of Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1742). 4to (20 x 14.5 cm). Disbound. 7, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Voyage to the Cape, India and Java

PRIOR, James. Beschrijving eener reis naar de Indiesche zee met het fregat de Nisus en naar de Kaap De Goede Hoop, de eilanden Bourbon, Mauritius en andere; naar Madras, de eilanden Java, Sint Paul en Amsterdam gedurende de jaren 1810 en 1811.
Amsterdam, J.C. van Kesteren, 1820. With a view of Mauritius on the engraved title-page. Contemporary half calf, black morocco spine label, marbled sides. [II], IV, 242 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Extremely rare work on the sailing routes in the Caribbean

PURDY, John. The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India Islands, from Porto-Rico to Trinidad, inclusive: with the coasts of Guyana, from the Maranon to the Orinoco, the Colombian or Leeward Isles, from Margarita to Curazao, and the coast of Venezuela, from the Gulf of Paria to La Guayra. Including descriptions of the navigation described in the work, and equally adapted to the particular plans of all the principal harbours, by which the general chart is accompanied.
London, printed [by J. Rider] for R.H. Laurie, chart-seller of the Admiralty, 1839. 8vo. With 12 steel-engraved coastal profiles. Contemporary half black cloth, marbled sides. [6], 184 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Essential information for navigating the coasts of Africa, South America and the islands
in the expansive South Atlantic Ocean

PURDY, John (Alexander George FINDLAY ed.). The new sailing directory for the Ethiopic or Southern Atlantic Ocean; including the coasts of Brasil, etc., to the Rio de La Plata, the Coast Thence to Cape Horn, and the African Coast to the Cape of Good Hope, etc.; including the islands between the two coasts.
London, printed for R.H. Laurie by J. Rider, 1844. 8vo. With Lauries RHL device on the title-page, and 32 small images in the text, mostly coastal profiles. The title-page includes some lines in sans-serif capitals. Half cloth. XLIV, 472 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Surprisingly rare trilingual nautical dictionary

REEHORST, Karel Pieter ter. Woordenboek der zee-, stoom- en scheepsbouwkundige-termen, in de Hollandsche, Fransche en Engelsche talen. - Dictionnaire Français-Hollandais, des termes techniques employés dans la marine à voiles et à vapeur, dans l'architecture navale et commettage. - Dictionary of nautical-, steam- and shipbuilding-terms, in the English and Dutch.
Amsterdam, widow of G. Hulst van Keulen, 1845[-1847]. 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary blue stiff paper wrappers. [4], 159, [1 blank]; [4], 118, [2 blank]; [4], 112; 8 pp. Full description
€ 850
Order Inquire Terms of sale

To regulate salutations at sea by means of firing shots

[REGELEMT - FIRING SALUTES]. Reglement, ten opzigte van het saluut, waar naar alle zoo vlag-officieren als capiteinen en anderen commandeerende eenige schepen, fregatten, of mindere vaartuigen van oorlog, van den staat, zig zullen hebben te reguleeren. Gearresteert by haar Hoog Mogende resolutie van 6 July 1795. Het eerste jaar der Bataafsche vryheid.
[1795]. 4to. Sewn upon two supports. 4, 8, [4] pp. Full description
€ 650
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Fantastic (partly true?) adventures in Ottoman Africa, by an English merchant captured by Barbary pirates in 1648

ROBERTS, A. The adventures of (Mr T. S.) an English merchant, taken prisoner by the Turks of Argiers, and carried into the inland countries of Africa.
London, Moses Pitt [printed by William Wilson?], 1670. Small 8vo. Blind- and gold-tooled calf (ca. 1800). [8], "252" [= 254], [2] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare abridged Robinsonade: French captain Viaud is shipwrecked
and stranded on islands off the coast of Florida

[ROBINSONADE]. [Captain Pierre VIAUD]. Der französische Robinson. Oder außerordentliche Schicksale des französichen Kaptain Viaud nach seinen eigenen Berichten. Aus dem französischen.
Prague, Johann Herrl, 1795. 8vo. Contemporary blind-tooled half calf, red speckled paper sides. 122 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

22 excellent watercolour views of rocky sea-coasts in New Caledonia & Peru

ROMIEUX, Osmond. [Watercolour views of sea-coasts in New Caledonia and Peru].
[New Caledonia & Peru], [1855/60?]. Album: full-sheet leaves (oblong 1mo) (39.5 × 52.5); drawings: oblong folio and oblong 4to. An album with 21 watercolour drawings on paper with views of sea coasts from the shore (24 × 31 cm to 29.5 × 46.5 cm), one with a 22nd watercolour drawing on the back with a similar view, and one with about 15 human figure drawings in graphite pencil on the back. All bear the artists stamp on the front (Lugt 3703) and 4 are signed or initialled by the artist. Richly gold- and blind-tooled green goatskin morocco, white watered silk endleaves. 21 album ll. with 1 drawing mounted on each recto. Full description
€ 18,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First and only publication of the original text of the primary logbook of the first Dutch expedition
to the Arabian Gulf by Cornelis Cornelisz Roobacker

[ROOBACKER, Cornelis Cornelisz.] A. HOTZ (publ.). Cornelis Cornelisz Roobacker's scheepsjournaal Gamron-Basra (1645); de eerste reis der Nederlanders door de Perzische Golf. Uitgegeven, met inleiding en noten, door A. Hotz.
In: BEEKMAN, A.A. etc. (eds.), Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap gevestigd te Amsterdam. Tweede serie Deel XXIV. No. 3 (15 Mei).
Leiden, Brill, 1907. 8vo. One folding table and 3 folding maps (1 belonging to another article in the journal). Brown paper wrappers, with title information of the journal on the front and spine, and the contents on the back wrapper. 289-405 [=117] pp. Full description
€ 750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A compendium for sailing the Indian Ocean, with three charts, second copy located

ROSSER, William Henry. Short notes on the winds, weather, & currents, together with general sailing directions and remarks on making passages; to accompany a chart of the Indian Ocean. With two[=three] illustrations.
London, James Imray and son, 1866. 8vo. With 3 folding lithographed charts (the first as frontispiece and the third possibly extra added). Modern brown cloth, spine with a long vertical leather title-label. [4], 64 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Sailing routes in the Indian Ocean and a general information about its weather, currents, etc. forecast,
with 2 maps showing the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

ROSSER, William Henry. Short notes on the winds, weather, & currents, together with general sailing directions and remarks on making passages; to accompany a chart of the Indian Ocean.
London, James Imray & son, 1878. 8vo. With 2 folding maps. Original publishers blue wrappers. [4], 71 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare Dutch adaptation of the account of the second voyage of captain John Ross, with 6 plates

ROSS, John. De reizen en lotgevallen van kapitein John Ross, op zijne ontdekkings togten naar de Noordpools gewesten. Voor jonge lieden ... Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.
Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Vries, 1837. 8vo. With the title-page, 6 plates (including frontispiece) and folding map of the Arctic region all lithographed. Slightly later half cloth. VIII, 247, [1 blank], pp. Full description
€ 400
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Navigational guide covering the coast and coastal waters of Brazil, by the French Imprimerie Royale

ROUSSIN, Albin-Reine. Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l'Amérique Méridionale comprises entre l'ile Santa-Catharina et celle de Maranaõ, avec les instructions nécessaires pour atterrir et naviguer sur ces côtes; ...
Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1827. 8vo. Modern half calf, marbled sides. [3], [1 blank], 241, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Journal of De Ruyter's expedition to West-Africa, the Caribbean and Newfoundland

RUYTER, Michiel de. Journael, gehouden op 's landts-schip de Spiegel, van 't gene gepasseert en verricht is op de vloot van haer ho. mo. de heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, soo in de Middellantsche Zee, als op de kusten van Africa en America. Onder 't beleydt van den ed. manhaften heer Michiel de Ruyter, als admirael, en de heer Jan Cornelis van Meppelen, als vice-admirael, in den jare 1664 en 1665.
Amsterdam, Jacob Vinckel, 1665. 4to. With an engraved title page by Pieter van de Voorde. Modern half vellum. "82" [=74], [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Hand-drawn studies of Indian boats

SAWYER, Cornelius, [Drawn studies of Indian boats in an English manuscript notebook].
Bengal, 1834. 4to (ca. 19 x 23.5 cm). With 31 drawings in various inks and pencil, the text is written in a cursive script in ink. The paper is watermarked "R Tassel 1831". Contemporary gold-tooled half dark green morocco, marbled paper sides, marbled endpapers. 6 pages of text and 21 pages of drawings on 36 ll. Full description
€ 18,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The Dutch whaling trade in the waters around Greenland, with extensive manuscript additions

[SANTE, Gerrit van]. Naamlyst gesteld naar 't alphabeth van alle de commandeurs, die sederd den jaare 1700. op Groenland en sedert den jaare 1719. op de Straad Davids, voor Holland hebben gevaren.
Zaandam, for the author, by Jan Broekhuysen, 1753. 8vo. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers, preserved in half cloth chemise and matching slipcase. [28], 96 pp. Full description
€ 8,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First and only Dutch edition of an eye-witness account of one of the most infamous shipwrecks,
immortalized by the French painter Géricault in "The raft of the Médusa"

SAVIGNY, J.B.H. & Alexander CORRÉARD. Schipbreuk van het Fregat Medusa, op deszelfs togt naar de Senegal, in het jaar 1816. Of volledig berigt van de merkwaardige voorvallen op het vlot, in de woestijn Sahara, te Str. Louis, en in het leger bij Daccard, benevens eenige landhuishoudkundige berigten nopens de westelijk kust van Afrika, van Kaap Blank tot aan den mond van de Gambia. Met eene afbeelding van het vlot.
Haarlem, widow of A. Loosjes, 1818. 8vo. With a plate showing the raft (18.5 x 9.5 cm) with the caption: "Honderd en vijftig menschen zochten hun behoud op deze machine, slechts vijftien vonden redding na een lijden van dertien dagen". Gold-tooled red morocco. [8], 168 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Dutch translation of Griffiths's classic manual on shipbuilding, with 69 white on black lithographed plates

SCHOKKER, H.W. [and John W. GRIFFITHS]. Handboek voor de kennis van den scheepsbouw, voornamelijk met het oog op het Amerikaansche stelsel, naar de geschriften van John W. Griffiths en andere bronnen, ... Met eenen atlas van 60 [=69] platen.
Amsterdam, Kraay brothers, 1861. 2 volumes. Large 4to (32 x 25 cm). With a chromolithographed view of the ship Nightingale as frontispiece, 2 folding tables, and 8 white on black lithographed illustrations and numerous tables in text. Further with 69 white on black lithographed plates (numbered as 60: I-LX) in the atlas volume, lithographed by Emrik & Binger, Haarlem. Contemporary half morocco, gold-tooled spine. XI, [1 blank], 805, [1 blank] pp. text Full description
€ 850
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Saint Petersburg fortification manual with 20 plates, dedicated to Czar Alexander I
one year before Napoleons invasion of Russia

SÉA. Mémoire sur la fortification permanente, pour servir a la construction d'un front de fortification sur le terrain, ... Nouvelle édition.
Saint Petersburg, Pluchart et comp., 1818. 2 volumes. Large 4to (26 x 21.5 cm & 27.5 x 22 cm). With 20 (of 21?) engraved plates (13 double-page and 7 large folding), and 3 full-page tables. Contemporary half-calf, gold-tooled spines. [12], XIX, [1 blank], 284, [3], [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Meeting the survivors of the HMS Bounty mutiny: rare Dutch edition of an engaging account of a voyage to Pitcairn

SHILLIBEER, John. Ontmoetingen op eene reis met het schip Briton, naar het eiland Pitcairn, bevattende eene belangrijke schets van den tegenwoordigen toestand der Brazilien en van Spaansch Amerika.
Dordrecht, Blussé and Van Braam, 1819. 8vo. Contemporary gold-tooled half brown calf, with a red leather title-label on the spine lettered in gold, sprinkled paper sides. VI, [2], 180 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Remarkable early 19th-century sketchbook with drawings of American sailing ships

[SKETCH BOOK - AMERICAN SHIPS]. [Drawings of US Navy ships and other vessels].
[United States of America, between 1810-1832 (or after 1832?)]. Oblong (17.5 x 22 cm). With 26 coloured pencil and ink drawings of ships. Stitched through three holes. [12] ll. and 9 multicolour tissue paper guards (some with illustrations). Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Contemporary illustrations of the Trollhätte Canal

SKJÖLDEBRAND, Anders Frederik. Description des cataractes et du canal de Trollhätta en Suède; avec un précis historique.
Stockholm, Charles Delén, 1804. 4to. With an aquatint title-page and 12 aquatint plates, including 1 map, all drawn and engraved by the author. Contemporary grey-blue wrappers. [1], [1 blank], 47, [2] pp. Full description
€ 850
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Original logs and journals of South American voyages 1857-1860, with 8 sea charts (with routes)
and about 23 views (many in colour)

SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. Log of H.M.S. Cumberland [commanded by] Captain J.B. Dickson bearing the flag of Rear Admiral Provo W.P. Wallis, ... commencing 5th April 1857, ending 30th April 1858.
(2) SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. Log of H.M.S. Siren . 16 guns, commanded from May 1st to May 8th 1858 by Captain J.H. Selwyn, from May 9th 1858 to [27th July 1858] by Com[ande]r G.M. Balfour.
(3) SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Alfred. Journal of T.A. Sneyd Kynnersley acting mate H.M.S. Siren, 16 [guns], commencing July 28 1858, ending [11 April 1860].
[In the Atlantic, along the European, African and especially the South American coasts, 1857-1860]. Small folio (32 x 20.5 cm). Three English manuscript ships' logs written in a single album in black ink on laid paper with a blue cast, with 3 hand-lettered title-pages, 2 sea charts showing the routes and 8 colour views (in watercolour, coloured pencil and sepia and black ink, mostly ships on the South American coast, but also camps) are drawn on 9 separate leaves, and 6 sea charts showing the routes and about 15 views drawn directly on the album leaves, mostly in black ink, but including a colour plan of one of the ships. Contemporary black half sheepskin. [215 (including 5 blank)], [117 blank] pp. Full description
€ 22,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Finely executed Royal Naval Academy exercises by the teenage future Admiral,
Charles Sotheby 493 pages including nautical charts, fortification plans,
astronomical diagrams, topographic views, etc.:

SOTHEBY, Charles. [engraved title-page:] A plan of mathematical learning taught in the Royal Academy Portsmouth performed by [in pencil: Charles Sotheby] a student there.
[Portsmouth], "177 " [recté 1795-1798]. 2 volumes. Imperial 4to (37.5 x 27 cm). Manuscript school exercises with a pre-printed engraved title-page with a blank space for the student to add his name, with 4 full-page and 1 larger folding nautical charts (some partly in colour), 7 full-page fortification plans (in black ink with 1 to 3 colours), 4 full-page astronomical diagrams (2 also with yellow), a full-page compass rose, 23 pen and ink wash views in the text (9 x 15 cm to 12.5 x 22 cm, 1 also with blue washes), and numerous other diagrams (including maps in the surveying section) and some illustrations in the text. Near contemporary (ca. 1803) blind- and gold-tooled half calf, blue sprinkled edges. engraved title-page + “229” [= 228]; 230-493, [2 blank] pp., with pp. 229 and 493 blank excepting the page numbers. Full description
€ 25,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare German translation of Speelman's expedition against the Kingdom of Makassar

[SPEELMAN, Cornelis Janszoon]. Journal, oder kurtze Erzehlung des Anfangs, Fort- und Aussgangs des Krieges, welcher zwischen dem König und mehrerer Regierunge des Reichs Macassar und der Oost-Indischen Compagnie der Vereinigten Niederlanden in den Jahren 1666, 1668 und 1669 geführet worden.
Hamburg, Gottfried Schulken, 1670. 4to. Disbound, preserving the original endpapers. [18] ll. Full description
€ 3,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A bestseller of illustrated 17th-century travel literature, probably printed by Izaak Elzevier

SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Jacob Le MAIRE. Miroir Oost & West-Indical, auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigations, faictes es années 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. & 1618.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius [printed by Izaak Elzevier?], 1621. Oblong 4to (17.5 x 23 cm). With 24 (of 25) engraved plates, including 5 double-page and 10 larger folding. Modern vellum. [4], 172 pp. Full description
€ 16,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Important early voyages to the East Indies and the impetus for the discovery of Australia

SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Steven van der HAGEN. Historis journael van de voyage gedaen met 3 schepen uyt Zeelant naer d'Oost-Indien onder het beleyt van den commandeur Joris van Spilbergen, syn eerste reyse. In den jare 1601. 1602. 1603. 1604. Als meede beschrijvinge van de tweede voyage ghedaen met 12 schepen na d'Oost-Indien onder den admirael Steven vander Hagen.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1648. 4to. With a woodcut of 2 ships on the title-page and a folding engraved plate with 6 illustrations (each about 8 x 9 cm). Modern brown goatskin. 96 pp. Full description
€ 8,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A prosecutors enquiry into the traumatic 1796 Dutch capitulation
at Saldanha Bay near the Cape of Good Hope

SPOORS, Jakob. Rapport van Jakob Spoors, als fiscaal van den Hoogen Zee-krygsraad, omtrend het gedrag van den capitein Engelbertus Lucas en verdere commandanten der schepen behoord hebbende tot het esquader in den jaare 1796. Naar de Oost-Indien gedestineerd; benevens de resolutie en sententie ten deze door den Hoogen Zee Krygsraad genomen en geslagen.
The Hague, 's Lands-Drukkery, 1798. 8vo. With the woodcut great seal of the Batavian Republic - the French-dominated republican government of the Netherlands from 1795 to 1806 - on the title-page (an allegorical female figure representing Freedom, with spear and freedom hat and with her hand on a book on a stand, next to the Dutch lion holding a Dutch flag). Modern blue cloth, title in gold on spine, new endpapers. [2], 151, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Very rare Dutch translation of one of the first German robinsonade

STIEFF, Christian. De Silesische Robinson, behelzende deszelfs geboorte, opvoeding ... minnenhandel, betoonde dapperheid in verscheide belegeringen, gevangenneming en elendige slaverny onder de Turken ... zyne reizen ... dienstneming by de Oostindische Compagnie ... dienstbaarheid onder de Boecaniers ... droevige schipbreuk en elendig einde
Amsterdam, S. van Esveldt 1755, 2 volumes. With a frontispiece by J. C. Philips and 7 full-page engraved plates. Contemporary gilt half-calf, dark brown moroccan letterpiece to spine. [12], 267, [1]; [4], 308 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

17th-century positive reward philosophy of human resource management

ST. LO, George. England's safety: or, a bridle to the French King. Proposing a sure method for encouraging navigation, and raising qualified seamen ...
London, William Miller, 1693. 4to. With a pseudo-heraldic woodcut frontispiece (17 x 12 cm) with letterpress title and motto ("This encouraged, England must flourish."), with as bearing an anchor topped by the royal crown, and other nautical attributes, supported by 2 men, one with a globe and the other with a quadrant, each with a compass at his feet. The British flag flies above it with ships in the background. Set in roman and italic types. 18th-century blue paper wrappers, side stitched through 4 holes, with manuscript title-label on front. 54, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Colourful account of a shipwreck near Mauritius

STOKRAM, Andries. Korte beschryvinghe van de ongeluckige weer-om-reys van het schip Aernhem, nevens noch zes andere schepen, onder't gebiedt van den heer Arnout de Vlaming van Outshoorn, van Batavia na het vaderlandt afgevaren, op den 23. december 1661. van welcke gemelte schepen noch drie vermist worden.
Amsterdam, Jacob Venckel, 1663. Small 4to (19.5 x 16 cm). Modern marbled wrappers. 16 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A well-illustrated work on the steamships of the United States,
with a spectacular illustration of Perry's flagship "The Powhatan"

STUART, Charles Beebe. The naval and mail steamers of the United States. ... Illustrated with thirty-six[!] fine engravings. Second edition.
New York, Charles B. Norton; London, Sampson Low, son & Co. (back of title-page: printed by Baker, Godwin & Co., New York), 1853. Large 4to (34 x 27 cm). With chromolithographed frontispiece to the first and tinted lithographed frontispiece to the second part, steel-engraved author's portrait and 32 plates (somewhat irregularly numbered 1-31), including 6 double-page engraved plates and 4 tinted lithographs all printed by Sarony & Major, New York. Publisher's richly gold- and blind-blocked textured cloth. 216; [4], 22, [2 blank]; 4; 21, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

How to calculate longitude at sea

SWINDEN, Jan Hendrik van, Pieter NIEUWLAND and Gerard HULST VAN KEULEN. Almanach ten dienste der zeelieden voor het jaar 1788.
(2) Over het bepalen der lengte op zee door de afstanden van de maan tot de zon, of vaste sterren, ...(3) Van tafelen, ten dienste der zeelieden, en voor al ter bevordering van het bepaalen der lengte op zee, door de afstanden van de maan tot de zon, of de vaste sterren; ...
Amsterdam, Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1787-1788. 3 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With three title-pages with woodcut printer's device, mathematical figures in the text, letterpress tables, and 4 large printed folding tables. Contemporary half vellum. XXX, 108, 87, [1]; XXIII, 136; [4], 30, [2], 60 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Dutch translation of a Russian travel account of the US that describes steamboats
and native American dance rituals

SVINYIN, Pavel Petrovic (here Paul SWININ, elsewhere SVIN'IN or SUININE). Tafereelen uit eene reis naar Noord-Amerika.
Haarlem, A. Loosjes Pz., 1818. Large 8vo. Contemporary half calf, marbled sides. [4], IV, 127 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First Dutch translation of medical manual by the surgeon general of Frederick the Great

THEDEN, Johann Christian Anton and A. SCHRAGE (translator). Genees- en heelkundig onderwys voor land- en zee-chirurgyns, vervattende een kort begrip der ontleed-, gezondheid-, ziekte-, genees- en heelkunde, nevens de nieuwste en zekerste genees- en heelmiddelen.
Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1782. 8vo. With a small typographical ornament on the title-page. Contemporary gold- and blindtooled sheepskin, with a red morocco title-label lettered in gold on the spine, red sprinkled edges. [4], 439, [5] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The capturing of the royalist privateer “Mayflower”

THOMAS, William, Captain. Good newes from sea, being a true relation of the late sea-fight, betweene Captain William Thomas, captain of the 8th Whelp, now imployed for the service of the King and Parliament, against Captaine Polhill, captaine of the ship call'd the May flower Admirall of Falmouth, with the taking of the said ship.
London, Lawrence Blaiklock, 26 June 1643. Small 4to (19 x 14 cm). Dark blue half morocco (ca. 1870), gold-tooled spine, gilt edges, marbled boards with gold fillets, bound by Riviere, with the binder's stamp on flyleaf. [2], “7” [=5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A voyage to India and China, edited by Linnaeus

TORÉN, Olof. Voyage de Mons. Olof Torée aumonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait à Surate, à la Chine &c. depuis le prémier avril 1750. jusqu'au 26. juin 1752.Milan, Les Freres Reycends, 1771. 12mo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers. 92 pp. Full description
€ 2,400
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Conflict in the Caribbean: the Anglo-Spanish War resolved by the second Treaty of Madrid (1670)

[ENGLAND & SPAIN - TREATY OF MADRID]. [Gaspar de BRACAMONTE] and William GODOLPHIN. A treaty for the composing of differences, restraining of depredations, and establishing of peace in America, between the crowns of Great Britain and Spain. - Concluded at Madrid the 8/18th day of July, in the year of our Lord 1670. Translated out of Latin.
[London], in the Savoy, printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker [= Thomas Newcombe], printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1670. Small 4to. With a woodcut factotum and decorative bands built up from typographic ornaments (the crowned rose, harp, leak - depicted by a fleur-de-lis - and thistle representing England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland). Sewn. [1], [1 blank], 11, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Autograph letters, signed, and a draft, by a leading French Republican naval officer

[AUTOGRAPH]. TRUGUET, Comte Laurent Jean François. [Autograph letters, signed, to several recipients, mostly military colleagues and government officials].
Paris, 1815-1839. 8vo (mostly ca. 19 x 13 cm). 10 signed autograph letters in French, plus a draft for another, written in ink on laid and wove paper, 3 with their red wax seals or parts of seals (2 more with traces of former seals), and 6 with recipients' addresses. [24] ll. incl. 2 blanks. Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Description of Gujarat (Northwest India) by the director of the VOC

TWIST, Johan van. Generale beschrijvinghe van Indien. Ende in 't besonder kort verhaal van de regering, ceremonien, handel, vruchten en geleghentheydt van 't Koninckrijck van Gusuratten, staende onder de beheerschinghe van den Groot-Machtighen Koninck Cajahan: anders genaemt den grooten Mogor ... Hier achter is by-gevoeght de aenwijsinge van meest alle kusten, drooghten ende reeden, om door gantsch Indien te zeylen.
Amsterdam, for Joost Hartgers, 1648. 4to. With woodcut printer's device on the title-page. 19th-century marbled wrappers. [1], [1 blank], 94 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The conflict between Europe and the Ottoman Empire for control of the Mediterranean

[ULLOA, Alfonso de]. La historia dell'impresa di Tripoli di Barbaria, fatta per ordine del Sereniss. Re Catolico, l'anno M.D.LX. Con le cose avenute a Christiani nell'Isola delle Zerbe. Nuovamente mandata in luce.
Venice, Francesco Rampazetto, 1566. 4to. 18th-century(?) sheepskin parchment. [7], [1 blank], 88, [4] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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A banned pamphlet on Dutch colonization and trade in America

[USSELINCX, Willem]. Naerder bedenckingen, over de zee-vaerdt, coophandel ende neeringhe, als mede de versekeringhe vanden staet deser vereenichde landen, inde teghenwoordighe vrede-handelinghe met den Coninck van Spangnien ende de aerts-hertoghen.
[Amsterdam], 1608 Small 4to (18.5 x 14 cm). With a woodcut arabesque ornament on the title-page and 1 woodcut decorated initial letter. Modern pink paper wrappers. [36] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Unique printed and manuscript documents of fishery and the fish trade in Veere,
together in contemporary wrappers

[VEERE - FISHERY]. Nieuwe ordonnantie doen maaken, en emaneren by burgemeesters en regeerders der stadt Vere. Op den visch-tol, afslag der visch, en wat verder daar toe zyn relatie is hebbende.
[Middelburg], Suenonius Mandelgreen, [24 December 1746].
(2) Ordonnantie op den afslag der Verschen visch, binnen de stadt Vere, gelyk mede op den pligt van den keurmeester en den afslager.
Middelburg, widow of Jakobus Pauwelsen, [6 July 1754, published 25 July].
(3) Ordonnantie op den afslag der Verschen visch, binnen de stad Vere.
Vere, Chrristiaan Hendrik Held, [18 May 1771].
(4) [MANUSCRIPT]. Extract uit de notulen van weth[ouders] en raad der stad Vere.
[Veere?], [18 July 1772-19 June 1773, 7 April 1787].
(5) Reglement voor die van de haven der stad Vere ter vis-vangst vaaren.
Middelburg, Adriaan de Vin, [1 June 1774].
With a woodcut Veere coat of arms on the title-page of each of the 4 printed ordinances (3 different blocks). 5 items in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary marbled wrapper backed with plain paper. 12; [1, 1 blank], 21, [1 blank]; 22; [8, 4 blank]; 9, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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A very rare edition of a popular manual on navigation,
together with the logarithmic tables and trigonometric functions

VEUR, Adriaan Teunisz. van. Zeemans schatkamer, daar in de stuurmans-konst niet alleen als voor deezen beschreeven; maar ook verscheide zaken verbetert en bygevoegt zyn ...
Amsterdam, Johannes II van Keulen, 1755.
(2) De tafelen sinuum, tangentium, en secantium ...
Amsterdam, Isaac Swigters, [ca. 1752].
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on the title-page, numerous woodcut mathematical figures, tables, decorated initials, and tail-pieces. Contemporary vellum, sewn on 4 supports laced through the joints, with the manuscript title and author on the spine, red edges. [4], 326, [16]; [256] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Horrifying account of a shipwreck, bound together with the travels of Pierre Poivre

VIAUD, Pierre (and Jean Garpard DUBOIS-FONTANELLE). Naufrage et aventures de M. Pierre Viaud; natif de Rochefort, capitaine de navire.
Bordeaux, the Labottiere brothers; Paris, Lejay, 1780.
With: (2) [POIVRE, Pierre]. Voyage d'un philosophe, ou observations sur les moers & les arts des peuples de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de l'Amerique.
Yverdon, 1768. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary gold-tooled tree calf, richly gold-tooled spine; very subtly rebacked, preserving original backstrip. XXIV, 307, [4], [1 blank]; 140, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Charter of the Dutch East India Company

[VOC - CHARTER]. Octroy, by de hoog mog. heeren Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden verleend aan de Oostindische Compagnie. In dato den 20 maart 1602. mitsgaders reglement, limitatie, ampliatie en continuatien van het voorschreeve octroy, tot den jaare 1700 incluys. ... En nog prolongatie en publicatie voor den tyd van twintig jaaren, en sulks tot den jaare 1774 incluys.
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1748[-1755?]. 4to. Later half vellum. 51, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Unique manifest and price lists of colonial wares sold and brought in by the VOC in 1721, 1788 and 1853

[VOC - COLONIAL TRADE]. [Drop-title:] Generale carga, ofte lading van twee- en-twintig Oost-Indische retour scheepen; te weeten, Valkenisse, Steenhoven; ... van Batavia; ... van Ceylon, voor de Kamer Amsterdam, ... Delft; ... Rotterdam; ... Hoorn en Enkhuyzen, ... zynde de Bataviase schepen, op den eersten December 1720 vertrokken, en die van Ceylon op den 15 November 1720, en alle behouden in de havenen dezer landen gearriveert.
Amsterdam, Jacobus van Egmond, [1721.]. 1 leaf (21 x 8 cm). Text printed on both sides, each in a border built up from typographic ornaments.
(2) Prys-courant. Van de koopmanschappen, verkogt door de bewindhebberen van de generale Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, in de respectieve kameren, en ten dage als volgt: ...
Amsterdam, Nicolaas Byl, 25 May 1781. 1 leaf (20.5 x 8 cm). Text printed on one side.
(3) Prys-courant der ruwe suikers.
Amsterdam, printed for A.E. de Wit & sons, 1853. 1 leaf (17.5 x 8 cm). Text printed on one side. Full description
€ 3,850
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Reinvigorating the corrupt Dutch East India Company

[VOC - MISSIVE]. Missive van bewinthebberen van de Oost-Indische Compagnie, in dato den 21. april 1742., vervattende de poincten die zullen konnen dienen tot redres in de administratie en beheeringe van de zaecken van de Oost-Indische Compagnie, &c; relatyf tot de Staeten Notulen van den 2. Augustus 1742.
[The Hague, 1742]. Folio (30.5 x 19.5 cm). Disbound. 128; 10, [2 blank], 2, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare and beautiful Rotterdam chamber of the VOC binding

[VOC ROTTERDAM BINDING - NOTEBOOK]. [Blank 18th-century VOC notebook].
[Amsterdam?, second half of the 18th century (before 1785)]. Small 8vo (13.5 x 8 cm). Blind-tooled black imitation shark skin with a silver centrerpiece of an East Indiaman on both sides, silver anchor plates (2 on each board) with the monogram of the Rotterdam chamber of the VOC, each with a silver eye extending over the fore-edge, with a silver stylus (with a black string tassel) used to fasten the book through the eyes. Further with a pocket mounted on the back pastedown lined with Dutch gilt paper (also known as brocade paper) and blueish-green silk, marbled endpapers, gilt edges [17] ll. Full description
€ 4,950
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Two East Indiamen, including a Dutch VOC-ship, defeated by fate

[VOC - SHIPWRECK & PIRACY]. Twee-rampspoedige zee-reyzen, den enen ... met een Fransch Oost Indiesch Compagnie-schip, genaamt Le Prince, ... Den anderen, met het Hollandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie schip, genaamt Rustenwerk, ...
Amsterdam, Bernardus Mourik, [1752 or soon after]. 4to. With 2 etched plates, the publisher's woodcut BM cypher monogram on the title-page, a woodcut tailpiece and 2 woodcut decorated initials. Boards covered with modern pink decorated paperl. [2], 37, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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The ill-fated voyages of two East Indiamen

[VOC - SHIPWRECK & PIRACY]. Twee-rampspoedige zee-reyzen, den enen ... met een Fransch Oost Indiesch Compagnie-schip, genaamt Le Prince, ... Den anderen, met het Hollandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie schip, genaamt Rustenwerk, ...
Amsterdam, Bernardus Mourik, [1752 or soon after]. 4to. With 2 etched plates. Disbound. [2], 37, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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A plea for merging the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Dutch West India Company (WIC)

[VOC & WIC]. Ooghen-salve tot verlichtinghe, van alle participanten, so vande Oost, ende West-Indische Compaignien, mitsgaders verscheyden notabele consideratien, aengaande de Vereeninghe van de Oost- ende-[!] West-Indische Compaignien, met malkanderen.
The Hague, "Lieven de Lange" [Ludolph Breeckevelt?], April 1644. Small 4to. With a woodcut factotum opening the text and a square decoration built up from typographic acorns and ornaments on the title-page. Modern half red faux snakeskin. 35, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Famous Dutch voyages of discovery, with 2 maps, 1 plan and 61 plates

[VOC - WIC]. Nederlandsche reizen, tot bevordering van den koophandel, na de meest afgelegene gewesten des aardkloots. ... Met plaaten. Eerste[-veertiende of laatste] deel.
Amsterdam, Peterus Conradi; Harlingen, W. van der Plaats, 1784-1787. 14 volumes bound as 6. 8vo. With 2 engraved folding maps, 1 engraved folding city plan and 61 engraved plates (56 folding) including many topographic views. Uniform half tree calf (ca. 1820?), gold-tooled spines. Full description
€ 9,500
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Letter by the French minister of War to the favourite son of Louis XIV

[LETTER]. VOYSIN, Daniel. [Signed letter to Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine].
Versailles, 27 April 1710. Half sheet (32 x 21 cm). French letter in dark brown ink on laid paper in a legible hand, written on both sides, with a small part of the letter ending on the back, followed by the address and the Voysin's signature; the latter in black ink. [2] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Very rare first edition of a standard illustrated handbook for ships' pilots

VRIES, Klaas de. Schat-kamer ofte konst der stier-lieden, ...
Amsterdam, Joannes Loots, 1702. With woodcut illustration of a ship's pilot with a plumb line and navigational instruments by Adriaan Le Duc (1693-1729) on title-page, 4 engraved plates (3 folding and 1 full-page). Further with many woodcut illustrations (mostly diagrams), and letterpress tables of tides and solar and lunar positions.
Including: (2) VLACQ, Adriaen. De Tafelen der sinuum, tangentium en secantium, ofte der hoekmaten, raaklynen en snylynen.
Amsterdam, Joannes Loots, 1702. Primarily with letterpress tables of logarithms and trigonometric functions, the present copy lacking those for logarithms. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. [12], 30, [12], [1], 32-272, 271-334, [1], [1 blank]; [3], 44, [1], [12], [90 lacking], [2], [101], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Rare second edition of a standard guide for ships' pilots, using the copperplates and woodblocks of the first edition

VRIES, Klaas de. Schat-kamer ofte konst der stuur-lieden; ... tweeden druk verbetert ... en vermeerdert ...
Amsterdam, Joannes Loots, "171 " (changed to "1707" by stamping with printing types). With woodcut illustration of a ship's pilot with a plumb line and navigational instruments by Adriaan Le Duc (1693-1729) on title-page, 4 engraved plates (3 folding and 1 full-page). Further with many woodcut illustrations (mostly diagrams), and letterpress tables of tides and solar and lunar positions.
Including: (2) SCHOOTEN, Frans van, and Adriaen VLACQ. De tafelen der sinuum, tangentium, en secantium, ofte der hoekmaten, raaklynen en snylynen, ... achter de selve de logarithmi ...
Amsterdam, Joannes Loots, 1707. With letterpress tables of logarithms and trigonometric functions. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Modern brown goatskin morocco. [16], 384, [1], [1 blank]; [256] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Manuscript course in the art of navigation, with figures in colour, including 2 volvelles

[NAVIGATION]. [VRIES, Klaas de, and others]. Schatkamer of konst der stuurlieden.
[Holland?], [ca. 1735/40?]. Folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). A manuscript course in navigation written in brown ink on laid paper in a largely upright cursive hand, with 6 colour figures, including 2 volvelles, about 100 black and white diagrams, and numerous tables of data, highlighted with a yellow wash. Green paper wrappers (made from a discarded prospectus or the wrapper of an instalment of a book, [ca. 1865?]), later green cloth spine. [2 blank], 16, 19-109, [9 blank] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Early 19th-century illustrated Dutch manuscript, based on a classic 18th-century work on navigation

VRIES, Klaas de and Sietse DAUWES. Konst der stierlieden[!] voor deezen beschreeven van den navigateur Klaas de Vries. Uijtgewerkt door Sietse Dauwes. Van de Lemmer. Begonnen, in den jaare 1814. Maand Januarij.
Lemmer, Friesland, The Netherlands, 1814. Folio (32 x 21 cm). With more than 350 instructive diagrams and drawings and several tables. The Dutch text is written in a clearly legible, 19th-century cursive hand in brown ink. Contemporary quarter red sheepskin and blue marbled paper sides. [1], [100], [115 blank] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Rare tenth edition of a practical and mathematical manual on the art of navigation

VRIES, Klaas de; Evert FLORYN (editor); S. HOLLANDER (compiler). Schat-kamer of kunst der stuurlieden, inhoudende: een duidelyke onderwysinge in de navigatie, aangaande het gene de stuurlieden noodwendig behooren te weten.
Amsterdam, widow of Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1812.
With: (2) FLORYN, Evert. Tafelen, bevattende de sinussen, tangenten en secanten, van minuut tot minuut voor ieder boog van het quadrant, in hunne natuurlyke getallen, op een' radius van 10.000.000, ... als mede de logarithmen der gewoone getallen, in hunne natuurlyke orde van opvolging, van 1 tot 10.000.
Amsterdam, widow of Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1815.With: (3) Geographische tafel behelzende de graden der breedte op poolshoogte en lengte of middag-cirkel van de meest bekende steden, rivieren, kapen, baayen. ...
Amsterdam, widow of Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1812.
3 works in 1 volume, the first in 2 parts. Large 8vo. Ad 1: with 4 folding plates (1 of a compass and the other 3 on drawing "flat" maps and maps with an enlarged latitude), many mathematical and geographical woodcuts in the text, some tables in the text. Ad 2: the whole work consisting of tables and with some woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary goatskin parchment over stiff boards, blue sprinkled edges. [6], XVI, 296; 220; [239], [1 blank]; 41, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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The Siberian prison camps in the 18th century and the rights of a people living under occupation

WAGNER, Johann Ludwig. Mémoires de M. Wagner, sur la Russie, la Sibérie et le royaume de Cassan.
Bern, Emanuel Haller, 1790. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of the author and 2 engraved plates. Contemporary boards covered with sprinkled paper, paper title label on spine. [4], 254, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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The famous circumnavigation by Jacques L'Hermite,
with a description of Peru and Chile by Madriga and Spilbergen

[WALBEECK, Johan van]. Journael van de Nassausche Vloot, ofte Beschrijvingh van de Voyagie om den gantschen aert-kloot ... Noch is hier by gevoegt een beschrijvinge vande regeeringe van Peru door Pedro de Madriga, geboren tot Lima. Als mede een verhael van Pedro Fernandez de Quir aengaende de ontdeckinge van 't onbekent Australia ... Oock mede eenige discoursen de Oost-Indische vaert en de coopmanschap betreffende.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgertsz., 1648. 4to. With a large engraved double-page plate with 6 views of the fleet in various bays and harbours and a half-page woodcut with two ships on the title-page. 19th-century decorative paper over boards. [2], 76 [=78] pp. Full description
€ 5,950
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The famous circumnavigation by Jacques L'Hermite, with a description of Peru and Chile by Madriga and Spilbergen

[WALBEECK, Johan van]. Journael van de Nassausche vloot, ofte beschrijvingh van de voyagie om den gantschen aert-kloot, gedaen met elf schepen.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgertsz., 1648. 4to. With half-page woodcut with two ships on the title-page and a large double-page engraved plate. 18th-century marbled wrappers. [2], 76 [ i.e 78] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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First edition of an important Dutch manual for the use of the sector or proportional compass

WARIUS, Pieter. Nieuwe verklaring over de proportionaal passer, waar in aangewesen word, hoe dezelve is te tekenen, en hoe tafeltjes daar toe dienende konnen werden berekent, vervolgens der zelver veelvuldig en nuttig gebruyk, zoo in de tel- als meetkonst; ...
Amsterdam, Joannes Loots, 1708. 4to. With a large folding engraved plate illustrating the scales on the sector and 12 smaller folding engraved plates showcasing several of the calculations. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [4], 72 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Late-18th-century view of the Dutch in Japan

[WATERCOLOUR - JAPANESE - DESHIMA]. [A birds-eye view of the Dutch trading post on Deshima, Japan with in the background a Dutch three-master anchored in Nagasaki Bay].
[Japan, before 1800]. Drawing size ca. 34 x 39.5 cm; frame size ca. 46 x 51 cm. Watercolour and ink drawing, partly highlighted with white water paint and gouache, on paper. In a passepartout and framed. Full description
€ 8,500
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Whale hunting in the first half of the 18th century

[WHALING]. Seylen in 't ys, en soeken na de walvis. | La navigation dans la glace, et chercher du baleine.| Il veleggiare nel ghiaccio, & cercare del baleno. | Das Seeglen ins Eiß, und suchen des Wallfisches.
Augsburg, Georg Balthasar Probst, [ca. 1745]. Etched print (plate size: 31 x 42 cm) on watermarked laid paper (32 x 45 cm). Full description
€ 700
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Remarkable work on whaling in the Netherlands and Greenland, with plates by Jan Luyken

[WHALING]. S., P.P. van. De seldsaame en noit gehoorde wal-vis-vangst, voorgevallen by St. Anna-Land in 't jaar 1682. den 7. October. Midsgaders, een pertinente beschrijvinge, van de geheele Groen-landse-vaart.
Leiden, 1684. 4to. With 7 engraved plates (2 full-page and 5 folding), a woodcut vignette on the title-page, 2 decorated woodcut initials, and a woodcut tailpiece at the end of the work. Modern black quarter morocco, with the title lettered in gold on the spine, green marbled paper sides, marbled end papers. [2], 78 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Attractive watercolour of a whaling scene, showing four whales and the whalers in action with their harpoons

[WHALING - WATERCOLOUR]. [A Dutch whaling scene].
[ca. 1801?]. Illustration 29 x 39 cm; frame 44 x 53 cm. Pen, ink and watercolour whaling scene with a coloured border, on laid paper, mounted on paperboard. Framed. Full description
€ 6,500
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The financial profits of the West India Company

[WIC - DISCOURS]. Kort discours, ofte naardere verklaringe van de onderstaende V. poincten, 1 aengaende de verlichtinghe die desen staat heeft ghenooten door de oprechtinghe en oorloghen van de West-Indische Compagnie. ...
[The Netherlands], 1644. Small 4to (18.5 x 14 cm). Modern wrappers. [18] ll. Full description
€ 1,250
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Sailing orders in the aftermath of the Battle of Beachy Head

WICHERS, Wicher. [Manuscript letter to Hans Hartwich, Capiteyn op s'landts oorlogschip Harderwijk].
The Hague, 29 July 1690. Small folio (31 x 20.5 cm). Manuscript letter in in 7 lines on one page, with the signatures of Wicher Wichers and François Fagel, followed by two blank pages, and the name of the addressee in manuscript on the fourth page with a seal. [1], [2 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 575
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Wonderful first edition of one of the most influential books on 17th-century shipbuilding, beautifully illustrated with more than 110 engraved plates

WITSEN, Nicolaes. Aeloude en hedendaegsche scheeps-bouw en bestier...
Amsterdam, Christoffel Cunradus, 1671. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With an engraved title-page by Romeyn de Hooghe, 112 full-page engraved plates, 1 folding double-page engraved plate and 7 small engraved plates printed on smaller strips of paper. With a small woodcut ornamental vignette on the title-page, woodcut decorated initials and woodcut ornamental tail-pieces. Near contemporary (18th-century?) elaborately blind-tooled vellum, sewn on five supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine, with a manuscript title in the second (of six) compartment on the spine, later brown leather ties. [16], 516, 40, [4] pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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First edition of a famous technical manual on ship-building illustrated by Jan and Caspar Luyken

YK, Cornelis van. De Nederlandsche scheepsbouw-konst open gestelt. Vertoonende naar wat regel ... in Nederland meest alle scheepen werden gebouwd.
Delft, Andries Voorstad, for Jan ten Hoorn, Amsterdam, 1697. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, with two views of ship-building yards, and numerous detailed illustrations of ship-building on 22 engraved plates by and after Jan and Caspar Luyken (including 13 double-page and once 2 plates on 1 page). 18th-century half calf. [16], "354"[= 364], [8] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Highly esteemed whaling book with 5 engraved maps & 13 other illustrations

ZORGDRAGER, Cornelis Gijsbertz. and Abraham MOUBACH. Bloeijende opkomst der aloude en hedendaagsche Groenlandsche visschery. ... Uitgebreid met eene korte historische beschryving der noordere gewesten, ... Met byvoeging van de walvischvangst, ... Nevens een korte beshryving van de Terreneufsche Bakkeljaau-Visschery.
Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1728. 4to. With 5 (of 6) folding engraved maps, 11 engraved plates (1 folding), and 2 woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. [40], 392, [13] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare Dutch shipbuilding manual, with 8 plates

ZWIJNDREGT (ZWYNDREGT), Leendert van. Verhandeling van den Hollandschen scheepsbouw, raakende de verschillende chartres der oorlogsschepen, tot 's lands dienst, en ter betrachtinge van alle bespiegelende en werkdadige liefhebberen der Hollandsche scheepsbouwkunde, ... Waarby, tot een aanhangsel, gevoegd is eene verhandeling van't bouwen der koopvaardyschepen door C. de Ruiter.
The Hague, Pieter van Thol, 1759. 4to. With engraved frontispiece view of a shipyard, title-page printed in red and black with charming woodcut device, the dedication with an armorial headpiece giving the arms of the dedicatee (Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer) and 8 engraved folding plates, including one very large (83 x 30 cm), showing the most important parts of a Dutch galleon with 50 cannons. 20th-century half vellum. [8], VIII, 126, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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