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Medicine & Pharmacy / Pharmacology / Pharmacopoeia

Very rare translation into Dutch of a French compilation of medical recipes and treatments, cookery, pastimes, etc. in the tradition of the "Secrets" of Pseudo Albertus Magnus

[ALLETZ, Pons-Augustin]. De hedendaagsche Albert, of nieuwe beproefde en geoorloofde geheimen...
Amsterdam, Gerrit Bom, 1773. 3 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. Later pink paper wrappers. VII, 108, [4]; [2], 142, [4]; [2], 64, [6] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Printed by the first director of the Imprimerie Royale, with notes in Arabic and Syriac type

AL-SUYUTI, Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr. De proprietatibus, ac virtutibus medicis animalium, plantarum, ac gemmarum, tractatus triplex.
Paris, Sébastien et Gabriel Cramoisy, 1647. 8vo. With 2 woodcut headpieces, a woodcut tailpiece and woodcut decorate initials, plus decorations built up from arabesque typographic ornaments. Set in roman and italic type with a few words in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Syriac. Contemporary vellum with manuscript spine label (faded). [24], 179, [17] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Rare last but one (4to) edition of the Amsterdam pharmacopoea

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Amstelaedamensis renovata.
Amsterdam, Pieter van den Berge, 1726. 4to. With large woodcut of a hand holding the emblem of Asclepios, flanked by two women in a pharmacy in a cartouche, underneath the coat-of-arms of Amsterdam, flanked by two lions on the title-page (see: Daems/Vandewiele, p. 50), woodcut initials, title printed in red and black. Calf over boards, corner pieces and a center piece (coat-of-arms of Amsterdam with the initials P.V.D.B. underneath, in a laurel wreath) on both sides, gilt binding edges, gilt edges. (8), 164, [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Official pharmacopoeias's of Amsterdam and London bound together

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [TULP, Nicolaes]. Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis, senatus auctoritate munita & recognita. Editio quinta.
Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1650. With a woodcut coat of arms of the city of Amsterdam on title-page.
With: (2) [LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS]. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis collegarum.
London, [s.n.], 1662. 2 works in 1 volume. 16mo. Contemporary vellum, new endpapers. 134, [10] pp.; [18], “371” [=369], [21] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare fourth edition of the Amsterdam pharmacopoeia in Dutch, with a title print by Jan Luyken

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [TULP, Nicolaes and Pieter BERNAGIE (translator)]. Pharmacopaea Amstelredamensis, of d'Amsterdammer apotheek, in welke allerlei medicamenten, zijnde tot Amsterdam in 't gebruik, konstiglijk bereid worden. Als ook des selfs krachten en manier van ingeven. Den vierden druk ...
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1690. 12mo. With an engraved title-page by Jan Luyken, showing the interior of an apothecary. Contemporary vellum. [8], “210” [=208], [12] = 228 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Rare 1701 edition of the Amsterdam pharmacopoeia, printed in Leiden

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis, in qua medicamenta, quae Amstelodami in usu sunt, artificiose praeparantur ut et eorum vires et doses.
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1701. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece (repeated on the verso). Contemporary calf, ribbed, each board with a frame of gold double fillets, brown morocco spine label, red sprinkled edges. [8], 189, [19] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Very rare sixth edition of the Amsterdam pharmacopoeia in Dutch, with an engraved title-page by Jan Luyken

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [TULP, Nicolaes and Pieter BERNAGIE (translator)]. Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis, of d'Amsterdammer apotheek...
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1706. 12mo. With an engraved title-page by Jan Luyken and a woodcut vignette of a vase on the title-page. Vellum (ca. 1900?), manuscript title on spine. 202, [14] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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First official Antwerp pharmacopoeia

[ANTWERP - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [BOUDEWIJNS, Michiel, and others]. Pharmacia Antverpiensis galeno-chymica.
Antwerp, Joris Willemsens I, 1660. 4to. With an integral engraved architectural title-page by Petrus van Caukercken after Abraham van Diepenbeeck, letterpress title-page with a woodcut decoration, a divisional title for part 2, woodcut tailpieces, woodcut decorated initials. Set in roman and italic, with incidental Greek, textura and pharmacological signs. 18th-century vellum, faded manuscript title on spine. [1], [1 blank], [46], “285” [= 281], [32], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Highly popular medicine book for charitable medical assistance

[ARNAULT DE NOBLEVILLE, Louis Daniel]. Le manuel des dames de charité, ou, formules de médicamens faciles a préparer, dressées en faveur des personnes charitables, qui distribuent des remèdes aux pauvres dans les villes & dans les campagnes: avec des remarques pour faciliter la juste application des remèdes qui y sont contenus, ensemble un traité abregé de la saignée, et un extrait de plusieurs remèdes choisis. Tirés des éphemérides d'Allemagne.
Paris, Debure l'aîné, 1758. 12mo. Contemporary cat's paw calf, gold-tooled spine. LVI, "473" [=471] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Early (second?) edition of Habsburg Austria's medical ordinances and list of medicinal taxes

[AUSTRIA - PHARMACOPOEIA - TAXES]. Taxa medicamentorum in pharmacopoea Austriaco-provinciali contentorum. = Taxe der in der österreichischen Privincialpharmakopee enthaltenen Arzneyen.
Vienna, Johann Thomas Edlen von Trattner, 1777. 8vo. Mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, brown morocco spine label, marbled endpapers, red edges. [8], 95 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Second edition (the first published in the Netherlands) of a pharmaceutical textbook
by the first professor of chemistry at Utrecht

BARCHUSEN, Joannes Conradus. Pharmacopoeus synopticus. Plerasque medicaminum compositions, ac formulas, eorumque dextram tam chemicam quam Galenicam conficiendi & componendi methodum exhibens. Quin et singular medicinae atque pharmaciae studiosis hac in arte precipuenecessaria demonstrans. Editio secunda, correcta ...
Utrecht, François Halma, 1696. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece showing the interior of an apothecary shop by Sluiter after J.G., Halmas woodcut device, head- and tailpieces and initials. Contemporary paper over thin boards. [16], 250, [6] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The first edition published in Italy of an important pharmacological handbook

BATE, George. Pharmacopoeia Bateana, seu pharmaca è praxi Georgii Batei, ... excerpta, cum viribus & dosibus annexis. Nec non Arcana Goddardiana; & Orthotonia medicorum observata: item Tabula posologica; atque appendix ad Pharmacopoeiam Bateanam, ex autographo eximii auctoris. Cum indice morborum, curationum, &c. Huic tandem novissimae edition accessit Jacobi Le Mortii chymia vindicata, & comparata, philosophia medica, atque theoria hominis, & morborum.
Venice, Giovanni Gabriele Hertz, 1703. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece after Adriaan Schoonebeeck. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, marbled endpapers. [8], 337 pp. Full description
€ 780
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First true Amsterdam edition of the Pharmacopoeia Bateana

BATE, George. Pharmacopoeia Bateana, quâ nongenta circiter pharmaca, pleraque omnia è praxi Georgii Batei ... excerpta ... cum viribus, & dosibus annexis. ... Huic accesserunt Arcana Goddardiana, item Orthotonia medicorum observata: et Tabula posologica ... Cum indice morborum, curationum &c. Curâ J.S. Pharmacopoei Lond. Editio quarta cum appendice ex autographo eximii authoris nunc primum desumpta.
Amsterdam, Wetstein, 1709. 8vo. Title-page in red and black. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine, blue sprinkled edges. [8], 240 pp. Full description
€ 400
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First and only edition of the Portuguese translation of the Pharmacopoeia Bateana

BATE, Georgius. Pharmacopea Bateana, na qual se contem quasi oytocentos medicamentos tirados da pratica de Jorge Batea ... escrita pela ordem alphabetica, Traduzida de Lati mem Portuguez ... por D. Caetano de S. Antonio ...
Lisbon, Officina real Deslandesiana, 1713. 8vo. With woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Calf over boards. (8), 310 pp. Full description
€ 675
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Second Wetstein edition of the Pharmacopoeia Bateana

BATE, George. Pharmacopoeia Bateana, quâ nongenta circiter pharmaca, pleraque omnia è Praxi Georgii Batei ... excerpta ... cum viribus, & dosibus annexis. ... Huic accesserunt arcana goddardiana, item orthotonia medicorum observata: et tabula posologica ... cum indice morborum, curationum &c. curâ J.S. Pharmacopoei Lond. Editio quinta cum appendice ex autographo eximii authoris nunc primum desumpta.
Amsterdam, Wetstein, 1719. 8vo. Title-page in red and black.Contemporary calf. [8], 240 pp. Full description
€ 395
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An example for other pharmacopoeia's

[BATE, Georg]. Pharmacopoea Batheana. Ofte den Apotheek van de heer Georgius Bath M.D. genees-heer van Karel de Tweede en lit van de Londense Societeit...In welke ontrent de tachentig uitgelezene medicamenten, op de order van een alphabeth werden vertoont: zijnde tegenwoordig in 't gebruik van de heeren doctoren tot Londen, en voorts gantsch Engeland door. Uitgegeven door den heer Jac. Shipton,. Waar agter komt Antoni de Heide M.D. Nieuw ligt der apothekers.
Amsterdam, Jan Hartig, 1742. 2 parts in one vol. Beautiful engraved frontispiece of the interior of a pharmacy by Jan Hartig, some woodcut initials and one wooduct tailpiece. Contemporary vellum. (16), 335 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Later Venice edition of Bate, with Joannes Juncker's Conspectus formularum medicarum

BATE, George. Pharmacopoeia Bateana, seu pharmaca, ex praxi Georgii Batei ... excerpta, cum viribus, & dosibus annexis. Accedunt Arcana Goddardiana, Orthotonia medicorum observata, Tabula posologica, atque appendix ad Pharmacopoeiam bateanam, ex ipso autographo desumpta. Deinde adduntur Georgii Hernesti Stahllii fundamenta chemico pharmaceutica. Editio ceteris emendatior.
(2) Joannes JUNCKER. Conspectus formularum medicarum exhibens tabulis XVI. Tam methodum rationalem, quam remediorum specimina, ex praxi Stahlliana potissimum desumpta, et therapeiae generali accommodata.
(3) Georg Ernst STAHL (Benjamin Roth SCHOLTIUS, ed.). D. Georg. Ern. Stahllii consiliarii, et archiatri Regii Borussici primarii fundamenta chemico-pharmaceutica generalia. Accessit manuductio ad encheirises artis pharmaceuticae specialis.Venice, Franciscus and Nicolas Pezzana, 1776. 3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, brown morocco spine label. 224; VIII, 214; [2 blank]; 48 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Second augmented edition by François Verny of the very successful pharmacopoeia by Bauderon

BAUDERON, Brice, and François VERNY. La pharmacopée de Bauderon, revue, et exactement corrigée ... avec la réponse à l'Apologie de Mr. Jean Zwelfer ... & un examen des ingrediens de la confection d'Alkermes ...
Lyon, Jean Girin & Barthelemy Riviere, 1672. 4to. Title-page in red and black, woodcut title-vignette, woodcut headpieces and initials. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, red sprinkled edges. [16], 534, [2], 416, [16] pp. Full description
€ 750
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First known edition of a successful apothecarys manual for students,
mirroring the general knowledge of pharmacology in the mid-17th century

[BISSCHOP, Jan]. Pharmacia Galenica & chymica, dat is: apotheker ende alchymiste ofte distilleer-konste. Begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten der selver. [Additional title and imprint on the frontispiece:] Nieu licht der apothekers en distilleerkonst. ... tAmsteldam by Joannes van Ravesteyn op t Water.
Amsterdam, Johannes van Ravesteyn, 1657. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece showing the interior of an apothecarys shop, Van Ravesteyns woodcut device on title-page (Elijah and the ravens); 3 half-page woodcut illustrations of distilling equipment (pp. 339, 343 and 387); woodcut decorated initials and tailpieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum over boards. [8], 460, [12] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The fourth edition of a successful apothecarys manual for students,
mirroring the general knowledge of pharmacy in the middle of the 17th century

[BISSCHOP, Jan]. Pharmacia Galenica & Chymica, dat is: de vermeerderde ende verbeterde Apotheker en Alchymiste licht ende distilleer-konst. Begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten der selver. ... en verrijckt met een kort Examen der Chirurgie, benevens een tractaet van de kennisse der Droogen. Den vierden druck.
Amsterdam, Johannes van Ravesteyn, 1662. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece of the interior of an apothecarys shop: Het Nieu verbetert en vermeerdert licht der Apothekers en distilleerkonst. TAmsteldam by Joannes van Ravesteyn den [ ink: tienden] druck 16[.. in ink: 1662]; woodcut printers device on title; 3 half-page woodcut illustrations of distilling equipment (pp. 343, 347 and 391); woodcut initials and endpieces. Contemporary overlapping vellum over boards with title in ink on spine. [16], 466, [14], 54 pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Bathing for your health: on the medicinal value of the sulphur springs in Aachen & Burtscheid

BLONDEL, François. Thermarum Aquisgranensium, et Porcetanarum elucidatio, & thaumaturgia. Sive admirabilis earumdem natura, & admirabiliores sanationes; qua producunt in usibus balneationis, potationis.
Aachen, Johann Heinrich Clemens, 1688. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece with letterpress imprint and built-up border, Aachen coat of arms pasted on back of frontispiece, engraved coats of arms of 4 dedicatees on back of title-page, full-page engraved portrait of the author, folding engraved plan of Aachen (22.5 x 27 cm), folding engraved view of Burtscheid (11.5 x 24 cm) and 16 smaller engravings in text, depicting scenes and buildings relating to the springs. Contemporary flower-decorated paper over boards, red sprinkled edges. [32], 160, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Rare second authorized edition of Boerhaave's collection of prescriptions referring to his Aphorismi

BOERHAAVE, Herman. Libellus de materia medica et remedorium formulis, quae servient Aphorismis de cognoscendis et curandis morbis.
Leiden, Isaac Severinus, 1727. 8vo. With a woodcut title-vignette. Contemporary speckled calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label with the author's name in gold. [16], 260, [44] pp. Full description
€ 425
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First edition of this manual for the examination to become a free Master-surgeon in the country or at sea, with a frontispiece by Jan Luyken

BOUT, Bernardus de. t Nieuwe examen der chirurgie, na de hedendaagse praktyk. t samen gestelt voor de gene, welke hare promotie moeten doen om vry messter te werden, en voor die te lande of te water in den oorlog dienen ... Vermeerderd met de Nieuw verbeeterde chirurgyns scheeps-kist [by J. Verbrugge].
Amsterdam, Jan Claesz. ten Hoorn, 1694. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece by Jan Luyken: "Examen der Chirurgie", with imprint below (cut short), woodcut title vignettes, initials and tailpieces. Mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with title in gold. [8], 390, [10], 96 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Second edition of the Brussels pharmacopoeia, this copy a gift from the apothecary of King Philip V of Spain

[BRUSSELS - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [JOCQUET, Joannes, and others]. Pharmacopoea auctior, et correctior, jussu nobilissimi, amplissimique senatus Bruxellensis edita ...
Including: Taxa, seu pretium medicamentorum in hac pharmacopoea contentorum.
Brussels, Pierre Hacquebaud, 1671. Folio. Contemporary calf; rebacked with part of the original gold-tooled backstrip laid down. [1], [1 blank], [8], 237, [15] pp. Full description
€ 395
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Rare second edition in Dutch of the Brussels pharmacopoeia

[BRUSSELS - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [JOCQUET, Joannes, and others]. Brusselsche apotheek, door het gezag van de magistraat bevestigd, en naar de tweede Latynsche druk in het Nederduitsch vertaalt.
Amsterdam, Johannes van Seggeren, 1775. 8vo. With an engraved title-page showing an apothecary shop, the preparation of medicines and a botanical garden, and 2 folding engravings identifying alchemical symbols and measurements. Contemporary wrappers, rebacked. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [16], 277, [15] pp. Full description
€ 750
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First edition of the first European medical book to be translated into Chinese

CHARAS, Moyse. Pharmacopée royale Galenique et chymique.
Paris, Moyse Charas (colophon: printed by R. Chevillion), 1676. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, engraved dedication and 6 numbered engraved plates. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine. f.p. + [12], 1060, [34], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Influential pharmacopoeia, choosing chemical pharmacy over Galenic pharmacy

CHARAS, Moyse. [Engraved title-page:] Pharmacopoea regia Galenice et chymica. [half-title]: Opera tribus tomis distincta: I. pharmacopoea regia galenica II. pharmacopoea regia chymica III. tractatus de theriaca & tractatus de vipera.
(1) CHARAS, Moyse. Pharmacopoea regia Galenica.(2) CHARAS, Moyse. Pharmacopoea regia chymica.(3) CHARAS, Moyse. Historiam naturalem animalium, plantarum et mineralium, theriacae andromachi compositionem ingredientium, cum experiments circa viperam
Geneva, Joannis Ludovici Du-Four, 1684. 3 works published as 1. 4to. With engraved general title-page, engraved author's portrait, 6 engraved plates and 3 engraved folding plates. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [11], [1 blank], 496; [8], 449[=451], [1 blank], [28]; [4], 275, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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First edition of a very rare anonymous medical work

P.T. Med. Doct. Chemia rationalis rationibus philosophicis, observationibus medicis, debitis dosibus, &c. illustrata, cum indice capitum, medicamentorum, eorumque dosium. Accedit Praxis chymiatrica rationalis, demonstrans qua in re singularum partium consistat operatio, per quam causam tollatur, & per quænam remedia (utpote chymicalia vegetabilibus justa methodo mixta) possit restitui. Cum triplici indice. Uno capitum, altero remediorum, tertio simplicium, ad calcem adjecto.
Leiden, Jacobus Mocquee, 1687. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With woodcut title-vignettes, initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum, blue sprinkled edges. [4], 168, [8]; [2], 154, [22] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Second edition of a very popular book of recipes and prescriptions by a well-known English courtier and diplomat

DIGBY, Kenelm. Choice and experimented receipts in physick and chirurgery, as also cordial and distilled waters and spirits, perfumes, and other curiosities. The second edition corrected and enlarged.
London, Andrew Clark for Henry Brome, 1675. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of the author "printed for Henry Brome, 1674". Contemporary calf, black morocco spine labels. [6], 146, [8] pp. Full description
€ 800
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Rare Dutch translations of a collection of texts on the notorious "powder of sympathy"

DIGBY, Kenelmus. Theatrum sympateticum, ofte Wondeer-toneeel des natuurs verborgentheden. Behelsende een uitstekende oratie over het gebruik des poeders de sympathie, daar in de waarheit zijner werkinge werd ontdekt. Benevens twee waardige vervolgen, van alle zeldzame antipathien en sympathien ... door N. Papinus en A. Kirchnerus.Including: PAPIN, Nicolaus & Sylvester RATTRAY. Theatrum sympaticum ... Tweede deel. Werdende hier in eerst ... geleert de bereydinge des poeders de sympathie, en desselfs gebruyck in verscheyde soorten van wonden. ...Including: KIRCHNER, Athanasius. t Groote licht der natuur-kunde: derde deel. Ontdeckende vele vermakelijcke geheymenissen des natuurs, over t stuck van antipathie en sympatie. Getrocken uyt e Latijnsche geschriften van ...
Amsterdam, Jacob van Royen & Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1681. With engraved allegorical frontispiece, letterpress title-page and 2 divisional titles, folding allegorical plate with seven roundels ("De sympathie is t leven van de natuur" (sympathy is the life of nature) and woodcut initials.
With: (2) DIGBY, Kenelm. . Nieuwe beproefde en wel ondersochte genees-middelen, ofte zeltsame verborgentheden: met verscheide aardige blanketsels, om de jufferlyke schoonheid te onderhouden. Getrokken uit de gedenkschriften van ... Uit het Fransch vertaalt.
Amsterdam, Jacob van Rooyen & Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1680. Woodcut vignette on title-page, woodcut decorated initials. 12mo. 2 works in 1 volume. Vellum over boards, spine with the text "Oratie van de poeder de Sympathie". [8], 440, [44]; 280, [6] pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Rare Dutch translations of a collection of texts on the notorious "powder of sympathy"

DIGBY, Kenelmus (or DYGBY), Nicolas PAPINUS & Athanasius KIRCHER. Theatrum Sympateticum, ofte wonder toneel der natuirs verborgentheden. Behelsende een uitstekende oratie, over het gebruik des poeders de sympathie, daar in de waarheid zijner werkinge werd ontdekt. ...
Amsterdam, Leeuwarden, Jan ten Hoorn, Pieter Ruirds, 1709. 2 parts in one volume. Small 8vo. With a fine engraved frontispiece by J. Luyken. Contemporary vellum, title in ink in manuscript on spine. [8], 320; 196, [20] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Rare and old-fashioned pharmacopoeia of Douai

[DOUAI - PHARMACOPOEIA]. BRISSEAU, Michel, and others. Pharmacopoeia Duacena galeno-chymica nobilissima et amplissimi senatus authoritate et jussu munita & edita.
Douai, Jacques-François Willerval, 1732. Small folio (25.5 x 17 cm). With a woodcut of the then current Douai coat-of-arms (a shield with an arrow and eight drops of blood) on the title-page. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, richly gold-tooled spine. [1], [1 blank], [2], 180, [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare second French edition of an influential pharmacopoeia

DUBOIS, Jacques (Jacobus SYLVIUS), translated by André CAILLE. La pharmacopee. Qui est la maniere de bien choisir & preparer les simples, & de bien faires les compositions: despartie en trois livres ...
Lyon, Louis Cloquemin, 1580. 16mo (12.5 x 8 cm). With Cloquemin's woodcut device on the title-page. Recased in contemporary(?) sheepskin parchment. [26], 686, [6], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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1572 pharmaceutical work on medicines from the Greeks and Arabs

DU BOYS (SYLVIUS), Jean (Joannis de BOIS). In methodum miscendorum medicamentorum, quae in quotidiano sunt usu observationes, ex Graecic, Arabibus, & Neotericis.
Paris, Jaques Kerver, 1572. 8vo. With Kerver's woodcut device on title-page, depicting a unicorn with the family's arms, and a large cast ornament on the otherwise blank last page. Contemporary limp vellum, traces of ties. [8], 134, [10] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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First edition of a leading medical-pharmaceutical work, with stunning woodcut headpieces and initials

DUPUIS (PUTEANUS), Guillaume. De medicamentorum quomodocunque purgantium facultatibus, nusquam anteà neque dictis, neque per ordinem digestis libri duo ...
Lyon, Macé Bonhomme, 1552. 4to. With a woodcut device on the title-page no doubt made for this edition (showing Hypocrates and Galenus, with motto, "In omnem terram exivit doctrina eorum"), finely executed arabesque woodcut headpieces and numerous woodcut initials with pictorial decoration (4 series, the two largest especially fine). Contemporary limp vellum with remnants of ties. [8], 179, [1] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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The third revised edition of William Lewis's authoritative The new dispensatory, edited by Andrew Duncan

[EDINBURGH - PHARMACOPOEIA] LEWIS, William. The Edinburgh new dispensatory. Containing, I. The elements of pharmaceutical chemistry. II. The materia medica ... III. The pharmaceutical preparations and medicinal compositions of the latest editions of the London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias. ...
Edinburgh, for William Ceech, 1791. Large 8vo. With 3 double-page engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment, each in two parts. Pp. 113-665 (Part 2-3) printed in two columns. Mottled calf, red morocco spine label. 665 [= 656] pp. Full description
€ 650
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First and only edition of this work on medicinal recipes

ELDIK, Cornelis van. Recept-boek voor genees- en heelkundigen; volgens de alphabetische orde van de oude klassieke namen der geneesmiddelen gerangschikt, met bijvoeging der nieuwe namen, die in de Pharmacopoea Batava en Belgica voorkomen.
Nijmegen, J. F. Thieme, 1825. 12mo (quires of 6). Engraved half title, vignette on title-page.
Half mottled calf, brown marbled papers over boards, red title label with title in gold, gold-tooling on spine, blue sprinkled edges. [6], III, [1], 416 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Practical synopsis of pharmacological knowledge for physicians and pharmacists.

ELDIK, Cornelis van. Recept-boek voor genees- en heelkundigen; volgens de alphabetische orde van de oude klassieke namen der geneesmiddelen gerangschikt, met bijvoeging der nieuwe namen, die in de Pharmacopoea Batava en Belgica voorkomen; door C. van Elkik, Med. et Art. Obst, Doct. Stads-Geneesheer te Nijmegen, Provinciaal Onderwijzer in de Verloskunde, Secretaris der Provinciale en Plaatselijke Geneeskundige Commissioen en Lid van eenige geleerde Genootschappen. Tweede, veel vermeerde druk.
Nijmegen, J. F. Thieme, 1834. In-12. Title page engraving with a portrait of Herman Boerhaave, cauldron, books and snake. Contemporary paper wrappers. [4], III, [1], 423. [1] pp. Full description
€ 450
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Best edition of the collected works of Ettmüller, with attractive frontispiece

ETTMÜLLER, Michael. Opera medica theoretico-practica.
Frankfurt am Main, [heirs of Johann David Zunner the younger?], 1708. 2 volumes bound as 3. Folio. With interesting engraved frontispiece by Joseph Montalegre, title-page printed in red and black with engraved vignette, engraved plate and 5 engraved headpieces (incl. repeats). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spines. [36], 1020; [1], [1 blank], 1108; [1], [1 blank], 848, [100] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Two complementary works on benefits of the observation of human urine, the second with medications

EYGEL, Antonius. Apolegomena pro urinis humanis, of verantwoordingh voor de menschelicke wateren. Tegen alle kleyn-achters der selver ... Ten tweeden: een beschrijvingh der selver wateren ... Ten derden: een weder-leggingh tegen de schriften der wateren van de heeren Forestus, en Stratenius ...
Amsterdam, Sierick Paulisz for the author, 1672. With an engraved frontispiece.
With: (2) EYGEL, Antonius. Nieuwe genees-konst, of mantissa medicaminum, dat is, toegift van medicamenten, tegen de sieckten, aengewesen zijnde door t menschelick water in sijn drie voorgaande werken, dienende meerendeels voor menschen van 15, of 16 jaren tot 60, of 70.
Amsterdam, Sierick Paulisz for the author, 1673.
8vo. Overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine. [30], 400, [8]; 108, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Second edition in English of Fuller's first pharmacopoeia

FULLER, Thomas. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea: or, a body of medicines, containing a thousand select prescripts, answering most intentions of cure. To which are added, useful scholia, a catalogue of remedies, and copious index, for the assistance of young physicians.
London, William Innys, 1714. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of the author by George Vertue (1684-1756) after Joseph Tymewell (fl. 1717-1737). Contemporary calf. [18], 14, 512, [32] pp. Full description
€ 950
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One of the Amsterdam editions of a very popular pharmacopoeia

FULLER, Thomas. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, sive praescriptorum chilias, in qua remediorum elegantium & efficacium paradigmata, ad omnes fere medendi intentiones accommodata, candidade proponuntur.
Amsterdam, R. & J. Wetstein & G. Smith, 1731. 8vo. Title in red and black with woodcut device. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, red edges, marbled endpapers. [32], 382, [34] pp. Full description
€ 750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

One of the Amsterdam editions of a very popular pharmacopoeia

FULLER, Thomas Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, sive praescriptorum chilias, in qua remediorum elegantium & efficacium paradigmata, ad omnes fere medendi intentiones accommodata, candidade proponuntur.
Amsterdam, R. & J. Wetstein, & G. Smith, 1731. 8vo. Title in red and black with woodcut device.Contemporary calf, ribbed, gold-tooled spine with red morocco label. [32], 382, [34] pp. Full description
€ 950
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One of the Amsterdam editions of a very popular pharmacopoeia

FULLER, Thomas. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, sive praescriptorum chilias, in qua remediorum elegantium & efficacium paradigmata ...
Amsterdam and Lausanne, François Grasset, 1761. 8vo. With title-vignette, headpieces composed of typographical elements, woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label, red edges. 42, 486 pp. Full description
€ 500
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One of the Venice editions of a very popular pharmacopoeia with three additional pharmaceutical texts

FULLER, Thomas Pharmacopoeia extemporanea sive praescriptorum chilias ...
Venice, F. & N. Pezzana, 1776.
(2) FRAUNDORFFER, Philippus. Tabula Smaragdina Medico-Pharmaceutica ...
Venice, F. & N. Pezzana, 1776.
(3) CHRISTIANUS, Wolfgang. Thesaurus Ludovicianus, sive compendium materiae med. ...
Venice, F. & N. Pezzana, 1776.(4) JACKSON, Josephus. Enchiridion medicum practicum, sive tractatus de morborum praxis ...
Venice, F. & N. Pezzana, 1776.
4 works in 1 volume. 8vo. The 4 title-pages with identical woodcut vignettes. Vellum over thin boards, manuscript title on spine. XXXII, 302, [2 blank]; 184; 79, [1 blank]; 112 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Fuller’s pharmacopeia together with three other popular pharmaceutical works

FULLER, Thomas. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, sive praescriptorum chillias, ... Editio nova.
FRAUNDORFFER, Philipp. Tabula smaragdina medico-pharmaceutica.
CHRISTIAN, Wolfgang. Thesaurus Ludovicianus, sive compendium materiae med. selectum ex. B. Ludovici pharmacia.
JACKSON, Joseph. Enchiridion medicum practicum, sive tractatus de morborum praxi.
Venice, Francesco Pezzana, 1783. 8vo. 4 works published as 1. Contemporary tree calf, richly gold-tooled spine. XXXII, 264; 152; 71, [1 blank]; 103, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Original edition of a French manual on the arrangement of the medica materia

FÉE, Antoine Laurent Apollinaire. Cours dhistoire naturelle pharmaceutique, ou histoire des substances usitées dans la thérapeutique, les arts et léconomie domestique.
Paris, Imprimerie de Decourchant (printed in the page facing the title-page), 1828. 2 volumes. Large 8vo. Both volumes bound in contemporary half calf with marbled paper sides, blind-tooled spines, red morocco spine labels with the title in gold and a gilt-stamped library stamp of the Medical Society, Edinburg, on the top of both spines. [4], XXVI, [2], 659; VII, 822, [2] pp. Full description
€ 250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A doubtful comedy mocking apothecaries

[GAETE, Hendrik van de]. De ontmantelde apotheker, met de gefopte hoorndrager, blyspel.
Gouda, heirs of Lucas Kloppenburg, after 1712. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece depicting the last scene of the comedy and a woodcut title-vignette. Disbound in modern blue paper wrapper. [16], 29, [1], [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Famous satirical poems advocated a plan for providing dispensaries for the relief of the sick poor,
as a protection against the greed of apothecaries.

[GARTH, Samuel]. The dispensary. A poem. In six cantos. The ninth edition. With several descriptions and episodes never before printed.
London, printed for J.T. and sold by Tho. Astley, 1726. 12mo. With frontispiece and 6 full-page plates, one for each of the cantos engraved by Lud. Du Guernier (included in the collation), many woodcut head- and tailpieces. Calf over boards, gold-tooled spine. [24], 84, 36 pp. Full description
€ 350
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Second enlarged edition of an important manual on pharmacology

GAUBIUS, Hieronymus David. Libellus de methodo concinnandi formulas medicamentorum. Editio altera revisa & aucta.
Leiden, Coenraad Wishoff & Georgius Jac. Wishoff, Conr. Fil., 1752. 8vo. With woodcut vignette on title-page and 3 interesting historiated woodcut initials. Full calf over boards. (16), 437 (pp. 422-432 numb. 522-532), (19) pp. Full description
€ 450
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Three very rare curious medical treatises by a German physician, translated into Dutch, including a 17th-century lifestyle book

GEHEMA, Jan Abraham von. Grouwelijke medicijnse moortmiddelen van aderlaten, koppen, purgeren, clisteren, juleppen, en verswakkende hertsterckingen, waer door donbedachtsame genees- en heelmeesters (geen rechtschapene practisijns synde) soo veele duysent onschudige menschen jammerlijck vant leven ter dood helpen.
Including: - Den hervormden apotheker, voorstellende een bequaem project, hoe en in wat voor gestalte de hedendaeghsche apotheecken billyk te reformeren en naer een rationali medendi methodo, die thans by alle verstandige en conscientieuse medicijns aengenomen is, te formeren waren.
- Diaetetica rationalis; dat is, op onloochenbare vaste principien, gesonder verstandts, en waerer experientie welgegronde levens-ordre, waer door een ieder mensche in sijnen standt, sijn gesondtheyt bewaeren, en een leven, vry van veelerley swaericheden, hier op aerden leyden kan.
The Hague, Pieter Heagen, 1690.
With: (2) HUBER, Ulrik (editor). Specimen philosophiae civilis et studendi bonis libris.
Franeker, J. Gyselaer, 1686. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. [20], 140; 169-538, [14] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Classic work on distillation, with dozens of woodcuts

[GESNER (GESSNER), Conrad]. Thesaurus Euonymi Philiatri, de remediis secretis.
Lyon, Balthazar Arnoullet, 1554. 16mo (12.5 x 8 cm). With dozens of woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [44], [4 blank], 499, [8], [5 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Unrecorded first issue of the third Ghent pharmacopoeia

[GHENT - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Gandavensis nobilissimi senatûs monitu concinnata, ejusque jussu edita.
Ghent, Joannis Meyer, [1756].
With: (2) [GHENT - TAXA]. Ordonnantie van heer ende weth der stad Gend op den taux der drogue ende medicamenten raekende de pharmacie van de apothecarissen der gemelde stad.
Ghent, Jan Meyer, [1757].
2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine with a tulip in 5 of the 7 compartments, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [14], 274, [30]; 54, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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A forerunner of the pressure cooker and steam engine

HAAN, Andreas Leopold. Proeven met de Papiniaansche pot. Waardoor aangetoond wordt dat, door dezelve, de plantgewassen, dieren en mineralen niet alleen, binnen weinig uuren , door een eenvoudig scheivogt ontbonden, maar ook de zuiverste extracten en wezenlyke zoutten bereidt konnen worden. Uit het Latyn vertaald door een liefhebber der scheikunde. En met een aanpryzend bericht voorzien door Boudewyn Tieboel.
Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1775. 8vo. With a full-page engraving of the "papiaanse pot". Original grey wrappers. XVIII, 60 pp. Full description
€ 700
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On the simple and compound medicines of the Prussian pharmacopoeia

HECKER, August Friederich. Anleitung zum zweckmäßigen Gebrauche der einfachen und zusammengesetzten Arzneimittel, welche in der Pharmacopoea castrensis Borussica enthalten sind. Eine Beilage zu dem medicinisch-praktischen Taschenbuche für Feldärzte und Wundärzte deutscher Armeen.
Berlin, Friedrich Maurer, 1806. Small 8vo (14.5 x 9.5 cm). With a wood-engraved medallion on title-page, depicting both sides, one including a portrait of J. Goercke. Contemporary marbled boards. XVI, 264 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Second enlarged edition of the Hausmittel-Apotheke

HEINSE, Johann Phillipp. Hausmittel-Apotheke eine Sammlung von Ärzten und Laien erprobter und bewährter Heilmittel gegen die meisten Krankheiten, Gebrechen und Unglücksfälle. Aus medicinischen und gemeinnützigen Büchern und Zeitschriften zusammengetragen.
Gotha, Druck und Verlag des Verlags-Comptoir, 1843. 8vo. Half calf. XXVII, 416 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Second edition, with a new Appendix, of the Dutch translation
of an influential German manual on pharmacology for beginners

HERMBSTÄDT, Sigismund Frederik. Catechismus der apothecars-kunst, of, de eerste grondbeginselen der artsenijmengkunde, voor eerstbeginnenden opgesteld. Aanhangsel van den catechismus der apothecars-kunst.
Amsteldam, J.B. Elwe, 1813. 8vo. With a folding engraved plate (160 x 125 mm.) of a Toestel om luchtvormige vloeistoffen op te vangen (a device to catch vaporized liquids), facing p. 302. Blue paper over thin boards as published, with rests of a printed title label on spine. Uncut copy (partly unopened). [1], [blank], [2], 320 pp. = 324 pp. Full description
€ 350
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A Dutch medical and pharmacological handbook for the poor

[JACOBSZ, Heyman]. Schat der armen, of huismedicyn boekje van veelerhande medicamenten, om met kleine kosten zyn eigen doctor te zyn, en velerleye ziektens te genezen. Benevens eene aanwyzing, hoe men de gezondheid lang bewaren kan. ...
Rotterdam, Hermanus Kentlink, 1749.
With: (2) SIMONS, Guillaume. Den troost der armen; behelzende lichte en souvereine remedien, tegen verscheide ziekten, wonden, gezwellen, en andere kwalen des lichaams van den van den mensch ...
Rotterdam, Hermanus Kentlink, 1749.
2 works in 1 volume, the first in 2 parts. 8vo. Title-page of ad 1 in red and black and one ornamental tail-piece on p. 207. Both works with woodcut initials and small ornaments on both title-pages. Marbled paper over boards, manuscript title label on spine. [8], 211, [1]; 48 pp. Full description
€ 850
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The standard Mediaeval medical dispensary, with hundreds of recipes

JOHN XXI, Pope. Thesaurus pauperum Petri Hispani pontificis Romani, philosophi ac medici dictissimi, de medendis morbis humani corporis liber: experimenta particularia per simplicia medicamenta ex probatissimis autoribus, & propiis observationibus collecta, continens.
Frankfurt, heirs of Christian Egenolff, 1578 8vo. With title-page in red and black, Egenolffs woodcut burning heart device below the colophon, 3 woodcut arabesque tailpieces, and 3 woodcut decorated initials (3 different series). With the main text in italic type but the preface in roman. Modern half sheepskin. 112, [5] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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Popular Dutch translation of “Pharmacopoea Leovardiensis”, superseding those of Amsterdam, Utrecht and The Hague

[LEEUWARDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [WINTER, Feyo Johannes]. De Leeuwarder apotheek, volgens de Galenische en chimische wyze; ... De sesde druk.
Amsterdam, Nicolaas de Wit, 1731. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece showing the interior of a pharmacy by Jan Luyken (unsigned). Modern calf, in a contemporary style. [20], 165, [16], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Third edition of the first Leiden pharmacology and the first Dodrecht pharmacology bound together

[LEIDEN - DORDRECHT - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leidensis, amplissimorum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata. Editio tertia prioribus auctior & emendatior.
Leiden, Samuel Luchtmans and sons, 1751. With an allegorical frontispiece by François Bleyswyck, title-page in red and black and 4 engraved tables with chemical symbols.
With: (2) [DORDRECHT - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Dordracena Galenico-chimica. Magistratus auctoritate munita. Editio tertia mullto auctior & emendatior.
Dordrecht, heirs of Johannes van Braam, 1766. With 2 folded engraved tables with chemical symbols. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. [26], 176, [20]; [6], 110, [9] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First edition of the first Leiden pharmacopoeia

[LEIDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leidensis, amplissimorum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata.
Leiden, Samuel Luchtmans, 1718. 8vo. With a frontispiece engraved by François Bleyswyck. Title-page in red and black, with Luchtmanss woodcut Athena device, some woodcut decorated initials. Later half vellum with title stamped on spine. [22] ,155, [17] pp. Full description
€ 700
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Second edition of the Leiden pharmacopoeia

[LEIDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leidensis, amplissimorum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata. Editio altera priori emendatior.
Leiden, Samuel Luchtmans, 1732. 8vo. With frontispiece engraved by François Bleyswyck, title-page in red and black and 4 full-page engraved tables printed on 2 folding leaves. Contemporary half calf, marbled boards, rebacked. [26], 164, [16] pp. Full description
€ 800
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Fourth and last edition of the first Leiden Pharmacology

[LEIDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leidensis, amplissimorum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata.
Leiden, Samuel and Johannes Luchtmans, 1770. 8vo. With allegorical frontispiece engraved by François Bleyswyck: under the coat-of-arms of Leiden and 4 engraved tables with chemical symbols (Characteres). Three-quarter calf over boards. [30], 176, [20] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Lémery's chief contribution to pharmacy, together with his Pharmacopée universelle

LÉMERY, Nicolas. Dictionaire ou traité universel des drogues simples. Où lon trouve leurs differens noms, leur origine ... & tout ce quil y a de particulier dans les animaux, dans les vegetaux, & dans les mineraux. Ouvrage dépendant de la pharmacopée universelle. Troisième édition. Revue, corrigé, & beaucoup augmentée par lauteur.
Amsterdam, for the "Compagnie", 1716. Large 4to. With an engraved title-vignette ("Vis unita major") and 25 folding engraved plates each with 16 figures of various plants, animals and metals, in alphabetical order. Contemporary speckled calf, title in gold on spine, blind tooled binding edges. [20], 590, [58] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Pirate,Rotterdam, edition of Lémery's chief contribution to pharmacy,
together with his Pharmacopée universelle

LEMERY, Nicolas. Dictionaire ou traité universel des drogues simples. Où lon trouve leurs differens noms, leur origine ... & tout ce quil y a de particulier dans les animaux, dans les vegetaux, & dans les mineraux. Ouvrage dépendant de la pharmacopée universelle. Quatrième édition. Revue, corrigé, & beaucoup augmentée par lauteur.
Rotterdam, Jean Hofhout, 1727. Large 4to. With an engraved title-vignette and 25 folding engraved plates each with 16 figures of various plants, animals and metals, in alphabetical order. Contemporary half calf,. [20], 590, [58] pp. Full description
€ 750
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One of the most authoritative pharmacopoeia of the 18th century
by the founding father of modern pharmacology

LÉMERY, Nicolas. Pharmacopée universelle, continent toutes les compositions de pharmacie qui son ten usage dans la medicine, tant en France que par toute lEurope ...
The Hague, Pierre Gosse and Jacques Neaulme, 1729. Large 4to. Title in red and black, woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Later sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label with title in gold and a manuscript paper title label on the front board. [16], 780, [26] pp. Full description
€ 600
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Two of the most important pharmacological and chemical publications
of the future Leiden professor of medicine Jacobus Le Mort, the predecessor of Boerhaave

MORT, Jacobus le. Pharmacia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus instructa, methodon Galenico-chymica adornata.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. With a frontispiece engraved by Adriaan Schoonebeek (with an allegorical scene above and an apothecary and others at work below), originally dated 1684, changed to 1688, and Vander Aas herald angel device on title-page.
With: MORT, Jacobus Le. Chymia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus, iisque demonstrativis superstructa, in qua malevolorum calumniate modestè simul diluuntur.
Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. 8vo. With beautiful allegorical frontispiece (also by Adriaan Schoonebeek?), dated 1688, 2 folding engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment and utensils.
Contemporary vellum over boards, title in ink on spine: "Le Mort opera omnia".      [14], 256, [34]; [36], 366, [62] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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One of the earliest editions of an important and influential book of ca. 250 medicinal recipes:
unrecorded issue of an extremely rare pharmacological edition

LESPLEIGNEY, Thibault. De usu pharmaceutices in consarcinandis medicame[n]tis, Isagoge. ....
[Paris], Jean Ruel, 1543. 16mo (12 x 8 cm). Set in 3 sizes of roman type, the smallest including special pharmacological characters. Modern sheepskin parchment, gilt edges. 229, [11] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Rare first and only Liège pharmacopoeia

[LIÈGE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [COLLEGIUM MEDICINAE]. Pharmacopoea Leodiensis in qua describuntur medicamenta ... in tres partes distributa. In prima simplicia omnia. In altera composita Galenica. In tertia chimica remedia.
Liège, Everard Kints, 1741. 4to. With title-page in red and black with the woodcut bearing from the coat of arms of the city of Liege, and the engraved arms of the dedicatee (the Bishop of Liège) facing the dedication. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, rebacked (gold-tooled spine). [2 blank], [18], 243, [13] pp., including the engraved arms of the dedicatee. Full description
€ 3,500
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Very rare first issue of the first edition of a medical treatise on natural poisons

LINDER, Johannes (Johan LINDELSTOLPE). De venenis in genere, & in specie exercitatio, videlicet eorum natura, & in corpus agendi modo: ... Juxta veterum quorundam & recentiorum dogmata, ad solidorum & fluidorum corporis organici leges mechanicas, deducta & explicata.
Leiden, Andreas Dyckhuisen, 1707. 12mo. Contemporary half calf, boards covered with sprinkled paper, red spine label lettered in gold. 268 pp. [pp. 1-16 with the index missing]. Full description
€ 3,500
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Second edition of the Lisbon Pharmacopoeia

[LISBON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. PAIVA, Manoel Joaquim Hendriques de. Farmacopéa Lisbonense ou collecção dos símplices, preparações, e composições mais efficazes, e de maior uso. Segunda impressão mais accrescentada, e corregida.
Lisbon, patriarcal de Joaõ Procopio Correa da Silva, 1802. 8vo. Later calf in 18-century style, gold-tooled frame on the boards, gold-tooled spine, red morroco title label. [32], 288, [2] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Unofficial Rotterdam pharmacopoeia, later translated into Japanese

LIS, Wouter van. Pharmacopoea Galeno- chemico- medica probatissimis auctoribus, ratione & experiential fundata. Meng- schei- en geneeskonstige artseny-winkel; op de beste schryvers, de rede en ondervinding gebouwt; ... benevens een korte verhandeling, hoe met weinig genees-middelen de grootste ziekten worden genezen; als mede ... een verklaring van de voornaamste konstwoorden en characters.
Amsterdam, Jan Morterre, 1764. 4to. With engraved frontispiece by V.D. after A. Hordyk, title-page in red and black, with vignette in a roundel: the sun surrounded by the motto "Herbarum subiecta potential nobis", one full-page plate with the chemical symbols, printed in two columns. Half calf , gold-tooled spine, spine label lettered in gold. [34)], 436, [60] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Important edition of the London pharmacopoeia, expanding the use of inorganic chemicals

[LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Londini.
London, Thomas Newcomb for John Martyn, John Starkey, Thomas Basset, John Wright, Richard Chiswell, Rob Boulter, 1677. Small folio (31.5 x 20 cm). With an engraved frontispiece drawn and engraved by David Logan, a folding engraved view of the Royal College of Medicine also by Logan, and the large woodcut coat of arms of Charles II on title-page. Contemporary or near contemporary calf, gold-tooled board edges. Rebacked (in the late 19th century?) preserving the original endpapers along with new ones. Engraved frontispiece plus [16] ,208, [6], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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For the poor: English translation of the Pharmacopoeis Londinensis

[LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [CULPEPER, Nicholas, translator & editor]. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; or, the London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college.
London, printed for George Sawbridge, 1679. 8vo. With title-page framed in double ruling, woodcut ornamental head-pieces. Sprinkled calf over boards. (24), 305, (38) pp. Full description
€ 700
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First Amsterdam edition of Hans Sloane's important revision (1721) of the famous London Pharmacopoeia

[LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis.
Amsterdam, Jan Boom, 1722. 8vo. Title in red and black with engraved printers device, woodcut decorated initials, running heads between thin rules. Contemporary calf. [16], 318, [16] pp. Full description
€ 850
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2nd Amsterdam edition of the London pharmacopoeia,
following the corrected and augmented London edition

[LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis. Juxta postremam renovationem edita ... 1746.
Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, [1746] (copy imprint: London, T. Longman, T. Shewell and John Nourse, 1746). 8vo With a folding engraved frontispiece. Contemporary calf. XVI, 174 pp. Full description
€ 495
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First significant revision since 1721: “by far the best pharmacopoeia ever printed”

[LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoeia collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis.
London, T. Longman, T. Shewell and J. Nourse, 1746. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, woodcut vignette on title-page. Full calf over boards with double gilt ruling along the edges, ribbed spine with red morocco title label, lettered in gold. (2), XVI, 174 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Reprint of the revised edition of the controversial English pharmacopoeia of 1809

[LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS]. Pharmacopoeia collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis. M.DCC.IX. Editio altera.
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown (colophon: printed by G. Woodfall), 1817. 12mo. Contemporary half calf, title label on spine, marbled sides. XXXVI, 198 pp. Full description
€ 385
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First edition of the Catalan translation of the official Latin Pharmacopoeia Matritensis of 1739

[MADRID - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Farmacopea en Castellano, ó coleccion de las fórmulas mas usuales y acreditadas de la Matritense y Española; con un breve Catalogo de algunas composiciones magistrales del Memorial farmacéutico de Cadet de Gassicourt y otros.
Madrid, D. Cosme Martinez, 1823. 4to. With an engraved allegorical vignette on the title-page. Marbled calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label, red edges, marbled endpapers. VIII, 403 pp. Full description
€ 500
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First edition of a textbook on the making and preparation of medicines

MARGGRAF, Christian. Materia medica contracta, exhibens simplicia & composita medicamenta officinalia ex magno numero selecta, praestantia atque utilia, munita viribus & dosibus methodoque simplicial deligedi, praeparandi & componendi: destinate pharmacopoeorum praecipue ...
Leiden, Arnold Doude, 1674. 4to. With the woodcut printer's device of the Leiden Academy and with many printed tables and schemes. Modern red cloth, red morocco spine label with the title in gold. [8], 252 pp. Full description
€ 750
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First edition of a textbook on the making and preparation of medicines

MARGGRAF, Christian. Materia medica contracta, exhibens simplicia & composita medicamenta officinalia ex magno numero selecta, praestantia atque utilia, munita viribus & dosibus methodoque simplicial deligedi, praeparandi & componendi:destinate pharmacopoeorum praecipue ...
Leiden, Aernout Doude, 1674. 4to. With a woodcut view of Leiden Universitys academy building on ther title-page (Doude used it as a publishers device 1674-1679, replacing an earlier version used 1668-1671) and many printed tables and schemes. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [8], 252 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Well-made Lyon 8vo Latin edition of Europe’s principal source for Arabic pharmacology

MASAWAIH al-MARDINI (MESUE the younger). De re medica libri tres, Jacobo Sylvio interprete.
Lyon, Guillaume Rouillé (colophon: printed by Philibert Rollet), 1550. 8vo. With Rouillés woodcut device on the title-page (eagle on a globe, flanked by 2 snakes), numerous woodcut decorated initials, and an arabesque decoration below the colophon. 19th-century marbled boards, manuscript spine label. [16], 421, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Venice edition of Ibn Masawaih's pharmacological handbook with a false Paris imprint

MASAWAIH AL-MARDINI (MESUE the younger). De re medica libri tres. Jacobo Sylvio medico interprete. Cum annotationibus & scholiis eiusdem. Index locupletissimus cum capitum, tum omnium quae scitu digna sunt operi praefixus est.
"Paris" [= Venice], [Girolamo Scotto], 1553. 8vo. With Scottos woodcut device on the title-page (showing what are probably two of the wild mares of King Abderus being devoured by the mares of King Diomedes of Thrace devouring either Abderos or Diomedes himself) and about 22 woodcut decorated (nearly all pictorial) initials (7 series) plus a few repeats. Contemporary vellum, traces of ties. 248, [4] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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"The most popular compendium of drugs in medieval Europe"
by the esteemed Arabic physician Masawaih al-Mardini

MESUE the younger (MASAWAIH AL-MARDINI). Opera. De medicamentorum purgantium delectu, castigatione, & usu, libri duo ...
Venice, Lucantonio Giunta, 1581. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio (23 x 34 cm). With 39 woodcut illustrations in the text. Near-contemporary vellum, black morocco spine label with title in gold. [8], 272; [6], 277, [1 blank], [12] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Manuscript of one of the first printed books on Dutch poisonous plants, together with the printed edition,
bound with an unpublished pharmacological manuscript

[MIQUEL, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm.]. Over de Noord-Nederlandsche vergiftige gewaschen.
[Rotterdam?, 1836?]. 4to. Manuscript in brown ink on laid paper, written in Dutch in a small but neat Latin hand.With: [MIQUEL, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm?]. Pharmacie.
[Rotterdam?, ca. 1845?]. 8vo. Manuscript in brown ink on wove paper, written in Dutch in a small but neat Latin hand. Near contemporary half cloth (impressed with a diamond diaper pattern), marbled sides (light brown unusual spots on dark brown shell spots, the interior of the unusual spots looking more like "tourniquet" or "Gustav" marbling than Stormont or "cassés"), sewn on 2 tapes. With the second manuscript never sewn or bound and loosely inserted.
Together with: (2) MIQUEL, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm. De Noord-Nederlandsche vergiftige gewassen.
Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke (back of title-page: printed by C.A. Spin), 1836-1837. 8vo. With 30 partly hand-coloured lithographed plates. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers over boards. Ad 1: [1], [3 blank], 145, [3 blank] pp.; [3], 10, [10], [5 blank] ll., both written primarily on the rectos. Ad 2: 198, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Two of the most important pharmacological and chemical publicationsof the future Leiden professor of medicine Jacobus Le Mort, the predecessor of Boerhaave

MORT, Jacobus Le. Pharmacia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus instructa, methodon Galenico-chymica adornata.Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. With a frontispiece engraved by Adriaan Schoonebeek (with an allegorical scene above and an apothecary and others at work below), originally dated 1684, changed to 1688, and Vander Aas herald angel device on title-page.
With: MORT, Jacobus Le. Chymia, rationibus et experimetis auctoribus, iisque demonstrativis superstructa, in qua malevolorum calumniate modestè simul diluuntur.
Leiden, Petrus vander Aa, 1688. 8vo. With beautiful allegorical frontispiece (also by Adriaan Schoonebeek?), dated 1688, 2 folding engraved plates of furnaces and distilling equipment and utensils, Vander Aas woodcut herald angel device, initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum over boards, title in ink on spine: "Le Mort opera omnia". 14], 256, [34]; [36], 366, [62] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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First edition of a pharmacological recipe book in Dutch,
for apprentices and pharmacists who cant read Latin

[NEDERDUITSCHE APOTHEEK]. Nieuwe Nederduitsche apotheek. Op eene klaare en verstaanbaare wyze onderwys gevende omtrent de beste dagelyks gebruikt wordende geneeskundige bereidingen; waar in inzonderheid de scheikundige bewerkingen, volgens de gronden der vermaarde heeren Boerhave, Geoffroy en andere beroemde mannen, zoo duidelyk beschreeven worden, als tot nog toe in geene andere apotheeken geschied is.
Leiden, Pieter van der Eyk, 1753. Modern orange paper wrappers. [10], 440 pp, [38] pp. Full description
€ 650
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First pharmacopoeia of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Hague, Typographia Regia, 1823. Large 4to (26 x 22 cm). With an engraved plate showing a hygrometer. This copy numbered 1361 and with the authentication signature of Prof. Jac. Van Maanen. Contemporary gold-tooled tree calf. XII, 220, [20], 221-228 pp. Full description
€ 975
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First pharmacopoeia of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Hague, Typographia Regia, 1823. Large 4to (26 x 21 cm). With an engraved plate showing a hygrometer. This copy numbered 541 and with the authentication signature of Prof. Jac. Van Maanen. Contemporary boards, rebacked with cloth and the original calf backstrip laid down. XII, 220, [20], 221-228 pp. Full description
€ 900
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First work on pharmaceutical chemistry written in Spanish, with 5 engraved plates

PALACIOS, Felix. Palestra pharmaceutica, chymico-galenica, en la qual se trata de la eleccion de los simples, sus preparaciones chymicas, y galenicas, y de las mas selectas composiciones antiguas, y modernas, usuales, tanto en Madrid, como en toda Europa, descritas por los antiguos, y modernos, con las anotaciones necesarias, y mas nuevas, que hasta lo presente se han escrito, tocantes à su perfecta elaboracion, virtudes, y mejor aplicacion en los enfermos. Obra muy util, y necesaria para todos los profesores de la medicina, medicos, cirujanos, y en particular boticarios; muy anadida en esta tercera impression.
Madrid, heirs of Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1737. Folio. With the title-page in a border built up from cast fleurons, and 5 engraved plates.Contemporary sheepskin parchment; recased, with later endpapers. [12], 708, [28] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Fourth edition of the important Parisian pharmacopoeia

[PARIS - PHARMACOPOEIA]. MARTINENQ, Jean Baptiste Thomas. Codex medicamentarius, seu pharmacopoea Parisiensis, ex mandato facultatis medicinae Parisiensis in lucem edita M. Joanne-Baptista-Thoma Martinenq, Decano. Editio auctior & emendatior.
Paris, widow of Pierre Mergé for Guillaume Cavelier Sr., 1748. Large 4to. With a woodcut title-vignette, an ornamental typographical headpiece and some woodcut initials. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with title in gold, marbled endpapers and paste-downs, red edges. [16], CXXXII, 268, XXXIV, [6] pp. Full description
€ 250
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Rare second edition of the official pharmacopoeia of Paris

[PARIS - PHARMACOPOEIA]. HARDOUIN DE SAINT-JACQUES, Philippe. Codex medicamentarius seu pharmacopoea Parisiensis. Ex mandato facultatis medicine Parisiensis in lucem edita.
Paris, Olivier de Varennes, 1645. 4to. 19th-century tanned sheepskin, decorated with ink. [16], “122” [=128], [8] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Pharmacological manuscript with 319 medicinal recipes, at least many for sexual ailments,
with a (presentation?) inscription in French to an unmarried woman

[MANUSCRIPT - PHARMACOLOGICAL]. [Medicinal recipes for sexual ailments].
[Germany?, ca. 1857]. Small 8vo (17 x 11 cm). Manuscript in Latin and German. Contemporary half tan cloth. 33, [35], [32 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Second edition of the official pharmacopoeia of Spain

[PHARMACOPEIA - MADRID]. Pharmacopoeia Matritensis regii, ac supremi Hispaniarum protomedicatus auctoriate, jussu atque auspiciis elaborata. Editio secunda locupletior, en longè emendatior.
Madrid, Antonio Perez de Soto, 1762. 4to. Title printed in red and black with a title-engraving with a view on Madrid engraved by Crutz, with a small portrait in a roundel of the dedicatee, King Carlos III, also engraved by Crutz, and woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label with title in gold, marbled endpapers and paste-downs, red edges. [32], 556 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Beautiful copy with the coats of arms of the city Haarlem on front and back cover

Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1805. Large 8vo. With 2 folding tables. Prize-book of the Latin School at Haarlem: polished mottled calf with gilt panel of the city-virgin of Haarlem holding the coat-of-arms of the city as her shield; underneath the motto: Vicit vim virtus, on both sides, ornamental gilt border along the edges of both sides, spine gilt with orange title label lettered in gold, gilt binding edges, green ties. Complete with the dedication of the Latin school, presenting the book to Jacob Warning, dated Haarlem, 17 Dec. 1817 and signed by the rector and teachers of the school, bound in before the first fly-leaf. [2], L, 304, 34, [13] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First edition of the German translation of the important Pharmacopoeia Austriaco-Provincialis (1774)

[AUSTRIA - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Oesterreichische provinzial-Pharmakopee...
Vienna, Johan Thomas Edlen von Trattnern, 1776. 8vo. With a woodcut coat-of-arms on the title-page and typographical head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, light brown morocco spine label with title in gold, red sprinkled edges. [10], 384, [18] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Second edition of the Bremen/Leipzig edition of the famous Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia of 1756.
With the only edition outside Britain of the Edinburg Pharmacopoeia for the poor

[PHARMACOPOEIA - EDINBURGH] Pharmacopoeia collegii regii medicorum Edinburgensis. Secundum editionis Edinburgensis. Novissimae exemplar recusa. In usum praelectionum academicarum.
Bremen and Leipzig, Georg Ludewig Förster, 1766. With engraved emblematical vignette with the motto Nemo me impune lacessit in the title-page, typographical headpieces and curious tailpiece.
(2) Pharmacopoeia pauperum, in usum Nosocomii Regii Edinburgensis.
Frankfurt a/M & Leipzig, Officina Fleischeriana, 1760. 8vo.
With engraved oval vignette with the coat-of-arms and seal of the Edinburgh hospital and its motto Patet omnibus in an oval, title in ornamental frame. With two added handwritten receipts. 8vo. Calf over boards, ribbed spine gilt in compartments. XII, 146, (18); IV, 76 pp. Full description
€ 650
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First edition of the important first national French pharmacopoeIa

[FRANCE - PHARMACOPOEIA] Codex medicamentarius sive pharmacopoea Gallica jussu regis optimi et ex mandato summi rerum internarum regni administri, editus a facultate medica Parisiensi anno 1818.
Paris, Hacquart, 1818. Large 4to. With a woodcut vignette and monogram on the title-page. Contemporary half black sheepskin. [8], CCXXII, 406 pp. Full description
€ 450
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First and only edition of the pharmacopeia of Liege

[LIEGE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leodiensis, in qua describuntur medicamenta tam simplicia quam composita, ordine sequenti in tres partes distributa... Cum adjuncta taxa & indice.
Liege, Everard Kints, 1741. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Liege and an engraved coat of arms of the dedicatee prince-bishop George (II) Louis of Bergen, printed on a separate leaf. Contemporary marbled paper over boards. [18], 244, [12] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First edition of a pharmacological recipe book in Dutch,
for apprentices and pharmacists who can't read Latin

[PHARMACY - RECIPES]. Nieuwe Nederduitsche apotheek. Op eene klaare en verstaanbaare wyze onderwys gevende omtrent de beste dagelyks gebruikt wordende geneeskundige bereidingen; waar in inzonderheid de scheikundige bewerkingen, volgens de gronden der vermaarde heeren Boerhave, Geoffroy en andere beroemde mannen, zoo duidelyk beschreeven worden, als tot nog toe in geene andere apotheeken geschied is.
Leiden, Pieter van der Eyk, 1753. 8vo. Modern orange paper wrappers. [10], 440, [38] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Practical medical handbook that greatly influenced Japanese pharmacology

PLENCK, Joseph Jakob and A. SCHRAGE (transl.) Heelkundige artzeny-winkel of chirurgyns-apotheek. Vervattende alle beproefde en hedendaagsch gebruikelyke bereide en samengestelde heelmiddelen, ter geneezing van uitwendige ziekten.
Antwerp, C.H. de Vos, 1798. 8vo. Contemporary calf, heavily restored. [1], [1 blank], [5], [1 blank], 212 pp. Full description
€ 500
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Rare Portuguese pharmacopoeia

[PORTO – PHARMACOPOEIA]. PORTUGAL, Antonio Rodrigues.\n Pharmacopea Portuense, em a qual se achaõ muitas das compoziçoens que estaõ mais em uzo, e se naõ achaõ nas nossas pharmacopeas portuguezas, tiradas das pharmacopeas de Londres, de Edinburgo, de Pariz, de Fuller, da Medulla, e de outros varios authores.
Porto, Francisco Mendes Lima, 1766. 8vo. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin. [16], 206, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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First edition of the pharmacopoeia for the Kingdom of Bohemia, together with the official pricelist of 1737

[PRAGUE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Dispensatorium medico-pharmaceuticum Pragense, juxta quod per totum regnum bohemiae praepranda et dispensanda venint. Authoritate et mandato ...
Prague (Staré Mìsto: the old city centre), [Joannes Julius Gerzabek], 1739. With an allegorical frontispiece.
With: (2) Taxa seu valor omnium medicamentorum, tam simplicum, quam compositorum, chymicorum, atque galenicorum in Officinis Pragensibus prostantium ... Der Werth oder Preiss aller Artzneyen, so wohl einfachen als zusammen gesetzten ...
Prague (Staré Mìsto: the old city centre), [Joannes Julius Gerzabek], 1737.
2 complementary publications in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [24], 394, [2]; [8], 74 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Fourth edition of the Prussian pharmacopoeia, including the appendix

[PRUSSIA - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [LINK, Heinrich Friedrich]. Pharmacopoea Borussica. Editio quarta.
Berlin, Academia Regiae Scientarium, 1827.
With: (2) [LINK, Heinrich Friedrich]. Appendix ad pharmacopoeam Borussicam. Editionis quartae.
Berlin, Carolus Fridericus Plahn (back of title-page: printed by G.C. Nauk), 1829. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment, gold-tooled spine. X, [1], [1 blank], 387, [1 blank]; IV, 54 pp. Full description
€ 750
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With portraits of the most celebrated physicians, including Galen, Hippocrates (Boqrat)
and Masawaih al-Mardini (Mesue)

RENOU (RENODAEUS), Jean de. Les oeuvres pharmaceutiques du Sr. Iean de Renou ... augmentées d'un tiers en cette seconde edition par l'auteur; puis traduittes, embellies de plusieurs figures necessaires à la cognoissance de la medicine & pharmacie, & mises en lumiere par M. Louys de Serres.
Lyon, Antoine Chard (colophon: printed by Pierre Colombier), 1626. Folio. With letterpress title in red and black in a richly engraved border. Contemporary richly blind-, black- and gold-tooled calf; rebacked, with original backstrip laid down. [28], 467, [1 blank], [1], 468-762, [24, last 2 pages blank] pp. Full description
€ 12,000
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A milestone in the history of pharmaceutical literature, this edition with an elaborate engraved title-page

[RICETTARIO FIORENTINO]. Ricettario fiorentino di nuovo illustrato.
(Colophon: Florence, Pietro Cecconcelli, 1623). Folio. With an elaborate architectural engraved title-page, 3 woodcut illustrations in text and a woodcut device above the colophon. 19th-century vellum. [12, last 2 pages blank], 296, [48] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A milestone in the history of pharmaceutical literature

[RICETTARIO FIORENTINO]. Ricettario Fiorentino nuovamente compilato e ridotto all'uso moderno diviso in due parti.
Florence, Gaetano Cambiagi, 1789. Large 4to (28 x 21 cm). With engraved illustration on title-page, a decorated engraved initial, and a few woodcut head- and tailpieces. 19th-century sheepskin parchment, manuscript title on spine. VII, [1 blank], 350, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Competing proposals to gain renevue from opium farming in the Dutch East Indies

ROO, L.W.G. de. De verkoop van opium op Java. Open brief aan Dr. H.J.A.M. Schaepman lid van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.
Including: Verklaringen van opiumschuivers uit verschillende streken der residentiën Pasoeroean, Besoeki en Rembang.Nijmegen, H.C.A. Thieme, 1892. 4to. Half green cloth, marbled paper sides, title in gold on spine. 56, 71 pp. Full description
€ 750
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A popular Swedish Domestic medicine chest or first-aid kit for travelers by a famous Swedish physician

ROSEN von ROSENSTEIN, Nils. Hus- och Rese-Apoteque, pä Hennes Kongl. Maj. Nädigste Befallning upsatt af Archiatern och Riddaren --.
Stockholm, Carl Gottlieb Ulfs, 1772. 8vo. Engraved title-page with calligraphic lettering and vignette: a coach driving through a Swedish landscape. Wrappers covered with marbled paper. (2), 104, (8) pp. Full description
€ 250
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Treatise on a special medicament against various kinds of poisons,
by the personal physician of Count Johann Ludwig von Nassau

SALA, Angelo. Ternarius Bezoarticorum ou trois souverains medicaments Bezoardiques, contre tous venins et empoisonnements tant externes que internes: corruption de sang, & autres humeurs.
Leiden, Govert Basson, 1616. 4to. With engraved allegorical title-page in architectural setting with Andromachus and King Mithridates flanking the title. Modern vellum. [28], 91, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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A fierce diatribe against the evil practices of the ignorant, obscure and lazy pharmacists, stirring a host of counter attacks in 1696 (esp. in The Hague)

SCHOON, Theodorus. Defensio medica ofte den doctor van de nieuwe mode Schoon, naakt vertoont, nevens syne kueren, tot des selfs verdedigingh, tegens de frivole snapperyen der plamoters: wegen syn E. weergalooze tractaat, geintituleert, Den apotheker in t hembd. Door een beminnaar der waarheyt en rechtzinnige geneeskunde.
The Hague, Gillis van Limburg, 1696.
With: (2) SCHOON, Theodorus. De apotheker in t hembd, of de wederspannige knegt tegen syn meester.
The Hague, Engelbregt Boucquet, 1696.8vo. Modern black marbled stiff paper wrappers, red sprinkled edges. 38, [2]; [18], 52, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Very rare examination book for pharmacology students

SODRÉ, Antonio Martins (Antonio DOS MÁRTIRES). Collectaneo pharmaceutico divido em duas partes, nas quaes se acharáõ as melhores perguntas, e respostas, e algumas eleiçoens de simples, com suas explicaçoens ao texto de Mesue, tiradas dos melhores autores antigos, e modernos da arte pharmaceutica. Obra utilissima para se examinarem os novos professores da mesma arte.
Porto, Antonio Alves Ribeiro Guimaraens, 1768. 8vo. Contemporary mottled tanned sheepskin, sewn on 4 supports, gold-tooled spine. [32], 188, [4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A catalogue of medicines for sale at the Societas Pharmaceutica in London

STAPHORST, Nicolaus. Officina chymica Londinensis, sive exacta notitia medicamentorum spagyticorum, quae apud aulam Societatis Pharmaceuticae Londin. Praeparantur, & venalia prostant ... Editio tertia juxta exemplar Londini.
Jena, Christoph Cröckerus, 1701. 12mo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers over thin boards. [4], 68 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare first edition of a treatise on the medicines used by surgeons

STOLLS, Maximilian. Lehrbegriffe von den äusserlichen Arzneymitteln, oder deutsche Materia Chirurgica. Angehenden Wundärzten zum Besten übersezt, von Johann Gottfried Essig.
Augsburg, in der Joseph-Wolffischen Buchhandlung, 1789. 8vo. With woodcut printers device on title. Contemporary half white paper over boards covered with blue paper. [16], 190 pp. Full description
€ 350
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First edition of an account of the three parts of nature as suppliers of materials for medicines

[TESSARI, Ludovico and Carolus LINNAEUS]. Materia medica contracta: synonyma, natalia, pharmaceutica, qualitates, principia, praeparata, vires, usus communes, usus praecipuos, composita, doses, judicium complectens.
Venice, Nicolaus Pezzana, 1762. 3 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an allegorical title-vignette ("Nimis augusta foramina cribri"), headpieces built up from typographic ornaments, woodcut tailpieces and decorated initials. Contemporary sprinkled calf over boards, light brown spine label with title in gold, blue sprinkled edges. XVI, 472 pp. Full description
€ 600
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First Dutch translation of medical manual by the surgeon general of Frederick the Great

THEDEN, Johann Christian Anton and A. SCHRAGE (translator). Genees- en heelkundig onderwys voor land- en zee-chirurgyns, vervattende een kort begrip der ontleed-, gezondheid-, ziekte-, genees- en heelkunde, nevens de nieuwste en zekerste genees- en heelmiddelen.
Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1782. 8vo. With a small typographical ornament on the title-page. Contemporary gold- and blindtooled sheepskin, with a red morocco title-label lettered in gold on the spine, red sprinkled edges. [4], 439, [5] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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First edition, in 4to, of the first pharmacopoeia of The Hague, with a laudatory poem by Jacob Westerbaen

[THE HAGUE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Hagiensis communi Collegii Medici ejusdem loci opera adornata.
The Hague, Johannes Tongerloo, 1659. 4to. With the woodcut coat-of-arms of The Hague on the title-page. 17th-century(?) boards covered with marbled paper. [14], 108, [12] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First edition of the first pharmacopoeia of The Hague, with a laudatory poem by Jacob Westerbaen

[THE HAGUE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Hagiensis Communi Collegii Medici ejusdem loci opera adornata.
The Hague, Johannes Tongerloo, 1659. Small 8vo With the woodcut coat-of-arms of The Hague on title-page. Modern boards covered with grey paper, preserving the original endpapers. [12], 122, [10]. pp. Full description
€ 850
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Second edition of the official pharmacopoeia for The Hague, with a new engraved frontispiece

[THE HAGUE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. COLLEGIUM MEDICORUM. Pharmacopoea Hagana ex auctoritate magistratus poliatrorum opera instaurata et aucta.
The Hague, Frederik Boucquet, 1738. 4to. With frontispiece engraved by David Coster and 2 folding engraved tables of pharmacological symbols with their meanings. Contemporary vellum. [22], 196, [20] pp. plus 3 plates. Full description
€ 2,000
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Unauthorized Dutch translation of the pharmacopoeia for The Hague

[THE HAGUE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Haegsche apotheek op het gezag der magistraet, door den arbeid der stads-soctoren, volgens, den laetsten vernieuwen en verbeterden Latynsche druk vertaeld.
Including: Nareede van den boekverkooper.
The Hague, Johannes de Cros, 1762. 4to. With the title-page printed in red and black with an engraved view of The Hague and a frontispiece engraved by David Coster showing the god of medicine Asklepios. Contemporary red half sheepskin. [24], "272" [=274], [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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British military pharmacology during the War of the Austrian Succession, adapted for use by the general public

THEOBALD, John (editor) [and John PRINGLE (compiler)]. Medulla medicinae universae: or, a new compendious dispensatory: compiled ... for the use of the military hospital abroad... The sixth edition.
London, J. Whiston, B. White and R. Baldwin, 1761. 12mo (16.5 x 9.5 cm). Contemporary calf, with gold fillets. [4], VII, [1 blank], 215, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Dedication copy van den auteur, winning the second prize of a contest
offered by the Amsterdam Geneeskundig Genootschap

THOMASSEN A THUESSINK, Evert Jan. Prijsverhandeling over de vraag, voorgesteld door het geneeskundig genootschap, onder de zinspreuk Servandis civibus, in hoe verre zou men, by gebrek aan de apotheek, uit kelder en keuken de vereischte geneesmiddelen, ook tegen de zwaarste ziekten en kwaalen, zo uit- als inwendig, kunnen bekomen; mits uitzonderende de volgende middelen, kina, kwik, opium, staal, delfzuren, rhabarber en ipecacoanna?
Amsterdam, Petrus Conradi, 1789. 8vo. Contemporary sprinkled paper sides, brown morocco spine label lettered in gold. 266 pp. Full description
€ 400
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The pharmacopoeia of Toulouse

[TOULOUSE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. PURPAN, Pons-François. Codex medicamentarius, seu, pharmacopoea Tolosana, amplissimi senatus autoritate munita, ex mandato noblissimorum et vigilantissimorum capitolinorum in lucem edita.
Toulouse, Arnaldus Colomerius, 1648. Small 4to (22 x 18 cm). With woodcut device on title-page, including the arms of Toulouse. Early boards, rebacked. [12], 116 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Very rare Dutch translation of a practical pharmaceutical handbook

TROMMSDORFF (TROMSDORFF), Johann Bartholomäus. Zak-boek voor practiserende artzen, ter vermyding van scheikundige en pharmaceutische misslagen in het voorschryven van geneesmiddelen. ... Volgens den laatsten druk uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.
DURING, Josephus Philippus. Over zommige dwalingen, welke men in het voorschryven der geneesmiddelen moet vermyden.
FOCKEMA, Sybrandus. Over de voornaamste mercurial geneesmiddelen.
Groningen, J. Oomkens, 1804. 8vo. Page numbering switches to 173 after page 272. Modern half cloth. [8], “193” [=293], [blank] pp. Full description
€ 550
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Complete manuscript course in pharmacological chemistry

[TROMMSDORFF, Johann Bartholomäus?]. Leerstelsel der algemeene en artsenijmengkundige proefondervindelijke scheikunde.
Including: [GRAHAM, Thomas?]. De bewerktuigde lighamen: scheikundige beschouwing aangaande de voornaamste bestaandeelen der planten benevens de meest belangrijkste[!] producten welke men door derzelver ontleding bekoomt.
[Amsterdam?], 19 October 1830. 4to. Manuscript in Dutch, written in black ink in a Latin hand on laid paper. Near contemporary half tanned sheepskin. [1], [1 blank], 111, [112-329], [1 blank]; [2 blank], [68]; [2 blank], [41], [5 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Third edition of the Utrecht Pharmacopoea: interesting interleaved copy
with many annotations and extra prescriptions in contemporary handwriting

[UTRECHT - PHARMACOPEIA]. Pharmacopoea ultrajectina nova.
Utrecht, Jacob van Poolsum, 1749. 8vo. With engraved printers device by J. Goeree, woodcut initials and head- and tail-pieces and 2 engraved tables with the chemical symbols of the various ingredients. Later half pigskin, boards covered with sprinkled yellow paper. [8], 240, [20] pp. Full description
€ 1,100
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Rare printed list of labels for use in pharmacies for sale

VAN RIJN VAN ALKEMADE, J. Lijst van Apotheek-etiquetten, bestaande zoowel uit de officieele als uit de meest gebruuikelijke officinale namen of synoniemen der geneesmiddelen volgens de Pharmacopoea Neerlandica, editio altera, en in verband met Art. 6 der Wt van 1 Juni 1865, Staatsbl. no. 61.
The Hague, J. Smulders & Comp, ca. 1872-1875. 4to. Blue wrappers. 22 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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The Viennese pharmacopoeia, with an appendix for the Austrian Netherlands

[VIENNA - LOUVAIN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Dispensatorium pharmaceuticum Austriaco-Viennense, in quo hodierna die usualiora medicamenta secundum artis regulas componenda visuntur.
Leuven, Joannes Franciscus van Overbeke, 1774. 8vo. Contemporary cat's paw calf, richly gold-tooled spine with red morocco title label, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [26], 395, [45], XXVI, IX, [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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On the characteristics of and trade in Cinchona bark

VRIJDAG ZIJNEN, Theodoor Daniel. De in den handel voorkomende kina-basten, pharmacologisch behandeld en toegepast op de soorten welke in de Pharmacopoea Belgica vermeld zijn.
Rotterdam, P.H. van den Heuvell (back of half-title: The Hague, A.D. Schinkel), 1835. 8vo. Contemporary half calf. XII, 120 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Scathing critique of the standard German pharmacopoeia that was finally to lead to its reformation. 1672 Dordrecht edition of two works published in Vienna in 1652

ZWELFER, Joannes. Pharmacopoeia Augustana reformata. ...
Including: ZWELFER, Joannes. Pharmacopoeia regia, seu dispensaterium ...
Dordrecht, Vincent Caimax, 1672. 2 volumes. 4to. With a general title-page and 2 divisional titles, 5 half-page engravings in vol. 2. Mottled calf over boards, gold-tooled spine, sprinkled edges. [6], 472; [473]-876, [36], [8], 66, [2], [8], 239 pp. Full description
€ 950
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