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Military History / Fortification & Military Architecture

Mathematical problems of fortification

BECKER (VON HERVORD), Peter. Nieuwe manier van vestingbou, hoe men alle regulare en irregulare vestingen met hare buytenwerken na haer behoorlijke proportie, sonder eenige rekeninge, door den gemeenen cirkel op een nieuwe en gansch lichte manier tekenen, afsteken en opbouwen sal. Van nieuws van den autheur selve, met het offensive en defensive vermeerdert, en door de tabulae sinuum uytgerekent, en met nodige demonstratien en figuren allen liefhebbers deser kunst verrijkt.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge I, 1673. 8vo. With an engraved allegorical title-page, a letterpress title-page, 7 engraved plates (5 folding), 3 engraved illustrations in the text and 3 folding tables. Contemporary vellum. [16], 146 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Oblong handbook of fortification design

BEHR, Johann Heinrich. Der aufs Neu-verschantzte Turenne oder gründlich alt- und neue Kriegs-Bau-Kunst.
Frankfurt and Leipzig, widow of Reinhard Wächtler, printed by Christoph Balthasar Lampe, 1690. Oblong 8vo (11 x 17 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 32 engraved plates. Contemporary calf. [3], [1 blank], [20], 616 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Improving existing fortresses, with three large lithographed plates

CHOUMARA, Pierre-Marie Théodore. Mémoires sur la fortification, ou examen raisonné... avec atlas.
Paris, Anselin (back of half-title: printed by A. Henry), 1827. 2 volumes (8vo text and 4to atlas). With 3 very large folding lithographed plates (ca. 54.5 x 77 cm) in atlas volume. Contemporary marbled half calf, gold-tooled spine. [6], 354, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Second edition of a highly innovative work on Dutch fortification

COEHOORN, Menno van. Nieuwe vestingbouw, op een natte of lage horisont; welke op driederleije manieren getoont word in 't fortificeren der binnengrote van de Fransche royale seshoek...
Leeuwarden, heirs and widow of Hendrik Rintjes, 1702. Folio. With 12 (of 14) engraved plates, including 6 folding and 3 double-page. Contemporary calf, with blind-stamped centrepiece on both sides. [16], 181, [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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A great classic of Dutch fortification, with a new plate added for this edition

COEHOORN, Menno van. Nouvelle fortification, tant pour un terrain bas et humide, que sec et élevé, representée en trois maniéres sur le contenu intérieur de l 'exagone a la Françoise, ...
Wesel, Jacob von Wesel [printed by Johann Kattepoel or his heirs, or possibly by a printer in the Netherlands], 1706. 8vo. With 14 (of 15) engraved folding plates. Contemporary vellum. [38], 261, [1] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 1,800
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The French fortification manual that finally succeeded Vauban’s, with 55 plates

CORMONTAINGNE, Louis de. Oeuvres posthumes ... Tome premier[-second] [& troisième].
(1) Mémorial pour la fortification permanente et passagère. ...
(2) Mémorial pour l'attaque des places. ...
(3) Mémorial pour la défense des places, faisant suite au mémorial pour l'attaque, ...
Paris, Charles Barrois (vol. II: Denis-Simon Magimel) (back of title-page vol. I & colophon vol. III: printed by H. Perronneau; back of title-page vol. II: printed by Demonville), 1809, 1815, 1806. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 55 engraved folding plates, 3 folding tables and additional tables in the text. Contemporary, uniform half tree calf, gold-tooled spines. XVI, 390; [4], XIV, 316; XXII, 371, [1] pp. plus folding tables and plates. Full description
€ 2,000
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Manuscript fortification plan of Geertruidenberg, signed by future minister under Napoleon

DEJEAN, Jean-François-Aimé. Plan de Gertruidenberg et de l'attaque de cette place par les Français. N. L'attaque a été commencée le 22 nivose an 3me. Rép. (11 janvier 1795) et la garnison s'est rendue prisonnière de guerre le 29 nivose (18 janvier 95 vieux stile).
[Netherlands, ca. 1800]. Manuscript fortification plan (49 x 61.6 cm) on paper in ink and green and red watercolour. With large frame in the bottom left with keys to important locations, including the locations of the troops during the attack. Signed "Vu Dejean". Full description
€ 2,250
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The greatest and best-illustrated work on fortification of its time,
with hundreds of plates and 7 beautifully decorated title-pages, rarely found complete

DILICH, Wilhelm. Peribologia oder Bericht ... von Vestungs Gebewen, vieler Örter vermehrett wie auch mit gebürenden Gründt und Auffrissen versehen ...
Frankfurt am Main, Johann Wilhelm Dilich (colophon: printed by Anton Humm), 1640. 2 parts plus plates in 1 volume. Folio. With an engraved general title-page and 2 engraved part-titles, each part with 2 additional engraved divisional titles dividing it into two "books", 234 unnumbered engraved plates by the author's son, Johann Wilhelm Dilich (1 large folding, plate size 46.5 x 60.5 cm; and as bound in the present copy 198 double-page and 35 single-page). Vellum (ca. 1695/1700?). 163, [8], [1 blank] pp. (including 7 engraved titles) plus plates and 3 engraved titles. Full description
€ 5,500
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Seminal work on Dutch methods of fortification, with illustrated title-page and 69 double-page plates

DÖGEN, Matthias. Heutiges tages übliche Kriges Bau-kunst...
Including: DÖGEN, Matthias. Streit-bau-Kunst, ...
Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1648. Folio in 4s (31 x 21 cm). With an integral engraved, illustrated general title-page, a letterpress divisional title-page for part 2, 29 double-page engraved plates, 40 double-page engraved plates, 5 woodcut decorated gothic initials. With 3 unsigned quires with letterpress tables of data made for this edition, but lacking in many copies. Set in fraktur types with incidental roman. Contemporary or near contemporary vellum, red sprinkled edges, manuscript spine title, remains of 1 of 4 green cloth ties. [14], [2 blank], 56, [8], 57-96, [4], 97-196, [8], 197-475, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 2,350
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Seminal work on Dutch methods of fortification, with illustrated title-page and 68 double-page plates

DÖGEN, Matthias. L'architecture militaire moderne, ou fortification.Including: ... la partie qui concerne l'attaque & la deffance.
Amsterdam, Lowijs Elzevier, 1648. Folio. With an integral engraved, illustrated general title-page, 68 (of 70) double-page engraved plates: 28 (of 29) instructional plates A-Ff , showing plans, elevations, sections and equipment, and 40 (of 41) unnumbered fortification plans of numerous cities. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine and board edges. [8], 547[=543], [1 blank], [20] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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The universal art of fortification

[DUBREUIL, Jean], Sieur de Bitainvieu. L'art universel des fortifications, Francoises, Holandoises, Espagnoles, Italiennes, et composées. Avec l'art d'attaquer les places fortifiées par les surprises & par la force, & aussi de défendre les places fortifiées contre les surprises & contre la force, par le Sieur de Bitainvieu.
Paris, Jacques Dubrueil, 1674 [=1667]. 6 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved general frontispiece by Jean Le Pautre (1618-1682), 6 engraved frontispieces for the 6 parts, the first 4 by Jean Le Paultre and the last 2 by Noel Cochin (1622-1695) after Ferrand, and many illustrations of military perspective, plans of fortifications, instruments of attack and defence of fortifications, etc. on 125 full-page engraved plates in the text, several plates in part V signed by R. Coquin. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, with title in gold in second compartment, marbled edges. [36], 2; 133 (with the text and the corresponding plate numbered the same); 117, [3] pp. Full description
€ 3,800
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First and only Netherlands edition of the first great French fortification manual, with a false Paris imprint

ERRARD, Jean. La fortification demonstree et reduicte en art ... reveue corrige et augmentee par A. Errard ...
[Amsterdam ("livres" 2 & 4: "Paris" = Amsterdam), Johannes Jansonnius?], "1619" [= 1622?]-1622. 1 volume in 4 "livres". Folio (33 x 21 cm). With an engraved title-page, 38 engraved plates, 9 engraved and numerous woodcut illustrations in the text. Recased in contemporary vellum. [6], “70” [= 71], [1 blank] ll. including the integral title-page, plus 38 plates. Full description
€ 4,000
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Rare fortification handbook for the common man

EYLEND, Martin. Modus artis fortificatoriae Belgicus, Niederländisch Festung bawen, ..., zum andern mal in Druck gegeben, an vielen Orten corrigirt, vermehrt und verbessert.
Dresden, Wolfgang Seyffert, 1630. 4to. With about 60 woodcut illustrations in the text. 20th-century half parchment, with marbled paper covering most of the spine. [4], 100 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Europe fortified: the fortifications of Marolois, Stevin and Vauban, beautifully mapped,
together with an atlas of the coasts of France, also with fortifications

FER, Nicolas de. Les forces de l' Europe, ou description des principales villes; avec leurs fortifications. . . .
Paris, "chez l'auteur" [=Nicolas de Fer, a false imprint], 1695-1696 [printed in Amsterdam, for Pieter Mortier, 1695-ca. 1702]. 10 parts in 1 volume. With 234 beautifully engraved plates (a few folding) with 366 maps and views of fortified cities.
With: (2) FER, Nicolas de. Costes de France, sur l' ocean & sur la Mer Mediterranée &c. avec leurs fortifications. . . .
Paris, "Nicolas de Fer" [a false imprint], 1695. [printed in Amsterdam, for Pieter Mortier]. With engraved title-page and 40 engraved plates (including 2 folding). 2 works in 12 parts or volumes, bound as 1 volume. Oblong 1mo (30×37 cm). Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. Full description
€ 17,500
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Fortification and military architecture, with 32 folding colour drawings (plans, sections, etc.)

[MANUSCRIPT - FORTIFICATION]. Traite des fortifications.
[France, ca. 1730?]. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 32 folding drawings in black and red ink and grey and coloured washes showing plans, sections and elevations of fortifications and of military buildings, bridges, gates, etc. Near contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [93], [3 blank]; [249], [11 blank]; [77], [7 blank]; [88] pp. plus 32 folding drawings. Full description
€ 5,950
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Manuscript plan of the "Stelling Den Helder": the oldest surviving defence line in Dutch military history, including the important marine shipyard Willemsoord

[FORTIFICATION PLAN - DEN HELDER - WILLEMSOORD]. KRAG, Rasmus. Kort over en deel af provindsen Nordholland med befestningen af de Helder, maritime & etablissementet Willemsoort samt en deel af den nye Nordhollandske Canal.
[The Netherlands?], 1825. Double Elephant 1mo sheet (92 x 63 cm). With a pen and ink-drawn fortification plan (ca. 85 x 55 cm) of the Den Helder fortifications and the marine shipyard Willemsoord, coloured by a contemporary hand, with a manuscript title, scales and a key in Danish, written in a fine and legible 19th-century hand surrounding the plan. On Whatman wove paper. Folded. [1] sheet. Full description
€ 1,800
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Last pre-Revolutionary fortification manual by Louis XVI’s Maréchal de Camp, with large folding fortification plans

FOURCROY Charles-René de. Mémoires sur la fortification perpendiculaire.
Including: GRANIER DE STE-CÉCILE, Joseph-Modeste. [drop-title:] Mémoires sur la fortification perpendiculaire. Second mémoire ou Observations sur le livre intitulé, La fortification perpendiculaire.
Paris, Jean-Luc Nyon (colophon: printed by Jacques-Gabriel Clousier), 1786. Royal 4to (32 x 23.5 cm). With XVI numbered plates (all but 1 folding; with 22 numbered figures plus a 23rd unnumbered). Recased in 18th-century sheepskin parchment. [3], [1 blank], 290, [2] pp. Full description
€ 900
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Fortification manual that spread Dutch practice internationally

FREITAG, Adam. L'architecture militaire ou la fortification nouvelle.
Paris, Toussainct Quinet, 1640. Folio. With an engraved title-page, 35 double-page engraved illustration plates containing 185 numbered figures, and 8 double-page letterpress tables. Contemporary vellum. [8], 179, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Illustrated instructions for drawing fortification plans and perspective views, printed by the Elzeviers

GOLDMANN, Nicolaus. La nouvelle fortification ...
Leiden, Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier, 1645. Folio. With architectural title-page engraved by Adriaen Matham, 52 half-page engravings plus about 42 repeats in the text, and numerous letterpress tables in the text. Contemporary(?) mottled calf. Rebacked and with restorations in sheepskin. [16], 224 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Attack and defence according to Vauban's chief miner

GOULON, Charles. Memoires pour l'attaque et la défense d'une place... Nouvelle édition, corrigée & augmentée...
- VAUBAN, Sébastien le Prestre de. Journal du siege de la ville d'Ath.
- VAUBAN, Sébastien le Prestre de. Le directeur général des fortifications, ou mémoires de monsieur de Vauban, concernant les fonctions des différens officiers employés dans les fortifications.
- LOUIS, Grand Dauphin. Relation du siége de Philisbourg, en 1688.
- [ANONYMOUS FRENCHMAN]. Relation de la défense de Landaw, en 1704.
Amsterdam and Leipzig, Arkstee and Merkus; Paris, sold by Jombert, 1764. 8vo. With 9 folding engraved plates of cities and fortifications. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine with yellow morocco title-label, red edges, paste paper endpapers. XXIV, 344 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Illustrated work on fortification and artillery

GRUBER, Johann Sebastian. Neuer und gründlicher Unterricht, ... Nebenst einem Bericht von Zubereitung einiger Ernst-Feuerwerckes-Kugeln.
Nuremberg, Johann Hoffmanns, Engelbert Strecken and Abraham von Werth, 1700. 8vo. With double-page engraved frontispiece, 1 letterpress folding table and 16 engraved plates. Blue paper covered boards. [6], 290, [2 blank], [6]; [2], 316, [2 blank], [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Italian fortification atlas of the Low Countries

GUALDO PRIORATO, Galeazzo. Teatro del Belgio ò sia descritione delle diecisette provincie del medesimo; con le piante delle città, e fortezze principali; da chi al presente possesse; come, in qual modo, & in qual tempo acquistate.
Vienna, Michael Thurnmayer, 1673. Folio. With engraved frontispiece with the coat-of-arms of all Seventeen Provinces, engraved military scene on the title-page, folding engraved map of the Low Countries, 2 folding engraved views of a sea-battle and an army crossing the Rhine, and 120 double-page engraved fortification plans. Contemporary mottled sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [14], 148, [6] pp. text Full description
€ 5,000
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27 folding plates with 168 fortification plans, sections, elevations, views, palisades, equipment, etc.

HEIDEMANN, Christoph. Architectura militaris; oder, Anlaitung wie auff unterschidliche Arten starcke Vestungen zubawen, denen nach itziger Kriegs-Practic gewöhnlichen Offensionen entgegen zustellen; ...
München, Johann Jäcklin, 1664. 3 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (30 x 20.5 cm). With an engraved title-page by Melchior Küsell and 168 figures (I-CLXIV & A-D) on 27 double-page plates (A-Bb including W, & "zwischen O und P"), engraved by Christoph Stenglin. 18th-century blue paper over boards. Engraved title-page + [10], 98; 62; 26, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Manuscript course in fortification, with 19 large folding drawings (plans and sections) in colour

[FORTIFICATION]. HOOFF, Cornelis Christiaan van. Grondbeginselen der vestingbouw, volgens de verschillende manieren van versterken van Pagan, Vauban en Coehoorn. Geconstrueerd getekend en beschreven door C C van Hooff.
[The Hague], 1796. Folio. With a calligraphic title-page and 19 folding drawings (mostly about 32.5 x 51 cm, 6 longer: 78 to 138 cm, the longest assembled from 2 pieces before drawing) with 45 numbered figures, showing fortification plans and sections in black and red ink with coloured washes. With an 1857(?) photograph of a (ca. 1795?) miniature oval portrait of the author and 4 documents concerning the manuscript and the author's family (1933-1965), all loosely inserted. Contemporary half, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [1], [1 blank], 81, [1 blank], [1], [3 blank] pp. plus 19 integral blank ll. with drawings tipped onto them. Full description
€ 12,000
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Cities and fortresses in the Dutch Seven Provinces in the 17th century

KIRCHNER, Christian. Holland, oder Beschreibung der sieben vereinigten niederländischen Provintzen, nebenst denen darzu eroberten Oerten, darinnen alle Städte, Festungen, Flecken, Seen und Flüsse samt andern merckwürdigen Sachen, auch die vornehmsten Städte und Festungen darbey in Kupffer gestochen.
Leipzig, Christian Kirchner, 1672. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and 31 folding engraved plans of various cities in the Low Countries. Contemporary vellum. [14], 229, [3 blank], 32, [8] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Pioneering work on fortification design, building techniques and equipment,
with more than 150 woodcut illustrations

LORINI, Buonaiuto. Delle fortificationi ... libri cinque.
Venice, Antonio Rampazetto, 1597 (colophon: 1596). Large folio (34.5 x 25 cm). With a large engraved device on the title-page, woodcut printer's device above the colophon, an engraved plate with a portrait of the author (often lacking), and more than 150 diagrams and woodcut illustrations on the integral leaves, many full-page or double-page. Modern vellum in 17th-century style. [12], “219” [= 217], [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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17th-century engraved book on mathematics & fortification

LUDERS, Theodoric. Traicté mathematique contenant les principales definitions, problemes et theoremes d'Euclide. l'Arithmetique decimale. . . . La fortification Hollandoise. Francoise. Italienne. Et Espagnolle.
Paris, [Jean Jombert], 1680. With engraved title-page, engraved table, and 34 numbered engraved plates (11 double-page).
With: (2) LUDERS, Theodoric. Traité d'arithmetique contenant les reigles necessaires aux marchands, banquiers, changeurs, &. financiers: . . .
Paris, [Jean Jombert], 1680. 2 works in 1 volume. Large folio (50×34.5 cm). Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine (rebacked with original backstrip laid down). Full description
€ 9,500
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Prussian fortification & artillery manual, with about 112 drawings

[MANUSCRIPT]. MAHLENDORFF. Fortification passagère et permanente [= Erstes Heft]. Artillerie. [=] Zweites Heft.
[Berlin?, ca. 1850?]. 2 volumes. Small 4to (21 x 17 cm). Manuscript in German, written in brown ink on paper in a cursive hand mixing Latin and gothic characteristics, the two volumes with about 100 and 12 drawings respectively (mostly pen and ink, but a few in pencil), mostly in the large fore-edge margins left for that purpose, but with 7 in vol. 1 on folding slips tipped onto the leaves. Most show fortification plans but there are also sections, elevations and a few other drawings, including diagrams. Contemporary uniform black half vellum. [2 blank], [1], [3 blank], [40], [8 blank], [314], [12 blank]; [2 blank], [1], [1 blank], [81], [3 blank], [177], [9 blank] pp., with the first and last leaf of each volume pasted down. Full description
€ 1,850
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Important work on geometry and military fortifications,
copy from the collection of Ludwig Rudolph, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg

MAROLOIS, Samuel. Geometrie, contenant la theorie, et practicque dicelle necessaire a la fortification.
The Hague and Arnhem, Henricus Hondius and Jan Janz., 1616. Oblong 1mo (ca. 30 x 39 cm). With an engraved title-page and 47 numbered full-page engraved plates, with a few decorated initials and ornamental head-pieces, and with geometric formulas in the text. Late 17th- or early 18th-century(?) gold-tooled vellum, remnants of closing ties, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank], [92] pp. and 47 engraved plates. Full description
€ 9,500
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First German edition of the earliest systematic manual of Dutch fortification,
with 42 double-page plates (plus 47 more in the accompanying geometry)

MAROLOIS, Samuel. Fortification: wie ein Ort nach der wahren und fundamental-Kunst zubefestigen, ...
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1627. With an engraved title-page with the German title on a letterpress slip, 42 numbered double-page engraved plates and a double-page letterpress table.
With: (2) MAROLOIS, Samuel. Geometria, auss der Frantzösischen in die Teutsche Sprach, ... ubersetzt.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1627. With an engraved title-page with the German title on a letterpress slip, 47 numbered double-page engraved plates. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. 20th-century half tan leather. Engraved title-page + 111, [1 blank] pp. + a folding table; engraved title-page + 187, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Rare richly illustrated text book on fortification

MELDER, Gerard. Korte en klare instructie van regulare en irregulare fortificatie, met hare buyten-wercken. Te gebruycken defensive en offensive. Een compagnie, een regiment, een leger te voet en te peert te logeren, en in verscheyde soorte van bataillons te stellen... By gevoegt 50 lustige questien, met hare solutien.
Including: MELDER, Gerard. Appendix aen de instructie vande fortificatie en bataillons, met een korte wederlegginge der sustenu van H. Ruse over de hedendaeghsche fortificatie.
Utrecht, Jan van Waesberge, 1658. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With engraved title-page, letterpress title-page, 13 woodcut folding fortification plans, and numerous woodcut illustrations and figures in text. Contemporary vellum. [12], 208, [4]; 40 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Textbook on fortification, with 50 assignments for pupils

MELDER, Gerard. Korte en klare instructie van regulare en irregulare fortificatie, met hare buyten-wercken. Te gebruycken defensive en offensive... By-gevoegt 50 lustige questien, met hare solutien.
Including: MELDER, Gerard. Appendix aen de instructie vande fortificatie en bataillons...
Amsterdam, Johannes van Waesberge, 1664. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece (dated 1658 from the first edition), folding letterpress table, 41 numbered woodcut illustrations in text (31) and on inserted leaves (10), numerous unnumbered woodcut illustrations in text, and 2 folding woodcut plans, signed A and B, in the Appendix. Contemporary vellum. [16], 208; 40 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Practical geometry, fortification and artillery ca. 1750

[MILITARY]. Geometria of meetkonst ... Vestingbou of fortificatie ... [Artillerie].
[Netherlands, ca. 1750]. 3 related works in 1 volume. Folio. With numerous mathematical diagrams, fortification plans and measured drawings of artillery and ammunition, including 12 full-page watercolour drawings (3 fortification plans and 9 beautifully rendered canons) and many more watercolour drawings in the text. With a large folding fortification plan tipped in, a large folding artillery drawing loosely inserted, and several smaller drawings tipped in or loosely inserted. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [2 blank], [40], [12 blank]; [37 (plus a folding plan & other inserts)], [5 blank]; [22] (plus a folding drawing), [16 blank] ll. including the integral paste-downs. Full description
€ 6,500
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Temporary and permanent fortifications, illustrated with 58 double-page plates

MILLER, Moriz von. Vorlesungen über die Feldverschanzungs-Kunst, in Verbindung mit dem Pionnier- und Pontonnier-Dienste, so wie über die stehende Befestigung und die Lehre des Angriffs und der Vertheidigung fester Plätze.
Karlsruhe and Freiburg, Herder, 1831. 2 volumes. 4to. With 58 double-page lithographed plates, each displaying several figures, and both with a double-page lithographed title-page. Contemporary tanned half sheepskin, marbled paper sides, marbled endpapers. [8], 218, XV, [1]; [2], 194, XII, [2] pp. Full description
€ 850
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Recommending polygonal fortifications, with 87 folding engraved plates

MONTALEMBERT, Marc-René de. La fortification perpendiculaire, ou essai sur plusieurs manieres de fortifier la ligne droite, le triangle, le quarré, & tous les polygônes, ...
Paris, Philippe-Denys Pierres, 1776-1778. 4 (of 5) volumes. Large 4to. With an engraved portrait of the author as frontispiece in volume 1 and with a total of 87 folding engraved plates. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [8], XL, 225, [7]; [6], XVI, 322, [4]; [12], XL, 248, [2]; [4], 397, [3] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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A critique of Dutch fortification

NEUBAUER, Christian. Discoursus et vera architecturae militaris praxis, oder Gründliche Beschreibung, und Nützlicher Unterricht der neu inventirten fortification...
Stargard, Berger Campe, 1679. Small folio (28 x 19.5 cm). With an engraved title-page and 24 numbered engravings on 7 folding leaves. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment, marbled sides. [12], 67, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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First Dutch edition of a classic French fortification manual: 2nd copy located of 2nd issue

PAGAN, Blaise François. Nieuwe vesting-bouw, ... vermeerdert door Johan Jacob Wertmuller. ... Tweeden druk.
Dordrecht, Christoffel der Moey, 1745. 8vo. With an engraved half-title, 18 folding engraved plates and letterpress tables. 18th-century calf, gold-tooled spine. Engraved half-title + [16], 205, [3] pp. + plates. Full description
€ 1,250
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Beautiful lithographed plates after a manuscript description of Russia from 1674

PALMQUIST, Erich. Nagre widh sidste Kongl. ambassaden till Tzaren i Muskou giorde observationer öfwer Ryszland, dess wäger, pasz med fästningar och gräntzer - Sammandragne aff Erich Palmquist anno 1674.
Stockholm, Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, [1898]. Large oblong folio. With the 1674 title-page, the text, 14 maps and charts, 13 full-page illustrations and several figures on one page (1 page illustrating flags hand-coloured as published). All lithographed after the original manuscript. Paper imitating tree calf, with a gilt-stamped frame, gold-tooled spine. [72] pp, some leaves printed on one side only. Full description
€ 8,500
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Pen and ink wash drawing of the harbour of the Ottoman port city Edremit

[OTTOMAN PORT]. [PEETERS, Johannes (Jan) (after)]. [Ladimistri nel' archipelago].
[The Netherlands(?), ca. 1720?]. Oblong folio (19.5 x 31.5 cm). Pen and blue-black ink-wash drawing on laid paper, showing the city of Edremit, its harbour and fortifications, with an Ottoman and a Dutch(?) ship, and a lighthouse, in a brown thick-thin-thin border, signed in the border below right, but difficult to read (I. P. Sto...?, I. P. Ste...?). Framed (37 x 49 cm). Full description
€ 2,750
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Rare and luxurious work on securing fortifications against the rising firepower

REDELYKHEID, Cornelis. De nieuwe versterkte facen en flancquen, of Verhandeling om de facen ... bestendiger ... te doen zyn ... Opgesteld ten nutte der krygsbouwkunde, en derzelver min of meer gevorderde bearbeiders.
Amsterdam, printed for the author [by Izaak and Johannes Enschedé in Haarlem?], sold by Jan Punt junior, [1759]. Large 4to (23.5 x 20 cm). With 3 folding engraved plates with 14 numbered figures drawn by the author and executed by Jan Punt and 2 engravings in text. 19th-century half parchment. [16], 121, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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On French fortification, with 37 engraved plates

ROZARD, Johann Claude de. Nouvelle fortification Françoise, où il est traité de la construction des places...
Nuremberg, Jean George Lochner, 1731. 2 volumes: text (4to) and atlas (oblong folio). With an engraved frontispiece, engraved illustration on title-page and some woodcut initials and tailpieces. Atlas volume with 37 engraved plates, including some folding, and 1 letterpress table. Contemporary vellum, text volume with a red title-label on spine. [20], 148; [4], 156 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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With a double-page plan and 34 tinted lithographed views of the fortified city of Jalalabad, Afghanistan

SALE, Sir Robert H. (and others). The defence of Jellalabad, ... drawn on stone by W.L. Walton.
London, Joseph Hogarth, Henry Graves & Co., and sold by Hullmandel & Walton, [1845/46]. 1mo (full-sheet leaves) (54 x 37 cm). With a lithographed frontispiece portrait of Sale by Thomas Fairl and after a painting by Scarlet Davis, a lithographed illustrated title-page, a lithographed dedication to Queen Victoria (reproducing Sales hand-written and signed dedication), a double-page "Plan of Jellalabad" (51.5 x 60 cm, lithographed by S. Leith in Edinburgh) and 34 tinted lithographic views of the city and its fortifications (in landscape format) on 22 leaves.
Gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, richly gold-tooled turn-ins, gold-tooled board edges, yellow endpapers, gilt edges. Lithographed frontispiece, title-page & dedication plus 5, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 15,000
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Saint Petersburg fortification manual with 20 plates, dedicated to Czar Alexander I
one year before Napoleons invasion of Russia

SÉA. Mémoire sur la fortification permanente, pour servir a la construction d'un front de fortification sur le terrain, ... Nouvelle édition.
Saint Petersburg, Pluchart et comp., 1818. 2 volumes. Large 4to (26 x 21.5 cm & 27.5 x 22 cm). With 20 (of 21?) engraved plates (13 double-page and 7 large folding), and 3 full-page tables. Contemporary half-calf, gold-tooled spines. [12], XIX, [1 blank], 284, [3], [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 1,500
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The great French master of fortification in a new Dutch jacket

SIDERIUS, Mattheus. De theorie van de vesting-bouw, vertoont in de drie versterkings manieren van den heer Vauban. ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, Gerrit Tresling, 1765. 8vo. With 29 numbered folding plates (I-XXIX) and 2 folding letterpress tables (A & B). Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [16], 285, [2], [1 blank] pp. plus plates and tables. Full description
€ 2,750
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Finely illustrated manuscript handbook for architects, engineers, etc.

[MANUSCRIPT - APPLIED MATHEMATICS]. SIMMONDS, J. Hints, tables &ca [for mining, military engineering, architecture, etc.].
[England], 1840. (16.5 x 12 cm). Manuscript in ink on paper, in English, with numerous architectural and other illustrations in pencil and ink, many with grey and/or pink washes, on 30 pages, numerous manuscript tables. Written and illustrated partly on rectos only and partly on both rectos and versos. Contemporary English dark green gold-tooled calf, gold-tooled board edges, gold fillets on turn-ins, green ribbon marker, gilt edges. Rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. [61] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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First German edition of the inaugural work of the first Dutch school of fortification

STEVIN, Simon. Festung-Bawung, das ist, Kurtze und eygentliche Beschreibung, wie man Festungen bawen, unnd sich wider allen gewaltsamen Anlauff der Feinde zu Kriegszeiten auffhalten, sichern und verwahren möge: ...
Frankfurt am Main, Wolfgang Richter for the widow of Levinius Hulsius, 1608. 4to. With a woodcut fortification plan on the title-page and about 30 woodcut illustrations in the text. Lacking the 2 woodcut plates and 3 smaller woodcut slips. 20th-century grey-brown half calf. [8], 132 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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A "friendly contest" between the Dutch, French and German systems of fortification

STURM, Leonhard Christoph. Freundlicher Wett-streit der französischen, holländischen und teutschen Krieges-Bau-Kunst, worinnen die Befestigungs-Manier des Hrn. von Vauban an Neu-Breisach, die beste Manier des Hrn. von Coehoorn, und Zweyerley Vostellungen der von L.C. Sturm publicirten, und nach des weit-berühmten Hrn. George Rimplers Maximen eingerichteten Manier, ...
Augsburg, Jeremia Wolffens, printed by Peter Detleffsen, 1718. Folio. With 19 engraved plates (18 folding and 1 double-page), numbered I-XIX, and 1 woodcut illustration in text. Modern paper boards. [10], 66 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Dialogue between an engineer and a young man on military architecture

STURM, Leonhard Christoph. Architectura militaris hypothetico-eclectica, oder gründliche Anleitung zu der Kriegs-Baukunst...
Nuremberg, Peter Conrad Monath, 1719. 4to. With an engraved device on title-page, an engraved headpiece on the first page of the dedication, engraved author's portrait, 42 engraved plates with 79 illustrations, 23 letterpress tables and with woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, lovely gold-brocade endpapers. [16], 144, 23, [1] Full description
€ 1,200
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The fortification method of Vauban

STURM, Leonhard Christoph. Der wahre Vauban, oder der von den Deutschen und Holländern verbesserte französische Ingenieur ...
Nuremberg, George Peter Monath, 1761. With an engraved frontispiece and 31 folding engraved plates.
With: (2) GOULON, Louis. Bericht von Belagerung und Vertheidigung einer Festung.Nuremberg, George Peter Monath, 1761. With 4 engraved plates. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Modern plain paper boards. [6], 157, [11]; 56 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Second and best edition of André Tacquet’s collected works on applied mathematics

TACQUET, André. Opera mathematica, quorum elenchus in fine praefationis typographia ad lectorem exhibetur. Opera sane aurea in lucem publicam & usum erudita posteritatis gratulantibus litteratorum geniis edita.
Antwerp, Henricus & Cornelius Verdussen, 1707. Folio. With a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece illustrating light refraction through lenses and the teaching of drawing with compasses, large engraved publisher's device on title-page, title in red and black, and numerous illustrations and figures on 87 folding engraved plates. Contemporary richly blind- and gold-tooled vellum over wooden boards, on the front board, the coat-of-arms of the Cartusiae Maurbacensis as centrepiece on the back board, red edges, two metal clasps. [32], 553, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,950
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Revolutionary ideas on fortification, with 48 splendid plates

TENSINI, Francesco. La fortificatione guardia difesa et espugnatione delle fortezzi esperimentata in diverse guerre.
Venetia, Antonio Bariletti, 1630. Large folio (38 x 27.5 cm). With richly engraved allegorical frontispiece, engraved portrait of the author, and 48 fine engraved fortification plates (11 double-page), by Fillippo Sadeler. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled fillets on boards, richly gold-tooled spine, Rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down, later endpapers. [16], 83, [1 blank]; 83, [1 blank]; 128 pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Extremely rare unauthorized edition of a manual on field fortification for young officers

TIELKE, Johann Gottlieb. Unterricht für die Offiziers die sich zu Feldingenieurs bilden, oder doch den Feldzügen mit Nutzen beywohnen wollen, durch Beyspiele aus dem letzten Kriege erläutert, und mit nöthigen Plans versehen...
Vienna, Johann Thomas Edlen von Trattner, 1785. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, 32 folding engraved plates and some letterpress tables in text. 19th-century green half morocco, marbled paper sides. [48], 479, [9] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Including detailed information on tactical formations, with 13 engraved plates

[TISSOT, François Louis Pierre Auguste]. Cahiers militaires, portatifs. Contenant une nouvelle idée sur le génie & plusieurs autres pièces interessantes & utiles pour le lecteur.
Genève, J.A. Nouffer, 1778. 4to. With 13 folding engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. “182” [=184] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Dissertation on military architecture by a student of the University of Salzburg

TÖRRING-JETTENBACH, Joseph Ignaz Felix and Edmund EGG. Tractatus de architectura militari.
Salzburg, Joannis Baptistae Mayr, 1700. Large 4yo (30 x 22 cm) With an engraved frontispiece, 17 engraved plates and 1 letterpress folding table. Spine reinforced with orange paper, with the frontispiece serving as provisional front wrapper and last leaf as back wrapper. [12], 153, [4], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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"On military technology, no works had greater influence or enjoyed greater prestige" (Guerlac)

VAUBAN, Sébastien le Prestre de [and Guillaume de Lafon de Boisguérin, seigneur DESHOULIERES]. De l'attaque et de la defense des places...
The Hague, Pieter de Hondt, 1737. With: (2) VAUBAN, Sébastien le Prestre de. De l'attaque et de la defense des places... tome second. ...
The Hague, Pieter de Hondt, 1742.
2 works in 1 volume. Large 4to (26.5 x 20.5 cm). Ad 1 with 36 folding engraved plates and ad 2 with 11 folding engraved plates. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [1], [1 blank], [18], 216; [1], [1 blank], [14], "180" [=188], [34] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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The leading French fortification manual before Vauban,
with lovely pictorial scenes drawn and executed by the author

VILLE, Antoine de. Les fortifications ... contenans la maniere de fortifier toutes sorte de places ...
Lyon, Philippe Borde, 1640 (engraved title-page 1641). With an engraved title-page, engraved portrait of the author, 53 numbered engravings (10 double-page. Later 17th-century gold-tooled calf, each board with the French royal arms, gold-tooled spine. Rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. Engraved title + [10], 441, [1 blank], [12] pp. plus 9 engravings not counted in the pagination. Full description
€ 2,250
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Attacking and defending fortifications, including fortresses in Sweden

VIRGIN, Johan Bernhard and Joseph von XYLANDER (translator). Vertheidigung der Festungen im Gleichgewichte mit dem Angriffe derselben. ... Mit 14 Planen.
München, Joseph Lindauer, 1820. 8vo. With 14 folding engraved plates. Contemporary tanned half sheepskin. XXIV, 416 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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71 excellent large prints (1561-ca. 1600) on architecture and decoration

VREDEMAN DE VRIES, Jan (Hans), Antonio LABACCO, Giacomo Barozzio da VIGNOLA and others. [Collection of architectural and decoration prints including fortification plans, garden plans and architectural decoration].
Antwerp, Venice, Rome, various publishers, [engraved] 1561-1585, [printed 1580-ca. 1600]. Large folio & small 1mo (38.5 x 27 cm). Collection of 4 separately published prints (3 large full-sheet & 1 small full-sheet), plus 67 prints from 9 series (including 3 double-page prints and a 1½-sheet plan of classical Roman ports printed from 2 copperplates). Contemporary or near contemporary limp sheepskin parchment (ca. 1600?). [77] engraved ll. containing [71] prints. Full description
€ 15,000
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First edition of an important Dutch manual for the use of the sector or proportional compass

WARIUS, Pieter. Nieuwe verklaring over de proportionaal passer, waar in aangewesen word, hoe dezelve is te tekenen, en hoe tafeltjes daar toe dienende konnen werden berekent, vervolgens der zelver veelvuldig en nuttig gebruyk, zoo in de tel- als meetkonst; ...
Amsterdam, Joannes Loots, 1708. 4to. With a large folding engraved plate illustrating the scales on the sector and 12 smaller folding engraved plates showcasing several of the calculations. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [4], 72 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Rare publications on the dire state of Dutch fortifications in 1784 and the revelation of the Act of Advisership, 3 not in the STCN and 3 only 1 copy in the STCN

WILLIAM V of Orange. Missive van zyn hoogheid [aan de heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden. 24 mey 1784].
[The Hague?,] 1784.
(2) WILLIAM V of Orange. Missive van zyne hoogheid met een detail van de reedenen en motiven waarom niet voor de resolutie van den 7 deezer een groot aantal troupes naar de frontieren had gezonden. Commiss. 25 mey 1784.
[The Hague?,] 1784.
(3) [FORTIFICATION]. Rapport van gecommiteerdens nopens den staat van 's lands frontieren, magazynen en arzenaalen. Overgenoomen. 23 july 1784.
[The Hague?,] 1784.
(4) [FORTIFICATION]. Resolutie op het rapport nopens den staat van 'slands frontieren, magazynen en arzenaalen. 26 november 1784.
[The Hague?,] 1784.
(5) [FORTIFICATION]. Bylaagen gehorende tot het rapport van gecommiteerden nopens den staat van 's lands frontieren, magazynen en arsenaalen, ter vergadering van hun edele groot mog. Overgenoomen den 23 july 1784. Overgenoomen. 23 july 1784.
[The Hague?,] 1784. With 7 folding tables.
(6) [FORTIFICATION]. Extract uit het register der resolutien van de hoog mogende heeren Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden. Jovis den 25 november 1784
Including: Memorie van consideratien en elucidatien van den Raade van Staate ..., op het rapport ..., nopens den staat van 's lands frontieren, magazynen en arsenalen ...
[The Hague?,] 1784.
6 publications in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. 10, [2 blank]; 5, [3 blank]; 63, [1]; 6, [1 blank], [1]; 288; 55, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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64 books books found / Show pages