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Art, Architecture & Photography / Music, Theatre & Dance

Hand-coloured lithographs of Pfeiffer's stage designs. A primary source for Dutch theatre history

PFEIFFER, François Joseph junior, Jacob van LENNEP and Gerrit van ENST KONING. Tooneel decoratief, voorgesteld in op steen geteekende platen door F.J. Pfeiffer Jr.
Amsterdam, Coenraad Weddepohl, 1845. Folio. With a lithographed portrait of the artist (mounted), 8 lithographed plates of stage designs, and 9 poems in red decorated letterpress frames, the lithographs by Desguerrois & Co. With the 8 plates of stage designs hand-coloured as published. Original publisher's cloth, with a gold-blocked lyre in the centre of each board. [2 blank], [1], [1 blank], 10 pp., [9] ll. + plates. Full description
€ 2,500
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Short play against stricter prostitution regulations in Paris

[PROSTITUTION]. Les filles en cage, ou Déguerpissons! Par un abonné au cachet des maisons de plaisir de la capitale.
Paris, Peytieux (colophon: Sétier), 1830. 8vo. With a lithographed title-page with an illustration and a small woodcut decoration on the letterpress title-page. Later black half morocco. 14, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Persian music theory from "The Pearly Crown"

QUTB AL-DIN AL-SHIRAZI. Durrat al-taj wa-khulasat al-nitaj fi ilm al-musiqa.
Shiraz, 1151 AH [= 1738/39 CE]. 4to (ca. 16.5 x 21 cm). Persian manuscript on gold-flecked paper. In tidy black naskh script in 22 lines, with highlights and important words and phrases picked out in red. WIth numerous tables and diagrams. Contemporary leather-backed patterned boards. 57 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Rare and famous description of the organ at St. Bavo's Church in Haarlem

RADEKER, Johannes. Korte beschryving van het beroemde en prachtige orgel, in de groote of St. Bavoos-kerk te Haerlem.
Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé en zoonen, 1775. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on page 32, showing cherub holding a book with the motto "musica dis curae est" Contemporary marbled wrappers, side stitched through 3 holes. 32 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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First edition of a famous French dancing manual

RAMEAU, Pierre. Le maître a danser. Qui enseigne la maniere de faire tous les differens pas de danse dans toute la regularité de l'art, & de conduire les bras à chaque pas.
Paris, Jean Villette, 1725. 8vo. With etched frontispiece and 59 etched plates (including 3 double-page and 1 larger folding) showing 2 couples dancing the minuet before King Louis XV and his court, individuals and couples demonstrating dance positions, dance steps, positions and movements of the hands and arms during the dance, drawn and mostly etched by the author. Further with numerous charming woodcut headpieces and tailpieces (2 signed "V.LS" or "V.LS in"), woodcut decorated initials, and decorations built up from cast fleurons. Green morocco (ca. 1900?), gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled turn-ins, fillets on board edges, curl-marbled endpapers, gilt edges (stamp on endleaf: "Gloss. Elldt Jnr"?). XXIV, 272 pp. Full description
€ 21,500
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Rare description of Russia just after the Turkish war,
with a revised version of the first map of the entire Russian Empire

REITZ, Johann Frederik, and others. Oude en nieuwe staat van't Russische of Moskovische Keizerryk, behelzende eene uitvoerige historie van Rusland en deszelfs groot-vorsten; benevens de beschryvinge van dat uitgestrekte ryk, de zeden en godsdienst der inwoneren: zyne opkomst en voortgang in koophandel, kunsten, land- en zeemacht, oproeren, oorlogen en verdere wisselvalligheden, tot dezen tegenwoordigen tydt toe.
Utrecht, Johannes Broedelet, 1744. 4 volumes. 4to. With 4 folding maps, 3 folding plates and a folding letterpress table. Early 19th-century half red sheepskin. [2], 296; [2], 200, 200a-200d; [2], 501; [2], 830 pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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Variant issue of an account of the "Landjuweel" of Ghent 1539

[RHETORICIANS]. Spelen va[n] sinne byde[n] .xix. gheconfirmeerden cameren van rhetorijcken binnen der stede van Ghendt comparerende, verthoont, volghende den octroye vander K. Maiesteyt, Grave va[n] Vlaendren, onsen gheduchte[n] Heere, schepenen der selver stede, en[de] camere van rhetorijcke vander heylige drievuldicheyt, gheseyt de fonteynisten, verleent, en[de] der charte uutghesonde[n] op de questie, welck den mensche stervende, meesten troost is: die selve spele[n] beghinnende by ordre, so hier na volcht, de[n] .xii. junij, int jaer m.ccccc.xxxix. En[de] werde[n] volspeelt en[de] gheeyndt, den .xxiii. vanden jare en[de] maent voorsz.
(Colophon: Antwerp, [Matthias Crom], 25 October 1539). 8vo. 18th-century half vellum. [220] ll. Full description
€ 13,500
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Music, drama, poetry, costumes & heraldic art by Dutch and Flemish rhetoricians,
with 28 engraved illustrations (13 large folding)

HEYNS, Zacharias. Const-thoonende juweel by de loflijcke stadt Haerlem, ten versoecke van trou moet blijcken, in't licht gebracht. Waer inne duydelick verclaert ende verthoont wordt alles wat den mensche mach wecken om den armen te troosten, ende zijnen naesten by te staen. In twaelf spelen van sinne, so veel intreden, refreynen ende liedekens ghestelt in redenrijck naer de volgende voorgegevene caerte van 't speel-korenken.
Zwolle, Zacharias Heyns, 1607. With large emblematic device with the coat of arms of Haarlem on title-page, 2 full-page engravings of raised-platform stages, 13 full-page engraved emblematic devices of the chambers of rhetoric (most including 1 or 2 coats of arms), 13 pages of songs with letterpress music notes, and 13 large folding oblong plates on 2 or more sheets depicting the festive entree of each group of actors from the competing chambers of rhetoric.
(2) [RHETORICIANS - REDERIJKERS - HAARLEM]. Haerlems juweel, tot nut vande oude arme uyt liefden ten thoon ghestelt nae de voorgegevene caerte vant speelcorenken.
Zwolle, Zacharias Heyns, 1608. With a large engraving on title-page, repeated from the first work, a full-page engraved emblematic device of the Flemish chamber of rhetoric, "Het Wit Angelierken" from Haarlem, and large folding oblong plate on 3 sheets depicting the festive entree of the actors of the Flemish chamber of rhetoric. 4to. 2 works in 1 volume. Contemporary vellum. [266]; 12 ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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41 books found / Show all