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Asia / Cartography & Exploration

Correspondence of the "lord of the naval and commercial conquest of Arabia, Persia and India"

SILVA, Luiz Augusto Rebello da (et al.). Corpo diplomatico Portuguez contendo os actos e relações politicas e diplomaticas de Portugal.
Lisbon, Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencias / Imprensa Nacional, 1862-1959. 15 volumes (final volume in 2 parts). Small folio (22.5 x 28.5 cm). Uniformly bound in half tan sheepskin, decorated paper sides, gold-tooled spines, decorated endpapers, sprinkled edges. Some original publishers printed wrappers bound in. Full description
€ 18,500
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Rare German translation of Speelman's expedition against the Kingdom of Makassar

[SPEELMAN, Cornelis Janszoon]. Journal, oder kurtze Erzehlung des Anfangs, Fort- und Aussgangs des Krieges, welcher zwischen dem König und mehrerer Regierunge des Reichs Macassar und der Oost-Indischen Compagnie der Vereinigten Niederlanden in den Jahren 1666, 1668 und 1669 geführet worden.
Hamburg, Gottfried Schulken, 1670. 4to. Disbound, preserving the original endpapers. [18] ll. Full description
€ 3,250
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A bestseller of illustrated 17th-century travel literature, probably printed by Izaak Elzevier

SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Jacob Le MAIRE. Miroir Oost & West-Indical, auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigations, faictes es années 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. & 1618.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius [printed by Izaak Elzevier?], 1621. Oblong 4to (17.5 x 23 cm). With 24 (of 25) engraved plates, including 5 double-page and 10 larger folding. Modern vellum. [4], 172 pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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Important early voyages to the East Indies and the impetus for the discovery of Australia

SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Steven van der HAGEN. Historis journael van de voyage gedaen met 3 schepen uyt Zeelant naer d'Oost-Indien onder het beleyt van den commandeur Joris van Spilbergen, syn eerste reyse. In den jare 1601. 1602. 1603. 1604. Als meede beschrijvinge van de tweede voyage ghedaen met 12 schepen na d'Oost-Indien onder den admirael Steven vander Hagen.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1648. 4to. With a woodcut of 2 ships on the title-page and a folding engraved plate with 6 illustrations (each about 8 x 9 cm). Modern brown goatskin. 96 pp. Full description
€ 8,000
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Explorations in Chinese Turkistan and adjacent parts of innermost Asia

STEIN, Marc Aurel. On ancient Central-Asian tracks. Brief narrative of three expeditions in innermost Asia and north-western China.
London, MacMillan and Co., 1933. With frontispiece, map and 147 illustrations (some folding). Original publisher's brown/red cloth. xxiv, 342, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Best edition of Strabo's "Geographika" including Casaubon's notes, with descriptions of the Arabian Peninsula

STRABO. Rerum geographicarum libri XVII.
Paris, typis Regiis [Fédéric Morel], 1620. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black with the engraved coat of arms of Louis XIII, and several woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Contemporary gold-tooled parchment, gilt edges. [12], 843, [112]; [4], 282, [8] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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First Spanish edition of Strahlenberg’s work on the exploration of Russia and Northern Asia

STRAHLENBERG, Philipp Johann von and Josef Vicente TOMÁS Y CATALÁ (translator). Nueva descripcion geographica del imperio Ruso, en particular y en general de todas las provincias que componen aquel dilatado imperio, con muchas noticias historicas antiguas y modernas.
Valencia, Francisco Burguete, 1780. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. With a woodcut printers device on both title-pages (of part 1 and part 2) and two decorated initials (one at the start of each part). Contemporary vellum with ink-lettering to spine. [28], 188; [8], 237, [1] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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