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Asia / Central & West Asia

The most accurate map of India and the Gulf region to its time

[GASTALDI, Giacomo]. Seconda tavola.
[Venice], Ferrando Bertelli, 1565 [printed ca. 1570]. Engraved map of the Indian Ocean, Indian subcontinent and most of the Gulf region (28 x 39 cm; margins extended to 50 x 66.5 cm), at a scale of about 1:13,500,000 with north at the foot, with 3 sea monsters, a spouting whale and 3 ships in the ocean; and on the land elephants, lions and 2 people on horseback carrying spears. Although printed from a single copper plate, the present map image is divided into two parts, with a 7 mm gap between the right and left halves, so that nothing would be lost if the map were bound as a double-page plate. Full description
€ 18,000
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Treating the plague in Ottoman Turkey, from the library of “le Régent”, Philippe d'Orléans

GAUDEREAU, Abbé Martin. Relation des differentes especes de peste que reconnoissent les orientaux, des précautions & des remedes qu'ils prennent pour en empêcher la communication & le progrès; et de ce que nous devons faire à leur exemple pour nous en préserver, & nous en guerir.
Paris, Jacques Quillau, 1721. 12mo. Contemporary gold-tooled red morocco, with the arms of Philippe d'Orléans (1674-1723) on both boards, richly gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges. 134, [5], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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The gastropods of Anatolia, with 17 plates

GERMAIN, Louis. Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles d'Asie-Mineure.
Paris, Paul Lechevalier (colophon: Rouen, Lecerf), 1936. 8vo. With 17 plates with photographic reproductions and many illustrations in text. Modern brown half morocco, gold-tooled spine; with the original publisher's printed paper wrappers bound in. 492 pp. Full description
€ 375
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The deterioration and restoration of Russo-Japanese relations 1811-1813

GOLOVNIN, Vasilii Mikhailovich. Memoirs of a captivity in Japan, during the years 1811, 1812, and 1813; with observations on the country and the people ... second edition.
-RIKORD, Petr Ivanovich. Account of voyages to the coasts of Japan; and of negotiations with the Japanese, for the release of Captain Golownin and his companions.
-Account of the voyages of Messrs. Chwostoff & Dawidoff.
London, Henry Colburn & Co., 1824. 3 volumes. 8vo. With an additional facsimile map, copied from the French edition of 1818, inserted in volume 2. Modern red cloth. IV, 315, [1 blank]; [2], 356, [2]; VIII, LXXXIX, [1 blank], 302 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Important work on the natural history of Palastine

HASSELQUIST, Friedrich and Carl LINNAEUS. Reise nach Palästina in den Jahren von 1749 bis 1752. auf Befehl ihro Majestät der Königinn von Schweden herausgegeben vond Carl Linnäus aus em Schwedischen.
Rostock, Johann Christian Koppe, 1762 (colophon: Leipzig, Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, 1761). 8vo. With woodcut tailpieces. Contemporary half vellum. [18], 606 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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The Desert of Paran and the 42 stations of the Exodus, with a map

HERMANN, Amand. Desertum Pharan mystice explicatum, cum quadraginta duabus in eo mansionibus filiorum Isràél ad Palaestinam pergentium: . . .
Kalisz, printed by the college of the Society of Jesus, 1685. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, showing a map of the Holy Land and the route of the Exodus with the 42 stations numbered. Contemporary overlapping vellum. [32], 505, [1 blank], [16] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Ancient Hebrew & other Middle Eastern, Greek, Roman and Arabic numbers, coins, weights and measures

HOST, Matthäus (Matthaeus HOSTUS). Historiae rei nummariae veteris scriptores aliquot insigniores ...
HOST, Matthäus. Tres libros de veteribus mensuris ...
HOST, Matthäus. Quaedam opuscula variae ...
[SARDI, Alessandro] (misattributed to John SELDEN). Liber de nummis ...
LABBE, Philippe. Bibliotheca nummaria ...
BUDÉ, Guillaume. De asse et partibus ejus libri quinque.
Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1695 (colophon at the end of Hosts works: Jena, Johann Zacharias Nisius, 1692). 15 works in 5 volumes, paginated as 3 and bound as 2. 4to. With 2 engraved portraits (vol. I) and 3 folding tables. Contemporary or near contemporary vellum. [36], 372, [8]; [26], “637” [= 535], [7], [2 blank], [lacking 1-2], 3-716, [86] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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