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Asia / India & Sri Lanka

Voyages to the British East Indies, Ethiopia and New England

AA, Pieter van der. Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste zee en landreysen, na Oost en West-Indiën, mitsgaders andere gewesten, ter eerster ontdekking en soo vervolgens van verscheyde volkeren, meerendeels door vorsten, of maatschappyen, derwaarts gesonden, gedaan; zedert het jaar 1611 tot 1616.
(1) Vier bysondere reysen na Oost-Indien, ... de negende van de Engelse Oost-Indise maatschappy, met het schip de Jacobus, door Kapiteyn Edmund Marlow, ... de tiende van de Engelse maatschappy, met de scheepen, de Draak en Hosiander, door Mr. Thomas Besr ... elfde reys van de Engelse maatschappy, met het schip, de Salomon, beschreeven door Ralph Wilson ... de vierde is die met het schip de Paarl, daar Samuel Castelton kapiteyn op was ...(2) Twaalfde reys na Oost-Indien, op kosten van de Engelse maatschappy; door Kapiteyn Christoffel Nieuwpoort ... gedaan in het jaar 1613 ...(3) Voyagie van den eerwaarden vader Antonio Fernandez na Gingiro, gedaan in gesandschap met Tecur Egzy, door den Keyser van Ethiopiën afgevaardigt. In het jaar 1613.
(4) Reys na Oost-Indien van Kapiteyn Nicolaas Dounton; door ordre van de Engelse maatschappy met 4 scheepen: gedaan in het jaar 1614.(5) Beknopte aantekeningen van een Oost-Indische reys, gedaan uyt Engeland, met 3 scheepen de Samaritaan, de Thomas en Thomasine, in het jaar 1614. en beschreeven door Johan Milward, ...
(6) Twee scheeps-togten van Kapiteyn Johan Smith, beyde gedaan na Nieuw-Engeland. De eerste in het jaar 1614. ... De tweede gedaan in het jaar 1615.(7) Tweede reys van Kapiteyn Walter Peyton, na Oost-Indien, met het schip de Expeditie, ... neffens de Draak, de Leeuw en de Peper-corn. In het jaar 1615. en vervolgens. Als mede de reys van Thomas Coryat na Asmere, zijnde de hof-stad van den grooten Mogol.(8) Scheeps-togt van Edward Terry, capellaan van den ambassadeur Thomas Roe, na Oost-Indien; ...(9) Twee bysondere scheeps-togten, de eerste van Roger Hawes; ... De tweede van Alexander Childe, na Suratte en Jasques: ...
Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1707. 9 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With 11 folding engraved plates and 4 folding engraved maps. Contemporary vellum, with manuscript short-title on spine, a silver fastening at the fore-edge (Germany, 18th century, marked "GED 12" and initials(?) "A E") and red-and-blue sprinkled edges. [2], 97, [13]; [2], 39, [6], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], 22 [3], [3 blank]; [1], [2 blank], [1], 86, [10]; [1], [1 blank], 12, [2]; [1], [1 blank], 34, [4]; [2], 47[=49], [5]; [2], 63, [7]; [1], [1 blank], 16, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Medical secrets plus a largely imaginary Medieval European view of India

[ACHILLINI, Alessandro]. Secreta secretorum Aristotelis.
ARISTOTLE [pseudo]. Maximi philosophi ... de signis aquarum: & tempestatum.
ARISTOTLE [pseudo]. Maximi philosophurum ... de mineralibus.
AVERROES. De beatitudine anime.
ACHILLINI, Alexander. De universalibus.
ALEXANDER THE GREAT [pseudo]. De mirabilibus Indie.
(Colophon: Lyon, Antoine Blanchard, 1528. Small 8vo. With a title-page with a 4-piece decorated woodcut border with flowers, birds and snails, woodcut printer's device on last page, 6 woodcut initials and a leaf ornament. Set in 3 sizes of rotunda gothic types, with the title in roman capitals. Contemporary blind-tooled sheepskin(?) parchment over wooden boards, in a panel design with quadruple fillets and 2 decorative rolls, brass catch-plates and anchor-plates (straps and clasps lost). LXXXIII ll. Full description
€ 11,500
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Foreign Office Copy

AITCHISON, Charles Umpherston (editor). A Collection of treaties, engagements and sanads relating to India and neighbouring countries ... Vol. XII. Containing the treaties, &c., relating to Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Assam and Burma.
Calcutta, Government of India, Central Publication Branch, 1931 Large 8vo. Contemporary half cloth over boards, buckram sides. [2], XII, 283, [3], XII, XXIII, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Diplomatic exchange between the Mughal Emperor and the King of England

ALAMGIR II, Muhammad 'Aziz al-Daulah (Emperor of Hindustan). Nova e curiosa relaçam da embaixada, que mandou o Graõ Mogor, ao Rey de Inglaterra. Tirada de varias cartas fidedignas, que fizeraõ varios aleado aos correspondentes, que tem nesta cidade.
Lisbon, 1757. 4to. With a woodcut vignette on title-page and a woodcut tailpiece. Modern morocco with gold-tooled title on front cover. 7, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Family album with rare photos of Australia and India in the late 19th century

[ALBUM AMICORUM - AUSTRALIA - INDIA]. DICKEN, Charles Shortt and DICKEN FAMILY. [Album containing illustrations and photographs of Australia and India]. [Illustrated title-page:] Contributions thankfully received.
Australia [and England and India?], 1870s. Oblong album (ca. 23 x 30 cm). With 36 albumen prints, including 14 photographs of Australia. These include houses, churches, buildings in Springsure, Queensland around 1870, photos of Charles with his horse, a wonderful picture of an "Alligator killed in the Mackay River" and "bottle trees near Taroon", 5 photographs of India: Bengal Camp Delhi, multiple group photos in Darjeeling, a group photo in front of the government house in Calcutta, and the crew of the H.M.S. Narcissus, 17 photographs of Gibraltar, America, Switserland, art pieces and the Dicken family. Further with 24 watercolour paintings of flowers, landscapes and people, including two of the Taj Mahal, and 17 coloured pencil and ink drawings of people. The drawings and paintings are almost all signed S. P. D. or F. E. D., who were likely members of the Dicken family. Most photographs and art pieces are captioned in pencil or brown ink, several leaves are decorated with additional drawings or dried plants. Contemporary maroon cloth, embroidered with yellow flowers. Comes in a custom-made black-cloth clamshell box (internally covered in burgundy cloth), with a black morocco title-label on the spine, lettered in gold, and a folding liner of the same burgundy cloth. [50] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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The first European to enter the Gulf: the final edition of Albuquerque's works

ALBUQUERQUE, Alfonso de. Commentarios do grande Afonso Dalboquerque capitao geral que foi das Indias orientaes em tempo do muito poderoso rey D. Manuel o primeiro deste nome.
Lisbon, Regia officina typografica, 1774. 4 volumes. Small 8vo. With a woodcut of Albuquerques coat of arms on all four title-pages, engraved portrait, an engraved illustration above the dedication, large engraved folding map and woodcut illustration in text. The map reaches from Egypt and Madagascar in the west to the Philippines and New Guinea in the east, including the Arabian Peninsula, the south of China, the east coast of Africa and most of the East Indies. Contemporary Portuguese mottled sheepskin with gold-tooled spines with red title labels, blue sprinkled edges, marbled endpapers. [6], XXX, [14], 343, [1]; [12], 285, [1], [2 blank]; [12], 289, [1], [2 blank]; [12], 256 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Fauna of the Indian Sea, with 98 illustrations

ALCOCK, Alfred William. A naturalist in Indian seas or, four years with the Royal Indian marine survey ship "Investigator".
London, John Murray (colophon: printed by Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh), 1902. 8vo. With a photogravure frontispiece depicting the Investigator, a folding map and 98 illustrations on 58 plates. Contemporary black-blocked cloth; rebacked with brown board, modern endpapers. XXIV, 328 pp. Full description
€ 450
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Very rare Jaffna print: the second recorded copy located

AMERICAN MISSION SEMINARY. Catalogue of the officers and students of the American Mission Seminary, Jaffna, Ceylon. 1841.
Jaffna, printed at the American Mission Press, 1841. 8vo (21 x 13.5 cm). Original pink printed wrappers, with "seminary catalogue 1841" printed in black on the front wrapper. 13 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Great history of the Portuguese colonial empire in South America, India, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa

ANDRADA, Francisco d'. Chronica do muyto alto e muyto poderoso Rey destes reynos de Portugal Dom João o III deste nome, ...
Coimbra, Real officina da universidade, 1796. 4 volumes. 4to. With a woodcut royal Portuguese coat of arms on title-page of each volume. Contemporary plain paper wrappers. VIII, I-XV, [1 blank], 385, [1 blank]; [4], XIX, [1 blank], 565 [=465], [1 blank]; [4], XX, 452; Full description
€ 2,500
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Highly detailed wall map of Asia and the Arabian peninsula, from the collection of the Governor of Ceylon

ARROWSMITH, Aaron. Asia.
London, Aaron Arrowsmith, 1 January 1801. Engraved wall map, hand coloured in outline, on 4 sheets joined as 2 (measuring 124 x 147 cm in total) on a scale of ca. 1:6,490,880, with an elaborately decorated cartouche at the head left, a dedication below ("To major James Rennell, Esqr. F.R.S. &c. &c.") and the name of the engraver at the foot right (George Allen). Mounted on cloth and divided into 32 sections. Contemporary slipcase, covered with marbled paper and a manuscript title-label on front. Full description
€ 7,500
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Against Portugal's centralized power in Brazil

AZEREDO COUTINHO, José Joaquim da Cunha de. Alegasaõ juridica, na qual se mostra que saõ do padroado da coroa, e naõ da Ordem militar de Cristo, as igrejas, dignidades, e beneficios dos bispados do Cabo de Bojador para o sul, em que se compreendem os bispados de Cabo Verde, S. Thomé, Angola, Brazil, India até á China. Oferecida a Sua Alteza Principe do Brazil regente de Portugal.
Lisbon, Antonio Rodrigues Galhardo, 1804. 4to. With a woodcut coat of arms of Portugal on title-page. Contemporary, elaborately gold-tooled red morocco, with the coat of arms of Portugal on the front and back board, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. 82, [2] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Four months on a windjammer to India: how to shorten a tiresome voyage in 1835

[AUTOGRAPH]. BALDWIN, John Timins. [Manuscript diary and drawing of his voyage to India].
[Onboard the ship from Portsmouth to Madras, India, 1835]. 4to. With a half-page pen drawing on p. 168 and a loosely inserted full-page drawing (16.5 x 22 cm) by Baldwin of a mausoleum in India. 20th-century grey paper over boards. [4] ll.; 189 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Charming guide on the Hindustani language, printed in Calcutta

BANESS, Joshua Frederick. Manual of Hindustání or the stranger's Indian interpreter; A practical and easy guide to Hindustání conversation.
Calcutta, W. Newman & Co., 1890. 14 x 8,5 cm. With a woodcut tailpiece at the end of the work. Contemporary red pebble-grain cloth, with the title lettered in gold on the front board. 145, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 375
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Wonderful mid-seventeenth century account of the Jesuit religious life in Malabar

BARRETO, Francisco. Relatione delle missioni, e christianità che appartengono alla privincia di Malavar della compangia di Giesu.
Rome, Francesco Cavalli, 1645. 8vo. With a woodcut Jesuit device on the title page and two woodcut decorated initials (two different series). Contemporary vellum, with remnants of a manuscript title on the spine. [4], 132 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Abridged Tibetan Alphabetum from the Propaganda Fide

[BELIGATTI, Giovanni (Cassiono Da MACERATA)]. Alphabetum Tangutanum sive Tibetanum.
Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1773. 8vo. With a folding table, printer's device on title-page and an elaborate woodcut tailpiece after the preliminaries. Modern vellum, green title label. XVI, 138, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Jesuit letters from Hormuz Island and the East Indies

[BERSE, Gaspar, Francis XAVIER etc.]. Epistolae Indicae et Iapanicae de multarum gentium ad Christi fidem, per Societatem Iesu conversione.
Louvain, Rutger Velpius, 1570.
With: (2) GARETIUS, Johannes. De sanctorum invocatione liber...
Ghent, Gislenus Manilius, 1570.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Ad 1 with the title-page in a frame built up from fleurons, and a woodcut publisher's device on last blank, ad 2 with the title-page in a frame built up from fleurons, the woodcut coat-of-arms of Cunerus Petri (bishop of Leeuwarden) on the back of the title-page and on the last leaf a woodcut printer's device within a frame built up from fleurons.
Contemporary limp vellum sewn on 3 leather supports laced through the joints, with the manuscript title on the spine, leather ties, red edges. [24], “361”[=316], [20] pp.; [16], 103, [9] ll. Full description
€ 19,500
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Letters from Hormuz Island, the East Indies and Japan

[BERSE, Gaspar, Francis XAVIER et al.]. Epistolae Indicae et Iapanicae de multarum gentium ad Christi fidem, per Societatem Iesu conversione. Item de Tartarorum potentia, moribus, & totius penè Asiae religione. Tertia editio cum indice castigatior & auctior.
Including: Epistolae Iapanicae, de multorum in variis insulis gentilium ad Christi sidem conversione.
Leuven, Rutger Velpius, 1570. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Each part with woodcut publisher's device on last blank. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [24], 361[=316], [20]; 401[=399], [25] pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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First Puducherry edition of the first Tamil dictionary, by a Jesuit missionary

BESCHI, Constanzo Guiseppe. A.M.D.G. Grammatica Latino-Tamulica, in qua de vulgari Tamulicae linguae idiomate [in Tamil type: kotun tamil] dicto, fusius tractatur .... Novo edition cum notis, et compendio grammaticae de elegatiori dialecto [1 word in Tamil type] dicta, ab uno missionario apostolico congregationis missionum ad externos.
Puducherry, Apostolic Missionary Printing Office, 1843. 4to. Text set partly in 2 sizes of Tamil type. Contemporary tree calf, gold-tooled spine. [4], VIII, 215, [1 blank], 28, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Urdu Gospel of St Luke and Acts of the Apostles, printed at Calcutta in Arabic type

[BIBLE - LUKE & ACTS - URDU]. The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles in Hindustání.
Calcutta (Kolkata), The Bible Translation Society, American and Foreign Bible Society, 1850. 12mo. With the title in Hindustani (Urdu) and English, and the text in Urdu only. The pages procede from right to left like a normal book in Arabic type. Set in 2 sizes of Arabic type with the English title in roman capitals. Contemporary dark brown cloth. [1], [1 blank], 191, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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India, Burma and Switzerland drawn and described by an English lieutenant in 67 sketches

BLACKWELL, Thomas Eden. [Sketchbook containing several sketches of India, Burma and Switzerland, with an emphasis on their cultures].
[Various places, ca. 1826-1830]. Oblong 4to. With 66 sketches in pen & ink and pencil, mostly signed by Blackwell, mounted and bound in, with manuscript captions. There is also 1 print (ca. 1795/1800?) drawn by Singey Bey and engraved by Thomas Medland. Half black morocco, black decorated paper sides, gold-tooled ornaments on spine. [70] gray, white and blue album ll., containing 67 sketches and their accompanying manuscript captions and descriptions. Full description
€ 18,000
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First edition of the first printed ethnographic comparison of the world's people, typographically stunning

BOEMUS (BÖHM), Johannes. Omnium gentium mores leges et ritus ex multis clarrissimis rerum scriptoribus ... nuper collecti: & in libros tris distinctos Aphricam, Asiam, Europam, optime lector lege. [Half-title:] Repertorium librorum trium Ioannis Boemi de omnium gentium ritibus. Item index rerum scitu digniorum in eosdem. Cum privilegio Papali ac Imperiali M.D.XX.
[Colophon: Augsburg, Sigismund Grimm & Marcus Wirsung, July 1520]. Folio. With the letterpress half-title in an elaborate woodcut border with a trophy of arms, putti and mermen. 17th century vellum with 3 raised spine-bands. [6], LXXXI, [1] ll. Full description
€ 5,750
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Rare Dutch description of Punjab with folding maps

BOER, Pieter A. de (D. de BOER, compilor). Krijgs- en geschiedkundig overzigt van den Punjab, de natie der Seiks en het rijk van Lahore. Van de vroegste tijden tot op de gebeurtenissen aan den Sutledje, in 1845 en 1846.
The Hague, K.W. Pickhardt (back of the title-page: printed by C.H. Susan junior), 1849. With a lithographed frontispiece and 4 folding maps, and 1 table.Contemporary half cloth, marbled sides. XXIX, [3], 444 pp. and 1 publications slip. Full description
€ 3,500
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Madagascar and its opportunities for trade and colonization, detailing the trade with India, Persia,
Hormuz and other countries and tribes along the Arabian Sea

BOOTHBY, Richard. A breife discovery or description of the most famous island of Madagascar or St. Laurence in Asia neare unto East-India.
London, Printed by E[dward]. G[riffin]. for John Hardesty, 1646. Small 4to (20 x 15.5 cm). Gold-tooled tanned sheepskin (ca. 1850). Rebacked, with original backstrip laid down. [12], 72, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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Five rare publications on the 17th-century French mission in southeast Asia

BOURGES, Jacques de. Relation du voyage de Monseigneur l'evesque de Beryte, vicaire apostolique du royaume de la Cochinchine, par la Turquie, la Perse, les Indes, &c. jusqu'au royaume de Siam, & autres lieux.
Paris, Charles Angot, 1683. 8vo.
(2) PALLU, François. Relation abregée des missions et des voyages des evesques François envoyez aux royaumes de la Chine, Cochinchine, Tonquin, & Siam.
Paris, Charles Angot, 1682.
(3) [FERMANEL DE FAVERY, Luc (editor)]. Relation des missions des evesques François aux royaumes de Siam, de la Cochinchine, de Camboye, & du Tonquin, &c. Divisée en quatre parties.
Paris, Charles Angot, 1684.
(4) Relation des missions et des voyages des evesques vicaires apostoliques, et de leurs ecclesiastiques és années 1672, 1673, 1674 & 1675.
Paris, Charles Angot, 1682.
(5) Relation des missions et des voyages des evesques vicaires apostoliques, et de leurs ecclesiastiques és années 1676 & 1677.
Paris, Charles Angot, 1682. 5 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [8], 167, [1]; [6], 51, [1 blank]; [16], 248; [16], 389, [1 blank]; [16], 170, [1] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Extremely rare Secunderabad-Hyderabad printing of British government papers regarding the forced cession of Berar Province to the British by the Nizam of Hyderabad

[HYDERABAD PRINTING - BRITISH GOVERNMENT PAPERS regarding Nizam's territory]. Nizam's territory. Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 6th April 1854; - for, copy "[!] of all papers relative to territory ceded by His Highness the Nizam, in liquidation of debts alleged to have been due by His Highness to the British Government.
Secunderabad (near Hyderabad), Robert Hudson, Columbian Press, [1854]. 33 x 22 cm. Contemporary half calf, orange and blue marbled sides over paper-boards, gold-tooled double fillets on the spine, red sprinkled edges. IV, 162 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Courageous pilots of Squadron 28 of the British Royal Air Force during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion: an extensive and detailed photo archive by one of the pilots

[PHOTOGRAPHS - PAKISTAN & INDIA - BRITISH ROYAL AIR FORCE]. EADY, Thomas William George. [RAF aircraft, pilots, etc. during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion on Indias North-West Frontier].
[India and Pakistan, especially their border region], 1929-1930. A collection of photographic silver-gelatin prints of aircraft, the squadron, aerial reconnaissance etc., made and compiled by Thomas William George Eady, flying officer of the no. 28 Squadron of the RAF. It comprises 3 photo albums (contemporary with the photos), 53 loose photos (20 x 15 cm, some with manuscript comments on the back), 5 related documents (dated 1928-1932) and a separate photographic portrait of Eady, in total nearly 2000 prints. The first and largest album, covers 1929, oblong folio (30 x 39.5 cm) in blue cloth with brown cord ties, contains 183 prints in various sizes, mounted on 16 brown paper leaves with India ink captions by Eady in English. The second album, oblong 4to (33.5 x 24 cm) in green cloth with brown cord ties, contains 72 prints made during the Afridi Redshirt Rebellion, in various sizes and mounted on 20 brown paper leaves with neat India ink captions in English by Eady. The small third album, oblong small 4to (19 x 27 cm), consisting of 4 brown paper leaves tied together with black cord ties, contains 33 prints in various sizes mounted on the leaves, some duplicating prints in the largest album, with larger captions in black ink, probably not by Eady. Full description
€ 12,500
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First edition of a sumptuous account of a voyage to Russia, Persia and the East Indies,
with large folding views of Moscow and Isfahan (194x42 cm)

BRUYN (LE BRUN), Cornelis de. Reizen over Moskovie, door Persie en Indie: verrykt met driehondert konstplaten, vertoonende de beroemste lantschappen en steden, ook de byzondere dragten, beesten, gewassen en platen, die daer gevonden worden ...
Amsterdam, Willem and David Goeree for the author, 1711. Folio (40x25.5 cm). With engraved frontispiece by Bernard Picart, engraved author's portrait, 2 folding engraved maps, 109 engraved plates (13 folding, 55 double-page, 41 full-page) and 36 engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [8], 472, [12] pp. Full description
€ 9,000
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First printed record of Abu Dhabi and Dubai: the first Latin edition

DE BRY, Theodor; Johann Israel DE BRY and Joris VAN SPILBERGEN. Indiae Orientalis pars septima [...].Including: Icones, hoc est verae variorum populorum et regum, ceremoniarum item, superstitiosorum rituum et rerum aliarum, ...
Frankfurt, Wolfgang Richter, 1606. Folio (32.5 x 20 cm). With the letterpress title in an engraved architectural border, a separate letterpress title-page for the Icones, an engraved coat of arms on the dedication leaf, 20 engravings in text and 2 double-page engraved plates. 20th-century green half morocco. [4], 126, [2 blank] pp.; 26 ll. Full description
€ 28,000
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Stunning lithographic illustrations and a detailed route map of a voyage
through Persia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and India

BURNES, Alexander. Voyages de l'embouchure de l'Indus a Lahor, Caboul, Balkh et a Boukhara; et retour par la Perse, pendant les années 1831, 1832 et 1833 ... Atlas.
Paris, Arthus Bertrand (colophon on back wrapper: Imprimerie et Fonderie de Fain), [1835]. 3 text volumes and 1 atlas volume. 8vo. With 11 numbered lithographed plates (1 folding) showing costumes of the regions, medals and engraved stones, topographic views, archaeological sites, etc., and a large folding engraved map with the routes hand-coloured in red and orange. Contemporary gold-tooled half sheepskin (text volumes), original publisher's letterpress-printed brown paper wrappers (atlas volume). [3], [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 3,500
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Rare collected works of Portugal's greatest poet

CAMÕES (CAMOENS), Luis de & João Franco BARRETO. Obras de Luis de Camoès principe des poetas Portugueses. Com os argumentos do Lecenceado João Franco Barreto & por elle emédadas em esta nova impressaõ, que comprehende todas as obras, que deste insigne autor se achàraõ impressas, & manuscritas, com o index dos nomes proprios. Offerecidas a D. Francisco de Sovsa capitão da guarda do Principe N.S.
Lisbon, Antonio Craesbeeck de Mello, 1666-1669. 8vo. With 8 woodcut tailpieces. Later mottled calf, red spine labels, red edges. 376, 368, 208, 108, [22], [ 2 blank]. Lacks the individual title-pages. Full description
€ 9,500
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Manuscript warrant to guarantee the rental of a house to British forces
during the occupation of Mauritius and Bourbon

[MILITARIA - MAURITIUS]. CAMPBELL, Alexander. [Warrant to authorize the occupation of a house for His Majesty's forces in Mauritius and Bourbon].
Port-Louis, 24 June 1813. 4to. Manuscript warrant written in ink on paper, signed. Loosely inserted in a later orange paper folder. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 1,250
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Two accounts of the Far East and the Malabar region in India

CARDIM, Antonio Francesco. Relation de la province du Japon.
Including: BARRETTO, Francesco. Relation des missions de la province de Malabar, de la comp: de Jesus.
Tournay, Adrien Quinqué, 1645. Small 8vo (14.5×9 cm). Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, later endpapers. [10], 308 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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First Dutch edition of an account of one of the best-known shipwrecks of the 18th century

CARTER, George. De belangryke geschiedenis van het verongelukken op de Kaffers kust, van het Engelsch Oost-Indisch schip De Grosvenor, bevattende een beschryving van de verbazende rampen en wederwaardigheden, die de geredde schepelingen, in het doortrekken van woestynen en onbewoonde landstreken, hebben ondergaan, samengesteld uit het verslag van John Hynes, een der behouden gebleeven schipbreukelingen. Uit het Engelsch.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allard, 1801. 8vo. With 1 folding lithographed plate (16.5 x 18.5 cm) of the rescue of the passengers.Half calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled spine with black label. VIII, 158 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare portrayal of the socio-religious landscape of late 19th-century Calcutta, by a Christian missionary

CESARY, Reverend C. Indian gods, sages, and cities.
Calcutta, printed at the Catholic orphan press, 1881. 8vo. With ornamental tail-pieces at the end of every chapter. Contemporary burgundy blind-stamped cloth with the title in gold on the front board. X, 189, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 400
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Provisional agreement between the Netherlands and Portugal over Ceylon

[CEYLON]. Provisioneel ende particulier tractaet, gemaeckt, gearresteert ende besloten in 's Graven-Hage, den 27. Martii, 1645. tusschen de heer Francisco de Zousa Continho, raedt ende ambassadeur van den doorluchtighsten grootmachtigen Koningh van Portugael, Algarves, &c. ...; ende de ... Staten Generael van de Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Provincien, &c. aengaende de controversie over de jurisdictie ende territorie van 't Fort Galle [in Ceylon], &c.
The Hague widow and heirs of Hillebrandt Jacobsz. van Wouw, 1645 [= The Hague, Paulus Scheltus, ca. 1697?]. 4to. Modern plain-paper wrapper. [8] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Account of a mid 19th-century diplomatic mission to Japan, China, and India,
with a manuscript dedication by the author

CHASSIRON, Charles de. Notes sur le Japon, la Chine et l'Inde. 1885-1859-1860.
Paris, E. Dentu & Ch. Reinwald, 1861. 8vo. With 2 full-page maps (of Japan and Korea and of Northern China), a large hand coloured folding view of "Yeddo" or Edo (now Tokyo), a hand coloured folding city plan, 8 hand coloured full page plates of flora and fauna, 2 hand coloured folding views of the Japanese country side, and 3 hand coloured plates (including 1 folding) showing caricatures. Half brown leather. XI, [1 blank], 356, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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Account of a mid 19th-century diplomatic mission to Japan, China, and India,
with a manuscript dedication by the author

CHASSIRON, Charles de. Notes sur le Japon, la Chine et l'Inde. 1885-1859-1860.
Paris, E. Dentu & Ch. Reinwald, 1861. 8vo. With 2 full-page maps (of Japan and Korea and of Northern China), a large hand coloured folding view of "Yeddo" or Edo (now Tokyo), a hand coloured folding city plan, 8 hand coloured full page plates of flora and fauna, 2 hand coloured folding views of the Japanese country side, and 3 hand coloured plates (including 1 folding) showing caricatures. Contemporary half purpleish-brown sheepskin, gold-tooled spine with the title lettered in gold, marbled endpapers, gilt top edge, blue reading ribbon. XI, [1 blank], 356, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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On the wealth of the British Empire, focussing on its overseas possessions

COLQUHOUN, Patrick. A treatise on the wealth, power, and resources, of the British Empire, in every quarter of the world, including the East Indies: the rise and progress of the funding system explained; ...
London, 1814. 4to. With many letterpress tables in text. Contemporary tree calf, gold-tooled spine; rebacked, with the original backstrip laid down. XII, 451, [1 blank], 91, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Rare narrative of a shipwrecked voyage to India

CONCEIÇÃO, Frei Nuno da. Relaçam da viagem, e sucesso que teve a nao capitania Nossa Senhora do Bom Despacho. De que era Capitaô Francisco de Mello, vindo da India no anno de 1630.
Lisbon, "P. Craesbeeck" [= Antonio Pedrozo Galram?], "1631" [= ca. 1710/20?]. 4to. With woodcut of a ship in heavy seas on the last page, a woodcut basket of flowers on title-page and a large woodcut vase of flowers tailpiece.
Earlier vellum with a manuscript cantochon in red and black, new endpapers. [8], 47, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Extremely rare, controversial account of the Indian Revolt of 1857, signed by the author

[COOPER, Frederick Henry]. The crisis in the Punjab, from the 10th of May until the fall of Delhi, by a Punjab employe[!]. For the benefit of the "Lawrence Asylum".
Lahore, Punjabee Press, H. Gregory, 1858. 8vo. With two plans of troop formation mounted in the text, including one folding. The title-page is set within a decorative frame and part of the appendix is set in Arabic script. Modern half brown calf, with gold lettering on the spine and marbled sides, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], II, IV, [1 blank], V, 154, VI, [1 errata slip, verso blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Portuguese shipwreck off the coast of Africa, a classic of Portuguese literature

CORTE REAL, Jeronimo. Naufragio, e lastimoso successo da perdiçaõ de Manoel de Sousa de Sepulveda, e Dona Lianor de Sá, sua mulher, e filhos, vindo da India para este reyno Náo chamada o Galiaõ grande S. João,...
Lisbon, Francisco Rolland, 1783. Small 8vo (15 x 11 cm). Contemporary limp vellum. XIV, [1], [1 blank], 351, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 550
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Detailed account of Goa, printed and published in Madras

COTTINEAU DE KLOGUEN, Denis Louis. An historical sketch of Goa, the metropolis of the Portuguese settlements in India: with an account of the present state of that celebrated city, and of the surrounding territories under its immediate jurisdiction, collected from the most authentic sources...
Madras (now Chennai), India, "printed for the Proprietor, by William Twigg, at the Gazette Press", 1831. 4to (ca. 20 x 13 cm). With a detailed folding engraved map of the city of Goa. Modern reddish-brown leather. [6], 177, [1 blank], [10] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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History of Goa, printed there

COTTINEAU DE KLOGUEN, Denis Louis and Miguel Vicente d'ABREU (translator). Bosquejo historico de Goa escripto em inglez ... vertibo em Portuguez, e accrescentabo com algumas notas, e rectificações ...
Nova-Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 1858. 8vo. With a small illustration of one of the gates of Goa. Later half red morocco. VII, [1 blank] 5-"202" [=203], [1] pp. Full description
€ 950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of the first Tibetan-English grammar, printed by Calcutta's prominent Baptist Mission Press

CSOMA DE KORÖS, Alexander (Sándor KORÖSI CSOMA). A grammar of Tibetan language in English. Prepared, under the patronage of the government and the auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
Calcutta, the Baptist Mission Press, 1834. Small folio (27 x 20 cm). Printed in Tibetan and English, complete with a 40-page syllabic schema of the Tibetan language and the Tibetan alphabet in Bámyik, Bruts'ha and Lánts'ha characters. 20th-century red cloth, title in gold on spine. XII, 204, [1 blank], 40, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Journey around the world with a long stay in India

CUBERO SEBASTIAN, Pedro. Breve relacion, de la peregrinacion que ha hecho de la mayor parte del mundo.
Madrid, Juan Garcia Infançon, 1680. Small 4to (20 x 14.5 cm). With the title-page in a border built up from cast fleurons, woodcut coat of arms of the dedicatee Charles II of Spain, and some woodcut initials and tailpieces.Gold-tooled morocco, by the leading Barcelona binder Emilio Brugalla (1901-1987), with the arms of the Spanish bibliophile Isidoro Fernandez (1878-1963) stamped in gold on front and back, gilt edges. [20], 360 pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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4th copy located of a defence of the Archbishop of Goa against an attack by the Propaganda Fide untrimmed, most bolts unopened and the publishers printed front wrapper bound in

[CUNHA RIVARA, Joaquim Heliodoro da]. The Archbishop of Goa and the Congregation de Propaganda Fide.
"New-Goa" [= Panaji, near Goa], "printed at the national press", 1862 (wrapper 1863). 8vo in 4s with double-size sheets, giving 4to proportions (20.5 x 16 cm). With the original publishers front wrapper, printed letterpress on blue paper, repeating the title-page but in a decorative frame built up from typographic ornaments, with a different decorated swelled rule and dated 1863 rather than 1862. The imprint is set in back-sloping roman capitals. Half navy blue, gold-tooled goatskin morocco (later 19th-century), . 92 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Interesting account of an exploration journey to India and Southeast Asia

DELESSERT, Adolphe. Souvenirs dun voyage dans lInde execute de 1834 a 1839. Ouvrage enrichi de trente-cinq planches.
Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie & Langlois et Leclercq (facing title-page: printed by Béthune et Plon), 1843. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. With engraved title-vignette signed by A. Vien, 8 lithographed plates in the first part by V. Dolet showing Ile Bourbon, Pondichéry, Malacca, Chase au tigre, Madras, a bivouac and Chûte de la Rivière de Gutpurba; 27 numbered full-page engraved plates in the natural history part by Forget, Annedouche, Sebin, Mme. Douliot, Bourgeois, Giraud, Davesne and Dumesnil after Jean Gabriel Prêtre, Delahaye, Mme Bury and Vaillant of mammals, birds, insects and butterflies, 24 of which are exquisitely coloured by hand by "Gérard". Also with one folded map (43 x 44 cm) of the world (except for the Americas) with Delessets journey marked, coloured in outline and printed by Kaeppelin, Paris. Half calf, decorated paper sides. [6], III, 134; [4], 107 pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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The natural history of India

DELESSERT, Adolphe. Souvenirs d´un voyage dans l´Inde exécuté de 1834 à 1839.
Paris, Bétrune et Plon for Fortin, Masson et Cie & Langlois et Leclerq, 1843. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 8 lithographed plates of landscapes and cities in India by V. Dollet, 27 engraved plates of mammals, birds, and insects, in the second part after the designs by J.G. Prêtre, Delahaye, and Vaillant, including 24 beautifully coloured by hand by the famous "coloriste" Gérard, and 1 large folding map of Europe, Africa, and Asia, indicating in red the route of Delessert's journey. Contemporary gold-tooled half red morocco. [6], III, 134; [4], 107, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,800
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of an account of the qualities required of a ruler, written by a Franciscan in Goa

DEOS (DEUS), Jacinto de. Brachilogia de princepes, ...
Lisbon, António Craesbeeck de Mello, printer to "Sua Alteza" [= Prince Regent and future King Dom Pedro II], 1671. Small 8vo (15 x 9.5 cm). With 2 woodcut decorated initials (2 series). Contemporary sheepskin parchment without boards. [16], 299, [1 blank], [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Hongkong edition of a rare work by a famous French missionary in Tibet

DESGODINS, Auguste. Essai de grammaire Thibétaine pour le langage parlé, avec alphabet et prononciation.
Hongkong, Imprimerie de Nazareth, 1899. 12mo. With the printing offices device (an Asian style temple with "Nazareth", "venite seorsum" and an "ME" monogram with cross) on the title-page and several tailpieces. Original publishers half tan morocco, sewn on 3 recessed cords but with 4 false raised band on the spine, with "GRAMMAIRE|THIBÉTAINE" in gold in the 2nd compartment and the printer-publishers "ME" monogram with cross at the foot of the fifth, "Gustav"-marbled sides (tan on yellow), decorated endpapers (printed in imitation of Spanish marbled paper), sprinkled edges. [9], 91, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Solving the mysterious disappearance of the famous explorer La Pérouse in the South Sea Islands

DILLON, Peter. Reis naar de eilanden der Zuidzee, gedurende de jaren 1827 en 1828, behelzende het verslag der ontdekking van het lot van De la Pérouse.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1830. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed frontispieces and a folding engraved map of Vanikoro. The plates are new for this edition, lithographed by Jean Augustin Daiwaille after designs by (Pieter van der?) Meulen and based on the plates in the English edition. Contemporary stiff sprinkled paper wrappers. X, 336; VI, 350 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The classic history of the Dutch East Indies

DU BOIS, Johann Peter Isaak. Vies des gouverneurs généraux, avec l'abrégé de l'histoire des etablissements hollandois aux Indes Orientales; ...
Including: IMHOFF, G.W. van. Considerations sur l'etat present de la compagnie hollandoise des Indes Orientales.
The Hague, Pieter de Hondt, 1763. Royal 4to (27.5 x 22.5 cm). With 34 engraved plates, 1 engraved allegorical headpiece and 28 numbered headpieces with portraits of the Gouvernors-General of the Dutch East Indies. All plates were drawn and presumably engraved by the artist and engraver Jacob van Schley (1715-1729). 19th-century half cloth. VI, 351, [1], 48 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Secret correspondence between Tipu Sultan and the French, published by the British

[EAST INDIA COMPANY]. [TIPU SULTAN, Zaman Shah DURRANI, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE and others]. Official documents, relative to the negotiations carried on by Tippoo Sultaun, with the French Nation, and other foreign states, for purposes hostile to the British nation; to which is added, proceedings of a Jacobin club, formed at Seringapatam, by the French soldiers in the corps commanded by M. Dompart, with a translation ... Printed by order of the ... Governor General ...
Calcutta, Honorable Companys Press, 1799. Super Royal 4to (33.5 x 25 cm). Never bound, but side stitched through 3 holes. XX, [2], 195, [1] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Afghanistan and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary and India, with 14 hand-coloured plates, in original wrappers

ELPHINSTONE, Mountstuart. Tableau du royaume de Caboul, et de ses dépendances, dans la Perse, la Tartarie et l'Inde, offrant les moeurs, usages et costumes de cet empire, ... traduit et abrégé de l'anglais, par M. Breton.
Paris, Nepveu, 1817. 3 volumes. 18mo. With 14 engraved plates depicting various costumes, lords on horseback, etc., all beautifully coloured by hand. Original publisher's printed wrappers, each volume with wood engraved illustrations on front, back and spine. Preserved in a modern gold-tooled green morocco box. XLIV, 189 [3]; [4], 222, [2]; [4], 223 [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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Faria y Sousa's account of Portuguese Asia

FARIA Y SOUSA, Manuel de. Asia Portuguesa.
Lisbon, Bernardo da Costa Carvalho (volume 1), Antonio Craesbeeck (volumes 2 and 3), 1674-1703. 3 volumes. Small folio (29.5 x 20 cm). With 8 (of 19) folded plates with views and plans (all woodcuts; lacking the 11 engraved plates in volume 1); volumes 2 & 3 with engraved architectural titles and engraved portraits at the end of the preliminaries, volume 1 with an engraved coat of arms to the dedication. Further with ca. 50 woodcut portraits of navigators and governors (over 40 full-page). Uniform 18th-century sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spines with red cloth title labels lettered in gold, red sprinkled edges. [32 (of 34)], 396, [42]; [8], 968, [2]; [8], 564, [6] pp. Full description
€ 8,550
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A standard navigational directory for the Indian Archipelago

FINDLAY, Alexander George. A directory for the navigation of the Indian archipelago and the coast of China, from the Straits of Malacca and Sunda, and the passages east of Java, to Canton, Shanghai, the Yellow Sea, and Korea. With the descriptions of the winds, monsoons, and currents, and general instructions for the various channels, harbours, etc. Third edition.
London, Richard Holmes Laurie, 1889. Royal 8vo. With 11 folding maps and charts. Original publishers blindstamped cloth, lettered in gold. XLVIII, IV, 1478; [2], 8 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Beautifully illustrated account of the first Earl of Munster's journey overland from India via Egypt to England

FITZCLARENCE, George Augustus Frederick. Journal of a route across India, through Egypt, to England in a latter end of the year 1817, and the beginning of 1818.
London, printed by Thomas Davidson for John Murray, 1819. Large 4to. With 12 plates, including one of "Pettah the Citadel etc." as a frontispiece and 7 maps and plans, including 1 folding, with 3 additional explanatory letterpress leaves for maps 2-4 (Jubbulpoor [Jabalpur], Nagpoor [Nagpur], Meinpoor [Mahidpur]). 9 of 12 plates are hand-coloured aquatints and 5 of 7 maps and plans are coloured in outline. Contemporary gold-tooled calf with a blind-tooled decorative border. XXIV, [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 502 pp. Full description
€ 5,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

One of the first Sanskrit works published in Germany

FRANK, Othmar Chrestomathia Sanskrita, quam ex codicibus manuscriptis, adhuc ineditis, Londini exscripsit, atque in usum Tironum versione, expositione, tabulis grammaticis etc. illustratam edidit ...
Munich, typographice ac lithographice opera et sumtibus propriis, 1820-1821. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 4to (22 x 25,5 cm). With 6 lithographed plates (4 folding). Original temporary grey boards as issued. XII, 194, [2]; [4], 147, [3] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The first English edition of a famous biography of the fourth Portuguese viceroy of India

FREIRE DE ANDRADE, Jacinto and Peter WYCHE (translator). The life of Dom John de Castro, the fourth Vice-Roy of India. Wherein are seen the Portuguese's voyages to the East-Indies; their discoveries and conquests there; the form of government, commerce, and discipline of warr[!] in the East, and the topography of all India and China. Containing also a particular relation of the most famous siege of Dio, with a map to illustrate it.
London, Henry Herringman, 1664. Folio. With a full-page engraved portrait of D. João de Castro, the fourth viceroy of India as a frontispiece, signed "W. Faithorne sculp.", one full-page engraved illustration of the shrine of St. Thomas in Meliapor - including its inscriptions in Sanskrit - which already existed at the time of the Portuguese arrival in India, and one double page engraved map (view) of Diu and its fortress. Contemporary blind-tooled calf. [1], [1 blank], [18], 272, [19], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 16,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

French commerce via Egypt and the Red Sea before the opening of the Suez Canal

FROMENT, Dominique. Du commerce des Europeens avec les Indes, par la Mer Rouge et par l'Egypte.
Paris, Dugour et Durant, an VII [= 1799]. 8vo. With a very large, folding map showing the fastest route from France to India (via the Mediterranean, Egypt, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean), 7 folding tables, and a woodcut illustration at the head of the first chapter. Contemporary dark blue paper wrappers, protected by a semi-opaque coated paper dust jacket. [2], XIV, 211, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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The natural history, politics and medicine of India and Persia, with a section on Muscat

FRYER (FREYER), John. Negenjaarige reyse door Oostindien en Persien, ... Begonnen met den jaare 1672 en geeyndigt met den jaare 1681.
The Hague, Abraham de Hondt, Jacobus van Ellinkhuysen and Meyndert Uytwerf, 1700. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, engraved author's portrait, 3 folding engraved maps, 7 folding engraved views and other plates, and several woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary vellum. [8], 566, [26] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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The most accurate map of India and the Gulf region to its time

[GASTALDI, Giacomo]. Seconda tavola.
[Venice], Ferrando Bertelli, 1565 [printed ca. 1570]. Engraved map of the Indian Ocean, Indian subcontinent and most of the Gulf region (28 x 39 cm; margins extended to 50 x 66.5 cm), at a scale of about 1:13,500,000 with north at the foot, with 3 sea monsters, a spouting whale and 3 ships in the ocean; and on the land elephants, lions and 2 people on horseback carrying spears. Although printed from a single copper plate, the present map image is divided into two parts, with a 7 mm gap between the right and left halves, so that nothing would be lost if the map were bound as a double-page plate. Full description
€ 18,000
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The Thomas Christians on the Malabar coast

GOUVEA (or GOVEA), Antonio and Aleixo de MENEZES. Histoire orientale des grans progres de l'eglise Cathol. Apost. & Rom. en la reduction des anciens Chrestiens ...
Brussels, Rutger Velpius, 1609.
(2) GLEN, Jean Baptise de and Aleixo de MENEZES. La messe des anciens Chrestiens, dicts de S. Thomas, en l' évesché d' Angamal és Indes Orientales ...
Brussels, Rutger Velpius, 1609.
2 works in 1 volume, the 2nd in 2 parts. 8vo. With a small woodcut vignette on both title-pages, some woodcut head- and tail-pieces, and woodcut decorated initials. Ad 1 with an engraved illustration depicting a Biblical scene mounted as a frontispiece on the verso of the second free flyleaf. Contemporary brown calf, sewn on 4 supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine, gold-tooled spine with the title lettered in gold in the second compartment, red sprinkled edges. [1], [1 blank], [42], 748; [1], [1 blank], [10], 123, [1] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Portuguese Catholic subjugation of ancient Christians in India's Malabar Coast

GOUVEIA, António de. Jornada do Arcebispo de Goa Dom Frey Aleixo de Menezes primaz da India Oriental, ...
With: (2) MENESES, Aleixo de. Synodo diocesano da Igreia Bispado de Angamaledo dos antigos Christaõs de Sam Thome das Serras do Malavar das partes da India Oriental.Coimbra, Diego Gomez de Loureyro, 1606. 2 complementary works in 1 volume. Folio. The first work with the large woodcut coat of arms of the Archbishop of Braga on title-page. 18th century calf. [6], 152; [2], 62 ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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Astronomical and geographical information on regions in China and India

GOUYE, Thomas. Observations physiques et mathematiques, pour servir a l'histoire naturelle & à la perfection de l'astronomie & de la geographie: envoyées des Indes et de la Chine à l'Académie Royale des Sciences à Paris, par les Peres Jesuites.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (colophon: Jean Anisson), 1692. 4to. With woodcut coat of arms on title-page, 2 double-page engraved maps and 1 engraved plate. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [4], 114 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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18th-century colonial history of Mauritius, with an eye-witness account of the battle of Madras

GRANT, Charles, vicomte de VAUX and John Pope HENNESSY. Letters from Mauritius in the eighteenth century by Grant, Baron de Vaux including an account of Labourdonnais' capture of Madras.
Mauritius, printed for private circulation, 1886. 8vo. With a large, folding engraved map (43x59 cm). Contemporary half gold- and blind-tooled red calf, decorated (pseudo-marbled) paper sides. With the author and title lettered in gold on the spine. [2], X, 192, VI pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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On the expediency of British rule in the East Indies

GRANT, Robert. The expediency maintained of continuing the system by which the trade and government of India are now regulated.
London, printed for Black, Parry and J. Hatchard (back of title-page: printed by Cox and Baylis), 1813. 8vo. With 2 letterpress folding tables (1 printed in red and black). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled. [1], [1 blank], XIX, [1 blank], 404 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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The British navy's pilot guide for crossing the South Indian Ocean

[GREAT BRITAIN, HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT]. South Indian Ocean pilot. Madagascar, Îles Comores, Île de la Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles Group, Chagos Archipelago, and other islands lying westward of Longitude 80° East. Eighth edition.
Taunton, published by the hydrographer of the navy, 1971. With supplement no. 5 (1977). 8vo. With 2 small maps, 8 coastal profiles, 9 diagrams and 11 climatic tables in the book and also 1 view of the coast of Marie Louise Islet (1975) in the supplement.Contemporary blue cloth with printed title in yellow. XI, [1 blank], 333, [1]; 40 pp. Full description
€ 600
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Rare account of the efforts of Jesuit missionaries in India (Goa, Cambay, Malabar Coast, Kochi, Madurai, etc.), South East Asia, the East Indies and Africa

[GUERREIRO, Fernão (ed.)]. and Christobal SUÁREZ DE FIGUEROA (transl.). Historia y anal relacion de las cosas que hizieron los padres de la Compañia de Jesus, por las partes de Oriente y otras, en la propagacion del Santo Evangelio, los años passados de 607. y en 608.
Madrid, Imprenta Real, sold by Juan Hasrey, 1614 (colophon 1613). 4to. With a woodcut IHS Jesuit device in a decorated cartouche on the title-page, the whole in a border built up from typographic ornaments and acorns; the large woodcut coat of arms of the dedicatee, Don Geronimo Corella y Mendoza; a large woodcut scrollwork tailpiece; 6 woodcut decorated initials (6 series); and headpieces built up from arabesque typographic ornaments. Set in roman types with extensive italic, some cut by François Guyot in Antwerp. 20th-century sheepskin parchment over flexible boards, turned in at the fore-edge, sewn on 3 alum-tawed thongs laced through the joints, with the title in thin textura lettering down the spine. [16], 566, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A 1718 voyage from Goa to Macao, published in Lisbon

GUERREIRO, João Tavares de Velez. Jornada, que Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho, governador, e capitaõ[!] general da cidade do Nome de Deos de Macao na China, fez de Goa atè chegar á dita cidade no anno de 1718.
Lisbon, Officina da Musica (Jaime or Jayme de la Te y Sagau), 1732. 8vo. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, rebacked. [16], 427, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Important collection of Jesuit letters and other texts from and about Japan,
Korea, China, India, Peru, Mexico and the Philippines

HAY, John. De rebus Japonicis, Indicis, et Peruanis epistolae recentiores.
Antwerp, Martinus Nutius II, 1605. 8vo. With Nutius's woodcut device on title-page and a small woodcut illustration in the text. Contemporary vellum. 968, [50] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Important diplomatic gift from the Indian head of Sirohi to the highest British resident of Rajahstan

HERZOG, P.A. & P. HIGGINS (photos). [Title on front cover:] The Abu album, 1895-96.
Mhow, Central India, Herzog & Higgins, 1896 (presented in 1904). Oblong folio (35 x 50 cm). With 43 gelatin silver photographs including one two-part panorama and a portrait of the Maharao of Sirohi. All ca. 21 x 28 cm. Mounted on rectos and versos of thick card album leaves, with protective tissue papers, with printed captions pasted below. Contemporary blind-tooled morocco, title in gold on front cover, gilt edges. [22] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Fine work illustrating the cities, ports, and factories of the Dutch East India Company in Asia and Africa

HEYDT, Johann Wolffgang. Allerneuester Geographisch und Topographischer Schau-Platz, von Africa und Ost-Indien.
Nuremberg, C. Tetschner, 1744. Oblong folio (31 x 36.5 cm). With 115 numbered engraved maps and plates, an engraved frontispiece, and an engraved title-page. Contemporary vellum, with the author and title lettered in gold on the spine, red edges. [24], 345, [4] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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Unusual grammar book for the Hindustani language, meant for Portuguese missionaries

[HINDUSTANI - GRAMMAR]. Gramatica indostana a mais vulgar que se practica no imperio do gram Mogol, para uso dos muitos reverendos padres missionarios do dito imperio.
Lisbon, Impressão Regia, 1805. Small 8vo (17.5 x 11.5 cm). With a woodcut vignette on the title page. Mid-19th century half gold-tooled tanned sheepskin, marbled paper sides. With the title in gold on the spine, marbled endpapers. [2], 150 [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Massive navigational directory, with sections on the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea and the Gulf

HORSBURGH, James, Gerrit KUIJPER and D. BOES LUTJENS. Zeemans-gids, naar, in en uit Oost-Indiën, China, Japan, Australiën, de Kaap de Goede Hoop, Braziliën en tusschenliggende havens, volgens de vierde Engelsche uitgave van James Horsburgh, ...
Amsterdam, C.F. Stemler, (back of half-title: printed in Haarlem by H. Bakels), 1841. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spine lettered in gold, marbled sides. I-XII, [2], XIII-XXIV, XXVIII, 1376 pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Important guide to navigating the seas to the far reaches of Asia

HUDDART, Joseph. The oriental navigator; or, new directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, &c. &c. &c. Also for the use of the country ships, trading in the Indian and China seas, Pacific Ocean, &c. &c. &c...
London, printed and published by Robert Laurie and James Whittle, map, chart, and printsellers, 1801. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece portrait of Huddart by James Stow after John Hoppner and small woodcut coastal views in the text. Contemporary tree calf. [2], XII, 656 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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British military terrain map of the Persian Gulf, published in Calcutta

HUNTER, Frederic Fraser (editor); Sir Sidney Gerald BURRARD (director). Southern Asia series - Southern Persia sheet - Persia, Arabia and Turkey in Asia
[Dehradun, Survey of India Office], sold at the Map Record and Issue Office, Calcutta, 1912. 61.5 x 88 cm. Large photozincographed (heliozincographed) folding map on a scale of 1:2,000,000 in black, blue and red, with relief shown by contours, hachures and gradient tints. Folded. Full description
€ 15,000
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Key reference work for the East India Company surveys of India

INDIA OFFICE. A catalogue of manuscript and printed reports, field books, memoirs, maps, etc., of the Indian surveys, deposited in the map room of the India Office.
London, George E. Eyre & William Spottiswoode (colophon), 1878. Large 8vo. Contemporary cloth, title in gold on spine. XXI, [1 blank], 672 pp. Full description
€ 600
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The official narrative of proceedings in the Home Department of the Viceroy of India,
Victor Alexander Bruce, 9th Earl of Elgin, 1894-1898

[INDIA]. Summary of the principal measures of the Viceroyalty of the Earl of Elgin in the Home Department, January 1894 to December 1898.
Calcutta, Office of the Superintendent of Government printing, India, 1898. Folio. With armorial vignette on title-page. Blind-stamped blue cloth, title in gold on spine, blue decorated endpapers. [2], IV, [2], 84 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Unique photo album of a hunting club in British India, including photographs of the first flight
of the Indian Transcontinental Airways

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA - HUNTING]. [Photograph album showing hunting society in Britsh India].
[Cambridge, Mumbai, New Delhi], Scott & Wilkinson, Clifton & Co, Hamilton Studios and Kinsey Bros., [ca. 1933-1935]. With 105 photographs mounted in the album (ranging from 16 x 28 cm to 4 x 6 cm), 2 photographs loosely inserted and a watercolour mounted at the back (11.5 x 21 cm). Oblong half morocco photograph album by W. Johnson & sons, London. 53 ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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Captivating collection of photographs of notable sites, buildings and people in late-19th-century India

[INDIA - PHOTOGRAPHY]. [G.W. LAWRIE & Co.; Francis FRITH & Co. W.L.H. Skeen & Co. (photographers)]. [Collection of photographs of India].
[India], ca. 1880s-1890s. Photographs ca. 20 x 27 cm; boards ca. 34 x 27 cm. 80 albumen print photographs mounted on 56 boards, the majority with manuscript captions below the photographs. The photographs are mounted on paper boards, sometimes displayed in passe-partouts and kept in a blue-ish grey cardboard box and a large half red cloth and red and black decorated paper sides portfolio with red ties. A detailed list of contents is available upon request. Full description
€ 28,000
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First-hand account of the British military in India's Northwest

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA]. [W. RAHN (photographer).] [Album with photographs of the Tirah Expedition].
- Key [manuscript identifying sitters in 1 photograph in the album]. 2 loose leaves.
- [Manuscript list of captions to 10 photographs in the album]. 1 leaf.Kirkee (Pune, India), Sappers and Miners' Press, [1898]. Folio album (40 x 33 cm). A photo album with 53 photographic prints on 12 paperboard leaves, hinged to stubs with 3 cords. Including 9 large albumen prints from 21 x 26.5 cm to 13.5 x 29 cm, 43 gelatin silver prints from 12 x 18 cm. to 9 x 10.5 cm., and a loosely inserted large albumen print 21 x 28.5 cm on a similar paperboard support. Contemporary cloth with closing straps. Manuscripts loosely inserted in the album.
(2) PARK, Superintendent. 1898. Catalogue of photographs by Sergeant A.J. Clarke R.E. taken during Tirah Expedition, 1897-1898.
[Kirkee (Pune, India), Sappers and Miners' Press, 1898]. Small folio (22 x 14.5 cm), [4] pp. With a lithographed title-page. Loosely inserted in the album. Full description
€ 8,750
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Critical survey of Dutch mercantile activities in Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka

[INDONESIA - INDIA - SRI LANKA]. Nederlandsch India, in haaren tegenwoordigen toestand beschouwd; of waar en gronding berigt van haare regeering, derzelver bestier en handelingen; haare bezittingen; haare militie; haar kwijnenden handel, zeevaart, enz.
Batavia [= Amsterdam?], [1780?]. 8vo. With a decoration on the title-page, headpiece and factotum all built up from rococo typographic ornaments. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers. 80 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Historical narrative of a voyage to India and Persia written by a surgeon of the British Royal Navy

IVES, Edward. Reize naar Oost-Indië en Persië, en de daar omliggende landen. Ondernomen langs een' ongewoonen weg.
Amsterdam, De Compagnie, 1779. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 2 engraved title-pages, 2 folding engraved maps, one of India, the other tracking Ives's journey from Basra to Latakia, and 9 engraved plates (including 1 large folding). Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [16], 324; [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 379, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Historical narrative of a voyage to India and Persia written by a surgeon of the British Royal Navy

IVES, Edward. Reize naar Oost-Indië en Persië, en de daar omliggende landen. Ondernomen langs een' ongewoonen weg.
Amsterdam, De Compagnie, 1779. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With 2 engraved title-pages, 2 folding engraved maps, one of India (44 x 51 cm), the other tracking Ives's journey from Basra to Latakia (ca. 42 x 56 cm), and 9 engraved plates (including 1 large folding). Early 20th-century boards. [16], 324; [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 379, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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A teenage sailor’s adventures in Arabia, Mumbai and elsewhere

JAMES, Silas. A narrative of a voyage to Arabia, India; &c; ...; with remarks on the genius and disposition of the natives of Arabia Felix; ...
London, printed by William Glindon, sold by the author, [1797]. 8vo. With a frontispiece portrait of the author engraved by William Newman. Modern dark brown calf, gold-tooled spine. “VI” [= VIII], 7, [1 blank], [1], 10-232 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Over 200 scientific articles on Western & Central Asia and India, bound in 107 volumes

[JOURNALS – WESTERN AND CENTRAL ASIA; INDIA], Olaf CAROE, Aurel STEIN, Richard TEMPLE, Francis YOUNGHUSBAND et al. [Large collection of journal articles about the scientific exploration of Western and Central Asia and India].Including:
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
- Geographical Journal.
- Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
- Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society.
- Journal of the Royal Geographical Society.
- Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society.
- National Geographic.
Various places, a.o. London and Calcutta, various publishers, 1837-1981. 107 volumes, many containing multiple articles. 8vo. Some illustrated with plates and maps. Half calf with marbled sides and gilt lettering on spine or cloth with marbled sides and label on spine. Full description
€ 35,000
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First Prákrit edition of an Indian folktale by the ancient poet Kálidása

KÁLIDÁSA. Vikramorvasi; or Vikrama and Urvasi: a drama. ... With a commentary, explanatory of the Prákrit passages.
Calcutta, printed at the Education Press, Circular Road, 1830. Large 8vo. Except for the title-page, the book is entirely in the Prákrit language and set in a single size of Devanagari type. Contemporary half calf. [4], 122 pp. (numbered in Prákrit). Full description
€ 575
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A landmark of hadith scholarship: rare first English edition of a noted Sunni text, printed in Calcutta

KHATIB AL-TIBRIZI, Muhammad ibn ’Abd Allah (Arnold N. Matthews, trans.). Mishcàt-ul-Masábìh, or, A collection of the most authentic traditions, regarding the actions and sayings of Múhammed; exhibiting the origin of the manners and customs, the civil, religious and military policy of the Muslemàns.
Calcutta, T. Hubbard at the Hindoostanee Press. 1809-1810. 2 volumes. Small folio (23.5 x 31 cm). Contemporary sheepskin, flat spines with red morocco labels. [6], IX, [1], VI, 665, [1]; [2], VI, 817, [13] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Rare work of the Basel Missionary Press in Mangalore

KITTEL, Ferdinand. Ueber den Ursprung des Lingakultus in Indien.
Mangalore, [printed by Stolz & Hirner, Basel Mission Press, Mangalore, for:] Basel mission book & tract depository, 1876. 8vo. With the title on the front wrapper in a printed decorative frame. Orange printed paper wrappers. [2], 48 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Rare work of the Basel Missionary Press in Mangalore

KITTEL, Ferdinand. Ueber den Ursprung des Lingakultus in Indien.
Mangalore, [printed by Stolz & Hirner, Basel Mission Press, Mangalore, for:] Basel mission book & tract depository, 1876. 8vo. With the title on the front wrapper in a printed decorative frame. Orange printed paper wrappers. [2], 48 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Travels through the Middle East, India and Europe, with 34 woodcut illustrations, including several trees

LA BOULLAYE LE GOUZ, Francois de. Les voyages et observations du sieur de la Boullaye-le-Gouz gentil-homme Angevin...
Paris, Francois Clousier, 1653. 4to. With a woodcut and an engraved author's portrait, 34 woodcut illustrations in text, including several full-page, and some woodcut initals, head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. [16], 540, [10], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Linschoten's nautical chart of the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and surroundings, engraved in 1596

LANGREN, H. F. van. Deliniantur in hac tabula, orae maritimae Abexiae, freti Mecani: al Maris Rubri-Arabiae ...
Engraved map of Arabia, India and surroundings in 2 sheets (38.5 x 53.5 cm as assembled), engraved for J. Huygen van Linschoten, Itinerario, 1596). Matted. Full description
€ 9,500
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Very rare and important account of Punjab before the Anglo-Sikh War, printed in Delhi

LAWRENCE, Henry Montgomery. Some passages in the life of an adventurer in the Punjab. Originally published in the Delhi Gazette.
Delhi, Gazette Press, by Kunniah Lall, 1842. 8vo. With a loosely inserted letterpress printed "Note by the publishers" declaring that in hindsight the publisher would have preferred this edition in larger dimensions and in 2 volumes, but the printer lacked understanding of "the art of book printing". Also included is a manuscript note with bibliographical information relating to Indian printing. Contemporary half red roan with gold-tooled title on spine, marbled sides. [IV], [III], 275 pp. Full description
€ 5,250
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Journal of a 1674/75 overland voyage through India, Iran, Iraq and Syria to Amsterdam

LEEUWENSON, Joannes (Pieter Arend LEUPE, ed. & intro.). Eene overlandreis uit Indië naar Nederland, in 1674-1675.
[Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1863]. 8vo. Offprint, retaining the original pagination and collation, of an article in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, 6 (1863). 20th-century stiff paper wrappers, with a printed label on the front. pp. [89], 90-142. Full description
€ 1,250
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Seminal guide to the East and West Indies, with 42 double-page and folding plates, including 6 maps, all engravings beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand

LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van. Histoire de la navigation ... aux Indes Orientales ... Avec annotations de B. Paludanus, ... Troixiesme edition augmentee.
LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huyghen van. Le grand routier de mer, ...
[LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van]. Description de l'Amerique & des parties d'icelle, ...
Amsterdam, Evert Cloppenburg, 1638. Folio (32.5 x 21 cm). With 3 title-pages (2 from the same full-page engraving and 1 letterpress with an engraving of a ship in a cartouche with 4 inset city views), a nearly full-page engraved portrait of the author in a cartouche with 4 inset views, 42 engraved plates including 6 maps (31 double-page & 11 larger folding). All plates coloured by a contemporary hand. Near contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [8], 206 pp.; [4], 181, [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], “86” [= 80], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 275,000
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Drawing of a scene on the Coromandel Coast for an engraving in a book by Johann Georg Jacobi

[COROMANDEL COAST]. LIPS, Johann Heinrich. Die Küste Coromandel.
[Zürich, 1803]. Pen drawing (10.3 x 6.3 cm) in grey ink with washes on paper (12.5 x 8.5 cm), signed by the artist in the lower right corner of the illustration and with the title in pencil in the lower margin. The whole mounted on a larger paper leaf (with notes: "dessin no 522" and "Lips f." in ink), with a passepartout and in a gilt wooden frame. Full description
€ 6,500
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"the finest work on seventeenth-century Thailand"

LOUBÈRE, Simon de la. Du Royaume de Siam.
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1691. 2 volumes bound as 1. 12mo. With the same woodcut printer's device on both title-pages, 2 folding engraved maps, 17 double-page engraved plates with printed music, Siamese alphabets, inhabitants etc., 21 full-page engraved plates, engraved headpiece and several woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary vellum. [8], 436, [2]; [4], 324, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,950
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The Jesuits in India and China: adapting to local practice

LUCINO, Luigi Maria. Esame, e difesa del decreto publicato in pudisceri da monsignor Carlo Tommaso di Tournonpatriarcha d'Antiochia, commissario, e visitatore apostolico, con Podesta do legato a letere delle Indie Orientali, Impero della Cina, e Isole adjacenti. Di poi Cardinale della S. R. Chiesa.
Rome, nella stamperis Vaticana, 1729. 4to. With with the title-page printed in red and black, showing an engraved printer's device, engraved initials and head- and tail-pieces, 3 full-page and one folding engraving, with the second and third coloured by hand. Contemporary parchment, spine lettered in gold, blue edges. LXIII, 492, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Standard work on Hindu and Muslim law

MACNAGHTEN, William Hay (Girish Chandra TARKALANKAR, ed.). Principles of Hindu and Mahomedan law.
Calcutta, Sreenauth Banerjee and brothers (back of the title-page: printed by B.M. Sen, "Tomohur" Press, Serampore), 1873. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 8vo. 20th-century half black morocco, black cloth sides, title and author in gold on spine, new endpapers. [6], LXIII, [1 blank], [10], 139, [1 blank]; [4], 88, XX pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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An extensive information source for British colonialists in Madras (India)

[BRITISH-INDIA]. The Madras almanac for the year of our lord 1829, calculated for the meridian of Port St. George. To which are added: lists of the civil, judicial and medical establishments, and of the Europeans not in the King's or Company's service. With other matters of useful information.
Madras, Asylum Press, [1828?]. 8vo. With 1 engraved hand-coloured folding plate showing different kinds of ships flags. Lacking 2 leaves.Contemporary red sheepskin, sprinkled edges. Rebacked in calf, red sheepskin spine label, blue paper pasted over the sides. [1 blank], [2], [1 blank], VI, 1-146, [2], 147-361, [1] blank, XXX, VIII pp. (lacking pp. 19-22). Full description
€ 1,750
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The most important British citizens of Madras gathered in one document

STEEL, Scudamore Winde (subject). To Major General Sir Scudamore Winde Steel K. C. B. late commander of the forces in Pegue &c ....
Madras, 10 April 1856. Manuscript in ink on a large single sheet of vellum (ca. 62 x 73 cm). With the hand drawn coat-of-arms of Scudamore Winde Steel in ink at the head of the text and with 106 signatures of British residents of Madras at the foot of the text. Folded. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 3,500
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Survey of the roads of South India, with a large map

[MADRAS GOVERNMENT]. C.C. JOHNSTON & H.C. MONTGOMERY. Selections from the records of the Madras government. Published by authority. No. VI. General report of the road department.
Madras [Chennai], Printed at the Fort St. George Press, 1854. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a large folding lithographed and hand-coloured map of South India (58 x 44 cm) and 7 folding tables. Later cloth with the original front cover preserved. [2], 48 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Maffei's account of the East and West Indies, together with his life of Ignatius of Loyola

MAFFEI, Giovanni Pietro. Historiarum Indicarum Libri XVI.
Antwerp, Martinus Nutius, 1605.
With: (2) [MAFFEI, Giovanni Pietro]. Ignatii Loiolae vita, postremo recognita.
Antwerp, Martinus Nutius, 1605. 2 works in 1 volume (the first in 2 parts). 8vo. Contemporary vellum, remains of ties. [72], 478, [2 blank]; 401, [7]; 152, [12] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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14th-century tales of travels in Turkey, the Middle East, Near East, India and the East Indies,
illustrated with about 60 woodblocks

MANDEVILLE, John [= Jehan d'OUTREMEUSE]. The voyages & travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight, ... to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem: as also to the lands of the Great Caan, and of Prestor John: to Inde, and divers other countries: ...
London, Richard Chiswell, Benjamin Walford, Matthew Wotton, George Conyers, 1696. 4to. With a woodcut ship on the title-page and about 60 woodcut illustrations in the text (mostly about 5.5 x 8 cm) plus about 10 repeats. Gold-tooled, red goatskin morocco by Robert Riviere in London (ca. 1875/80), one of England's best binders. [4], “139” [= 135], [5] pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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Short manuscript descriptions of various birds, animals, plants and trees found in the forests of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

[MANUSCRIPT - CEYLON - NATURAL HISTORY]. Schets van eenige zoorten van dieren welke in de bosschen omstreeks Cijlon gevonden worden.
[Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and the Netherlands?], [18th or 19th century?]. 8vo (16.5 x 10.5 cm). Written in a late 18th-century or early 19th-century cursive in French and Dutch.
With: (2) [MANUSCRIPT - FRENCH & DUTCH POEMS AND SONGS]. [Quelques Chansons]. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers. [28] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Remarkable logbook of the lesser-known part of l'Archimède's diplomatic mission to Asia

[MANUSCRIPT - EAST ASIA - LAGRENÉ MISSION]. [Ship's log of the "Archimède"].
At sea between Macao and Calcutta, 1846. 2 volumes. Folio (ca. 32 x 22 cm). With two pencil sketches on pp. 58 and 59. Contemporary blue cloth, blue sprinkled edges, pink paste paper endpapers. 65, [40 blank]; 76-106 [=30], [100 blank], [1], [2 blank], [2], [10 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Manuscript letter by the director of the VOC fort at Jaffanapatnam (Ceylon, now Jaffna, Sri Lanka) to his uncle, a VOC and city official in Rotterdam, asking for support

[MANUSCRIPT LETTER - VOC - CEYLON]. [Mattheus SCHENKENBERG]. [Contemporary copy of a letter dated 3 January 1699 from Mattheus Schenkenberg to his uncle Harmen van Soelen].
[Jaffanapatnam, Ceylon, 3 January 1699]. Folio (33 x 21 cm). The Dutch letter is written in a neat late 17th-century cursive hand in brown ink. Folded and kept together by an orange, white and blue piece of string in the left margin (1.5 cm from the edge of the leaves, in the middle). [5], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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A collection of Venetian voyages to the Near and Middle East, printed at the Aldine press

[MANUZIO, Antonio (ed.)]. Viaggi fatti da Vinetia, alla Tana, in Persia, in India, et in Costantinopoli: con la descrittione particolare di città, luoghi, siti, costumi, & della porta del Gran Turco: & di tutte le intrate, spese, & modo di governo suo, & della ultima impresa contra Portoghesi.
Venice, sons of Aldus Manutius, 1545. 8vo. With Alduss woodcut anchor device on the title-page. 18th-century English polished calf. 163 ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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The authoritative guide to Islamic jurisprudence: first English edition

[MARGHINANI, `Ali ibn Abi Bakr] (Charles HAMILTON, transl.). The Hedàya, or Guide; a commentary on the Mussulman laws: translated by the order of the Governor-General and Council of Bengal.
London, Thomas Bensley, 1791. 4 volumes. Small folio (22 x 27.5 cm). Modern half calf in period style, marbled sides, gold-tooled smooth spine divided into six fields by rolls, black morocco spine label in the second field, the others with an arabesque ornament. [2], LXXXIX, [1], XII, 561, [3]; VIII, 727, [3]; VIII, 609, [3]; VIII, 574, [54] pp. Errata leaf at end of each volume. Full description
€ 25,000
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Peace in Goa between the Portuguese and Sawantwadi, with transcriptions of treaties

MASCARENHAS, José Freire de Monterroio. Noticia da viagem, que fez segunda vez ao estado da India o ... senhor Marquez do Louriçal, e primeiros progressos do seu governo.
Lisbon, Luiz Jozé Correa Lemos, 1742. Small 4to (20.5 x 15 cm). With a Maltese cross on the title-page, a woodcut headpiece and a woodcut decorated initial. Later marbled stiff paper wrappers, new endpapers. 24 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A Swedish edition of John Meares's voyages to the North Pacific, China and Hawaii

MEARES, John. Tvänne resor från Ostindien till Americas nordvåstra kust, åren 1786, 1788 och 1789.
Stockholm, printed by J.S. Ekmanson for I. Utters, 1797. 8vo. 19th-century half scheepskin, gold-tooled spine with red morocco title label, marbled sides. [12], 404 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Highly detailed maritime atlas

GREAT BRITAIN METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. Monthly current charts for the Indian Ocean. From information collated & prepared in the Meteorological Office.
London, Admiralty Hydrographic Office, under the superintendence of Rear-Admiral W. J. L. Wharton, 1895-1896. Plano. Oblong Royal 1mo (full-sheet leaves: 51 x 62 cm). An atlas of 12 large black and white nautical charts. Limp cloth with gold-tooled title on front cover. [12] ll. plus the 1-page “Advertisement”. Full description
€ 3,500
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Shipwreck of the Fattysalam off the coast of Coromandel

[MEUSNIER DE QUERLON, Anne-Gabriel]. [Half-title:] Naufrage et retour en Europe de monsieur de Kearny.
[Paris?, the author?, 1764?]. 8vo. With a headpiece built up from Fournier's rococo cast fleurons. Set in Fournier types, including decorated titling capitals. 20th-century decorated paper wrappers in lavendar, green and brown, red sprinkled edges. 48 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A history of the British, Dutch and Portuguese colonial activities in the East Indies

MÖKERN, Philipp van. Ostindien, seine Geschichte, Cultur und seine Bewohner. Resultate eigener Forschungen und Beobachtungen an Ort und Stelle. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe.
Leipzig, Hermann Costenoble, 1857. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. XII, 395; [6], 327 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare late 18th-century aquatint and etched print, produced in Calcutta

MOFFAT, James. Vexation and strife.
Kolkata (Calcutta), 1797. Oblong folio. Aquatint etching on paper (leaf: ca. 29 x 38 cm.; plate: 27 x 35 cm; illustration: 24.5 x 31.5 cm). Aquatint etching showing domestic scene of a couple fighting at a table, with a dark figure watching on in the background. Signed "Calcutta J M del. et sculp. 1797" and captioned "vexation and strife". Printed on laid paper made by James Whatman the younger, watermarked. Full description
€ 7,500
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First complete edition of Cosmas's Christiana topographia describing his travels
in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf

MONTFAUCON, Bernard de (editor). Collectio nova patrum et scriptorum Graecorum, Eusebii Caesariensis, Athanasii, & Cosmae Aegyptii.
Paris, Claudius Rigaud, 1707. 2 volumes. Folio. With 4 engraved plates, and 3 woodcut illustrations in the text. Each volume with an engraved headpiece, the first incorporating the coat of arms of Pope Clement XI, and the second that of Jean-Paul Bignon. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine and binding edges. [14], XL, [1], [1 blank], 732, [26], [2 blank]; [16], LXVIII, 112, [2], I-XXIV, 113-593, [26], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Rare "oriental" pastiche

MORELL, Charles (pseudonym of James Kenneth RIDLEY). The tales of the Genii; or the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar.
London, printed for G. and T. Wilkie, 1786. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 2 letterpress title-pages and 14 engraved plates (including the 2 frontispieces) illustrating the various tales. Near contemporary, uniform calf (ca. 1800?), gold-tooled smooth spines in 6 fields, with a green (title) and red (volume) label in the 2nd and 4th fields, gold-tooled board edges, blind-tooled turn-ins. xxxvi, 285, [3 blank]; [1], [1 blank], 338 pp. plus 2 frontispieces and 12 other plates. Full description
€ 1,500
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One of the most important dictionaries on the Tamil language published today
from the French mission press in Pondicherry

[MOUSSET, Louis-Marie and Louis-Savinien DUPUIS]. Vocabulaire Français-Tamoul.
Pondicherry, Imprimerie des Missionnaires Apostoliques de la Dite Congrégation, 1850. 8vo. With the text printed in two columns in roman and Tamil type. Contemporary speckled sheepskin, gold-tooled title label on spine, gold-tooled spine, blue sprinkled edges. [10], 420 pp. Full description
€ 3,800
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Tea and its cultivation in Asam and Ceylon investigated: presentation copy, with 22 original albumen prints

[CEYLON - TEA]. NETSCHER, H.J.Th., and Alexander Albert HOLLE. Verslag eener reis naar de thee-districten van Britsch-Indie en Ceylon ondernomen door de heeren H.J.Th. Netscher en A.A. Holle in opdracht van de Cultuur Maatschappij Parakan-Salak.
Including: Harold Hart MANN. Het ferment in het theeblad en zijne verhouding tot de hoedanigheid der thee.
Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1903. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. With 1 engraved double-page plate, 4 lithographed colour-plates and 22 albumen photographs with guard leaves containing text. Contemporary brown cloth, title in gold, decorated endpapers. [2], 93, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,850
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The Carnatic coast in south east India and the Dänisch-Hallesche mission

NIEKAMP, Johann Lucas. Kurtzgefasste Missions-Geschichte oder Historischer Auszug der evangelischen Missions-Berichte aus Ost-Indien von dem Jahr 1705 bis zu Ende des Jahres 1736, ...
Halle, Waisenhaus, 1740. 4to. With 2 engraved folding maps (the second crudely highlighted in colour by a later hand). Contemporary tanned sheepskin. [22], 506, [54] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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From India to Egypt, with 19 hand-coloured plates and 2 maps

NOÉ, Louis Pantaléon Jude Amédée, Comte de. Mémoires relatifs a l'expédition Anglaise partie du Bengale en 1800 pour aller combattre en Égypte l'armée d'orient.
Paris, Imprimerie Royale (back of half-title: [Auguste] Nepveu), 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographed maps, partly coloured by hand, and 19 hand-coloured lithographed plates. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, marbled sides. [3], [1 blank], III, [1 bank], 288 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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British India's foreign trade during the years 1874-1884

O'CONOR, James Edward. Review of the accounts of the trade and navigation of India for 1874-75, as compared with previous years.
Calcutta, Office of the superintendent of government printing, 1876.
(2) Memorandum reviewing the accounts of the trade and navigation of British India for 1875-76. Dated the 24th February 1877.
[Calcutta?], Government central press, 1877.
(3) Review of the trade of British India for the official year 1876-77.Calcutta, 25 October1877.
(4) Review of the trade of British India with other countries, for the official year 1878-1879.
[Calcutta?], Government central press, 1879.
(5) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1879-80.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1880.
(6) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1880-81.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1881.
(7) Review of the maritime trade of British India with other countries for the official year 1881-82.Calcutta, office of the superintendent of government printing, 1882.
(8) Review of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India for the official year ending 31st March 1883.Simla, Government central branch press, 1883.
(9) Review of the accounts of the sea-borne foreign trade of British India for the official year ending 31st March 1884.Simla, Government central branch press, 1884.
9 parts in 1 volume. Folio. Near contemporary red cloth. Full description
€ 6,500
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Manuscript log of a voyage from Suez through the Red and Arabian Seas to Bombay, Karachi and Colombo, with 8 excellent nautical charts and 5 beautiful sketches, including one of the city of Muscat

[OMAN NAVIGATION LOGBOOK]. MCKINNELL, Thomas, assistant master. Log of the proceedings. HMS "Cyclops". W. J. S. Pullen Esq. Captain. Commencing Monday 7th February 1859, ending Wednesday 22nd of May, 1861. Kept by Thos. McKinnell, Mast. Asst.
HMS Cyclops: Oman, Khuriya Muriya Islands, Yemen, Egypt, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and other places, 1857-1861. Folio (20 x 31.5 cm). Over 360 pp. of manuscript entries, written with brown ink in a legible hand on watermarked laid paper with a blue cast. With 8 pen and ink nautical charts and 5 sketches of coastal sites, including the city of Muscat (8 on the logbook pages and 5 on separate thick album leaves). Contemporary brown cloth over boards, rebacked in period-style black calf with the spine lettered in gold: "Log H.M.S. Cyclops". [ca. 360], [32 blank] pp. Full description
€ 45,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The first European botanical work describing Indian herbs and diseases,
copy from the Cornelius J. Hauck collection

ORTA, Garcia de, Carolus CLUSIUS and Nicolás MONARDES. Due libri dell'historia de i semplici aromati..
Venice, Francesco Ziletti, 1582. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page, 17 woodcut illustratons in text and numerous woodcut decorated initials (at least 4 series).
18th-century limp parchment, sewn on 2 leather supports, laced through the joints. [24], 347, [5] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
Order Inquire Terms of sale

The first European botanical work describing Indian herbs and diseases

ORTA, Garcia de, Nicolás MONARDES and others. Dell'historia dei semplici aromati, et altre cose: che vengono portate dall'Indie Orientali pertinenti all'uso della medicina.
Venice, Francesco Ziletti, 1589. 2 volumes bound as 1, the first in 4 parts and the second in 2 parts. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page of volume 1 and the divisional title page of volume 2, 28 woodcut illustrations in text.Later yellow painted (sheepskin) parchment. [32], 347, [5], 131, [13] pp. Full description
€ 5,250
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"For Official Use Only."

PAGET, William Henry, MASON, A. H. & others (editors). Frontier and overseas expeditions from India. Compiled in the intelligence branch of the divisions of the chief of the staff army head quarters India. In six volumes. For official use only.
Simla, Government Monotype Press, 1907-1911. 8 volumes (6 plus 2 supplements). 8vo. With 43 maps and 8 plans.
Uniform contemporary half calf, green cloth sides, gold-stamped spine labels. Full description
€ 75,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Military expedition in the Nortwest Frontier of British India

[PHOTO ALBUM - PAKISTAN]. G.W. CURTIS (compiler). [Album of photographs documenting a British military tour on the Northwest Frontier].
Waziristan/Pakistan, 1923-1925. 4to album (22.5 x 17.5 cm). With 97 black & white photographs (each ca. 11 x 6.5 cm) inserted in "frames" on 24 paperboard leaves, with 2 "frames" on each page (1 frame has 2 photos in it). Contemporary cloth. [48] pp. with 97 photographs. Full description
€ 3,750
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A celebrated description of Tibet

PALLAS, Peter Simon. Description du Tibet, d'après la relation des Lamas Tangoutes, établis parmi les Mongols.
Paris, Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1808. 8vo. With engraved illustration on title-page. Modern half calf, gold-tooled spine. [5], VIII-XII, 89 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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Highly detailed and important work on the history and culture of Hindustan

PASQUIER, L.M.C. Précis de l'histoire de l'Hindoustan, contenant l'établissement de l'Empire Mogol, ses progrès et sa décadence, l'invasion et les établissements successifs des Européens, la coalition des princes de l'Afghanistan contre les Anglais, l'examen des diverses religions établies chez les Hindous, ainsi qu'un tableau de leurs lois primitives, de leurs moeurs, usages et coutumes, et un résumé des lois qui régissent les établissements français.
Paris, Paulin and Ledentu (facing the title-page: Arbois, Imprimerie d'Auguste Javel), 1843. 8vo. 19th-century green polished calf by Bradel-Derome (bookbinder's ticket on front paste-down. [4], 554 pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Rare first and only edition of the biography of one of the most powerful viceroys Portuguese-India ever had

PEREIRA DE MACEDO, Francisco de Santo Agostinho. Vida del grande d. Lvis de Attayde, tercer Conde de Attogvia, y Virrey de la India dos vezes.
Madrid, Imprenta del Reino, 1633. 4to. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [11] ,[1 blank], 168 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Interesting and intimate photograph album showing buildings, views, people and life in Calcutta in the 1870s

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA]. [Manuscript title on the front paste-down:] Views of Calcutta.
Calcutta, [ca. 1874/79]. Oblong 8vo. With 33 mounted sepia albumen prints (ca. 15/15.5 x 10.5/11 cm), all captioned. Manuscript title and captions of the pictures in English, written in brown ink in a neat 19th-century cursive hand. Contemporary gold-tooled half red morocco, brown cloth sides. [2 blank], [25], [1 blank], [8], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A pictorial record of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales's visiting Gwalior, India in 1922 as part of his Eastern Tour

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA]. [DESAI, R. L. (photographer)]. [Album containing photos of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales in Gwalior, India during his 1921-22 Eastern Tour].
[Gwalior, India, 1922]. Oblong folio (27.5 x 37 cm). With 72 gelatin silver photographs mounted on both sides of the stiff paper leaves, varying in size from 7.5 x 10.5 cm to 21 x 28 cm. Including one panorama photograph of the Gwalior Army (4 photos mounted on cloth, 13.5 x 72.5 cm). Each photograph is captioned in print on a small strip of paper mounted below each photo. Contemporary blind-stamped ("H.R.H. The Prince of Wales in Gwalior 1922") red cloth, gold- and blind-tooled red leather corners, re-backed in gold- and blind-tooled cream leather. [30] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Highly interesting collection of photographs on tiger hunting in British India,
previously owned and annotated by one of the tiger hunters himself

[PHOTOGRAPHY - INDIA - TIGER HUNTING]. [Photograph album showing tiger hunting in British India].
[Guna, Baramba, Ubri Kehra, Eta and surroundings], April and May 1886. Oblong folio. With 16 sepia-toned albumen photographs mounted on a sheet of paper and captioned by hand and then mounted on strong cardboard. Original black cloth portfolio with silk-watered cloth on the inside, front board lettered in gold reading "Central Indien. 1886". 15 loose ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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The British admiralty’s pilot guide for the South Indian Ocean

[PILOT GUIDE]. South Indian Ocean pilot. Comprising Madagascar, Iles Comores, Ile de la Réunion, Mauritius, the Seychelles, the Chagos Archipelago, and other islands lying westward of longitude 80° East. Sixth edition.
London, hydrographic department, admiralty (colophon: printed by Butler & Tanner), 1946. 8vo. With two maps, to be used as an index, 10 plates and a few illustrations in text. Publisher's beige cloth.
With: Supplement no. 5-1956 relating to the South Indian Ocean pilot sixth edition, 1946 corrected to 23 April, 1956.
London, hydrographic department, admiralty (colophon: printed by Tinlling & Co., Liverpool), 1946. 8vo. With a loosely inserted folding plate illustrating the system of buoyage. Publisher's wrappers. XXX, 403, [1]; 46 pp. Full description
€ 750
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The wondrous travels of Pinto according to radical enlightenment philosophy

PINTO, Fernão Mendes and Jan Hendrik GLAZEMAKER (translator). De wonderlyke reizen van Fernando Mendez Pinto; die hij in de tijt van eenëntwintig jaren in Europa, Asia en Afrika... gedaan heeft.
Amsterdam, printed for Jan Rieuwertsz I and Jan Hendricksz Boom, 1653. 4to. With an engraved title-page and 7 engraved plates. Modern vellum. [8], 280 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Voyage to the Cape, India and Java

PRIOR, James. Beschrijving eener reis naar de Indiesche zee met het fregat de Nisus en naar de Kaap De Goede Hoop, de eilanden Bourbon, Mauritius en andere; naar Madras, de eilanden Java, Sint Paul en Amsterdam gedurende de jaren 1810 en 1811.
Amsterdam, J.C. van Kesteren, 1820. With a view of Mauritius on the engraved title-page. Contemporary half calf, black morocco spine label, marbled sides. [II], IV, 242 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The First Anglo-Afghan War: an extraordinary snapshot of the North-West Frontier of British India
between 1840 en 1845.

[PUNJAB-BRITISH SECRETARIAT]. Press lists of old records in the Punjab Secretariat - Volume VII. - North-West Frontier Agency. Correspondence with Government, 1840-1845.
Lahore, printed by the superintendent, Government Printing, Punjab, 1915. 1 volume bound as 2. Folio. With an addendum slip facing p. 197. Brown calf, with "Book 1" and "Book 2" in gold on the spines. [2?], 993 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Radical critique of European overseas expansion in 10 volumes. Extremely rare second Dutch edition

RAYNAL, Guillaume Thomas François. Wysgeerige en staatkundige geschiedenis van de bezittingen en den koophandel der Europeaanen, in de beide Indiën.
Amsterdam, Matthijs Schalekamp, 1792-1803. 10 volumes bound as 9. 8vo. With 2 different engraved author's portraits, 8 engraved plates (5 as frontispieces), 12 engraved folding maps and 23 letterpress folding tables. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. VI, [4], 469, [19]; [8], 533, [1 blank], 11, [1 blank]; [8], 508, [11], [1 blank]; [8], 427, [9], [2 blank]; [8], 365, [9]; [8], 426, [10]; [10], 501, [7]; [8], 458, [11], [1 blank]; [8], 339, [10], [1 blank]; [4], 432, [13], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A French voyage to the Far East, presentation copy

RENOUARD DE SAINTE-CROIX, Felix. Voyage commercial et politique aux Indes Orientales, aux Iles Philippines, a la Chine, avec des notions sur la Cochinchine et le Tonquin, pendant les années 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806 et 1807.
Paris, Clament frères (printed by Crapelet), 1810. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 2 folding engraved maps (India and Southeast Asia, coloured in outline), and 4 folding letterpress tables. Contemporary gold-tooled tree calf. X, 301, [1]; [4], 390; [4], 291, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Unique compilation of articles, mainly published within the Asiatic Society of Bengal,
on Indian prehistory, antiquity and archaeology

RIVETT-CARNAC, John Henry; Archibald Campbell CARLLEYLE; Raja Rajendralal MITRA; and others. [Manuscript spine title:] Indian antiquities.
[Various places, various publishers, 1877-1903]. About 40 publications in 1 volume. Large and occasionally small 8vo. About 40 archaeological works, most written by John Harry Rivett-Carnac, on prehistoric remains in India and on Indian culture, along with loosely inserted prints, with 41 (lithographed?) plates (some folding) showing monoliths, gorges, tumuli, cup-marks, ancient rock carvings, stone implements, spindle whorls and flint tools, all found in India, but also Buddha and Hindu sculptured figures and ancient coins of important Indian dynasties. Also included are 2 lithographs (one of a sculpted Hindu group near Kanouj) and 3 photographic collotypes reproductions of ancient coins. Half black morocco, green cloth sides, title and author's name in gold on spine. ca. 230 leaves, including the plates. Full description
€ 2,750
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A compendium for sailing the Indian Ocean, with three charts, second copy located

ROSSER, William Henry. Short notes on the winds, weather, & currents, together with general sailing directions and remarks on making passages; to accompany a chart of the Indian Ocean. With two[=three] illustrations.
London, James Imray and son, 1866. 8vo. With 3 folding lithographed charts (the first as frontispiece and the third possibly extra added). Modern brown cloth, spine with a long vertical leather title-label. [4], 64 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Sailing routes in the Indian Ocean and a general information about its weather, currents, etc. forecast,
with 2 maps showing the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

ROSSER, William Henry. Short notes on the winds, weather, & currents, together with general sailing directions and remarks on making passages; to accompany a chart of the Indian Ocean.
London, James Imray & son, 1878. 8vo. With 2 folding maps. Original publishers blue wrappers. [4], 71 pp. Full description
€ 1,800
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Complete set of articles from the first ten years of the Royal Asiatic Society

[ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY]. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
London, 1824-1834. 3 volumes in 8 parts. 4to. With 80 lithographed plates, including several folding plates and 2 chromolithographed plates, and some smaller illustrations in text. Contemporary blue and grey paper wrappers, kept in two modern half morocco boxes. Full description
€ 18,000
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Hand-drawn studies of Indian boats

SAWYER, Cornelius, [Drawn studies of Indian boats in an English manuscript notebook].
Bengal, 1834. 4to (ca. 19 x 23.5 cm). With 31 drawings in various inks and pencil, the text is written in a cursive script in ink. The paper is watermarked "R Tassel 1831". Contemporary gold-tooled half dark green morocco, marbled paper sides, marbled endpapers. 6 pages of text and 21 pages of drawings on 36 ll. Full description
€ 18,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

History of Tamerlane's conquests, with 5 engraved maps

SHARAF AD-DIN ALI YAZDI. Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nom du grand Tamerlan, empereur des Mogols et Tartares.
Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1723. 4 volumes. 12mo. With an engraved portrait of Timur and 5 folding engraved maps. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spines. [1], [1 blank], [6], XXXIX, [23], 475, [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], [6], 431, [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], 421, [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], [6], 303, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare first and only edition of an important account of the Christian missions, by an Augustinian in Mexico

SICARDO, José (Joseph). Christiandad del Japon, y dilatada persecucion que padecio. Memorias sacras, de los martyres de las ilustres religiones de Santo Domingo, San Francisco, Compañia de Jesus; ...
Madrid, Francisco Sanz, 1698. Folio (31 x 22 cm). With the title in a frame of vine-leaf ornaments and 2 woodcut armorial headpieces plus 1 repeat. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, later lettered spine-title. [16], 448 [= 450], [13], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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Correspondence of the "lord of the naval and commercial conquest of Arabia, Persia and India"

SILVA, Luiz Augusto Rebello da (et al.). Corpo diplomatico Portuguez contendo os actos e relações politicas e diplomaticas de Portugal.
Lisbon, Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencias / Imprensa Nacional, 1862-1959. 15 volumes (final volume in 2 parts). Small folio (22.5 x 28.5 cm). Uniformly bound in half tan sheepskin, decorated paper sides, gold-tooled spines, decorated endpapers, sprinkled edges. Some original publishers printed wrappers bound in. Full description
€ 18,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Texts of 58 letters to the Portuguese court,
written in Arabic by kings, diplomats and noblemen, 1503 to 1528

SOUSA, João de. Documentos Arabicos para a historia Portugueza...
Lisbon, Academia Real das Sciencias, 1790. 4to. With the academy's woodcut device on the title-page (incorporating the Portuguese coat-of-arms, Athenas owl and Hermess staff). Set in roman, Arabic and italic types. Modern brown paper wrappers. Wholly untrimmed and with most of the bolts unopened, preserving all deckles and point holes. [8], 190, [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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A raunchy satire of country life in Holland ca. 1700 with appendices on the Cape,
East Indies and fictitious Isle of Pines

SPAAN, Gerrit van. Het koddig en vermakelyk leven van Louwtje van Zevenhuizen, of het schermschool der huislieden, vervat in twee deelen. Waar agter gevoegt is de Afrikaansche en Aziaansche weg-wijzer, ...
Rotterdam, Pieter de Vries, 1752. 4 parts in 2 volumes, bound as 1. 8vo. With engraved allegorical frontispiece, a letterpress general title-page, 4 part-titles. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [20], 483 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Arabic travel account from the early Abbasid era, concerning China and India: rare English edition

SULAYMAN AL-TAJIR and ABU ZAID HASAN IBN YAZID, AL-SIRAFI. (Eusèbe RENAUDOT, editor). [Silsilat al-tawarik - English]. Ancient accounts of India and China, by two Mohammedan travellers, who went to those parts in the 9th century.
London, Samuel Harding, 1733. 8vo (ca. 12 x 20 cm). With a wood-engraved printer's device and the half-title-page and title-page printed in red and black. Contemporary blind-tooled panelled calf, sewn on 6 supports creating 6 compartments on the gold-tooled spine. With a red morocco title-label lettered in gold on the spine, red sprinkled edges. XXXVII, (1), 260, VII pp. Full description
€ 28,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Rare textbook for government officials, containing two historically important Persian texts

[TEXTBOOK - PERSIAN]. Ganjína-i-muhárawát. The Wazír-i-Lankurán and a selection from the diary of Násiru-d-dín Sháh containig [!] an account of the journey of the Sháh of Persia from Tehrán to Russia. Being a text book for the lower standard examination in Persian.
Calcutta, "published by authority", 1909. 8vo. With a floral ornament on page 3. The text is set in Persian script. Original quarter purple cloth and blue printed paper over boards, with the title in Persian on the front board and in English on the back board. [1], [1 blank], 80, [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Important account of Cape province

THUNBERG, Carl Peter. Resa uti Europa, Africa, Asia, förrättad åren 1770-1779.
Uppsala, Joh. Edman, 1788-1793. 4 volumes. 8vo. With 9 full-page and 1 folding engravings, depicting African and Japanese weapons and ornaments. Early 19th-century half calf. [26], 389, [1]; [30], 384; [14], 414; [36], 341, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
Order Inquire Terms of sale

A voyage to India and China, edited by Linnaeus

TORÉN, Olof. Voyage de Mons. Olof Torée aumonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait à Surate, à la Chine &c. depuis le prémier avril 1750. jusqu'au 26. juin 1752.Milan, Les Freres Reycends, 1771. 12mo. Contemporary blue paper wrappers. 92 pp. Full description
€ 2,400
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Chinese botany and agriculture, North America, Linnaeus and Benjamin Franklin

TORÉN, Olof. Voyage de Mons. Olof Torée[,] Aumonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait à Surate, à la Chine &c.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771.
(2) ECKEBERG, Carl Gustaf. Précis historique de l'économie rurale des Chinois.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771.
(3) BLACKFORD, Dominique de. Précis de l'état actuel des colonies Angloises dans l'Amérique Septentrionale.
Milan, Reycends brothers, 1771. 3 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary French mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. 92; [4], 47, [1 blank]; 99, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,250
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Extensive Italian handbook for missionaries to India, southeast Asia and China

TOSI, Clemente (TONSUS, Clemens). L'India Orientale. Descrittione geografica, & historica. (vol. 1:) Dove si tratta della parte intra Gangem contenente li regni soggetti all' Impero del Gran Mogol ... Con la confutatione dell'idolatie, superstitioni, & altri loro errori. (vol.2:) Dove si tratta della parte extra Gangem ...
Rome, Felice Cesaretti, 1676. 2 volumes. 4to. With the full-page portrait of the author by A. Clouet, many woodcut initials and head- and tail-pieces. Contemporary vellum, with a manuscript title on the spines, sprinkled edges. [8], 896, 58; [8], 927, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Biography of Gaspar Berse, "the Dutch Xavier"

TRIGAULT, Nicolas. La vie du P. Gaspar Barzee Zelandois, de la Compagnie de Jesus. ... En la conqueste d'un Nouveau Monde à la foy Chrestienne, soubs les estandarts du bon Jesus, en l'Inde Orientale.
Douai, Noel Wardavoir, 1615. Small 8vo (14.5 x 9 cm). Contemporary limp vellum. [24], 444, [4] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of Johan van Twist's description of India

TWIST, Johan van. Generale beschrijvinghe van Indien. Ende in 't besonder van 't Coninckrijck van Guseratten, staende onder de beheersinge van den groot machtighen coninck Chaiahan: anders genaemt den grooten Mogor. ...
- Corte beschrijvinghe van het coninckrijcke Cuncam, ofte Decam, staende onder de beheersinge, van den grootmachtigen Sultan, Mamedh, Idelxa, Coninck van Visiapour.
- Aenwijsinge van meest alle custen, drooghten ende reden, om door gansch Indien te seylen.
Batavia, Druckerye vande Gansen Pen, 1638 [= Amsterdam, J. Jansonius 1645]. 3 parts in 1 volume. Oblong 4to. Later half vellum. [12], 112 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Description of Gujarat (Northwest India) by the director of the VOC

TWIST, Johan van. Generale beschrijvinghe van Indien. Ende in 't besonder kort verhaal van de regering, ceremonien, handel, vruchten en geleghentheydt van 't Koninckrijck van Gusuratten, staende onder de beheerschinghe van den Groot-Machtighen Koninck Cajahan: anders genaemt den grooten Mogor ... Hier achter is by-gevoeght de aenwijsinge van meest alle kusten, drooghten ende reeden, om door gantsch Indien te zeylen.
Amsterdam, for Joost Hartgers, 1648. 4to. With woodcut printer's device on the title-page. 19th-century marbled wrappers. [1], [1 blank], 94 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Richly illustrated journey of Nicholas II of Russia through Asia

UKHTOMSKY (UCHTOMSKIJ), Esper Esperovich and Hermann BRUNNHOFER (translator). Orientreise seiner kaiserlichen Hoheit des Grossfürsten-Thronfolgers Nikolaus Alexandrowitsch von Russland, 1890-1891.
Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1894-1899. 2 volumes. 4to. With engraved portrait of Nicholas, 7 photogravures, 541 wood engravings after drawings and photographs and 5 chromolithographed maps. Publisher's cloth, richly blocked in black, gold and grey, gilt edges. [4], 476; [4], 482 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Della Valle's travels in Persia and the Near East, "one of the finest works of travel literature" (Howgego)

VALLE, Pietro della. De volkome beschryving der voortreffelijke reizen van de deurluchtige reisiger Pietro della Valle, edelman van Romen, in veel voorname gewesten des werrelts, sedert het jaer 1615, tot in 't jaar 1626 gedaan ...
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1666 (each volume title: Abraham Wolfgang, widow of Jan Hendriks Boom, Jan Rieuwertsz., 1664-1665). 6 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With 25 engraved plates. 19th-century vellum. Full description
€ 12,500
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Della Valle's travels in the Near East, Persia and Arabia: "one of the finest works of travel literature" (Howgego)

VALLE, Pietro della. Reiss-Beschreibung in unterschiedliche Theile der Welt, nemlich in Türckey, Egypten, Palestina, Persien, Ost-Indien, und andere weit entlegene Landschaften ...
Geneva, Johann Hermann Widerholds, 1674. 4 volumes bound as 1. Folio. With 31 engraved plates (1 folding), including frontispiece and portraits of the author and his wife, by Jean Jacques Thourneyser. Contemporary vellum. [20], 218, [12], [2 blank]; [4], 236, [12]; [4], 244, [13], [1 blank]; [6], 231, [17] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

Very early European eyewitness description of India, confirming Marco Polo’s statements

VARTHEMA, Ludivico di. The Navigation and v[o]yages of Lewes Vertomannus, Gentelman of the citie of Rome, to the regions of Arabia, Egypte, Persia, Syria, Ethiopia, and East India, both within and without the ryver of Ganges, etc. In the yeere of our Lorde 1503. Conteynyng many notable and straunge thinges, both hystoricall and naturall. Translated out of Latine into Engylshe, by Richarde Eden.
London, Richard Jugge, 1577. 4to. With historiated woodcut initials. Splendid modern full navy blue morocco, bands on spine with title showing faded gilt, covers double-ruled gilt. [10], 466, [6] ll. Full description
€ 265,000
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First English edition of Varthema’s travels in the Middle East and beyond

[VARTHEMA, Ludovico di, Pietro Martire d’ANGHIERA and others]. The history of travayle in the West and East Indies, ...
London, Richard Jugge, 1577. Narrow 4to (19 x 13.5 cm). With a woodcut celestial map of the South Polar sky in the text. With 14 leaves in a 19th-century facsimile. Gold- and blind-tooled maroon morocco (ca. 1860?), in allusive style. In a modern clam-shell box. [10], 466, [6] ll. Full description
€ 120,000
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An English edition of the first account of a European travelling through the Middle East,
visiting Mecca and Medina, to Persia, India, and the East Indies

VARTHEMA, Ludovico di. [transl. John Winter JONES, ed. Norman Mosley PENZER] The itinerary of Ludovico di Varthema of Bologna from 1502 to 1508 as translated from the original Italian edition of 1510, by John Winter Jones, F.S.A. in 1863 for the Hakluyt Society with a discourse on Varthema and his travels in Southern Asia by Sir Richard Carnac Temple [...].
London, The Argonaut Press, 1928. 4to. With 5 maps, the facsimile text of the title-page and colophon of the original 1510 book of Di Varthema, 1 plate, and a small blue illustration (similar to the blind-tooled image on the front board) on the title-page. Half white and half blue cloth with gold lettering on spine. LXXXV, [1 blank], 121, [3] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Pioneering work on Indian languages and society by an "unjustly forgotten" Indologist

VESDIN (VEZDIN), Filip (PAULINUS A SANCTO BARTHOLOMAEO). Viaggio alle Indie Orientali umiliato alla Santita di N. S. Papa Pio Sesto pontefice massimo ...
Rome, Antonio Fulgoni, 1796. 4to. With 12 engraved illustration plates (6 with 2 illustrations each to make 18 in total), engraved roundel portraits of Pope Pius VI (on the title-page) and the author (above the opening of the main text) and some small woodcut illustrations of "Indian hieroglyphs". Set in roman and italic types with occasional words in Greek, Arabic, East Syriac, Devanagari and more extensive texts in Malayalam, plus a Malabar song with a double staff made with built-up round-head music notes. 19th-century maroon half sheepskin. XX, 404 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Christian missionaries in India, with a map and illustrations of the Hindu gods

VEYSSIÈRE DE LA CROZE, Mathurin. Histoire du christianisme des Indes.
The Hague, the Vaillant brothers (Isaac and Paul II?) & Nicolas Prevost, 1724. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, the title-page in red and black with an engraved vignette, 1 folding engraved map and 3 engraved illustration plates. Contemporary calf. [16], 570, [54] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Unique manifest and price lists of colonial wares sold and brought in by the VOC in 1721, 1788 and 1853

[VOC - COLONIAL TRADE]. [Drop-title:] Generale carga, ofte lading van twee- en-twintig Oost-Indische retour scheepen; te weeten, Valkenisse, Steenhoven; ... van Batavia; ... van Ceylon, voor de Kamer Amsterdam, ... Delft; ... Rotterdam; ... Hoorn en Enkhuyzen, ... zynde de Bataviase schepen, op den eersten December 1720 vertrokken, en die van Ceylon op den 15 November 1720, en alle behouden in de havenen dezer landen gearriveert.
Amsterdam, Jacobus van Egmond, [1721.]. 1 leaf (21 x 8 cm). Text printed on both sides, each in a border built up from typographic ornaments.
(2) Prys-courant. Van de koopmanschappen, verkogt door de bewindhebberen van de generale Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, in de respectieve kameren, en ten dage als volgt: ...
Amsterdam, Nicolaas Byl, 25 May 1781. 1 leaf (20.5 x 8 cm). Text printed on one side.
(3) Prys-courant der ruwe suikers.
Amsterdam, printed for A.E. de Wit & sons, 1853. 1 leaf (17.5 x 8 cm). Text printed on one side. Full description
€ 3,850
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Two East Indiamen, including a Dutch VOC-ship, defeated by fate

[VOC - SHIPWRECK & PIRACY]. Twee-rampspoedige zee-reyzen, den enen ... met een Fransch Oost Indiesch Compagnie-schip, genaamt Le Prince, ... Den anderen, met het Hollandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie schip, genaamt Rustenwerk, ...
Amsterdam, Bernardus Mourik, [1752 or soon after]. 4to. With 2 etched plates, the publisher's woodcut BM cypher monogram on the title-page, a woodcut tailpiece and 2 woodcut decorated initials. Boards covered with modern pink decorated paperl. [2], 37, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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A captivating account of Nader Shah's greatest campaign against the Mughal Empire

[VOULTON, Monsieur de?]. Verdadeira, e exacta noticia dos progressos de Thamas Kouli Khan Schach da Persia no imperio do Gram Mogôr, escrita na lingua Persiana em Delhy em 21. de Abril de 1739. e mandada a Roma por Mons. Voulton. Acrecentada com outras chegadas por varias partes, com hum mapa do thesouro do Gram Mogôr levado a Hispahan pelo mesmo Schach. Dadas á luz na lingua Portugueza.
Lisbon, Antonio Correa Lemos, 1740. 4to (19.5 x 14 cm). With woodcut decorations. Modern half red goatskin morocco. 19, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Second edition of the first etymological Sanskrit-English dictionary

WILSON, Horace Hayman. A dictionary in Sanscrit and English; translated, amended, and enlarged, from an original compilation, prepared by learned natives for the college of Fort William.
Calcutta, printed at the Education Press, 1832. Large 4to. Contemporary half green morocco with marbled sides, gilt edges. X, 982 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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History of India, Ceylon and Southeast Asia in the years 1805-1835

WILSON, Horace Hayman. The history of British India. From 1805 to 1835.
London, James Madden and co. (back of title-page: printed by S. & J. Bentley, Wilson and Fley), 1845-1848. 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary blind-blocked cloth. XV, [1 blank], 608; XVI, 611, [1 blank]; XVI, 592, 70, [2], 24 pp. Full description
€ 750
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A British pilot’s logbook, detailing his service in Egypt and Jordan during World War II, together with 5 WWII medals

[WWII - RAF - PILOT'S LOG BOOK]. HELM, Robert French. Royal Air Force. Pilot's flying log book.
[British empire, Royal Air Force, 1938-1955].
With: [WWII MEDALS]. The 1939-1945 Star; The Africa Star; The Burma Star; The Defence Medal 1939-1945; The War Medal 1939-1945.
1 volume and 5 medals. Ca. 22 x 20 cm. With 5 assessment forms mounted on the leaves. Contemporary blueish-grey cloth with the title and manuscript name on the front board, red sprinkled edges. [74] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare missionary reports from Africa, India and the East Indies,
including letters from the grand-nephew of Saint Francis Xavier

[XAVIER, Jerome, and others]. Raguagli d'alcune missioni fatte dalli padri della Compagnia di Giesu nell'Indie Orientali, cioè nelle provincie di Goa, e Coccinno, e nell'Africa in Capo Verde.
Rome, Bartolomeo Zannetti, 1615. Small 8vo (14 x 9 cm).18th-century(?) sheepskin parchment. 165, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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