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Australia, New Zealand & Pacific / Cartography & Exploration

A Swedish edition of John Meares's voyages to the North Pacific, China and Hawaii

MEARES, John. Tvänne resor från Ostindien till Americas nordvåstra kust, åren 1786, 1788 och 1789.
Stockholm, printed by J.S. Ekmanson for I. Utters, 1797. 8vo. 19th-century half scheepskin, gold-tooled spine with red morocco title label, marbled sides. [12], 404 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Highly detailed maritime atlas

GREAT BRITAIN METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. Monthly current charts for the Indian Ocean. From information collated & prepared in the Meteorological Office.
London, Admiralty Hydrographic Office, under the superintendence of Rear-Admiral W. J. L. Wharton, 1895-1896. Plano. Oblong Royal 1mo (full-sheet leaves: 51 x 62 cm). An atlas of 12 large black and white nautical charts. Limp cloth with gold-tooled title on front cover. [12] ll. plus the 1-page “Advertisement”. Full description
€ 3,500
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First edition of a very rare and little-known journal of an important voyage to the Pacific

MICHELENA Y ROJAS, Francisco. Viajes científicos en todo el mundo, desde 1822 hasta 1842; durante los cuales fueron visitadas ... Dedicados a la nacion Venezolana.
Madrid, I. Boix, 1843. 4to. With full-page author's portrait by Leopoldo Lopez, woodcut coat of arms on dedication, 12 full-page lithographed illustrations by J. Aragon after J. Abrial, and 2 large lithographed folding maps (showing Sydney and the route of the voyage). Contemporary gold-tooled half sheepskin. 408, [4] pp. Full description
€ 10,000
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The account of a voyage of a Swedish privateer together with a vivid account of travels in Germany

MORTIMER, George. Engelsmannen Joh. Hindric Cox Resa Genom Söderhafvet Till On Amsterdam, Marien-Oarna, O-Taheiti, Sandvichs-och Räf-Oarna, Tinian, Unalaska och Canton i China.
Nyköping, Peter Winge, 1798.
With: (2) RISBECK, Gaspard. Bref, Rörande Tyskland, Scrifne af en resande Fransos til sin broder i Paris. Ofwersättning. Andra Uplagan.
Götheborg, Samuel Norberg, 1797-1798. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half calf. 77, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Illustrated collection of Dutch sea voyages for children

OOSTKAMP, Jan Antonie. De merkwaardigste Nederlandsche zeereizen, sedert den jare 1594. Voor de vaderlandsche jeugd, ... Met platen.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck; Leeuwarden, Gerard Tjaard Nicolaas Suringar, 1825. 2 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with a letterpress half-title and engraved title-page with a vignette showing a Dutch sailing ship, and 7 engraved plates (2 folding). Contemporary half cloth, spines with letterpress title labels. VI, [2], 224; [6], 200 pp. Full description
€ 750
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From Rio de Janeiro to Batavia: a gripping account of the fastest circumnavigation of the globe of the time

ORTEGA, Casimiro de (translator), [Charles CLERKE (attributed)]. Viage del comandante Byron al rededor del mundo, hecho ultimamente de orden del almirantazgo de Inglaterra.
Madrid, Don Francisco Mariano Nipho, 1769. 4to. With a full-page, copper-engraved frontispiece, a large, folding, copper-engraved map of the Strait of Magellan in the back with the coasts highlighted in blue, and ornamental head-pieces throughout. Contemporary vellum with the manuscript title and a (later) shelf mark ("143") on the spine. [18], 245, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Rare first Dutch edition of Oxley's expeditions into the interior of New South Wales

OXLEY, John. Reizen in de binnenlanden van Australie, in de jaren 1817 en 1818, . . . Uit het Engelsch, met platen en kaarten.
Dordrecht, Blussé, Van Braam, 1821. 8vo. With 2 engraved views (1 folding) by J.C. Bendorp and 2 engraved folding maps by C. van Baarsel & son (30.5×62 and 21.5×63 cm). Contemporary sprinkled half sheepskin. XVI, 420 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Second and improved edition of one the finest items of Australiana

PÉRON, François Auguste and Louis Claude de Saulses de FREYCINET. Voyage de découvertes aux Terres Australes, fait par ordre du gouvernement, sur les corvettes le Géographe, le Naturaliste et la goëlette le Casuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804; historique.
Paris, (printed by Lebel for) Arthus Bertrand, 1824. 4 text volumes (8vo) and 1 atlas volume (folio). With lithographed portrait of François Péron; the atlas with engraved title-page and 68 (27 hand-coloured) lithographed plates, maps and charts, including a double-page map of Australia. Contemporary gold-tooled red half sheepskin. XXIV, 400; 532; 432; 353, [4] pp.; Atlas vol. [10] pp. text (Index of plates). Full description
€ 35,000
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Important account of Cook's final voyage

[RICKMAN, John]. Troisieme voyage de Cook, ou Journal d'une expédition faite dans la Mer Pacifique du Sud & du Nord en 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, & 1780 ... Seconde edition.
Paris, Belin, 1783. 8vo. With folding engraved plate, illustrating the death of Captain James Cook, and folding engraved chart, depicting the route of Cook's expedition. Modern half calf. [4], "376" [= 378] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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49 books found / Show all