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Europe / France, Greece & Italy

Four rare political tracts

BEN SADDI, Nathan (= Robert DODSLEY). Chronique des rois d'Angleterre, ecrite en Anglois selon le stile des anciens historiens Juifs.
London [= Hanover?], Thomas Cooper [= Johann Wilhelm Schmidt?], 1743. Title in red & black with engraved vignette (a seascape with a sea creature in the foreground), headpieces and tailpieces. 144; [4], XXIV, 191, [1 blank], [2], 192-228; 108; 16 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Mushrooms in and around La Rochelle, France, with 56 plates

BERNARD, Georges Eugène. Champignons observés à la Rochelle et dans les environs.
Paris, Mareschal and Martin (text); Germer Ballière et compagnie (atlas), 1882. 2 volumes (text & atlas). 8vo. Atlas volume with 56 lithographed plates (7 partly hand-coloured). Contemporary half cloth, with the original publisher's printed paper wrappers bound in. 434, [1], [1 blank]; IV pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Wonderful and very rare nautical atlas for the Mediterranean

BERTHELOT, François. [Nautical atlas of the Mediterranean Sea].
Marseille, "se vend chez Benoît", 1720-1730. Large folio (40 x 55 cm). With 4 double-page engraved maps, with the first half of the first map as the front paste-down and the second half of the last map as the back paste-down. Contemporary vellum-backed boards, reinforced with light brown leather at the head and foot of the spine. 4 nautical maps on [8] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Dried samples of 23 varieties of mushroom collected in France 1862-1912

[HERBARIUM - MUSHROOMS]. BERTILLON, [Louis-Adolphe] & F[rançois]. [Herbier de champignons].
[Paris and Maison-Laffitte], 1862-1912. 4to & folded folio leaves in a 4to portfolio (23 x 18 cm). A mushroom herbarium comprising samples of 23 varieties of mushroom, each mounted on paper, with manuscript notes and an occasional pencil drawing, the two earliest mounted and written on a pre-printed form. Loosely inserted in a contemporary half green cloth portfolio. [26] ll., the 2 folio ll. folded in half. Full description
€ 1,500
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"the leading textbook in mineralogical science in France for many years"

BEUDANT, François Sulpice. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie. ... Deuxième edition.
Paris, Verdière (back of half-title: Hippolyte Tilliard; volume 2: Paul Renouard), 1830-1832. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 24 folding engraved plates, some coloured by hand, and several letterpress folding tables. Contemporary half sheepskin. XVI, 752; 797, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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By the founder of the famous dynasty of scenographic designers

GALLI BIBIENA, Ferdinando. Direzioni a' giovani studenti nel desegno dell' architettura civile, nell' Academia Clementina dell' Instituto delle Scienze.- Direzioni della prospettiva teorica, correspondenti a quelle dell' architettura instruzione a' giovani studenti di pittura, e architettura nell' Academia Clementina dell' Instututo delle Scienze.
Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1745 & 1732. 2 volumes. Small 8vo. With numerous geometrical figures and architectural plans and designs on 74 full-page engraved plates in the first volume, and numerous perspective projections and perspective architectural plans and designs on 58 full-page engraved plates in the second volume, of which 18 folding. Contemporary vellum, red marbled edges. (12), 143, (1); 159, (1) pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Unrecorded work for pregnant women in a beautifully embroidered silk binding

[BINDING - EMBROIDERED]. Esercizio da premettersi dalle donne in stato di gravidanza per conseguire da dio per l'intercessione del glorioso San Torello protettore insigne l'essenzione da tutti i pericoli e felicità nel prossimo parto.
Florence, Stamperià Arcivescovile alla Croce Rossa, 1822. 8vo. Beautifully embroidered contemporary pink silk over paperboards, with flowers and a border along the edges of both sides, and the initials "CM" in centre of front cover, preserved in a modern marbled slipcase. 39 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Printed memento of a noble wedding, bound in red velvet with emblematic gold and silver embroidery

[BINDING]. [GHELARDI SCOLOPI, Orazio Antonio]. La pace tra la virtu', la gloria, ed amore. Componimento drammatico da cantarsi in occasione delle faustissime nozze del nobil uomo signor Silvestro Michele Arnolfini con la nobil donzella signora Beatrice Luisa Bernardini dedicato alla medesima.
Lucca, Giuseppe Rocchi, 1767. Small 4to (17 x 14 cm). Contemporary red velvet, embroidered with silver and gold thread and white and yellow silk (each board with an emblematic image: a crowned mirror[?] showing a hand planting a flag, perhaps intended as the groom's hand on the front and the bride's hand on the back), sewn without supports through 3 holes, brocade paper endpapers (grape vines and large flowers, white on a copper background), green silk ribbon marker. 24 pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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