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Europe / Germany

First edition of a local example of sericulture in Prussia under Frederick the Great

STEINBART, Johann Christian Anweisung zum Seidenbau, wie solcher auf das leichteste und vortheilhafteste zu treiben sey. Aus den richtigsten und zuverlässigsten, theils fremden, theils eigenen vieljährigen Erfahrungen des Züllichauischen Waysenhauses mitgetheilet.
Züllichau, R.S. Frommann, 1761. 8vo (17.5 x 10 cm). Contemporary wrappers, stapled. [12], 212 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Romantic travels in Germany, Switzerland and Italy

STOLBERG, Friedrich Leopold. Reis door Duitschland, Zwitserland, Italie en Sicilie. Uit het Hoogduitsch.
Amsterdam, J. Allart, 1798-1801. 4 vols. + atlas-vol. 8vo. With 19 folding engraved views by D. Vrijdag after the German originals, and 6 folding leaves with engraved musical scores. Contemporary half calf. XVI, 469, (1); 479, (1); 586, (2); 386, (2) pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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The German flora in 15 volumes with more than 800 coloured images

STURM, Jacob [Ernst Hans Ludwig KRAUSE eds.]. Flora von Deutschland in Abbildungen nach der Natur. 1. Abteilung: Phanerogamen.
Stuttgart, Verlag von K.G. Lutz, 1900-1907. 15 volumes. Small 8vo. With 832 coloured plates, 56 uncoloured plates and 397 figures in the text. Original publishers decorated cloth. 192; 160; 175, [1]; 256; 320; 256; 224; 191, [1]; 287, [1]; 224; 223, [1 blank]; 288; 224; 191, [1]; 320 pp. Full description
€ 375
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One of the oldest spa towns of Europe: Wiesbaden in Hesse depicted in a suite of views

[VODDIGEL, Jan Simon & Ferdinand Karl KLIMSCH]. [Album von Wiesbaden].
Wiesbaden, C.W. Kreidel, [1852]. Small oblong folio (30 x 23 cm). Suite of 10 steel-engraved views, all finely hand-coloured and highlighted with gum arabic, tipped onto thick brown leaves with printed decorative borders and captions. Contemporary decorated red cloth, gold-tooled spine, new endpapers. [10] engraved views. Full description
€ 4,800
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Scathing critique of the standard German pharmacopoeia that was finally to lead to its reformation. 1672 Dordrecht edition of two works published in Vienna in 1652

ZWELFER, Joannes. Pharmacopoeia Augustana reformata. ...
Including: ZWELFER, Joannes. Pharmacopoeia regia, seu dispensaterium ...
Dordrecht, Vincent Caimax, 1672. 2 volumes. 4to. With a general title-page and 2 divisional titles, 5 half-page engravings in vol. 2. Mottled calf over boards, gold-tooled spine, sprinkled edges. [6], 472; [473]-876, [36], [8], 66, [2], [8], 239 pp. Full description
€ 950
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