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History, Law & Philosophy / Philosophy & Esotericism

Very rare Dutch Hermetic work teaching alchemists' and occult knowledge to a medical audience

FOLLIN, Herman (Hermanus FOLLINUS). Den Nederlandtsche sleutel van t'secreet der philosophie, in welck grondelijc bewesen wert, d'aert, so in 't generael, als in 't bysonder aller metallen, als goudt, silver, coper, etc. En die gheheele alchijmie, met haer verborghentheden. Midsgaders d'eerste materie der Philosophen, dat is: Quinta essentia des wijns, met haren volcomen ghebruyck, en verclaringhe aller duystere woorden des voorsz. constes, op dat Paracelsus claerlijck in alles mach werden verstaen.
Haarlem, Adriaen Rooman for Daniel de Keyser, 1613. Small 8vo. With 3 half-page woodcuts in the text, one repeated on the title-page, all showing distilling equipment. Modern vellum. 76 ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Rare first edition of official French Revolutionary decree for Voltaire’s reïnterment

GOSSIN, Pierre-François. Décret sur la translation des cendres de Voltaire à Sainte-Geneviève, précédé du Rapport fait par M. Gossin, au nom du Comité de Constitution, le 30 Mars 1791.
[Paris], by order of the Assemblée Nationale, [1791]. 8vo. Modern red half morocco. 3, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Latin dialogues by the rector of the Deventer Illustre School, leading humanist
and teacher of Erasmus and Pope Adrian VI

HEGIUS (VAN DEN HECK), Alexander. Dialogi. De scientia et eo q[uo]d co[n]tra Academicos. De tribus anim[a]e generibus. De incarnationis misterio dialogi duo quib[us] ... Dialogus physicus. De sensu et sensili. De arte et inertia. De rhetorica. De moralibus. Eiusde[m] Farrago cui addita invectiva eius in modos significandi ... Epistola una et altera eius ceteris apud suos latentibus.
(Colophon: Deventer, Richard Pafraet, 1503). Small 4to (21 x 14.5 cm). With spaces left for 3- to 5-line manuscript initials (most with printed guide letters). Set in a rotunda gothic type with the title, colophon, running heads, etc. in a larger textura gothic and the author's name in a still larger rotunda, with occasional words in Greek. With one blue "Lombardic" initial filled in in manuscript, capitals and paragraph marks rubricated throughout. Half tan sheepskin (ca. 1860?). [170] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Deluxe issue of two print series illustrating the Chinese emperors and the life of Confucius

HELMAN, Isidore-Stanislas. Faits memorables des empereurs de la Chine, tirés des annales chinoises... gravées ... d'après les dessins originaux de la Chine ... tirés du cabinet de mr. Bertin.
Paris, Helman and Nicholas Ponce, 1788. Wholly engraved series, consisting of a title-page, dedication, 24 illustrations and 24 text pages, all printed on one side of a leaf.
With: (2) HELMAN, Isidore-Stanislas. Abrégé historique des principaux traits de la vie de Confucius célebre philosophe chinois, ... gravées ... d'après des dessins originaux de la Chine envoyés à Paris par M. Amiot missionaire à Pékin ...
Paris, Helman and Nicholas Ponce, [1788]. Wholly engraved series, consisting of a title-page, 24 illustrations and 28 text pages, all except 8 of the text pages, printed on one side of a leaf. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, sides, binding edges and dentelles, gilt edges. Full description
€ 18,000
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