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Literature & Linguistics

Second edition of the first etymological Sanskrit-English dictionary

WILSON, Horace Hayman. A dictionary in Sanscrit and English; translated, amended, and enlarged, from an original compilation, prepared by learned natives for the college of Fort William.
Calcutta, printed at the Education Press, 1832. Large 4to. Contemporary half green morocco with marbled sides, gilt edges. X, 982 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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First edition of a great Arabic grammar, with both the original and the revised preface

WRIGHT, William. A grammar of the Arabic language, translated from the German of Caspari, and edited, with numerous additions and corrections, ... vol. I[-II].
London, Edinburgh, Williams and Norgate (back of title-page: printed by Friedrich Nies (Karl Berend Lorck), Leipzig), 1859. 8vo. Set in roman, italic and Arabic type. Contemporary half mottled, tanned sheepskin. XVI, 257, [1 blank]; VI, [1], [1 blank], XVI, 327, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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17th-century love songs and poems

YSERMANS, Joan. Triumphus Cupidinis. In-houdende veel schoon stichtighe, en[de] seer vermaeckelijcke liedekens, en[de] andere ghedichten, verciert met veel loffelijcke sententien, als oock sommighe epitalamien, bruyloft-liedekens en andere poëmata.
-Ecomium matrimonii. In-houdende een bruy-loft spel, epithalamien ende sommighe liedekens.
-Nederlantsche poëmata. In-houdende sommighe sonetten, liedekens, graf-dichten ende andere.
Antwerp, widow of Jacob Mesens, 1628. 3 parts in 1 volume. Small oblong 8vo (8.5 x 12.5). With richly engraved allegorical frontispiece by Anthoni Spirincx and many songs accompanied by music scores. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. 374, [2] pp. Full description
€ 5,750
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First edition of al-Zamakhshari’s collection of Arabic proverbs, in Arabic and Latin

ZAMAKHSHARI, Abu al-Quasim Mahmud ibn Umar (Hendrik Albert SCHULTENS, editor). [Al-Kalim al-nawabigh]. Anthologia sententiarum Arabicarum. Cum scholiis Zamachsjarii.
Leiden, Jean Le Mair (colophon: printed by Daniel van Damme), 1772. 4to. With the large engraved arms of Willem V, Prince of Orange, above the dedication.Vellum, manuscript spine title. [20], 171, [1] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Jesuit warning of the consequences of licentiousness, in magnificently gold-tooled morocco (ca. 1643)

ZEHENTNER, Paul. Promontorium malae spei: impiis periculose navigantibus propositium. Sive, signum & nota reprobationis: procrastinatio poenitentiae, scripta cautelae hominum, emendatione[m] vita[e] cunctantium, spe aliquando resipiscendi.
Graz, [heirs of Georg] Widmanstetter for Sebastian Haupt, 1643. Large 4to (25.5 x 19 cm). With an engraved allegorical frontispiece and a richly designed armorial and emblematic dedication plate, both by David Tscherning. Contemporary, richly gold-tooled black morocco, each board in a panel design of rolls and stamps with a large built-up centrepiece in a double frame of multiple decorative rolls (the diagonals connecting the inner and outer frames possibly intended to give the effect of a three-dimensional niche), and the spine treated as a single field with built-up decorations in a frame of multiple rolls, gold fillets on turn-ins, the whole with hundreds of impressions of dozens of stamps and rolls, gilt edges, traces of 2 pair of ties. [36], 752, [10] pp. including engraved frontispiece but not dedication plate. Full description
€ 7,950
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A novel about the California Gold Rush

ZIMMERMAN, W.F.A. (pseudonym of Carl Gottfried Wilhelm VOLLMER). Californie en de goudkoorts. Togten in het westen van Noord-Amerika. Het leven en de zeden der goudgravers, Mormonen en Indianen.
Amsterdam, P.M. van der Made, 1864. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a tinted lithographed frontispiece to each volume. Publisher's original printed stiff paper wrappers. [8], 380; [4], 403, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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