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Low Countries

A rare pocket atlas for officers and travellers, with 25 maps

[ATLAS - EUROPE]. CLEYNHENS, Bernardus. Accuraat geografisch kaart-boekje of zak-atlas van het keyzerryk en geheel Duytsland, de Oostenrykse Nederlanden, ...
Haarlem, Bernardus Cleynhens, [ca. 1747?]. Small 8vo (16 x 10 cm). With 25 double-page engraved maps (2 overview maps), and an engraved plate with 8 scales, all hand-coloured, partly in outline. Half textured red cloth (ca. 1860?). 40, 23, [1 blank] pp. plus maps and plate of scales. Full description
€ 5,000
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Second edition of a highly innovative work on Dutch fortification

COEHOORN, Menno van. Nieuwe vestingbouw, op een natte of lage horisont; welke op driederleije manieren getoont word in 't fortificeren der binnengrote van de Fransche royale seshoek...
Leeuwarden, heirs and widow of Hendrik Rintjes, 1702. Folio. With 12 (of 14) engraved plates, including 6 folding and 3 double-page. Contemporary calf, with blind-stamped centrepiece on both sides. [16], 181, [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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The complete series of Collaert's views around Brussels in its first state

[VIEWS - BRUSSELS AREA]. COLLAERT, Hans I [after Hans BOL or Jacob GRIMMER?]. [Views in the vicinity of Brussels].
[Antwerp], Hans van Luyck, [ca. 1575/80]. Oblong folio album (24.5 x 35.5 cm). Series of 24 engravings (plate size ca. 20 x 14 cm) with views of landscapes around Brussels, by Hans I Collaert possibly after Hans Bol or Jacob Grimmer, each with a caption in the plate (plates 8 and 20 also with Van Luyck and Collaert's monograms "H.V.L.EX[cudit]" and "H.C.F[ecit]"). Trimmed down to the plate edge and mounted on album leaves, numbered in pencil on the album leaves, next to the engravings. Modern red half cloth, marbled sides. [24] ll. Full description
€ 19,500
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One of the major works on Amsterdam, richly illustrated

COMMELIN, Casparus. Beschryvinge van Amsterdam, zynde een naukeurige verhandelinge van desselfs eerste oorspronk uyt de huyse der heeren van Amstel, en Amstellant, haar vergrootingen, rykdom, en wyze van regeeringe, tot den jare 1691. Voor dezen uit verscheide oude historie-schryvers by gesteld, en uitgegeven; en nu uit een meenigte van oude schriften, authentyke stukken, en met kopere afbeeldingen verciert, nooit voor desen gedrukt geweest.
Amsterdam, widow of Aart Dirksz. Oossaan, 1726. 2 volumes. Folio (31 x 20 cm). Engraved title, two letterpress title-pages, each with the same woodcut coat of arms of the city of Amsterdam, 46 folding and double-page engravings, 11 full-page engraved plates, 77 engravings in the text and some woodcut illustrations of coat of arms and seals. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [20], 600; 601-1223, [1 blank], [40] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Very rare handbook for merchants and traders in the Southern Netherlands

[COMMERCE]. Le négociant du Pays-Bas, ou le tarif général de tous les comptes du commerce; tant pour calculer les monnoyes, les intérêts, répartitions, &c. Que toutes sortes de marchandises, denrées & négoces tant en gros qu'en détail. Onzième édition. Augmenté avec la réduction de l'argent de change de Brabant, en celui courant en Brabant, & celui de l'argent courant de Brabant en celui de change de Brabant. Et un tarif pour connoitre le prix d'une livre de marchandise par le prix du cent.
Antwerp, Johannes Judocus Gerardus de Marcour, [ca. 1780?]. 12mo. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. XXIII, [1], 543, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Portuguese proposal to return Brazil to the Dutch

COUTINHO, Francisco de Sousa. Propositie ghedaen ter vergaderinghe van hare hoogh-mog: d'heeren Staten Generael der Vereenichde Nederlanden, in 's Gravenhage den XVIen. Augusti 1647.
[Netherlands], 1647. 4to. With a woodcut decoration built up from arabesque typographic ornaments on title-page and a woodcut decorated initial. Modern half calf, marbled sides. 16 pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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First edition of an account of The Hague, with 2 frontispieces and 9 plates

CRETSER, Gysbert de and Constantijn HUYGENS. Beschryvinge van 's Gravenhage, behelsende desselfs eerste opkomste, stichtinge en vermakelyke situatie, het Graven-hof aldaar gebouwt ... Mitsgaders de oude coustumen ... Waar achter bygevoegt is de Zeestraat op Scheveninge door de Heer van Zuylichem [= Constantijn Huygens].
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1711. 3 part in 1 volume. 4to. With 2 engraved frontispieces (by Jan Luyken and Jan van Lamsvelt] and 9 engraved plates (4 folding). Contemporary vellum. [16], 140, [8], 104, [8]; 56 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Very rare description of the author’s own botanical garden in Amsterdam

CUNO, Johann Christian, David Sigmund BÜTTNER and Friedrich WAGNER (transl.) Ode über seinen Garten: Nachmahls Besser. Amsterdam, Jacob Cornelis Schoots van Cappelle, 1750. 8vo. With a folding engraved allegorical title-plate, an engraved printers device on the title-page, an elaborate engraved coat-of-arms on the dedication page and 11 engraved plates (1 folding). Further numerous woodcut allegorical capitals. Contemporary calf. [34], 260 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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