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Low Countries

First and only edition of this work on medicinal recipes

ELDIK, Cornelis van. Recept-boek voor genees- en heelkundigen; volgens de alphabetische orde van de oude klassieke namen der geneesmiddelen gerangschikt, met bijvoeging der nieuwe namen, die in de Pharmacopoea Batava en Belgica voorkomen.
Nijmegen, J. F. Thieme, 1825. 12mo (quires of 6). Engraved half title, vignette on title-page.
Half mottled calf, brown marbled papers over boards, red title label with title in gold, gold-tooling on spine, blue sprinkled edges. [6], III, [1], 416 pp. Full description
€ 650
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Practical synopsis of pharmacological knowledge for physicians and pharmacists.

ELDIK, Cornelis van. Recept-boek voor genees- en heelkundigen; volgens de alphabetische orde van de oude klassieke namen der geneesmiddelen gerangschikt, met bijvoeging der nieuwe namen, die in de Pharmacopoea Batava en Belgica voorkomen; door C. van Elkik, Med. et Art. Obst, Doct. Stads-Geneesheer te Nijmegen, Provinciaal Onderwijzer in de Verloskunde, Secretaris der Provinciale en Plaatselijke Geneeskundige Commissioen en Lid van eenige geleerde Genootschappen. Tweede, veel vermeerde druk.
Nijmegen, J. F. Thieme, 1834. In-12. Title page engraving with a portrait of Herman Boerhaave, cauldron, books and snake. Contemporary paper wrappers. [4], III, [1], 423. [1] pp. Full description
€ 450
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Pocket atlas of the Low Countries with the world & the continents

ELWE, Jan Barend. Compleete zak-atlas, van de zeventien Nederlandsche Provinciën.
Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe & D.M. Langeveld, 1786. 8vo. With a double-page engraved title, 29 numbered folding engraved maps (the first 5 signed by A. van Krevelt) and 2 folding engraved tables, all coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. 239, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Pocket atlas of the Low Countries with the world and the continents,
coloured by a contemporary hand

ELWE, Jan Barend. Compleete zak-atlas, van de zeventien Nederlandsche provinciën, begreepen in XXXI ... in 't koper gebragte kaarten.
Amsterdam, Jan Barend Elwe and Dirk Meland Langeveld, 1786. 8vo. With double-page engraved title-page, 29 folding engraved maps and 2 folding engraved tables, all coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary half calf, rebacked with the original gold-tooled backstrip. 243, [1] pp. text Full description
€ 2,950
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Rare text of the defensive alliance between England and the Dutch Republic, just before the official Peace of Nijmegen in August 1678

[ENGLAND & DUTCH REPUBLIC - TREATY]. Traitté dalliance defensive, entre lAngleterre et les Estats Generaux, conclu le 3. Mars 1678.
Cologne [recté: Amsterdam?], "Pierre Marteau", 1680. 4to. With the woodcut English royal arms on the title-page. 19th-century brown paper wrappers. [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Rare fortification handbook for the common man

EYLEND, Martin. Modus artis fortificatoriae Belgicus, Niederländisch Festung bawen, ..., zum andern mal in Druck gegeben, an vielen Orten corrigirt, vermehrt und verbessert.
Dresden, Wolfgang Seyffert, 1630. 4to. With about 60 woodcut illustrations in the text. 20th-century half parchment, with marbled paper covering most of the spine. [4], 100 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Spanish artillery manual for the Low Countries, with 9 folding plates

FERNÁNDEZ DE MEDRANO, Sebastián. El perfecto artificial, bombardero y artillero, que contiene los artificios de fuegos marciales, nuevo uso de bombas, granadas, y practica de la artilleria, y mosquete, &c.
Brussels, Lambert Marcht, 1699. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and 9 numbered folding engraved plates. Contemporary vellum with a later black spine label lettered in gold, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [1], [2 blank], [13], “66” [= 196], [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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Improved English translation of 17th-Century Dutch court manuscripts in New Amsterdam

FERNOW, Berthold (ed.). The records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 anno domini.
New York, The Knickerbocker Press, 1897. 7 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary tanned sheepskin. VII, 421, [1 blank]; [2], 429, [1 blank]; [2], 431, [1 blank]; [2], 346; [2], 355, [1 blank]; [2], 409, [1 blank]; [4], 352 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Illustrated descriptions of the old and new theatre of Amsterdam

[FOKKE, Jan or Myndert DE BOER (attributed to)]. Historie van den Amsterdamschen schouwburg.With: (2) Historie van den nieuwen Amsterdamschen schouwburg.
Amsterdam, Gerrit Warnars and Petrus den Hengst, 1772-1775. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, a small engraved illustration by Noach van der Meer II on both title-pages, 4 folding engraved plates of the old theatre; 5 folding engraved plates of the new theatre, all engraved by the publishers after designs by Van der Meer and 1 by Simon Fokke. Contemporary marbled calf, gold-tooled spine. [10], 80, [12]; [6], 56 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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