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Low Countries

Collection of tracts concerning the monopoly and the subsequent advantages of the Dutch herring fishery, published to establish a stronger British herring fishery

KEYMER, John; WITT, Johan de; L'ESTRANGE, Sir Roger. A small collection of valuable tracts, relating to the herring fishery; comprehending John Keymer's celebrated observations on the Dutch fisheries, in 1601. The grand pensionary John De Witt's sentiments on the same subject, and a discourse shewing the necessity, and proving the practicability, of establishing a British herring fishery, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. To which an introduction is prefixed.
London, printed for Ralph Griffiths, 1751. 4 parts in 1 volume: an introduction and three tracts relating to the herring fishery. Small 8vo. An introduction and three tracts relating to the herring fishery, published together as a single edition. 20th-century half calf. [4], xxiv; 24, “33”-“37” [=25-29], [1 blank]; [3], 34-37 pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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The history, economy and politics of Oudewater

[KINSCHOT, Gaspar Rudolph van]. Beschryving der stad Oudewater; waarin aangetoont word der zelver herkomst uit het Uitrechtsche Bisdom, overgang tot de Graaflykheid van Holland en haare gemaakte onafscheidbaarheid van de zelve, ...
-Handvesten, privilegien, octroyen, placaaten en ordonnantien; mitsgaders keuren, giften, resolutien, en andere voorname stukken, de stad Oudewater betreffende.
-Oude en nieuwe keuren der stad Oudewater.
-Ordonnantie en instructie, voor schepenen commissarissen der stede Oudewater, ...
Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1747. 4to. With title in red and black with engraved vignette with the arms of Oudewater supported by lions, in a decorative cartouche with vines, full-page engraved dedication to the 4 burgomasters and governors of Delft, including the author's father (with their arms and the crowned arms of Oudewater, Delft and Alkmaar), 2 engraved maps and 5 views of Oudewater (all folding), 2 engraved numismatic illustrations in text. Contemporary vellum. XVI, "600" [= 604], 14, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Sumptuously bound for the author for presentation to G.P. Oliva, Superior General of the Jesuit Society, on Royal paper.

KIRCHER, Athanasius. Ars magna sciendi, in XII libros digesta, qua nova & universali methodo ... [vol. 2 half-title:] Artis magnae seu combinatoriae sciendi, ... [titles on the frontispieces:] Ars magna sciendi sive combinatoria [vol. 1] Artis magnae combinatoriae [vol. 2].
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge and the widow of Elizaeus Weyerstraten, 1669. 2 volumes bound as 1. Royal folio (46 x 30 x 5.5 cm). With 2 richly engraved allegorical frontispieces, an engraved plate with a full-page portrait of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, an engraved plate showing all knowledge of the universe organised as a tree, 2 engraved volvelles (with 4 rotating dials), 20 further engravings on integral leaves and a couple dozen woodcut figures in the text. Contemporary richly gold-tooled red goatskin morocco decorated a petit fers, gold-tooled turn-ins, board edges and raised bands, giving a total of more than 1500 impressions of about 14 stamps and 3 rolls, edges gilt over red and blue squiggles. Janssonius van Waesberge, who published Kircher's books in Amsterdam from 1664/65 to 1682, arranged to have copies of several luxuriously bound for Kircher to present to leading figures and this is almost certainly one of them, presented to Giovanni Paolo Oliva, Superior General of the Jesuit Society. [18], 482, [10] pp. (including 2 integral frontispieces), plus 4 inserted tables & 2 plates. Full description
€ 50,000
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Cities and fortresses in the Dutch Seven Provinces in the 17th century

KIRCHNER, Christian. Holland, oder Beschreibung der sieben vereinigten niederländischen Provintzen, nebenst denen darzu eroberten Oerten, darinnen alle Städte, Festungen, Flecken, Seen und Flüsse samt andern merckwürdigen Sachen, auch die vornehmsten Städte und Festungen darbey in Kupffer gestochen.
Leipzig, Christian Kirchner, 1672. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and 31 folding engraved plans of various cities in the Low Countries. Contemporary vellum. [14], 229, [3 blank], 32, [8] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Incredibly rare collection of views by De Beijer and Van Liender of the castles, houses,
churches and towns surrounding the city of Kleve in a spectacular 18th-century Dutch binding

[KLEEFSCHE OUTHEEDEN - VIEWS]. BEIJER, Jan de (draughtsman) and Paulus van LIENDER (engraver). Verzameling van twaalf Kleefsche outheden en gezichten.
Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, (signed in the plates:) 1758-1762. Large 4to (29 x 23 cm). With 50 leaves showing 46 engravings containing a total of 91 views: 42 leaves with 2 views per leaf, 6 leaves with 2 double page views each, and 1 double page view on 2 leaves. All engraved plates are signed "J. de Beyer del. Paul: van Liender fec [year: between 1758 and 1762]". All views are captioned beneath the illustration, telling the viewer what building, town, or view they are seeing, and some captions even mention the year when the view was captured by De Beyer. Near contemporary (ca. 1778) elaborately gold-tooled red morocco, with a green morocco title-label lettered in gold on the spine, gold-tooled edges and turn-ins, floral decorated paper end leaves, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank] pp. and 50 leaves showing 91 engraved views. Full description
€ 12,500
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Rare practical manual for cultivating bulbous plants

KLEEMANN, C.H, Johannes Augustinus Bernardus KUYPER VAN WASCHPENNING, transl. Kort en grondig onderwijs, in het kweeken der meest gezochte bolgewassen. Gevolgd naar het Hoogduitsch van C.H. Kleeman, systematisch gerangschikt, met de geslachts- en soortkenmerken en eenige bolgewassen vermeerderd door J.A.B. Kuijper van Wäschpenning, voorafgegaan van het geslachtsstelsel van Linnaeus.
Breda, F.P. Sterk, 1829. 8vo. Original publishers printed stiff paper wrappers. [2 blank], [4], III, [1 blank], V, [1 blank], 127, [1] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Complete first edition of Kluit's history of the government of the Dutch Republic to 1795

KLUIT, Adriaan. Historie der Hollandsche staatsregering, tot aan het jaar 1795. Of geschied- en staatkundig onderzoek, in welken zin de staten van Holland, gedurende de republikeinsche regering, zijn geweest de wettige souvereine vertegenwoordigers van 't gansche volk van Holland, of der geheele natie.
Amsterdam, Wouter Brave 1802-1805. 5 volumes. 8vo. With one folding plate, in vol. 1 between pp. 462 and 463. Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf, red spine labels lettered in gold, green ribbon markers. 12, 520; [1], [1 blank], 547; [1], [1 blank], 556; IV, 630; [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 652 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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First edition of an incredibly rare 18th-century mathematical work

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Eerste pylaar der algemene mathesis of wis-kunde, of de arithmetica ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, 1758. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved folding plate after the last page, a small woodcut vignette on the title-page, a woodcut headpiece at the start of the work, two decorated woodcut initials, and numerous mathematical figures in the text. The title-page is printed in red and black, the work includes a divisional title-page for part 2. Contemporary(?) gold-tooled half brown calf, with remnants of a dark brown morocco title-label on the spine, brown sprinkled paper sides. [16], 498; [2], 503-976 [= 473] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The first Dutch flora: a botanical work of epic proportions

KOPS, Jan. (With: P.M.E. GEVERS DEYNOOT; Jhr. F.A. HARTSEN; F.W. van EEDEN; L. VUYCK; and others). [Title volumes I-VI:] Flora Batava, afgebeeld door en van wegens J.C. Sepp en Zoon; beschreven door Jan Kops. [Title volumes V-XXIV:] Flora Batava of afbeelding en beschrijving van Nederlandsche gewassen.
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp en Zoon; Leiden, De Breuk & Smits; Haarlem, De Erven & Vincent Loosjes; Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, [1800], 1807-1915. 24 volumes and 2 index volumes. Large 4to (30 x 24 cm). With 11 engraved title-pages for volumes 1-11 (the first with a hand-coloured vignette and with letterpress title pages for volumes 12-24) and with 1920 full page (and some double-page) engraved and lithographed botanical plates, all beautifully coloured by hand. With:
(2) TRAPPEN, J.E. van der. Algemeen register op de thans uitgegeven acht deelen van de Flora Batava met eenige aanmerkingen.
(Preface:) Utrecht, 1844. [Probably published in Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp & Zoon, 1844].
(3) [KOPS, J., F.W. van EEDEN and others (eds.)]. Flora Batava. Afbeelding en beschrijving der Nederlandsche gewassen. ... Alphabetisch register, deel I-XIV.
Leiden, De Breuk & Smits, 1874.
Contemporary(?) uniform half gold-tooled tree marbled calf portfolios, marbled paper sides, with gold-tooled red morocco spine labels bearing the general title and the volume number, all with (remnants of) green ties at all edges. Loose as issued in the portfolios. Full description
€ 17,500
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24 lithographed Dutch city and harbour views

KOSTER, Everhardus. Schetsboek. Nederlandsche stads- en havengezigten.
Amsterdam, F. Buffa & son; Delft, H. Koster; Leiden, P.H. van den Heuvel, 1858. Folio. With letterpress title-page, lithographed portrait of Koster and 24 tinted lithographed views of Dutch cities and harbours by Johannes Hilverdink after Everhardus Koster, printed by Steuerwald. Contemporary half calf. [26] ll. Full description
€ 1,500
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