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Low Countries

The famous Rooklooster and the Congregation of Windesheim: two post-incunables and a 15th century manuscript in an original Rooklooster binding

[POST-INCUNABLE - ROOKLOOSTER - WINDESHEIM]. Ordinarius divini officii pro ordine Canonicorum Regularium, Capittuli sive Congregationis Wyndesemensis. Anno Domini. M.CCCCC.XXI.
Deventer, Albert Pafraet, April 1521.
With: (2) [POST-INCUNABLE]. Statuta capituli Windeshemensis. - Incipiunt statuta capituli de windesim. impressa amstelredammis Et primo de elecione intronisatione & confirmatione novi prioris.
Den Hem (near Schoonhoven), Regular canon Frater N., 1508.
(3) [MANUSCRIPT - LATIN]. Forma inclusionis.
[Rooklooster, after 1480 (ca. 1490)].
4to. Ad 1: With the title set within a magnificent woodcut frame consisting of four pieces. Further with two smaller woodcuts in the text, woodcut initials and a full-page woodcut illustration at the end. All illustrations are beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand. The text is set in roman type (with some occasional Gothic type), rubricated throughout. Ad 2: With a large handcoloured woodcut beneath the two lines of the title, the text is set in Gothic type, rubricated throughout. Ad 3: Latin manuscript written in a neat littera hybrida with the titles written in a littera textualis, rubricated throughout. In a beautifully and richly paneled original and signed binding of the famous Rooklooster (the "Red monastery"), the Augustinian Abbey of St. Paul in Oudergem (Auderghem) in the "Soniënbos" (Forest of Zonia) near Brussels: contemporary polished calf over wooden boards with (on both sides) two borders of three lines with rolls in between and a stamp of the Holy Lamb in the four corners and lozenge-shaped floral ornaments in the centre divided by three lines with a little floral double-rose stamp on the crossings; below the central panel on the front side a stamp "Roedencloester" flanked by eight little stamps of a star within a circle; one brass clasp and catch at the fore edge, brass strips at the edges of the corners; vellum pastedowns. [16], LXXIV; 63; 17 ll. Full description
€ 75,000
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8 complete print series with text, forming the collected architectural work of Pieter Post

POST, Pieter. Les ouvrages d'architecture.
Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1715. 8 parts in 1 volume. Royal folio (46 x 29.5 cm). With an engraved general title-page with a rectangular frame and a cartouche with Athena, architecture books and buildings, letterpress general title-page in red and black with engraved vignette (Athena with a view of Leiden, drawn by J. Goeree), 8 letterpress part-titles, 3 engraved part-titles, engraved dedication, a folding engraved portrait of Prince Johan Maurits after Govert Flinck by C. van Dalen (filling a whole Imperial sheet: plate size 60.5 x 46 cm!), and 8 series of 6, 12, 8, 5, 11, 7, 4 and 23 mostly double-page and some larger folding etched and engraved numbered plates after designs by Pieter Post, showing architectural plans, elevations, sections, etc. In total about 80 copperplates. Mottled calf (ca. 1750). [8], 6; 8; 10; 8; 12; 5, [1 blank]; 6; [2], 8 pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 12,500
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Artist's manual with an exceptional collection of old master prints

[PRINT ALBUM]. Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde, bevattende LXXVI. Afbeeldingen van Landschappen, Landsdouwen, Watergezichten, enz. enz. Allen zoo veele Studiën van Silvestre, Perelle, Quinault, Du Moulin, Della Bella, Zaftleven, Almeloveen, Van Schyndel, Nolpe, Vermeulen, Visscher en Schenk, ten dienste van Teekenaaren, Plaatsnijders, Goud- en Zilversmeden en drijvers: bijzonder nuttig voor hun, die zichzelven het teekenen willen leeren zonder hulp van meester. Vooräfgegaan de eerste beginselen der Teekenkunst.
Amsterdam, Jan Steven van Esveld-Holtrop, [ca. 1808-1833]. Oblong 8vo. With 76 full-page engraved plates in various styles and sizes. The last 6 folding. Contemporary half calf with gold-tooled spine, blue title-label and marbled sides. IV pp. text. Full description
€ 7,500
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Proclamation forbidding trade and shipping in enemy territories,
with a recital of Spanish crimes against the Dutch

[PROCLAMATION]. Placcaet van ... den Staten Generael ... daer by de Spaigniaerts ende alle heure goederen, voor goede prinse verclaert worden.
The Hague, Aelbrecht Hendricksz, 1599. 4to. With the woodcut arms of the States General on the title-page. 19th-century blue paper wrappers. [11], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 395
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A Zeeland proclamation against grain monopolies, printed by Richard Schilders

[PROCLAMATION - NETHERLANDS - ZEELAND]. Placcaet ende ordonnantie vanden Staten van Zeelandt, teghens den opcoop ende uuytvoer vande inlandtsche granen.
Middelburg, Richard Schilders, 1595. 4to. With the woodcut coat of arms of Zeeland on title-page. Disbound. [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare and famous description of the organ at St. Bavo's Church in Haarlem

RADEKER, Johannes. Korte beschryving van het beroemde en prachtige orgel, in de groote of St. Bavoos-kerk te Haerlem.
Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé en zoonen, 1775. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on page 32, showing cherub holding a book with the motto "musica dis curae est" Contemporary marbled wrappers, side stitched through 3 holes. 32 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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