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Low Countries

The battle on VOC millions, retrieved by the Dutch sea admiral Michiel de Ruyter

[SECOND ANGLO-DUTCH WAR - BATTLE OF VÅGEN - VOC]. Zee-journael, ofte autentijcq verhael, uyt d'annotatien van de heeren haer hoogh-mogende volmachtighde inde vloot, der doorluchtighste geunieerde Republique, en andere schriften, aengaende al het ghepasseerde, 't zedert 't vertreck van de vloot uyt Spanjaerts-gat na de Noort, tot het wederkeeren voor Goeree, met alle voorvallen in zee, ontmoetingen, ghevecht in Noorwegen, tempeesten, en wat in 't generael en particulier voorgevallen en geschiedt is, van den 13 juny tot den 6 octob. 1665.
[Amsterdam?, Jacobus Venckel?], 1665. 4to. With an ornamental woodcut title-vignette. Contemporary half vellum, marbled sides. 35, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Second known copy of the Mons issue of the first edition, the only known Claude Bronchin imprint

BEAUXAMIS, Thomas. In sacro sancta Coenae mysteria, passionem, et resurrectionem domini nostri Jesu, homeliae, & tabulae, annexis quibusdam scholiis, ex primis ecclesiae patribus. Ad amplissimum, & illustrissimum principem carolum cardinalem Lotharingum.
Mons (Belgium), Claude de Bronchin [printed in Paris by Guillaume Chaudière], 1570. 8vo. With Chaudières woodcut device on the title-page (Chronos, with the motto, "hancas iem sol retundit virtus"), a woodcut headpiece, 2 woodcut tailpieces and 2 woodcut initials (from 2 different series). Limp vellum (ca. 1700?). [6], 321, [1] ll. Full description
€ 3,500
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Very rare map of North Holland in 1575

BEELDSNIJDER, Joost Jansz. Vernieuwde Kaart van Noordholland en Westfriesland, benevens het voornaamste gedeelte van Rhynland, en daar aan grenzende Landen.
Amsterdam, Yntema & Tieboel, 1778. (92 x 68 cm). Large hand-coloured engraved map on 2 sheets, decorated with arms, figures and products from the regions shown, and with the title at the foot. Framed. Full description
€ 7,250
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Dutch artists and art collectors united against the rebellious Belgians

[BELGIAN REVOLUTION; ART EXHIBITION]. Lyst van kunstwerken, door beoefenaars en verzamelaars bijeengebragt, om verloot te worden te behoeve van het Vaderland; tentoongesteld te Amsterdam, in het Nationale Geregtshof.
Amsterdam, Christiaan Andersen Spin, 1831. 8vo. With a lithographed frontispiece. Slightly later neoclassical gold- and richly blind-tooled long-grained red morocco, gilt edges. [2], 76, 8 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Manuscript document dated 1763 concerning a vassalage granted by Berend Hendrik Bentinck, lord of Schoonheten

[BENTINCK, Berend Hendrik]. [18th-century manuscript document written in the name of Berend Hendrik Bentinck, lord of Schoonheten]. Incipit: Ik Berent Henrik Bentinck tot Schoonheten van wegens Ridderschap en steeden de staaten van de ...
Overijssel, 16 July 1763. Small folio. Manuscript document in Dutch, written in brown ink on vellum. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 650
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Lieutenant Colonel Rudolph Bentincks army journals in the Netherlands, the Mediterranean and Portugal:
inspecting fortifications, mines, troops and young ladies

[BENTINCK, Volkier Rudolph]. [Wrapper-title:] Journael zedert 1771.
[Maastricht, Bois-le-Duc, Bergen op Zoom, Namur, etc., 7 July - 3 September 1771 & The Mediterranean and Portugal, 23 May - 18 August 1774]. 2 matching journals. Folio (32.5 x 20.5 cm). Two manuscript journals in French, written in brown ink on laid paper. Contemporary coarse brown paper wrappers, with the 1771 journal in loose bifolia (never sewn) inserted. [2], [2 blank], [11], [1 blank]; 18, [6 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,950
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Large view of ships and boats in the IJ inlet, with Amsterdam in the background, with Tsar Peter the Great of Russia viewing the ship he helped build

BERGE, Pieter van den. Amstelaedamum omnium recentissimè et accuratissime expressum à Petro van den Berghe, Moschus, Arabs[,] Persae, Maurus, Judaeus, uterque[.] Quod ferat huc, rursusque auferat, Indus habet. Hanc dum mundus adit mundumque haec ipsa perrat[!], non urbs fixa loco, sed vagus orbis erit.
Amsterdam, Gerard van Keulen, [ca. 1720]. Etched view (50.5 x 81 cm) on two sheets. In a modern wooden frame. Full description
€ 15,000
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