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Low Countries

Very good artist's copy of the most extensive handbook on Dutch art of the 18th century

WEYERMAN, Jacob Campo. De levens-beschryvingen der Nederlandsche konst-schilders en konst-schilderessen, met een uytbreyding over de schilder-konst der ouden.
The Hague, widow of E. Boucquet, H. Scheurleer, F. Boucquet, J. de Jongh, 1729 (vols. 1-3); Dordrecht, Ab Blussé & son, 1769 (vol. 4). 4 volumes. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, title-pages in red and black and with engraved vignettes, a folding portrait of Willem Karel Hendrik Friso (1711-1751), Prince of Orange and from 1747 hereditary Stadtholder Willem IV, a portrait of the author, 40 engraved plates by Houbraken with multiple portraits of artists on each plate, 1 plate with a night scene, 1 mezzotint and 118 engraved vignettes. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with manuscript titles on spines. Sprinkled edges. [16], 412, [6]; [4], 412, [6], [4], 446, [4]. Full description
€ 4,000
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Regarding the death of the Dutch stadtholder as fortunate and suggesting the former governor of Dutch Brazil as his successor

[WIC - BRAZIL - WILLIAM II PRINCE OF ORANGE - POLITICS]. I. [= Eerste] conferentie van eenige Nederlandtsche heeren. Op den tegenwoordigen staet deser landen.
Middelburg, Jan de Laet, 1650. Small 4to (19.5 x 15 cm). 20th-century half vellum. [34] pp. Full description
€ 950
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1674 Charter of the Dutch West India Company, completely different from those in earlier years

[WIC - CHARTER]. Octroy, by de ... Staten Generael, verleent aen de West-Indische Compagnie, in date den twintighsten September sesthien hondert vier en tseventigh.
The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, printer to the States General, 1674. 4to. With a woodcut on the title-page. Sewn through 4 holes. 36 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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1621 charter granted to the Dutch West India Company (WIC) by the States General second edition with important additions of 1622 and 1623

[WIC - CHARTER - STATES GENERAL]. Octroy, by de Hooghe Mogende Heeren Staten Generael, verleent aende West-Indische Compagnie in date den derden Junii 1621. Mette ampliatien van dien, ende het accoort tusschen de bewint-hebberen ende hooft-participanten ...
The Hague, widow (Machteld Aelbrechtsdr. van Leuningen) and heirs of Hillebrant Jacobsz. van Wouw, printers to the States General, 1623. 4to. With a woodcut on the title-pagel. Half parchment (late 19th-century?). [32] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Extremely rare pamphlet designed to reassure potential investors in the Dutch West India Company

[WIC - COPYE]. Copye. van seker articulen beraemt inde vergaderinghe vande bewindthebberen, ende gecommitteerde der hooft-participanten vande West-Indische Compagnie, binnen Amsterdam.
[Amsterdam?], 1623. Small 4to. Sewn through 2 holes in a modern (ca. 1900?) reddish-brown paper wrapper. [8] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Sailing orders in the aftermath of the Battle of Beachy Head

WICHERS, Wicher. [Manuscript letter to Hans Hartwich, Capiteyn op s'landts oorlogschip Harderwijk].
The Hague, 29 July 1690. Small folio (31 x 20.5 cm). Manuscript letter in in 7 lines on one page, with the signatures of Wicher Wichers and François Fagel, followed by two blank pages, and the name of the addressee in manuscript on the fourth page with a seal. [1], [2 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 575
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False Zwolle imprint presenting factional disputes in Deventer

[WIJLICK, Joan van?]. Den oprechten onvervalsten Deventersen waersegger. Vertoont in een t samen-spraek tusschen twee burgeren der stadt Deventer, namentlick: Jan Capelle, en Pont-Keersen Arent.
Zwolle [or Amsterdam?], printed by "Anthony Korf-Uyle in de Rouserijck, naest 't Over-ysselsche Uylen-Nest" [Israël de Paull?], 1673. 4to. With a woodcut decoration on the title-page (triangular, with fruits and flowers). 19th-century decorated wrappers. 24 pp. Full description
€ 275
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