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Low Countries

Four orations on the importance of art

BILDERDIJK, Willem. Redevoering, over de voortreffelykheid der schilderkunst, in derzelver voorwerp beschouwd. ...1794.
[The Hague, B. Scheurleer junior], 1794.
(2). KASTEELE, Reinier Pieter van de. Redevoering tot lof der vaderlandsche schilders en aanspraak.... 1809.
The Hague, P.F. Gosse, [1809]. With an engraved plate with seals of the Academie engraved by C. Lotter.
(3). KASTEELE, Reinier Pieter van de. Redevoering over het aangename en nuttige van de beoefening der teekenkunde. Uitgesproken in de akademiezaal van Pictura. Op den 3 van Bloeimaand 1810.
The Hague, B. Scheurleer junior, 1810. With an engraved plate with seals of the Academie engraved by C. Lotter.
(4). LIMBURG, T. van. Redevoering over het vermogen der schilderkunst ter gelegenheid van het uitdeelen der prijzen... 1811.
The Hague, B. Scheurleer junior, 1811. 8vo. 4 works in 4 volumes. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers. [24], 22, [2]; [16], 43, [3]; [20], 46; [20], 30 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Two of the finest Dutch costume & folklore works bound together, both in contemporary colour

BING, Valentijn & Jan BRAET VON UEBERFELDT. Nederlandsche Kleederdragten, naar de natuur getekend. Costumes des Pays-Bas dessinés d'après nature.
Amsterdam, Frans Buffa en zonen, 1857.
(2) BING, Valentijn & Jan BRAET VON UEBERFELDT. Nederlandsche zeden en gebruiken. Naar de natuur getekend. Moeurs et usages de la Hollande dessinés d'après nature.
[Amsterdam, Frans Buffa en zonen, 1859].
2 works in 1 volume. Large folio (ca. 57 x 41 cm). Ad 1 with 56 large lithographed plates showing Dutch costumes, printed in colour. Ad 2 with 18 lithographed Dutch folkloristic and costume plates, printed in colour and finished by hand. Contemporary three quarter buckram with the title and the name of the author lettered in gold on the front board and on the spine. [15] ll. and 56 lithographed plates; [6] ll. and 18 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 6,500
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The first book on pharmaceutical chemistry published in the Southern Netherlands

[BISSCHOP, Jan]. Pharmacia galenica & chymica, dat is: de vermeerderde ende verbeterde apothekeren alchymiste licht ende distilleer-konst. Begrijpende de beginselen ende fondamenten der selve. Verdeylt in acht boecken, tot onderwijsinghe der apothekers. En verrijckt met een vermeerderde examen der chirurgie, benevens een tractaet vande kennisse der drooghen. [Engraved title-page:] Het nieu verbetert en vermeerdert licht der apothekers en distilleerkonst.
Antwerpen, Reynier Sleghers, 1667. 8vo. With an anonymous engraved title-page and 2 woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [16], 466, [22]; 70, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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With important provenance

BOCKENBERG, Pieter Cornelisz. Catalogus & brevis historia pontificum Ultraiectensium. Item catalogus & brevis historia antistitum Egmondanorum.
Leiden, Jan Jacobsz. Paets, 1586 (Colophon: 'Extant Goudae, apud Leonardum Theodori Librarium, ad pontem Hornensem'). Small 8vo. [16], 99, [12] [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Strikingly hand-coloured humoristic lithographs of anthropomorphic fruits, nuts, and vegetables

BODENHEIM, Nelly (illustrator) en Lizzy ANSINGH. Een vruchtenmandje. Teekeningen van Nelly Bodenheim bij versjes van Lizzy Ansingh.
Amsterdam, De Spiegel, 1927. Folio (ca. 30 x 21.5 cm). All illustrations, including the illustrated front board, are lithographs designed by the illustrator herself on stone and coloured by hand by her as well. The verses by Lizzy Ansingh are written, in colour, by hand in a decorative, ornamental script (varying in style). Contemporary half green cloth portfolio with the original lithographed illustration on the front board, the back board contains the following verse: "Let op de pitten, die binnen in zitten". [1 blank], [24] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Medical handbook compiled for Maurits of Nassau, Prince of Orange

[BONTIUS, Reinier? and others]. Vorstelick geschenk, dat is, een medecynboeck, inhoudende vele geproefde ende goet gevonden medecijnstucken, ...
Amsterdam, Johannes van Ravesteyn, 1662. 8vo. With Van Ravesteyns woodcut device on the title-page and 1 woodcut decorated initial. Set in textura types with incidental roman and italic. Contemporary(?) vellum, manuscript title on spine. “206” [= 208], [8] pp. Full description
€ 600
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Beautifully decorated and heightened with gold 15th-century Dutch manuscript book of hours
from the collection of Viscount Charles van Aefferden

[BOOK OF HOURS - DUTCH]. [15th-century manuscript book of hours, written in Middle Dutch]. [Incipit 1r:] Here du saltste op doen mine lippen en[de] mijn mo[n]t sal voert-kundige[n] dijn lof.
[Southern Netherlands, 15th century]. Small 4to (binding 15.5 x 12 cm; leaves ca. 14.5 x 11.5 cm). Manuscript in Middle-Dutch, written in one column (18 or 19 lines to a page) in a very neat gothic textura script, by one or maybe two hands. The vellum leaves are (lightly) ruled in red ink, the main body of the text is written in black ink. Leaf 1r shows a large 9-line painted initial (blue and white on a golden field) and elaborate green vines and blue, gold, and pink leaves in the margins, all tekst on 1r is written within a blue and gold frame. With 37 3- or 4-line painted initials (gold on a blue or pink field) with the same green, blue, gold, and pink vine-and-leaves decorations in the left margins of the leaves and 7 3-, 4-, or 5-line penwork initials (green, blue, and red) with simple red and green penwork decorations in the left margin of the leaves. Further with numerous 1- and 2-line red and blue initials throughout and occasional 6-line red or blue initials in the left margin of the leaves. 17th- or 18th-century gold- and blind-tooled half mottled calf and sprinkled paper sides, red sprinkled edges. [189] ll. Full description
€ 18,000
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The leading work on the history of the first half of the Dutch War of Independence, with 80 plates

BOR, Pieter Christiaensz. Oorsprongk, begin, en vervolgh der Nederlandsche oorlogen, beroerten, en borgerlyke oneenigheden, beginnende met d' opdracht der selve landen, gedaen by keyser Karel den Vijfden, aen sijnen soon konink Philippus van Spanjen, en eindigende met het einde van 't jaer MDC, ... voorts met een byvoeghsel van authentyke stukken en nieuwe registers vermeerdert.
[engraved title:] Historie der Nederlandtsche oorlogen. ontpartydiglyk beschreven.
Amsterdam, the widow of Joannes van Someren, Abraham Wolfgangh, Hendrick and Dirck Boom, 1679-1684. 4 volumes. Folio. With the joint device of the publishers (with their initials) on each title-page, four nearly identical engraved frontispieces and a total of 80 engraved plates (including 4 identical portraits of the author and 39 double-page plates). Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with remnants of green ties. [28], 1006, [10], 188; [8], 231, 234-242, 241-672, 679-994, [8], 128; [8], 532, [6], 529-690, 693-896, [8], 28; [8], 419, 432-512, 517-692, 14, 16, [188] pp. Full description
€ 4,850
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First and only edition of Bor's description of the city of 's-Hertogenbosch,
including a detailed account of its siege and capture in 1629

BOR, Pieter Christiaenszoon. Gelegentheyt van 's Hertogen-Bosch vierde hooft-stadt van Brabandt. Haer oorspronck, fundatie ende vergrootinge, verscheyden hare belegeringen. Ende eyntlijcke overwinninge verrassinghe ende inneminghe van Wesel ende meer andere geschiedenissen des iaers 1629.
The Hague, Aert Meuris, 1630. 4to. With an engraved title-page, which is part of the collation (page (a)2 recto) and a few decorated initials. Contemporary vellum. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [27], [1 blank], 412, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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