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Low Countries / Amsterdam

Large view of ships and boats in the IJ inlet, with Amsterdam in the background, with Tsar Peter the Great of Russia viewing the ship he helped build

BERGE, Pieter van den. Amstelaedamum omnium recentissimè et accuratissime expressum à Petro van den Berghe, Moschus, Arabs[,] Persae, Maurus, Judaeus, uterque[.] Quod ferat huc, rursusque auferat, Indus habet. Hanc dum mundus adit mundumque haec ipsa perrat[!], non urbs fixa loco, sed vagus orbis erit.
Amsterdam, Gerard van Keulen, [ca. 1720]. Etched view (50.5 x 81 cm) on two sheets. In a modern wooden frame. Full description
€ 15,000
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Beautifully bound mid-17th-century "Visscher edition" of the Dutch Luther Bible with expertly hand-coloured and highlighted in gold illustrations

[BIBLE - LUTHER - DUTCH]. VISSCHER, Adolf (translator). Biblia, dat is, de gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de boecken des Ouden ende Nieuwen Testaments.
(2) De Propheten.
(3) De Apocryphe boecken: dat zijn boecken die der heylige schrifture niet en worden gelijck gehouden ende nochtans nut ende goet zijn om te lezen.
Amsterdam, Rieuwert Dircksz. van Baardt (and his widow), printed on the presses of Lodewijk III Elsevier in Amsterdam, [1648]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a full-page portrait of Martin Luther as a frontispiece, an engraved general title-page, a full-page portrait of Adolf Visscher, 6 folding double-page engraved maps, 6 double-page engraved plates showing a total of 96 biblical scenes (16 scenes per plate) printed by Frederick de Witt, and an elaborate engraved tail-piece. With three divisional typographical title-pages for the prophets, Biblical apocrypha and the New Testament, including Van Baardt's detailed woodcut vignette, decorated woodcut initials (at least 3 series) and ornamental woodcut tail-pieces.
Contemporary richly blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with large brass clasps, catch plates and corner-pieces on both boards, red edges. [18], 278; 112; 70; 132 ll. Full description
€ 42,500
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18th-century Dutch New Testament in an Amsterdam VOC binding,
presented by family to a young Dutch widow bound for America

[BIBLE - PRAYERBOOK - DUTCH]. Het nieuwe testament ofte alle boeken des nieuwen verbonds onses heeren Jesu Christi.
Amsterdam, "in Compagnie", 1746.
(2) [PSALMS]. Het boek der psalmen, nevens de gezangen bij de hervormde kerk van Nederland in gebruik ...
Including: [CATECHISM]. Catechismus, ofte onderwysinge in de christelyke leere, ...
Amsterdam, heirs of Hendrik van der Putte, 1788.
2 works in 1 volume, the second in 2 parts. 4to. Ad 1 with an engraved title-page (within collation), woodcut decorated initials (2 series) and woodcut ornamental tailpieces; ad 2 part 1 with an engraved title-page (of the 1774 edition, outside of collation) and the publisher's woodcut device on the typographical title-page, printed musical notations for the psalms and songs, and one woodcut decorated initial; ad 2 part 2 with its own divisional typographical title-page showing an ornamental woodcut vignette and a floral woodcut tailpiece. The text is mainly set in Gothic type, with some incidental Roman type. Contemporary elaborately blind-tooled calf with the gold-tooled A VOC (the Amsterdam Chamber of the VOC) monogram on the front board, with two decorated brass clasps. [4], 312; [8], [276] ll., 71, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,950
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Large-paper copy of an important chiliastic work

BREEN, Daniel van. Van 't geestelijck triumpherende ryck onses heeren Jesu Christi. Door den autheur verbeetert, en met aanteekeningen op de kant verrijkt, als meede met twee registers ... nu ten tweeden-maal in het Nederduyts gedrukt.
Amsterdam, Frans Kuyper, 1666. 4to (22.5 x 18.5 cm). Early 18th-century parchment. [8], 166, [26] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First and only use of the Guillotine in Amsterdam, possibly the authors copy,
with a unique printed revision of one leaf loosely inserted

BROES, Willem. Berigt omtrent het leven, het karakter en de laatste godsdienst-aandoeningen der beruchte vergiftigster Hester Rebekka Nepping.
[Amsterdam], J. Ruys for Johannes Allart, The Hague, 1812. 8vo. Contemporary grey-blue wrappers. IV, 79, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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The architectural features and sculpture showing the Amsterdam City Hall in full glory. With the magnificent engraving of the 1661 mosaic floor map of the world in 2 hemispheres, incorporating Tasman's discoveries not otherwise published for decades

[CAMPEN, Jacob van, Hubert QUELLINUS and Jacob VENNEKOOL]. Bouw schilder en beeldhouwkonst, van het stadhuis te Amsteldam, vertoont in CIX figuuren: ...
Amsterdam, Johannes Covens, Cornelis Mortier and Johannes Covens junior, [ca. 1758?, ca. 1767? or possibly 1772/83]. Large folio (49.5 x 30 cm). With the title-page printed in red and black with J. Covens & C. Mortiers engraved device by Bernard Picart ("JCCM" cypher monogram in a laurel wreath carried by 6 putti, dated 1730); 2 preliminary plates containing portraits of Jacob van Campen [by Lutma] and Arthus Quellinus by Henricus Quellinus; CIX (109) numbered engraved and etched architectural plates. All plates have French captions, some with laudatory verses below, and are described in Dutch in the letterpress text (pp. 3-15). Contemporary half red roan (sheepskin), brown sprinkled paper sides. 15 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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