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Low Countries / Drawings, Manuscripts & Documents

One of the earliest Antwerp records of Charles V’s Italian financier

[MANUSCRIPT - NOTARIAL DECLARATION]. AFFAITATI, Giovan Carlo (Johannes Carolus de AFFAYTADI). Ratificatio facta p[er] m[agnifi]cu[m] d[ominum] Jo[hannes] Carolu[s] de Affaytalis, in favorem m[agnifi]ci et r[everen]di d[omino]. Guidi d[e] Crema et Rafaelis Krumani p[e]r Castro S[anc]ti Laurentii et terris.
Antwerp, 20 January 1546. Manuscript notarial document in Latin, written in a Latin hand on one side of a single piece of sheepskin parchment (31 x 54.5 cm), opening with a large capital and closing with the notary's decorative signature, with the title and "M. Johan Carlo" on the back. Folded and loosely inserted in a paper folder (ca. 1690s?). [1] leaf. Full description
€ 1,250
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Album amicorum with many illustrated contributions (some hand-coloured),
particularly by women reflecting the rage for alba amicorum among 19th-century noble women

[ALBUM AMICORUM & SCRAPBOOK - THE NETHERLANDS]. [Album amicorum of a Miss van Boetzelaer (?)].
Heerenveen, 1831-1849. Oblong 4to. Manuscript with many contributions in French and English, a single contribution in Dutch and a four-line verse in German, mainly written in the same hand, probably of the owner of this album. With 45 mounted or occasionally loosely inserted drawings, paintings and prints in various formats, some coloured by contemporary hands. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled brown morocco, each board richly decorated with frames and an oblong lozenge-shaped centrepiece, gilt edges. [96] ll. Full description
€ 3,850
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Lieutenant Colonel Rudolph Bentincks army journals in the Netherlands, the Mediterranean and Portugal:
inspecting fortifications, mines, troops and young ladies

[BENTINCK, Volkier Rudolph]. [Wrapper-title:] Journael zedert 1771.
[Maastricht, Bois-le-Duc, Bergen op Zoom, Namur, etc., 7 July - 3 September 1771 & The Mediterranean and Portugal, 23 May - 18 August 1774]. 2 matching journals. Folio (32.5 x 20.5 cm). Two manuscript journals in French, written in brown ink on laid paper. Contemporary coarse brown paper wrappers, with the 1771 journal in loose bifolia (never sewn) inserted. [2], [2 blank], [11], [1 blank]; 18, [6 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,950
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Original documents of an 18th-century lawsuit against the murderer of a blacksmith in Zoeterwoude

[MANUSCRIPT]. BERGH, Johan van den. Eenige stukken concerneerende criminele procedures in cas d'appel voor het hof geventileerd tusschen den bailluw van Rhijnland contra Pieter Oostenryk in materie van manslag met de ms. schriftuuren.
[Leiden], 1726-1729. Folio. Manuscript, in Dutch, on laid paper, with 2 embossed seals. Later blue paper wrappers. 28 pp. (and 8 pp. blank). Full description
€ 1,750
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Picturesque view of houses and fishing boats on the river Lek, showing Vianen on the opposite bank

[BURG, Dirk van der (formerly attributed to Nicolaas WICART)]. [View of Vianen across the river Lek with fishermen and their boats and houses in the foreground].
[North bank of the Lek River, near Vianen], [Ca. 1760/70]. Oblong Elephant 4to or possibly cut down oblong whole sheet (1mo) (19.5 x 31 cm). Original watercolour view on laid paper, looking southwest across the river, with Vianen in the background on the opposite bank, and a tree, houses, 11 people (mostly fishermen) and 3 fishing boats in the foreground. Mounted with 2 paper hinges on green laid paper in a passe partout (35 x 50 cm). Full description
€ 4,500
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Obligation contract for plantations in Essequebo and Demerary, signed during the zenith of the colonial plantation economy

CHANGUION, Daniel; Jan Wouter VALKENIER; Cornelis Jacob VAN DER LYN. [Signed negotiation contract dated 1770 for an obligation of 1000 gulden for plantations in Rio Essequebo and Rio Demerary].
Amsterdam, 6 February 1770. Folio (ca. 26 x 41 cm). Disbound. [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Autograph manuscript giving a captivating eyewitness account of the 1832 siege of Antwerp

[MANUSCRIPT]. [DEFOURNY, Pierre Josephus?]. Korte schets van het voor gevallene gedurende het bombardement van het citadel van Antwerpen.
Saint Omer, 24 April 1833. 4to (19.5 x 16.5 cm). Manuscript in Dutch, written in ink on laid paper with no watermark. 10 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Manuscript fortification plan of Geertruidenberg, signed by future minister under Napoleon

DEJEAN, Jean-François-Aimé. Plan de Gertruidenberg et de l'attaque de cette place par les Français. N. L'attaque a été commencée le 22 nivose an 3me. Rép. (11 janvier 1795) et la garnison s'est rendue prisonnière de guerre le 29 nivose (18 janvier 95 vieux stile).
[Netherlands, ca. 1800]. Manuscript fortification plan (49 x 61.6 cm) on paper in ink and green and red watercolour. With large frame in the bottom left with keys to important locations, including the locations of the troops during the attack. Signed "Vu Dejean". Full description
€ 2,250
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1558 declaration signed by the great botanist Dodoens in his capacity as Mechelen churchwarden

[MANUSCRIPT]. DODOENS (DODONAEUS), Rembert. [Declaration of financial and other documents received as incoming churchwarden of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Mechelen].
[Mechelen], 27 December 1558. Oblong 4to (19 x 21.5 cm). A document written in dark brown ink on paper, with the opening words filled in afterwards in light brown ink and the signature in light brown ink. [1] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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One of the 200 special copies issued for the Antwerp magistrates
of this monumental work on the Splendid Entry of Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria
into Antwerp (1635), after designs by Rubens

GEVAERTS, Jean Gaspard (Caspar GEVARTIUS) and Pieter Paul RUBENS. Pompa introitus honori serenissimi principis Ferdinandi Austriaci Hispaniarum Infantis S.R.E. Card. Belgarum et Burgundionum Gubernatoris etc. a S.P.Q. Antwerp. Decreta et adornata. ...
Antwerp, Theodoor van Tulden (colophon: printed by Jan van Meurs, 1641), [published January 1643]. Royal 1mo (full-sheet leaves) (57 x 42 cm). With a letterpress half-title and XXXIX single-page, double-page and larger folding plates (numbered I-XXXIX in the table of plates, printed and assembled from 43 copper plates numbered [1]-[2], 3-43) depicting the rich allegorical and ornamental triumphal arches and festive decorations, paintings, statues, etc., all designed by Pieter Paul Rubens, all but one for the triumphal entry of the Spanish cardinal-infante Ferdinand into Antwerp in 1635. Further with 46 smaller engravings in the text, depicting coins and medals, and numerous woodcut decorated initials (4 series). Contemporary overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine. [10], 189, [13] pp. plus 38 plates. Full description
€ 29,500
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Album amicorum of a young Dutch lady

GYSELAAR (GIJSELAAR), Johanna Maria Nicoletta de. Album amicorum.
Gorkum, Leiden, Warmond, Delft, Amsterdam, The Hague, Laarwoude, Zuidlaren and Assen, 1800-1805. 8vo (14.5 x 10 cm). Manuscript album amicorum on paper, with entries in Dutch, French and German. With 3 watercolours of flowers, a small watercolour of roses, and a fine washed pen drawing of a view on a lake with fishermen at work by the owner's niece, J.M. de Gyselaar. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine and turn-ins, yellow silk endpapers. 192 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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A manuscript manual on how to construct, load and detonate a mine to undermine fortifications
using exact mathematical calculations

[MANUSCRIPT - MILITARY ENGINEERING - HENNEQUIN, Johan Jacobus]. Twee beknopte handleidingen tot het berekenen der mijnladingen.
(preface:) Grave, 1 July 1828. Folio. Manuscript in a fine legible hand, written in brown ink on paper, with 2 large folding sheets with abstract mathematical figures depicting the range of exploding mines (45 x 67 cm and 54 x 75 cm) in blue/black and red ink, the second partly coloured (red watercolour), and 3 abstract mathematical figures and one table in the text. Contemporary marbled paper boards with a handwritten titleplate. [1], [1 blank], [1], [3 blank], 71, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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A summary of the reports on an exercise by the Dutch military engineers,
experimenting with mines to blow up fortifications

[MANUSCRIPT - MILITARY ENGINEERING] HENNEQUIN, Johan Jacobus. Bataillon mineurs en sappeurs. Exercitie polygoon van 1824 en 1825. Uittreksel uit de officiele rapporten der verrigte werkzaamheden welke door den hoogedelen gestrengen heer Abr. Eichholtz luitenant kolonel kommandant van genoemd bataillon opgemaakt en toegezonden zijn geworden aan zijne excellentie den heere Luit. Generaal Baron Krayenhoff, gouverneur van Amsterdam, inspecteur generaal der fortificatien en van het korps ingenieurs de mineurs en sappeurs benevens eenige aantekeningen betrekkelijk de gedaante werkzaamheden.
[preface signed:] Grave, 1 November 1828. Folio. Manuscript written in brown ink on paper in a fine legible hand, with 1 large folding illustration in blue, brown/black and red ink. Contemporary brown marbled paper over boards, manuscript title label mounted on the front board. [4], 15, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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8 large plans and elevations of an innovative 1687 house on an island in the River Vecht

KRAMER, Herbert. [Huis te Nigtevecht, incipit:] Aan den edelen agtbaren heer Pieter Reael, heere tot Nigtevegt, oud-schepen en raad der stad Amsterdam. ende aan syn eds. waarde gemalinne mevrou Maria Eleonora Huidecoper van Maarseveen, vrouwe tot Nigtevegt. werden dese gronden en gezigten van haar edd. huys, met schuldige eerbiedigheyt opgedragen.
Amsterdam, Cornelis Danckerts the younger, [ca. 1696]. Royal folio (44.5 x 29.5). With 8 double-page engraved plates (plate size mostly ca. 29.5 x 35.5 cm) by Bastiaan Stopendaal after the designs of Herbert Kramer; and a half-page engraved coats-of-arms of Reael and his wife on the back of the dedication page. Modern half maroon goatskin morocco. [2] pp. plus 8 double-page engraved plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare print series with beautiful views and vistas of the Middachten estate and its surroundings, located between the Veluwe nature reserve and the river IJssel

LAEN, Adolf van der & Hendrik de LETH. Afbeeldinge van het out adelyk huis Middachten, op de Veluwe, in Gelderlant. Zoo in een generael, als veele particuliere gezichten der gebouwen, tuinen, plantadien enz. toebehorende den hoogwelgeboren heere, den heere Reinhart, baron van Reede, heere Van Ginkel, Middachten, Zuilenburg, Rouwenberg, Burghman tot den Niënburg enz. ... [title-print:] Verscheyde schoon en vermaakelyke gesichte[n] van 't adelyk huis van Middagten ...
Amsterdam, Andries & Hendrik de Leth, [ca. 1725/31]. Oblong folio (ca. 29 x 23 cm). With the title-print and 19 (of 21) numbered engraved views (ca. 16 x 20 cm), printed on laid paper without watermarks and mounted on wove paper. All prints captioned in Dutch and French below the image, except for the title-print, which is captioned in Dutch only. 20th-century half maroon cloth and maroon paper. [4] ll. plus title-print & 19 of 21 numbered views. Full description
€ 2,500
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King William III of England's Dutch palace and gardens

LETH, Hendrik de. [Views of the Dutch royal estate Soestdijk].
[Amsterdam], Hendrik de Leth, [ca. 1731]. Royal folio (55 x 34 cm). With large double-page general bird's-eye view of the Dutch royal estate Soestdijk (image size 35 x 47 cm) by B. Stoopendaal after B. Stuyvenburgh, and 16 numbered engraved views of details of the palace, gardens and other buildings (image size 12 x 16 cm) printed on 8 leaves. Modern half parchment. Full description
€ 4,750
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88 tinted lithographs of stately houses near Utrecht

LUTGERS, Petrus Josephus. Gezigten in de omstreken van Utrecht, opgedragen aan H.M. de Koningin der Nederlanden. Naar de natuur geteekend en op steen gebragt door P.J. Lutgers met geschiedkundige aanteekeningen van W.J. Hofdijk.
[The Hague, J.D. Steuerwald], 1869. Folio. With a lithographed title-page (with a separately tinted lithographed view) and 87 tinted lithographed plates (ca. 16.5 x 22.5 cm), designed and lithographed by P.J. Lutgers. Near contemporary half sheepskin by J.A. Loebèr, Leiden [8], XVIII pp. + 87 plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Charming aquatints of Dutch historical monuments and folklore

[MAASKAMP, Evert (editor)]. Merkwaardige gezigten, gebouwen, monumenten en standbeelden in de noordelijke provintien van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. | Vues remarquables, edifices, monumens et statues dans les provinces septentrionales du Royaume des Pays-Bas.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1816. Oblong 8vo. With an engraved illustration on title-page and 37 sepia aquatints by Ludwig Portman after Gerrit Jan Michaëlis, Franciscus Aandreas Milatz, and Cornelius Overman. Contemporary gold-tooled dark blue boards. [40] ll. + 37 plates. Full description
€ 1,750
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Collecting the signatures of early modern Dutch "celebrities",
in a beautifully decorated late 18th-century Dutch binding

[MANUSCRIPT - SIGNATURES - THE NETHERLANDS]. Handteekeningen van I. Gecommiteerde Raden van de Staten van Holland... II. Vorsten, staatsmannen, krijgsbevelhebbers, geleerden enz. ...
[The Netherlands, early 19th century]. Large 4to. With 162 signatures on 160 vellum or paper cuttings (mostly vellum, including 2 cuttings with 2 signatures each), mostly from the 17th century, some from the 18th century and a few from the early 19th century. Further with one large printed coat-of-arms (of the Wassenaer family) on the verso of the title-page, an engraving (ca. 9.5 x 7 cm) showing the house of Jacob Cats on the verso of leaf 34, and with 19 printed coats-of-arms on the versos of several leaves (16 depicting a coat-of-arms with the name of the family below and 3 blank shields). The title-page, headings, and captions all in a very neat late-18th-century or early 19th-century cursive script, written in Dutch using brown ink. Splendid late 18th-century (ca. 1790) gold-tooled red morocco, sewn on 4 supports with a smooth spine, bound by the so-called Second Dissertation Bindery (Leiden ca. 1780-ca. 1794; Storm van Leeuwen IIA, pp. 350-358), with 4 closing loops on the front board (1 top edge, 2 fore-edge, 1 bottom edge) connecting to 4 closing knotted buttons on the back board. Both boards show 3 gold-tooled floral frames built up from 2 different rolls with small corner pieces in between, the inner frame with 4 larger floral corner pieces and a large lozenge shaped centrepiece built up from multiple impressions of 5 different floral and animal stamps. Further with a gold-tooled spine and board edges, gilt edges, and marbled endpapers. [1], 40 ll. Full description
€ 18,000
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Very detailed manuscript map of the Duchy of Guelders and surroundings (ca. 1580/1600) with 7 provincial coats of arms, the whole in coloured inks and gold on parchment

[MAP - GELDERLAND - MANUSCRIPT]. [SGROOTEN, Christiaan]. Gelderlant.
[Gelderland?], [ca. 1580/1600]. (36 x 37.5 cm; map image 35.5 x 36.5 cm). Manuscript map in coloured inks (and gold) on parchment (at a scale of about 1:315,000, with north to the left, covering about 51.4-52.8° N latitude and 4.9-6.8° E longitude), with 7 provincial coats of arms (rendered in colour and gold), three different variable scales (presumably intended as miles) in the lower right corner (2 units ranging from 30 to 45 mm) and a 6 cm square-rigged, two-masted ship in the Zuyder Zee. It shows rivers in dark blue, lakes and seas in light blue, hills in brown and trees in green, both highlighted with gold, and political regions both shaded and outlined in various colours. Cities and hundreds of towns and villages appear in red, the cities shown in profile with a gold dot, the others indicated by red dots, and all their names (and the names of regions) written quite clearly in brown ink. The whole map has a border in red ink on all four sides, with "Noordt" (North) lettered in gold capitals and small capitals in the right border. Full description
€ 32,500
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Brightly handcoloured contemporary manuscript plan showing a military camp
near Korbeek/Corbais, Belgium, during the Nine Years' War

[MAP - MILITARY - LOW COUNTRIES - KORBEEK]. Plan du campement de l'armée des alliees campée a Corbay depuis le 19 Juin au 7 Juliet l'an 1696.
[Belgium?, ca. 1696]. Manuscript plan on paper (38 x 48 cm) in ink and bright watercolour. With the title in a wreath at the head, a large panel at the foot with keys identifying the camps of the various troops, and two smaller panels at the head, with keys to the villages and other locations, and a general overview map. Full description
€ 2,000
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Prince Maurits gives Oldenbarnevelt temporary oversight of Den Tempel,
which later gave him his title, signed by Prince Maurits and bearing his armorial seal

MAURITS, Prince of Orange. [Declaration for Jan de Roo].
[The Hague], 4 December 1589. 1mo (41 x 31.5). Document written in brown ink on one side of a whole sheet of paper in an upright gothic cursive hand, with the autograph signature "Maurice de Nassau" and with his armorial seal (3 x 2.5 cm) stamped on a slip of paper over red sealing wax. With (separately added) Maurits's signature clipped out of another document and mounted on a paper slip. [1] leaf, written on one side. Full description
€ 5,000
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1598 ordinance for clearing trees around windmills, signed by Johan van Oldenbarnevelt

[MANUSCRIPT - ORDINANCE]. OLDENBARNEVELT, Johan van. [Ordinance forbidding the planting of trees around windmills in the Land van Arkel (in the southwestern corner of the province of Holland) and requiring the removal of existing trees].
The Hague, 14 December 1598. Manuscript document in Dutch in brown ink on the skin side of a single piece of sheepskin parchment (36 x 48 cm, folded to 14 x 19 cm). Full description
€ 2,950
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Pendant of a drawing in the Amsterdam city archives, together with two engravings after the drawing

[AMSTERDAM]. PHILIPS, Caspar Jacobsz. Afbeelding van de Oostzijde der Muijder Poort te Amsterdam, na dat dezelve tussen den 29 en 30 Januarij 1769 bij na 16 voeten diep in de grond gezakt was.
[Netherlands], 1772. (23 x 29 cm). Original pen drawing.
(2) KEUN, Hendrik. Afbeelding van de Muyderpoort te Amsterdam, zo als die zig vertoonde, na dat dezelve tussen den 29 en 30 Jannuary 1769 by de 16 voeten in de grond gezakt was.
Amsterdam, F.W. Greebe, [1769]. (22 x 28.7 cm)
(3) KEUN, Hendrik. Afbeelding van de Muyderpoort te Amsterdam, zoo als die ingezakt synde, van buiten af te zien zig vertoond.
Amsterdam, F.W. Greebe, [1769]. (21.7 x 28.2 cm.
Two engraved views with captions below the image, both signed "H. Keun Fecit" in the plate. Full description
€ 2,500
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Manuscript family chronicle of a branch of the Roorda family

[GENEALOGY & HERALDRY - ROORDA FAMILY]. RODA, Dirk Daniels, and others. [Manuscript family chronicle of members of the Roda, Werdolen and Bos families].
[The Netherlands, mostly written between ca. 1747 and 1798 but incorporating several pages written in the second half of the 17th century and some writing from 1829]. Oblong 8vo (ca. 10.5 x 16 cm). Manuscript on paper, written in brown and black ink in several -, 17th-, 18th- and 19th-century hands. With a full-page unidentified coat-of-arms in brown ink and a page containing 6 smaller crests of branches of the Roorda family in black ink. 18th-century gold-tooled calf, gilt edges, green cloth ties. [1 blank], [5], [3 blank], [20], [1 blank], [1], [78 blank] ll. Full description
€ 3,750
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Magnificent 18th-century view Leiden's trade and commerce centre

[VIEW - NETHERLANDS - LEIDEN]. SCHENK, Leonardus [and Abraham RADEMAKER]. Gesigt van de Visbrug, de Waag en Vismarkt, te sien naar de Hooglandsche kerk en Stadhuys tooren, tot Lyden. | Vüe du Visbrug, du Pois et Poissonerie, vers l'eglise de Hooglande et la tour de la Maison de Ville a Leide.
[Amsterdam], Leonardus Schenk, [ca. 1728/35]. Large engraved wall print on 2 sheets, (together 58 x 97 cm) the sheets overlapping each other slightly, showing the traditional business centre of the city of Leiden. The title, both in Dutch and French, is printed in a banderole at the head, with putti on each side supporting the arms of Leiden and Holland. Leonardus Schenk's name appears as engraver and publisher at the right tip of the banderole. In black passepartout and gilt frame (82 x 121 cm). Full description
€ 8,500
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Beautiful 18th-century view of Leiden

[VIEW - NETHERLANDS - LEIDEN]. SCHENK, Leonardus [and Abraham RADEMAKER]. Gesigt van de stadt Leyden beroemt door syn hooge schoole geleege in Holland op den verstopten Ryn. | Vue de la ville de Leide fameuse par son academie située en Hollande sur le Rhin bouché.
[Amsterdam], Leonardus Schenk, [ca. 1728/36]. Large engraved wall print on 2 sheets (together 57.5 x 97 cm) showing the Leiden city wall between the Koepoort and Zijlpoort, with various windmills and prominent buildings in the background identified by name. The title appears in a banderole at the head, with putti on either side holding the arms of Leiden and Holland. Leonardus Schenk's name appears as engraver and publisher at the right end of the banderole. Framed (82.5 x 121 cm). Full description
€ 8,500
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Early 19th-century illustrated Dutch manuscript, based on a classic 18th-century work on navigation

VRIES, Klaas de and Sietse DAUWES. Konst der stierlieden[!] voor deezen beschreeven van den navigateur Klaas de Vries. Uijtgewerkt door Sietse Dauwes. Van de Lemmer. Begonnen, in den jaare 1814. Maand Januarij.
Lemmer, Friesland, The Netherlands, 1814. Folio (32 x 21 cm). With more than 350 instructive diagrams and drawings and several tables. The Dutch text is written in a clearly legible, 19th-century cursive hand in brown ink. Contemporary quarter red sheepskin and blue marbled paper sides. [1], [100], [115 blank] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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Decree signed by Dutch Stadholder and future English King William III

[MANUSCRIPT]. WILLIAM III, Prince of Orange. [Decree granting a salary to Johan Theodor, Baron of Friesheim, as chief bailiff and state prosecutor in 's-Hertogenbosch].
The Hague, 2 April 1681. Folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). Written in brown ink on paper, with the armorial seal of William of Orange stamped on a decorative paper cut-out over red wax. [1], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Commemorating the Orangist revolution of 1747

[WILLIAM IV, Prince of Orange]. Haga Comitis illustrata; of het verheelykt en verligt 's Gravenhage: bestaende in eene naeuwkeurige verzameling van ... afbeeldingen, der aldaer te zien en geillumineerd geweest zynde decoratien en zinnebeelden, benevens de verdere vreugde-bedryven en illuminatien, ter geleegenheid der allerheughelykste verkiezinge, proclamatie en installatie van ... Willem Carel Hendrik Friso.
The Hague, Anthoni de Groot and sons, 1751. With title-page printed in red and black with woodcut arms of William IV, first page of the dedication printed in red and black (including a woodcut initial printed in red) with a large engraved armorial headpiece, 2 engravings in text, each showing the front and back of a medallion, and 116 engraved illustrations on 16 leaves. Contemporary half calf. [4], 24 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Exceptionally rare 17th-century flower book with beautiful engravings

WITT, Frederick de. Nieuwt[!] Bloem-Boeck.
[Amsterdam], Frederick de Widt[!], [third quarter of the 17th century]. Folio (31 x 20 cm). With 16 full-page, numbered engravings, comprising the title-page and 15 illustrations of flowers. Modern half-vellum with decorative paper sides (gold, sprinkled red, and with green leaf designs), manuscript title on the spine. [16] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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