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Low Countries / Maritime & Military History

Dutch trade, whaling, herring fishery, etc., with magnificent views of the harbours of the Netherlands
and the Dutch East Indies ca. 1772-ca. 1781, including a wide variety of boats and ships

AA, Cornelis van der (illustrated by Dirk de JONG & Hendrik KOBELL jr.). Atlas van de zeehavens der Bataafsche Republiek, die van Batavia en Onrust. Mitsgaders de afbeeldingen van de haring visscherij en de walvisch vangst. In een-en-dertig kunstplaaten naar het leven afgebeeld ...
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [printed by Paul Etienne Briët?], 1805. Large folio (39.5 x 28.5 cm). With a finely engraved title-page in various styles of decorated lettering and flourishes, executed by Klockhoff, and 31 double-page engraved views (ca. 28.5 x 39.5 cm) showing Dutch harbours with a wide variety of sailing boats and ships, the harbours of Batavia and the island Onrust in the Dutch East Indies (now Djakarta and Pulau Kapal in Indonesia), and 2 views of herring fishing and whaling.
With the loosely inserted "prospectus" (actually an advertisement issued on publication):
[MAASKAMP, Evert]. Berigt aan kooplieden, zeevarenden en verzamelaars van vaderlandsche kunstprinten.
[Amsterdam], [Evert Maaskamp], printed by Paul Etienne Briët, [1805]. 4to (27.5 x 22 cm).
Contemporary boards (including a paperboard spine), as issued by the publisher. XII, 135, [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page, 31 plates and the loosely inserted prospectus. Full description
€ 14,500
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Beautiful work on ships and shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age, with over 200 hand coloured plates

ALLARD, Carel. Niewe[!] Hollandse scheeps-bouw, vertoonende een volmaakt schip ... noch een doorgesnede schip ... voorts allerhande scheeps vlaggen.
Amsterdam, Carel Allard, 1705. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 208 contemporary hand coloured engraved plates (1 folding, 23 double-page, 184 single page), the title-pages of volume 1 and 2 are printed in red and black. Modern gold- and blind-tooled vellum (mimicking contemporary style), a black paper label on the spine with the title and author lettered in gold, green closing ties, dark blue edges. The work is kept in a marbled paper and brown book cloth clamshell box, with a brown paper label on the spine. 56; 72; [8] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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Remarkable illustrated manuscript with instructions for tactical formations for grenadiers

[BACKER, Jan] and Albrecht Nicolaas van AERSSEN BEIJEREN. Exercitien voor een compagnie grenadiers bestaande in het manuaal & d'evolutien ...
[The Netherlands], 1738. Folio. With 25 ink drawings depicting tactical formation exercises for infantry. Contemporary gold- and blind-tooled mottled calf, a red morocco title-label lettered in gold, gold-tooled board edges, marbled edges. [1], [1 blank], 49, [9 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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The condemnation of cowards: a conviction of 4 Dutch captains for their fainthearted behaviour against the Dunkirk pirate Jan Baert during the Battle of Texel (1694)

[MARITIME HISTORY - PIRACY - BATTLE OF TEXEL]. Sententien van den hoogen scheeps-krijghs-raede, jegens de capiteynen Govert vander Weppelen, Simon Holthuysen, Anthony vander Lith en Cornelis vander Hoeven. Gepronuncieert den vierden Mey, 1695.
The Hague, Paulus Scheltus, 1695. 4to. With woodcut vignette and woodcut initials. Modern grey and purple marbled paper wrappers. 14, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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The battle on VOC millions, retrieved by the Dutch sea admiral Michiel de Ruyter

[SECOND ANGLO-DUTCH WAR - BATTLE OF VÅGEN - VOC]. Zee-journael, ofte autentijcq verhael, uyt d'annotatien van de heeren haer hoogh-mogende volmachtighde inde vloot, der doorluchtighste geunieerde Republique, en andere schriften, aengaende al het ghepasseerde, 't zedert 't vertreck van de vloot uyt Spanjaerts-gat na de Noort, tot het wederkeeren voor Goeree, met alle voorvallen in zee, ontmoetingen, ghevecht in Noorwegen, tempeesten, en wat in 't generael en particulier voorgevallen en geschiedt is, van den 13 juny tot den 6 octob. 1665.
[Amsterdam?, Jacobus Venckel?], 1665. 4to. With an ornamental woodcut title-vignette. Contemporary half vellum, marbled sides. 35, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Lieutenant Colonel Rudolph Bentincks army journals in the Netherlands, the Mediterranean and Portugal:
inspecting fortifications, mines, troops and young ladies

[BENTINCK, Volkier Rudolph]. [Wrapper-title:] Journael zedert 1771.
[Maastricht, Bois-le-Duc, Bergen op Zoom, Namur, etc., 7 July - 3 September 1771 & The Mediterranean and Portugal, 23 May - 18 August 1774]. 2 matching journals. Folio (32.5 x 20.5 cm). Two manuscript journals in French, written in brown ink on laid paper. Contemporary coarse brown paper wrappers, with the 1771 journal in loose bifolia (never sewn) inserted. [2], [2 blank], [11], [1 blank]; 18, [6 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,950
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Large view of ships and boats in the IJ inlet, with Amsterdam in the background, with Tsar Peter the Great of Russia viewing the ship he helped build

BERGE, Pieter van den. Amstelaedamum omnium recentissimè et accuratissime expressum à Petro van den Berghe, Moschus, Arabs[,] Persae, Maurus, Judaeus, uterque[.] Quod ferat huc, rursusque auferat, Indus habet. Hanc dum mundus adit mundumque haec ipsa perrat[!], non urbs fixa loco, sed vagus orbis erit.
Amsterdam, Gerard van Keulen, [ca. 1720]. Etched view (50.5 x 81 cm) on two sheets. In a modern wooden frame. Full description
€ 15,000
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The leading work on the history of the first half of the Dutch War of Independence, with 80 plates

BOR, Pieter Christiaensz. Oorsprongk, begin, en vervolgh der Nederlandsche oorlogen, beroerten, en borgerlyke oneenigheden, beginnende met d' opdracht der selve landen, gedaen by keyser Karel den Vijfden, aen sijnen soon konink Philippus van Spanjen, en eindigende met het einde van 't jaer MDC, ... voorts met een byvoeghsel van authentyke stukken en nieuwe registers vermeerdert.
[engraved title:] Historie der Nederlandtsche oorlogen. ontpartydiglyk beschreven.
Amsterdam, the widow of Joannes van Someren, Abraham Wolfgangh, Hendrick and Dirck Boom, 1679-1684. 4 volumes. Folio. With the joint device of the publishers (with their initials) on each title-page, four nearly identical engraved frontispieces and a total of 80 engraved plates (including 4 identical portraits of the author and 39 double-page plates). Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with remnants of green ties. [28], 1006, [10], 188; [8], 231, 234-242, 241-672, 679-994, [8], 128; [8], 532, [6], 529-690, 693-896, [8], 28; [8], 419, 432-512, 517-692, 14, 16, [188] pp. Full description
€ 4,850
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