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Medicine & Pharmacy

The first important work on the history of Egyptian medicine

ALPINO, Prospero (Prosper ALPINI), and Jacob de BONDT (BONTIUS). De medicina Aegyptiorum, libri quatuor. & Iacobi Bontii In Indiis archiatri, De medicina Indorum. Editio ultima.
Paris, Nicolaus Redelichuysen, 1645. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small 4to (22.5 x 17.5 cm). Title-page printed in red and black; woodcut chapter initials, headpieces and tailpieces, 5 woodcut illustrations on integral leaves (3 full-page). Contemporary vellum, title in gold on red spine label. [11], 150, [25]; 39, [1] ff. Full description
€ 3,000
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Exceptionally rare work on Persian heart medicine by a famous 13th-century physician

AL-SAMARQANDI, Najib Al-Din. [Arabic title in red]. [Fi-qawanin tarkib al-adwiyat al-qalbiya, minkalam Mawla-na Najib ad-in al-Samarqandi = Rules for the making of heart drugs from the words of our Revered Master Najib ad-Din al-Samarqandi].
[Iran/ Iraq?], (colophon:) 11 Rabi ath-Thani 894 AH [= March 1489 CE]. 8vo. Arabic manuscript written in black ink, rubricated throughout, in a small and neat naskh Arabic hand (19 lines per page with corresponding blind ruling visible in the paper). 18th-century(?) sprinkeled brown calf with a gold- and red-tooled arabesque center-piece on both boards, modern reddish-brown calf spine. [4] pp. Full description
€ 12,000
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Printed by the first director of the Imprimerie Royale, with notes in Arabic and Syriac type

AL-SUYUTI, Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr. De proprietatibus, ac virtutibus medicis animalium, plantarum, ac gemmarum, tractatus triplex.
Paris, Sébastien et Gabriel Cramoisy, 1647. 8vo. With 2 woodcut headpieces, a woodcut tailpiece and woodcut decorate initials, plus decorations built up from arabesque typographic ornaments. Set in roman and italic type with a few words in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Syriac. Contemporary vellum with manuscript spine label (faded). [24], 179, [17] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Rare last but one (4to) edition of the Amsterdam pharmacopoea

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Amstelaedamensis renovata.
Amsterdam, Pieter van den Berge, 1726. 4to. With large woodcut of a hand holding the emblem of Asclepios, flanked by two women in a pharmacy in a cartouche, underneath the coat-of-arms of Amsterdam, flanked by two lions on the title-page (see: Daems/Vandewiele, p. 50), woodcut initials, title printed in red and black. Calf over boards, corner pieces and a center piece (coat-of-arms of Amsterdam with the initials P.V.D.B. underneath, in a laurel wreath) on both sides, gilt binding edges, gilt edges. (8), 164, [8] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Official pharmacopoeias's of Amsterdam and London bound together

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [TULP, Nicolaes]. Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis, senatus auctoritate munita & recognita. Editio quinta.
Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1650. With a woodcut coat of arms of the city of Amsterdam on title-page.
With: (2) [LONDON - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS]. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis collegarum.
London, [s.n.], 1662. 2 works in 1 volume. 16mo. Contemporary vellum, new endpapers. 134, [10] pp.; [18], “371” [=369], [21] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare fourth edition of the Amsterdam pharmacopoeia in Dutch, with a title print by Jan Luyken

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [TULP, Nicolaes and Pieter BERNAGIE (translator)]. Pharmacopaea Amstelredamensis, of d'Amsterdammer apotheek, in welke allerlei medicamenten, zijnde tot Amsterdam in 't gebruik, konstiglijk bereid worden. Als ook des selfs krachten en manier van ingeven. Den vierden druk ...
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1690. 12mo. With an engraved title-page by Jan Luyken, showing the interior of an apothecary. Contemporary vellum. [8], “210” [=208], [12] = 228 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Rare 1701 edition of the Amsterdam pharmacopoeia, printed in Leiden

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis, in qua medicamenta, quae Amstelodami in usu sunt, artificiose praeparantur ut et eorum vires et doses.
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn, 1701. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece (repeated on the verso). Contemporary calf, ribbed, each board with a frame of gold double fillets, brown morocco spine label, red sprinkled edges. [8], 189, [19] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Very rare sixth edition of the Amsterdam pharmacopoeia in Dutch, with an engraved title-page by Jan Luyken

[AMSTERDAM - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [TULP, Nicolaes and Pieter BERNAGIE (translator)]. Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis, of d'Amsterdammer apotheek...
Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1706. 12mo. With an engraved title-page by Jan Luyken and a woodcut vignette of a vase on the title-page. Vellum (ca. 1900?), manuscript title on spine. 202, [14] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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